Wills in Mellor & area 

A number of Wills for the Mellor area are shown in full on the Glossop Wills page.  Just click on the name to take you there.  Also there may be wills on the Glossop page where the testator was shown to be only `of Glossop p.` but who may have had Mellor links.  I have now devised a new page for HYDE family wills mainly because a number of them are for the Cheshire area - see HYDE wills.

My thanks to Karen Rodgers for many of these wills.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H  I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W  XYZ

Hannah ARCHER of Ludworth: 1828


Robert ARDERN of Marple Bridge, Ludworth: 1857


Christopher ARMFIELD of  Broadhurst: 1594 


Richard ARMSTRONG of Bradshaw: 1712


Benjamin ARNFIELD of Castle, Whitle, Glossop p.: 1797/8

mentions:Wife Mary ARNFIELD

Daughter Martha wife of John BUCKLEY

Daughter Mary HOWARD wife of John HOWARD

Daughter Elizabeth HOWARD deceased

Granddaughters Mary & Martha daughters of the late Elizabeth

Witnesses Ralph HYDE; Samuel BRADBURY; George SHERD

Executors wife Mary HOWARD; S in L John BUCKLEY

Will written 1795


James ARNFIELD, yeoman of Mellor: 1816/17

mentions: Sister Lettice wife of Joseph RIDGWAY

Sister Elizabeth wife of Robert BRIERLEY, yeoman of Pendleton, Eccles

Nephew James ARNFIELD

Nephew Samuel BRIERLEY son of Elizabeth

Tenants: Immanuel WILD; Robert HAMBLETON; Thomas HAND; Thomas WOOLEY; Abraham HEAP; James SYKES; Barbara BOWDEN; John TAYLOR; Edward HADFIELD; Anthony CADMAN; John SIDEBOTHAM; Jonathan COTTRELL; James WARHURST; William RIDGWAY

Witnesses: Jesse BRIERLEY; James BRIERLEY; James BOWDEN

Executors: Nephew James ARNFIELD; Kinsman Robert BRIERLEY; Friend Thomas BOWDEN

NB Thomas Bowden renounced his role.


John ARNFIELD, yeoman of Brodhurst: 1588


Wife Mary?

John HADFELD; Elizabeth HADFELD; Ro..... BESWICK?


Debtors: wife of William LONGELY; wife of Thomas HADFIELD

Witnesses: Thomas HADFIELD; G..... NOMANSELL

Executors: William BESWICK?; ..... HARRIS?

Apprisers: Humfre BRADBURY; Robert HIBERT; Randle HIBERT

[To be buried at Glossop church)


Robert ARNFIELD, yeoman of Broadhurst: 1705



Children named on Obligation: Robert; Ellen; Sarah; John; Margaret

Son Robert ARNFIELD - still under 21 - who inherits the Broadhurst property & must pay siblings not named


Witnesses: Edward SHIRT; Mary ETCHELS; John FROGGATT

Executor wife Mary ARNFIELD assisted by George SHUTTLEWORTH brother in Law


Robert ARNFIELD of Broad Hurst: 1751


ARNFIELD, Robert of Lunshaw Clough, Mellor: 1816


Sarah ARNFIELD of Broadhurst, Bowden Middlecale - single woman: 1752


Brother John ARNFIELD £30

Mary BARDSLEY; Anne WOOD; Samuel ARNFIELD; Sarah COOPER - £10 between them

Cousin Robert ARNFIELD 20/- plus cupboard

Samuel ARNFIELD a table if Peggy willing to part with it.


Susan BALE clothing

Witnesses: John ARMFIELD; ...... HEGINBOTHAM

Executors: Robert ARNFIELD & Isaac SIDEBOTHAM, yeoman of Marple


William ARNFIELD, carpenter of Copsthurst; 1707


Wife not named

Daughter Dorothe GODDARD

Daughter Ann WARHURST

Daughter Maud HADFIELD

Son in Law Edward HADFIELD


Granddaughter Alice HADFIELD

Robert GODDARD of Chisworth

Witnesses: Thomas BOOTH; Samuel WILD; Robert ARNFIELD

Executor Edward HADFIELD

Apprisers: William CONNERLY; Thomas BOOTH; John DOWNES


Robert BAGSHAW yeoman of Mellor; 1631


Robert BAGSHAW yeoman of Mellor: 1685


Mentions: Wife (not named)

Daughters Mary & Margret

Executors: Wife; Daughter Margaret

Overseers: Mr John STAFFORD; John MOTTRAM

Written 7 Jul 1683

Witnesses: Jone RADCLIFFE; Gilbert RADCLIFFE

Inventory 11 Jul 1685 Appraisers: John SYDEBOTHOM; John MOTTRAM


Joseph BAMFORD of Mellor 1774

Mentions: Wife Ann BAMFORD

Daughter Mary BAMFORD

Son George BAMFORD

Written 2 Jun 1773

Executors: Thomas STANDLEY & William TOMLINSON both of Mellor

Witnesses: Daniel THORNALY; Samuel SHUTTLEWORTH; James NIELD

Inventory taken 15 Nov 1773 £16. 8s. 0d.  Appraisers: Daniel THORNALY; John CLAYTON `Ìnhabitants of Mellor`

Probate 20 Apr 1774


Thomas BANCROFT yeoman of Towncliffe, Mellor 1730

Mentions: my wife

Sons: Benjamin & John

Executor: son Benjamin BANCROFT

Witnesses: George BROCKLEHURST; Ham. HYDE

Inventory taken 18 Feb 1729/30 £97.04s. 0d  Appraisers:Samuel BOWDEN; Ottiwell FEARNILEY

Probate 16 Apr 1730


Maria Howard BAXTER of Marple Bridge within Ludworth, widow: 1860


Daughter Elizabeth BAXTER

Francis Williams JOHNSON,  Solicitor of Marple

George TUNNICLIFFE of Marple Bridge

Elizabeth BOWDEN nee BAXTER wife of George BOWDEN


Martha BEARD spinster of Mellor: 1820


William BEARD of Ludworth, Glossop late of Marple Bridge, shoe maker: 1866


Wife Betty

Daughters Martha BEARD; Mary BEARD

James BEARD striper of Ludworth

James Jesse LANGLEY

Thomas M FERNE Commissioner


Ottiwell BEELEY husbandman of Ludworth: 1700


Bartholomew BOOTH yeoman of Mellor 1750


Deborah BOOTH widow of Ludworth: 1793


Hellen BOOTH widow of Mellor: 1757


John BOOTH tailor of Mellor: 1791


Sarah BOOTH spinster of Ludworth: 1699


Thomas BOOTH carpenter of Ludworth; 1679


William BOOTH yeoman of Ludworth: 1701


Anthony BOWDEN of the Cliffe 1711


Anthony BOWDEN of Mellor: 1762 


Anthony BOWDEN of Mellor: 1808


Anthony BOWDEN of Mellor: 1815 (links to above)


John BOWDEN yeoman of Mellor: 1800


Samuel BODEN/BOWDEN of Mellor: 1721


John BRADBURY weaver of Mellor: 1804


Mary BRADBURY widow of Mellor: 1800

Administration to Son James BRADBURY of Mellor

Supported by Edmund PICKFORD of Glossop; John DEARNALEY of Whitfield

Granted 19 Jun 1800


Sarah BRADBURY of Mellor: 1821


John BRADDOCK yeoman of Lily Bank, Mellor: 1647


William BRADDOCK of Little Rowarth: 1627


Humphrey BRIDBURIE husbandman of Mellor: 1622


George BREERLEY of Mellor: 1665


Daniel BRIERLEY of Mellor: 1836


Joseph BROCKLEHURST of Rayworth: 1777 


Samuel BUNTING farmer of Cold Wall in Mellor 1822

Mentions: Children - Samuel BUNTING; Ann FURNESS; Betty HAMBLETON; Robert BUNTING; John BUNTING; Richard BUNTING; William BUNTING; George BUNTING; Martha CHEETHAM

Executors: Sons Robert BUNTING & John BUNTING

Written 1 Sep 1822

Witnesses: John HAMBLETON; Elizabeth BUNTING; Abraham CHEETHAM

Testator died 7 Sep 1822

Probate 19 Oct 1822 - granted to Robert BUNTING cutler of Sheffield


Joseph CHARLESWORTH of Ludworth: 1873

mentions: wife Susannah

niece Susannah ROWLINSON

nephew Joseph CHARLESWORTH

Cottage next to Rose Brow toll bar

Executor: John McCLEAN


Witnesses: Joseph ROOTE; Saml BENNETT 


Anne CHETHAM widow of Tardin, Mellor 1708

Widow of James CHETHAM gent.

Mentions: Executors: Son in law James CHETHAM of Mellor; Brother in law David BLYTH of Disley

Written 28 Nov 1707

Witnesses: Mary RADCLIFFE; Edmund BRADBURY

Inventory taken 15 Dec 1707 £42. 1s. 9d.  Appraisers: George LEATHER; Wm CHATTERTON

Probate 21 Apr 1708


James CHETHAM the elder of Mellor 1704

Top part of will badly torn

Mentions: Wife

Sons: James; John

Daughter Mary wife of John CHADDOCK gent.

Dau in law Elizabeth - wife of James?

Joseph CHADDOCK gent.

Grandsons: James CHETHAM; Thomas CHETHAM

Granddaughter Hester

Grandchildren? - James RADCLIFFE; Mary RADCLIFFE


Property the Lower Hall plus list of land holding; The Hollies in Thornset hamlet

Manor of Mellor `which I purchased from John HORSFALL & his wife Ann`

Written 29 Aug 1703

Executor: Son James CHETHAM

Bottom of will badly torn   Witnesses: .... ..FFORD; .... CHATTERTON; .... RADCLIFFE

Inventory taken 10 Mar 1703 £456. 2s. 0d.  Appraisers: William CHATTERTON; Gilbert RADCLIFFE


James CHETHAM of Mellor: 1712


John CLAYTON husbandman of Tarden, Mellor: 1664


Mary Ann CLAYTON of Lower Bongs, Mellor widow: 1877


sons James Wild CLAYTON; William CLAYTON; David Shaw CLAYTON; John CLAYTON

Scottish Life Equitable Society

James WILD of Hayfield, surgeon

Robert COLLIER of New Mills, stationer 

made 1869

died at the County Lunatic Asylum, Mickleover


John COLLIER of Mellor, farmer: 1858


Wife Mary

Fran N JOHNSON Clerk to Mr JOHNSON Solr Marple

Witness Tho HOWARD of Mellor

made 1852


James COOPER of Stirrup in Ludworth: 1820


In the Bishops Court of Lichfield; In the Goods of James COOPER Deceased

Appeared Personally Elizabeth COOPER of Stirrup in Ludworth in the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby widow the party applying for Letters of Administration of the Estate and Effects of the said James COOPER late of the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby aforesaid Farmer Deceased, and made Oath that the Estate and Effects of the said Deceased, for, or in respect of which, the said Letters of Administration are to be granted, exclusive of what the said deceased may have been possessed of, or entitled to, as a Trustee for any other person or persons, and not beneficially but including the Leasehold Estate or Estates for Years of the deceased, if any, whether absolute or determinable on Lives, and without deducting any thing on account of the Debts, due and owing from the said deceased, are under the value of Two hundred Pounds, to the best of this Deponent`s knowledge, information and belief.

Elizabeth COOPER (her mark)

Sworn on the 21st day of March 1820 before me Samuel GRUNDY Commissioner

On a separate sheet

Know all Men by these presents that We Elizabeth COOPER of Stirrup in Ludworth in the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby widow & Ralph HUDSON of Ludworth aforesaid Farmer & Robert HIGGINBOTHAM of Rowarth in the parish of Glossop aforesaid Farmer are held and firmly bound unto Edmund OUTRAM Doctor in Divinity Vicar General of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry in the Sum of Four Hundred pounds etc. etc..

Elizabeth COOPER her mark; Ralph HUDSON; Robert HIGGINBOTTOM

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Samuel GRUNDY Comm.

On  a separate sheet the Oath shows that James COOPER died on 20th Dec 1819

Admon extracted 23 Mar 1820 


Betty COTTRELL widow of Moor End Mellor1841


Mentions: Sons William COTTRIL; James COTTRIL; Robert COTTRIL

Tenant Betty LONGDEN

House; weaving shed & buildings at Moor End

Executors: Sons James COTTRIL & William COTTRIL

Written 26 Sep 1827

Witnesses: James WOOD; Samuel WOOD; Jane WOOD

The administration states the testator died 28 Dec 1841. Presumably should be 1840 Also states James is a shopkeeper

Probate 5 May 1841


Robert COTTRELL yeoman of Mellor 1675/6

Mentions: wife Dorothy & children

Lane called Peck Fields

Written 8 May 1675

Executor: Tristam STAFFORD of Bottoms Hall

[Will has been repaired & so only one executor is clear]

Witnesses: Robert BAGSHAW; Wm WATSON

From the Obligation Administration was given to widow Dorothy COTTRELL

Supported by Robert ROLLINSON of Castleton

Probate 11 Mar 1675/6


Thomas COTTRELL of Mellor 1616

Mentions: Son Robert COTTRELL

Servants: Henrie FORNACE; John CLAYTON

Godson Thomas COTTRELL son of Francis


Friend William RADCLIFFE gent.

Written 3 Nov 1615

Executors: Uncle Thomas KIRKE; brother Francis COTTRELL; brother in law William HOLLINGWORTH

Witnesses: William RADCLIFFE; William RADCLIFFE of Townscliffe; Robert DEARNELEY

Debts owed by testator to: William ROWLINSON; Robert CLARKE; Elizabeth COTTRELL; Francis ALLERNE; Katherine MARLOW; John BRADBURIE; Reginald THORNIHE; Wife of William COTTRELL; Robert HADFEILD; Widow FEIGHTON?/ Peter SWINDELS; William HOLLINGWORTH; Godfrey F......; Anthony RADCLIFFE; Robert OSBORNE; Maria YEAVELEY; Rodger HARPER; Richard CHATTERTON; Otiwell WOOD

Debts owed to the testator:  William RADCLIFFE; William D......; John WALKLETT; Thomas GODDARD; Robert COTTRELL; John COTTRELL; William GODDARD; Humphrey CLAYTON; William HEGINBOTHAM; John STAFFORD; William RADCLIFFE; Henrie YEAVELEY; Robert RADCLIFFE

Inventory taken 1 Feb 1615/16 Appraisers: Edmund ROBOTHOM; William RADCLIFFE of Townscliffe; Anthony RADCLIFFE; Edward ROBOTHOM

Probate 23 Aug 1616


David DAWSON of Ludworth: 1883

This is the last Will and Testament of me David DAWSON of Ludworth in the County of Derby Tea Dealer I give devise appoint and bequeath all the real and personal estate and effects of which I shall be seized possessed or entitled to at the time of my decease or over which I have any disposing power unto my daughter Mary wife of James HAMMERSLEY my Granddaughter Martha Dawson wife of Thomas TAYLOR Margaret Dawson HAMMERSLEY and Hannah Dawson HAMMERSLEY and my Grandson Samuel Dawson HAMMERSLEY their heirs executors administrators and assigns upon the trusts following that is to say Upon trust that they the survivors or survivor of them or the heirs executors or administrators of such survivor their his and her assigns (hereinafter called my said trustees or trustee) at such time or times and in such manner as my said trustees or trustee shall think fit do sell call in and convert into money my said real and personal estate and effects or such part thereof as shall not consist of money or of investments of the kind or description mentioned in the investment clause hereinafter contained I declare that my said trustees or trustee shall have discretionary power to postpone the sale of any part of my estate as they he or she shall think proper I declare that my said trustees or trustee shall stand possessed of my said trust estate upon trust (after paying thereout my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses) to pay the interest dividends and annual produce thereof when and as the same respectively arise or become due into the proper hand of my said daughter Mary or permit her to receive the same for and during the term of her natural life for her own sole and separate use and from and after the decease of my said daughter (or at my decease in case she shall have died in my lifetime) I direct and declare that my said trustees or trustee shall stand possessed of my trust estate upon trust for and I do give and bequeath the same unto and equally between and amongst my grand children namely the said Martha Dawson now the wife of the said Thomas TAYLOR Samuel Dawson HAMMERSLEY Margaret Dawson HAMMERSLEY and Hannah Dawson HAMMERSLEY or such of them as shall be living at my or her decease and the issue of such of them as may be then dead leaving lawful issue if more than one equally between them such issue nevertheless taking the share which his or her deceased parent would have taken if living I direct the share of any female under this my Will shall be for the sole and separate use and benefit of such female free from Marital Control and their respective receipts shall be discharges I authorize my said trustees or trustee to invest or continue invested any trust money belonging to my estate in any of the government funds or securities or on mortgage of real or leasehold property in England or Wales or on the bonds or securities of any Corporation or any Railway or other Joint Stock Company established by Royal Charter or act of Parliament and authorized to borrow money I devise all real estate vested in me as trustee or mortgagee unto my said trustees or trustee upon such trusts and subject to such equities as shall be subsisting therein respectively I direct that purchasers and others taking the receipt of my said trustees or trustee on the payment or transfer to them her or him of any monies or effects shall be thereby exonerated from all liability in respect of the application thereof I also direct that my said trustees or trustee may deduct and mutually allow to each other all disbursements and expenses incident to the execution of this my Will I declare that each of my trustees shall be answerable only for the losses arising from her or his own defaults and not for involuntary acts or for the acts or defaults of her or his cotrustee or cotrustees and particularly that any trustee who shall pay over to her or his cotrustee or shall do or concur in any act enabling her or his cotrustee to receive any moneys for the General purposes of this my Will or for any definite purpose authorised by my Will shall not be obliged to see to the due application thereof nor shall such trustee be subsequently rendered responsible by and express notice or intimation of the actual misapplication of the same moneys but this clause shall not restrict the power of any trustee to require from her or his cotrustee an account of the application of moneys in her or his hands or to insist on her or his replacing moneys misapplied by her or him I declare that a new trustee or new trustees of my Will may from time to time be appointed by my said daughter Mary during her life by writing under her hand and subject as aforesaid in the manner prescribed by law

I appoint my said daughter Mary my said Granddaughter Martha Dawson wife of the said Thomas TAYLOR Margaret Dawson HAMMERSLEY and Hannah Dawson HAMMERSLEY Executrixes and my said Grandson Samuel Dawson HAMMERSLEY Executors of this my Will and hereby revoking all former Wills I declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have to each of the two sheets hereof set my hand this third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine


Signed and acknowledged by the said David DAWSON the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

Fredc DRINKWATER; Thos DRINKWATER Solicitors Hyde

This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me David DAWSON of Ludworth in the County of Derby Tea Dealer which Will bears date the third day of October one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine Whereas by my said Will I have directed my trustees therein named after a sale calling in and conversion of my real and personal estate and effects and payment out of the proceeds of my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses to pay the interest dividends and annual produce of such proceeds into the proper hand of my daughter Mary HAMMERSLEY the wife of James HAMMERSLEY or permit her to receive the same for and during the term of her natural life for her own sole and separate use and from and after the decease of my said daughter (or at my decease in case she should have died in my lifetime) I have directed my said trustees or trustee to stand possessed of my trust estate upon trust for my grandchildren or their issue as therein mentioned now by this Codicil I revoke my said Will to the following extent that is to say I give devise and bequeath unto my said daughter Mary HAMMERSLEY the messuage or dwellinghouse in which I now reside known as "Ivy Cottage" and the land outbuildings appurtenances thereto belonging or occupied therewith absolutely for all my Estate and interest therein And I also give and bequeath to my said daughter absolutely the whole of the household furniture wearing apparel and other articles for my personal use plate linen china books pictures and all other my household effects and also all live and dead stock cattle farming implements and utensils and all other articles of whatever description which may be in or about my said dwellinghouse at the time of my decease or of or to which I may die possessed or entitled And I declare that the said messuage or dwellinghouse and all other the premises so given devised and bequeathed as aforesaid to my said daughter shall be held and disposed of by her as her own private property and for her sole and separate use and benefit free from the control debts or engagements of her present or any future husband And in all other respects I confirm my said Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of July one thousand eight hundred and eighty one


Signed and declared by the said David DAWSON as and to be a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

J.M. TWEEDALE Solcr with Brooks Marshall and Brooks Solicitors Ashton under Lyne

W.E. ROWCLIFFE Gamesley House Glossop

Proved at Derby with a Codicil the seventeenth day of April 1883 by the Oaths of Mary HAMMERSLEY (wife of James HAMMERSLEY) the daughter and Martha Dawson TAYLOR (wife of Thomas TAYLOR) Margaret Dawson HAMMERSLEY Spinster and Hannah Dawson HAMMERSLEY Spinster, the Granddaughters and Samuel Dawson HAMMERSLEY the Grandson the Executors named in the Will to whom administration was granted

The Testator David DAWSON was late of Ivy Cottage, Ludworth in the Parish of Glossop in the County of Derby, Tea Dealer and died on the 28th day of March 1882 at Ivy Cottage aforesaid

Gross value of Personal Estate £1363. 4. 3. 

Extracted by J.M. TWEEDALE Solicitor Glossop         


Jenney DAWSON spinster of Stirrup Benches, Ludworth: 1857


Robert DAWSON farmer of Stirrup Benches, Ludworth: 1842


Samuel DAWSON tea dealer of Stirrup Benches, Ludworth: 1847


Thomas DAWSON husbandman of Ludworth: 1710


Thomas DAWSON yeoman & clothier of Matley Moor: 1756


Samuel DOWNES carpenter of Raworth: 1710


John DRINKWATER of Higher Rowarth, yeoman: 1865

mentions: Nephew George Henry THORNILEY of New Mills, draper

Friends: Thomas DRINKWATER of Meadow in Mellor, gent.; Robert Thatcher BOWDEN of Hyde book-keeper

Henry LEES buyer of land

Property in occupation of John BRAY


John DUNCALF husbandman of Mellor: 1700

Mentions: wife Mary to whom everything is left.

Written 26 May 1698

Witnesses: Elizabeth RADCLIFFE; Wm BANCROFT

Administration granted to widow Mary DUNCALF which states he died intestate (??)

Supported by John BEELEY yeoman

Probate 2 Oct 1700


Ralph FEARN miller of Mellor: 1708

Mentions: wife Margaret FEARN

Sons: George FEARN; Joseph FEARN

Executor: wife Margaret FEARN


Inventory taken 31 Oct 1707 £29. 2s. 8d.  Appraisers: Randle HIBBERT; William CHATTERTON; Will. BOOTH

Probate 21 Apr 1708


Ralph FEARNS yeoman of Mellor: 1786

Mentions: Sons - John FEARNS; George FEARNS

Daughter Mary BOWER wife of John BOWER

Tenant: Joseph CHATTERTON

Property called Bagshaws; Booths; Jacksons & Cotterills all on Longhurst Lane

Executor: Son John FEARNS

Written 1 Sep 1778

Witnesses: James ASHTON; Mary SHAW; Joel? RATCLIFFE

Probate 28 Jan 1786


Thomas FERN shopkeeper of Mellor: 1803

Thomas FERN died intestate leaving Fanny FERN his widow; Mary FERN aged 8; George FERN aged 6; Elizabeth FERN aged 4

Widow Fanny FERN waived her right to administer the affairs of the testator & nominated George FERN in her stead.

Witnesses to declaration: David TAYLOR innkeeper of Mellor; John FERN clerk to Mr Dewhurst of Marple

Mary FERN nominated her Grandfather George FERN the elder as her Guardian & to take out Letters of Administration

Signed 7 Nov 1803

The testator died 8 Oct 1803

Administration to George FERN yeoman of Mellor

Supported by George FERN grocer of Stockport & Immanuel WILD yeoman of Mellor

Probate 18 Nov 1803


Mary FERNS widow of Mellor: 1834

Administration to brother George WILD cotton spinner of Rowarth

Supported by: Nanny WILD widow of Mellor & James WARREN schoolmaster of Mellor

The deceased died 29 Aug 1833

Probate 24 Feb 1834


Thomas FERNS gent of Mellor: 1847  & 1849

Mentions children - unnamed

Written 8 Jan 1847

Deceased died 1 Apr 1847

Trustees & Executors: Thomas BRANSON gent. of Sheffield; George RIDGE printer & bookseller of Sheffield

Witnesses: Samuel OLDHAM hatter of Mellor; Joseph WEBB husbandman of Mellor

Proved at York 20 Oct 1847

Probate at Lichfueld Trustees & Executors: Thomas BRANSON gent. of Sheffield; George RIDGE printer & bookseller of Sheffield


John FORD the elder, yeoman of Ludworth: 1790

Died without a Will. Letters of Administration granted to son John FORD the younger, cotton spinner of Stockport his son on 6 Dec 1790

Guarantors the said John FORD; James SYKE, weaver of Stockport; Joshua LOCKWOOD, yeoman of Stockport.

Assessed at under £100


James FRANCE of Mellor, weaver: 1872

mentions:  wife Mary

Witnesses: Thomas PARKES; Richard CLEGG


George FROGGATT manufacturer of Mellor: 1839

Mentions: wife Hannah

Children: Eldest son John plus Thomas; Joseph & William

Mill & other property

Executors: Sons John FROGGATT & Joseph FROGGATT plus friend Joseph BOWDEN manufacturer of Hayfield

Written 7 Jun 1837

Witnesses: Thomas WEBSTER attorney at law, Chapel en le Frith; James HURST; William WEBB

Testator died 5 Mar 1839

Probate 27 Aug 1839


Daniel GEE of Marple Bridge within Ludworth ,Derbyshire, saddler: 1867

mentions: sons Robert Henry; Isaac  

dau Ellen Martha wife of James WOOD

occupiers Tho YARWOOD;  Wm WAYNE; Mary BRIDGE; Geo TOFF; John BEARD

Queens Arms, Chisworth

Public house Ring O'Bells  in Marple occupied by Rbt BOWDEN

property purchased from Joseph HEGINBOTHAM deceased. (in Dukinfield and Ashton u Lyne)

property in Marple Bridge occupied by Mary NAIN; Ellen COE; Patrick NODEN

property purchased from Trustees of Ralph Rupert HIGHAM deceased called "Bunney Field " at Romiley in occu[ation of Mrs BERTRAM

property at Little Mill,Rowarth and Thornsett

Witnesses: F.W. JOHNSON Solr of Marple; Wm BALL of Marple Bridge  


(Isaac GEE of Hattersley, Parish of Mottram-in-Longdendale: 1827)


Isaac GEE of Ludworth formerly of Ardwick, Commission Agent: 1863


Wife Elizabeth Ann

Sisters Betty GEE; Martha GEE

Cousin James WOOD of Ludworth, bleacher

Witnesses: F W JOHNSON Solr of Marple; William WAIN shoe maker of Marple Bridge 


Jonathan GEE of Erno Croft, Ludworth: 1803

This is the last Will and Testament of me Jonathan GEE of Erno Croft within Ludworth in the parish of Glossop in the county of Derby yeoman I Give and bequeath unto my son Isaac GEE his Executors Administrators and Assigns my farm at Erno Croft aforesaid for and during all my Estate term and Interest therein, I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Betty wife of William OLERENSHAW the sum of one hundred pounds .  I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Alice the sum of five pounds and the further sum of Ten pounds unto and equally amongst all her children now or hereafter to be born the said several legacies to be paid at the end of the years next after my decease  I Give and bequeath unto my son Jonathan GEE who went to America about eight years ago and has not been heard from these last five years the sum of Two hundred pounds and also the further sum of Twenty pounds left him by his Grandfather and lawful Interest for the said sum of Twenty pounds from the time he came of age until payment thereof in case he shall return to England to receive the same But in case he do not return I Give and bequeath the sum of Thirty pounds part thereof unto my said Daughter Betty wife of William OLERENSHAW and direct the remainder not to be paid which said several legacies together with all my just debts funeral expences and the charges of the probate of this my Will I order and direct to be paid by with and out of my personal Estate (except my said farm at Erno Croft hereinbefore bequeathed to my son Isaac GEE ) together with the Timber growing on my Estate of Inheritance called Garrison Situate in the Hamlet of Thornset in the parish of Glossop aforesaid now in the Occupation of Benjamin GEE and Edward FEARNILEY as my Tenants and in case the same shall not be sufficient for the purposes aforesaid I hereby subject charge and make chargeable All that my said Estate of Inheritance called Garrison to and with the payment of such difficiency And so subject charged and chargeable I Give and devise one undivided moiety or equal half part of and in all that my said Estate of Inheritance called Garrison unto my said son Isaac GEE and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without Impeachment of or for any manner of wast and from and after his decease (So Subject as aforesaid) I Give and devise the same unto my Grandson John GEE Eldest son of my said son Isaac GEE and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life, without impeachment of or for any manner of wast and from and after his decease so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto the first son of the body of my said Grandson John GEE lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body of such first son lawfully Issuing and for want of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto the second third and all and every other son and sons of the body of my said Grandson John GEE lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such second third and all and every other such son and sons lawfully Issuing the Eldest of such sons and the Heirs lawfully Issuing being always to be preferred and take before the younger of such son and sons and the Heirs of his and their body and bodies as they shall be in seniority of age and priority of birth And for want of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto all and every the Daughter and Daughters of the body of my said Grandson John GEE lawfully to be begotten as Tenants in Common and not as joint Tenants and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such Daughter and Daughters lawfully Issuing  And for Default of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto my Grandson Joseph GEE second son of my said son Isaac GEE and to his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without Impeachment of or for any manner of wast And from and after his decease so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto the first son of the body of my said Grandson Joseph GEE lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body of such first son lawfully Issuing And for want of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto the second third and all and every other son and sons of the body of my said Grandson Joseph GEE lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such second third and all and every other son and sons lawfully Issuing the Eldest of such sons and the Heirs of his body being always to be preferred and take before the younger of such son and sons and the Heirs of his and their body and bodies lawfully Issuing as they shall be in seniority of age and priority of birth And for want of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto all and every the Daughter and Daughters of the body of my said Grandson Joseph GEE lawfully to be begotten as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such Daughter and Daughters lawfully Issuing And for default of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and Devise the same unto my Grandson Jonathan GEE third son of my said son Isaac GEE and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of or for any manner of wast And from and after his decease so Subject Charged and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto the first son of the body of my said Grandson Jonathan GEE lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body of such first son lawfully Issuing And for default of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto the second third and all and every other son and sons of the body of my said Grandson Jonathan GEE lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such second third and every other son and sons lawfully Issuing the Eldest of such sons and the Heirs of his body being always to be preferred and take before the younger of such son and sons and the Heirs of his and their body and bodies lawfully Issuing as they shall be in Seniority of age and priority of birth And for want of such Issue so Charged and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto all and every the Daughter and Daughters of the body of my said Grandson Jonathan GEE lawfully to be begotten as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such Daughter and Daughters lawfully Issuing And for default of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto all and every other the son and sons of the body of my said son Isaac GEE lawfully begotten or to be begotten and to the Heirs of the Body and Bodies of such son and sons lawfully Issuing the Eldest and the Heirs of his body lawfully Issuing being always to be preferred and take before the younger of such son and sons and the Heirs of his and their body and bodies lawfully Issuing as they shall be in Seniority of age and priority of birth And for default of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and Devise the same unto all and every the Daughter and Daughters of the body of my said son Isaac GEE lawfully begotten or to be begotten as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such Daughter and Daughters lawfully Issuing And for default of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto my son James GEE and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of or for any manner of wast And from and immediately after his decease so subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto my Grandson John GEE only son of my said son James GEE and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of or for any manner of wast And from and immediately after his decease so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto the first son of the body of my said last named Grandson John GEE lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body of such first son lawfully Issuing And for default of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto the second third and all and every other son and sons of my said last named Grandson John GEE lawfully to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such second third and every other son and sons lawfully Issuing the Eldest of such sons and the Heirs of his body being always to be preferred and take before the younger of such son and sons and the Heirs of his and their body and bodies lawfully Issuing as they shall be in Seniority of age and priority of birth And for want of such Issue so Charged and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto all and every the Daughter and Daughters of my said last named Grandson John GEE as tenants in common and not joint tenants and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such Daughter and Daughters lawfully Issuing And for default of such Issue so Charged and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto all and every other the son and sons of the body of my said son James GEE lawfully begotten or to be begotten and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such son and sons lawfully Issuing the Eldest and the Heirs of his body issuing being always to be preferred and take before the younger and the Heirs of his and their body and bodies issuing as they shall be in Seniority of age and priority of birth And for default of such Issue Subject and Charged as aforesaid I Give and devise the same unto all and every the Daughter and Daughters of the body of my said son James GEE lawfully begotten or to be begotten as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to the Heirs of the body and bodies of such Daughter and Daughters lawfully issuing and for default of such Issue so Subject and Chargeable I Give and devise the same unto my said son Isaac GEE his Heirs and assigns for ever Provided always and I do hereby declare it to be my Will and mind that in case either of my said sons Isaac GEE or James GEE shall be minded and desirous to sell and dispose of the moiety or half part of my said Estate of Inheritance at Garrison aforesaid so limitted unto him and his Issue as aforesaid unto the other of them and to settle convey and assure such moiety to and for the same uses intents and purposes as are hereinbefore mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the other moiety or half part thereof so limited unto the other of them and his Issue but to for or upon no other use trust intent or purpose whatsoever It shall and may be lawful for him so to do and to grant release and Convey the same to Trustees accordingly and have receive and take the purchase money thereof to and for his own use and benefit And then and from thenceforth the son so felling and disposing thereof his first and other sons and Daughters and the Heirs of his her and their bodies lawfully Issuing and all others whomsoever Claiming or to Claim the same under and by virtue of any of the devises contained in this my will shall be from and after such grant release and Conveyance so to be made as aforesaid wholly excluded and debarred from any right title Estate or interest whatsoever of in to or out of the same under and by virtue of this my Will and devise matter or thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding And lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my said two sons Isaac GEE and James GEE Executors hereof hereby revoking all former Wills by me made and declaring this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the fourth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety four

(Signed) Jonathan GEE plus seal

On a separate sheet

The within written Will contained on three sides of this sheet of paper the words "and his assigns" "or to be gotten" "the" "the same" "be" "to the contrary" being first Interlined - was afterwards Signed sealed published and Declared by the within named Testator Jonathan GEE in the presence of us who at his request and in in his presence and in the presence of one other have subscribed our names as Witnesses to the due Execution thereof - and also the word "one" between then fourth and fifth line from the top of the first side hereof also Interlined and the word "kindred" in the said fifth line from the top of the said first side hereof being wrote on an Erazure before the execution

Robert CARDWELL; Ottiwell FEARENELY; Henry CARDWELL Clerk to Mr Dewhurst Marple

Separate sheet shows administration of probate.

Date of death not shown. Estate under £200


Peter GODDARD husbandman of Mellor: 1680

Inventory Only - taken 4 Nov 1680 £139. 1s. 8d.  Appraisers: Wm WALKLATE; Thomas WALKLATE & George BOOTH of Ludworth, yeomen

Probate 15 Dec 1680


Samuel GOODYEAR of Newton (Heath) - will dated 26 June 1782

left his Wrigley Head estate in Failsworth to the trustees; his uncle Moses HADFIELD of Mellor, Dby and cousin Thomas MARRIOTT for his sister Mary, wife of Dr. John MILLER.  Samuel Goodyear died 22 Aug 1782


John HADFIELD of Mellor: 1668

NB Very difficult to read.

Mentions: wife Alice HADFIELD; Sister Ellen HADFIELD

Thomas EYRE yeoman of Swallowhouses; Henry BARDSLEY son of Samuel BARDSLEY clerk of Marple

John BRUNDRETH son of John  BRUNDRETH of Birch hall, Bowden Middlecale; Hadfield BRUNDRETH his brother

John BRUNDRETH my kinsman of Birch Hall; Katherine wife of John BRUNDRETH

Ellen BRUNDRETH dau of William BRUNDRETH; William BRUNDRETH my kinsman of Bramall

Martha? DANIEL dau of Olliver DANIEL of Poynton; Alice DANIEL; Mary DANIEL; Elizabeth wife of Olliver DANIEL

John HEGGINBOTHOM & William HEGGINBOTHOM sons of Raph HEGGINBOTHOM yeoman of Ludworth

Mr William RADCLIFFE deceased; Robert YEAVELEY; John KINDER & Raph KINDER his son

William COOK alias HADFIELD of Bramall; John COOK alias HADFIELD

William WAGSTAFFE of Chesworth; John RADCLIFFE son of William RADCLIFFE late of Townscliffe in Mellor yeoman

Servants: John  WOOD; Grace MARSLAND

Children of William WALKLATE of Hilltopp, Mellor

Eizabeth wife of John BRADBURY; Margaret SQRIGLEY? of Adlington; John BROWNE the miller;

Godsons: John son of William RADCLIFFE of Townscliffe; Thomas RADCLIFFE of Heathiebooth? & John BOWMAN

Humphrey THORNHILL of Hardwick; Ann THORNHILL widow; Thomas THORNHILL 

House at Mellor; house at Ludworth Mill; land in Kinder; A wish to be buried at Hayfield; money for a schoolmaster at Hayfield:

Written 2 Jun 1668

(Executors?) Thomas EYRE; Henry BARDSLEY; John BRUNDRETH my kinsman; Thomas MARRIOTT of Hayfield; James RAWLINSON of Gibhey 

Overseers of will Thomas EYRE of Swallowhouses; Henrie BARDSLEY of Marple

Witnesses: Olyver DANIELL; John WOOD; Sam BARDSLEY

Probate 6 Jul 1668


Joan HAIGH of Mellor: 1723


John HALL of Mellor farmer and carrier: 1861 

mentions: wife Hannah

son George

dau Hannah wife of John ROWBOTHAM

dau Ann wife of William BATTY  "dwelling house called Noon Sun in Thornsett hamlet"

granddaus Mary Hannah and Ann being two daus of my late son Thomas HALL

Joshua ERNILL witness

James Stanney WOOLLEY


Benjamin HAMBLETON weaver of Mellor 1806

Mentions: wife Hannah & their children

Executors: Ralph FERNS shopkeeper of Mellor; James RADCLIFFE muslin manufacturer of Mellor

Written 16 Jan 1806

Witnesses: Aaron FERN; Jane CROWTHER

Probate 15 Jul 1806


William HAMBLETON husbandman of Mellor: 1684

Mentions: Wife Ann HAMBLETON

Daughter Margaret wife of Richard NIXON


Written 6 Feb 1683/4

Executors: Friend Robert YEAVELY; wife Ann HAMBLETON  Aided by Mark TRICKETT & John MOTTRAM


Inventory taken 3 Apr 1684 £54.11s. 1d.  Appraisers: Wm JOHNSON; Thos COTTRELL; Lawr. CHATTERTON; Sam PICKERING

Probate 4 Jun 1684


William HAMBLETON of Mellor: 1851

This is the last Will and Testament of me William HAMBLETON of Mellor in the county of Derby Farmer who make and publish the same in manner and form following (that is to say) First I order and direct All my just debts funeral and Testamentary charges and expences to be paid and discharged by my executors hereinafter named out of my personal Estate. I give and bequeath unto my wife all my tenant right Estate and interest in the Farm now held by me under his grace the Duke of Norfolk. I also give and bequeath unto my said wife the use and enjoyment of all the horses cattle Farming stock carts implements of Husbandry of all kinds and Household Furniture of which I shall be possessed at the time of my decease for the term of her natural life or so long as she shall continue my Widow And if my said wife shall at any time be desirous of resigning the said business it is my wish that my son William should succeed to the Tenancy of the said Farm and my said wife shall in that case have the power of selecting such Household Furniture as she may think proper to furnish her a House and she shall have the use and enjoyment of such Furniture during her natural life or so long as she shall continue my Widow and the remainder of my Furniture Together with the Horses Cattle Farming Stock carts and implements of Husbandry shall be valued by two disinterested parties one to be chosen by my executors hereinafter named and the other to be chosen by my said son William and my said son William shall have the option of purchasing the same at such valuation And I direct that the money arising therefrom and from the sale of the Furniture selected by my said wife after her death or second marriage shall be paid and applied as hereinafter directed concerning the residue of my personal Estate And after the death of my said wife or marriage which shall first happen I direct the said Horses Cattle Farming Stock Carts and implements of Husbandry and Household Furniture (in the event of my son William declining to purchase the same) to be sold and the money arising therefrom to be applied in the manner hereinafter directed concerning the money to arise from the sale of my Real and the residue of my personal Estate.  I give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my personal Estate and effects of what nature or kind soever not herein before bequeathed unto my three brothers Thomas Joel and Elijah upon the Trusts following (that is to say) Upon trust that they my said Trustees or the Trustees for the time being of my will do and shall with all convenient speed after my decease call in sell and convert into money the said residue of my personal Estate and do and shall lay out and invest the money to arise thereby in their or his names or name in the Public Funds of Great Britain or at interest on Government or Real securities in England and do and shall from time to time with the consent in writing of my said wife alter vary and Transfer the said Trust monies so to be laid out and invested for into other Funds and securities of a like nature And I declare that the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being of my will shall stand and be possessed of and interested in the said trust monies funds and securities and the interest dividends and annual produce thereof upon trust to pay the said interest dividends and annual produce unto or permit the same to be received and taken by my said wife during her natural life or so long as she shall continue my widow And from and immediately after her decease or marriage the said Trust monies funds and securities and the interest dividends and annual produce thereof shall remain and be upon the Trusts and subject to the powers provisors and declarations hereafter expressed and declared of and concerning the same. I give and devise all that my  Estates land and hereditaments called Bradshaw situate in Mellor in the said county of Derby and now in the occupation of   (left blank)   as my Tenant And all other my Real Estates whatsoever and wheresoever unto my said brothers Thomas Joel and Elijah Upon the Trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say) Upon Trust to pay the rents issues and profits of the same unto or permit the same to be received my said wife during her life time And after the decease or second marriage of my said wife Upon trust that they my said Trustees for the time being of my will do and shall absolutely sell and dispose of my said Real Estates either entirely and altogether or in parcels by public auction or private contract to any person or persons willing to become the purchaser or purchasers thereof respectively for such price or prices or sum or sums of money as to the said Trustees or Trustee shall seem reasonable And for promoting and facilitating such sale or sales do and shall enter into make and execute all such contracts covenants agreements conveyances assurances acts deeds matters and things which to my said Trustees or Trustee shall seem reasonable And I declare that the receipt or receipts of the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being of my will for any money payable under this my will shall effectually discharge the person or persons paying the same from being answerable or accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication thereof or of any part thereof or from being obliged to see to the application thereof or of any part thereof or to enquire into the necessity or propriety of any sale that may be made by virtue of this my will and that no purchaser shall be bound or obliged to ascertain or enquire into the necessity propriety or expediency of any such sale And I declare that the said Trustees or Trustee shall stand and be possessed of and interested in the money to arise from the sale or sales hereinbefore directed to be made of my Real Estate and to arise and be produced from my personal Estate and of and in the Funds and securities in which they same shall be invested in pursuance of the Trusts aforesaid In trust for such one or more of my children who shall be living at the decease or second marriage of my said wife And for such issue then living of either of my children who may then be deceased as shall either before or after the decease or marriage of my said wife attain the age of twenty one years or marry as Tenants in Common in course of distribution per stirpes and not per capita and so that the issue of any deceased child may take by way of substitution the share or respective shares only which their parent or respective parents would living have taken. And I declare that after the decease or marriage of my said wife the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being of my will shall and may at their or his discretion pay and apply the whole or any part of the income of the contingent shares of the respective children and issue aforesaid in or towards his her or their respective maintenance or otherwise for his her or their benefit preferment or advancement And also pay and apply any part of the capital of the contingent or presumptive shares of the respective children and issue aforesaid for or towards their respective preferment or advancement in life And I declare that the Trustees or Trustees (sic) for the time being of this my will shall not be liable to answer or make good any losses that shall happen in the execution of the Trusts mentioned in this my will unless the same shall happen by or through their or his wilful neglect or default nor shall either or any of them my said Trustees be answerable or accountable for the acts deeds receipts and disbursements of the other of them but each of them shall be answerable only for his own separate acts deeds receipts and disbursements And I do hereby direct that my said Trustees shall and may  pay and reimburse themselves and himself out of my Estate all reasonable and necessary costs charges and expences whatsoever which they or any of them shall or may bear pay be put unto or sustain in or about the execution of this my will or the Trusts hereby in them reposed.  And lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said Brothers Thomas Joel and Elijah Executors of this my will And I hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said William HAMBLETON have hereunto set my hand this sixth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty


Signed by Francis William JOHNSON of Marple in the county of Chester by the direction and in the presence of the said William HAMBLETON the Testator and such signature acknowledged by the Testator in the presence of us present at the same time and who have subscribed our names in the presence of the Testator and at his request and in the presence of each other

Frances William JOHNSON, Marple; John WEBB waver, Ludworth; James SMITH Cord waner, Mellor

Three Probate sheets attached to the will give the following information:

William HAMBLETON, farmer & died on the 12 Sep 1850

The estate was worth under £100

Thomas; Joel & Elijah HAMBLETON - all farmers - were sworn on the 15 Feb 1851 before Mattw Freeman, Commissioner    Probate granted 20 Feb 1851


William HAMPSON yeoman of Bottoms Hall, Mellor: 1777

Mentions: Wife

Children: Charles; Abraham; Richard; Peggy; Mary; Martha; Sarah; Ann & Betty

Eldest son Charles HAMPSON; second son Abraham HAMPSON; youngest son Richard HAMPSON

Daughters: Ann HAMPSON spinster; Betty HAMPSON spinster

Son in law John RATCLIFFE

Property in Stretford, Lancashire - tenant Richard BARKER & others

Land at Didsbury Moor, Lancashire

Leases from Humphrey TRAFFORD esq.,; Mr. BROOME of Didsbury

Mellor lease from Th.... CHETHAM Esq.

Executors: son Abraham HAMPSON; son in law John RATCLIFFE

Written 30 Sep 1776


Probate 23 Jun 1777


William HARRISON of Mellor: 1733


Henry HEWARD of Raworth: 1619


Ann HEGINBOTHAM widow of Ludworth: 1620/1

Mentions: Sons Andrew, William, George & John

John`s son & dau Elizabeth ?

Executor son Andrew HEGINBOTHAM

Will written 25 Jan 1609/10?


Inventory (no date) Appraisers: Thomas HYDE; Otiwell WODE; Bryan WODE; Peter WODE


Francis HIBBERT of Mellor: 1662

Administration to Margaret RADCLIFFE als HIBBERT widow of Francis HIBBERT

Supported by William RADCLIFFE yeoman of Mellor

Probate 3 Apr 1662


Henry HIBBERT of Maudsley Bottom:1790


Henry HIBBERT gent. of Mellor: 1801

Mentions: Friend Samuel GASKELL check manufacturer of Torkington, Stockport p.

Maternal Uncle Joseph CHATTERTON gent. of Hyde

Aunt Hannah PLATT widow; Peggy PLATT dau of Aunt Hannah PLATT

Aunt Martha wife of Thomas BEARD cordwainer of Mellor

Servant Thomas WAGSTAFFE of Mellor

Mary KELSALL wife of David KELSALL shopkeeper of Mottram in Longdendale

Mary CHATTERTON; Martha CHATTERTON; Hannah CHATTERTON; William CHATTERTON children of maternal uncle Joseph CHATTERTON

Mary CHATTERTON; Peggy Hibbert CHATTERTON daus of maternal uncle the late John CHATTERTON yeoman of Mellor

Property at Swindell`s Fold, Godley - tenant Henry WRIGLEY

Property at Godley Hall Hill - tenant Hannah HALL

Property at Birchenough, Mellor - tenant Joseph SYDEBOTHAM

Property at Birchenhough, Mellor - tenant John BRIERLEY

Property at Pieces in Whitle hamlet & property The Great Piece in Whitle Hamlet

Executors: Samuel GASKELL; Joseph CHATTERTON

Written 18 Mar 1801


NB As both executors lived in Cheshire they had to be sworn in by lawyers in that dioecese.

Probate 28 May 1801


Thomas HIBBERT of Mellor: 1706

Short Inventory only - taken 2 Oct 1706  mentions widow Eliza HIBBERT

Probate 2 Oct 1706


Ellen HIGGINBOTHAM of Ludworth: 1712


George HIGGINBOTHAM of Ludworth: 1599


George HEGINBOTHAM yeoman of Mellor: 1714

Mentions: Wife Martha HEGINBOTHOM


Daughter Sarah HEGINBOTHOM

Son in Law Thomas COWPER of Werneth, Chs.

Property in Mellor - purchased from James CHETHAM of Mellor

Land & Housing in Marple purchased from John HEGINBOTHOM & his son Jonathan

Written 11 Jul 1713


Inventory taken 5 Aug 1714 £284.16s. 4d.  Appraisers Henry HEGINBOTTOM; Nicholas LOWE

Probate 7 Oct 1714


Isaac HEGGINBOTTOM of Bradshaw Top, Ludworth: 1827


James HIGGINBOTHAM of Lane End, Ludworth: 1705


James HEGINBOTHAM of Catstone, Mellor: 1854


James HIGGINBOTHAM shopkeeper of Lane End, Ludworth: 1870

mentions: Wife Ann

Daughters: Hannah; Rachel; Ellen; Mary; Elizabeth

Sons: William; David; James 

Witnesses: Robert MARSLAND of Marple; George FERNLEY

Made 1866


John HIGGINBOTHAM sawyer of Ludworth: 1689


John HIGGINBOTHAM of Ludworth: 1697


[John HIGGINBOTHAM jun. yeoman widower of Disley: 1785]

Administration.  Testator died leaving only one child James HIGGINBOTHAM aged between 7 & 21 

Grandfather John HIGGINBOTHAM senior yeoman of Mellor to be his guardian

Public Notary John FLETCHER 

Signed 21 Mar 1785

Inventory of goods in the diocese of Lichfield and now in the hands of his father mentions: Joshua HAGUE of New Mill & Joseph HIBBERD

John HIGGINBOTHAM senior is to take out letters of administration for goods in Disley

Administration granted 14 Apr 1785


John HEGGINBOTHAM of Catstone, Mellor: 1803


Josiah HIGINBOTHAM yeoman of Mellor: 1716

Mentions: Wife Mary HEGINBOTHAM

Son George - under 16y

Mother Martha HEGINBOTHAM; sister Sarah HEGINBOTHAM


Father in law George SHUTTLEWORTH

Executors: friends Anthony CARRINGTON yeoman of Marple; Samuel ARMSTRONG husbandman of Mellor

Written 10 Mar 1715/16

Witnesses: Joseph CHEETHAM; Lawrence SWINDELLS; Anne CHEETHAM

Inventory taken 26 Mar 1716 £184.18s. 6d.  Appraisers: Jonathan HIDE; Thomas OLDHAM; John NORBURY

Probate 16 Oct 1716


Mary HIGGINBOTTOM of Windleybottom, Mellor: 1673


Mary HEGGINBOTHOM of Ludworth: 1748


Mathew HEGINBOTHAM, Matthew of Windlebottom, Mellor: 1785


Matthew HEGGINBOTHAM shoemkaer of Mellor: 1803

Administration to James HEGGINBOTHAM grocer of Stockport

Supported by Thomas SMITH yeoman of City of Lichfield

Died a bachelor in June 1797. Administration should have been to his father John HEGGINBOTHAM but this was not taken up.  James HEGGINBOTHAM is the sole executor of the father John`s will.

Probate 8 Nov 1803


Ralph HIGGINBOTHAM of Ludworth: 1680/1


Robert HIGGINBOTHAM of Windleybotham: 1626


Robert HIGINBOTHAM of Lower Hall: 1809


William HIGGINBOTHAM of Windleybottom: 1668


William HIGGINBOTHAM of Ludworth: 1670


William HIGGINBOTHAM of Lower Windleybotham: 1680


William HIGGINBOTHAM of Windy-bottom: 1715


William HIGGINBOTHAM cooper of Ludworth: 1724


William HEGINBOTHAM yeoman of Ludworth: 1817


Elizabeth HOLLINGWORTH of Ludworth: 1699

Widow of Robert of Ludworth, Blacksmith

Made 16th July 1697 Proved 11th April 1699

Mentions: William BANTCROFT of Ludworth, Clerk

John BANTCROFT of Ludworth, Yeoman

Thomas BANTCROFT of Ludworth; Yeoman

Peter WOOD one of the sons of Samuel WOOD of Ludworth, yeoman

Elizabeth CHATTERTON wife of John CHATTERTON of Ludworth, labourer

Martha LOWTON wife of George in the parish of Motterham, Cheshire well beloved friend.

 Executor Thomas BANTCROFT

Witnesses; Joseph TAYLOR; Samuel WOOD


John HOLLINGWORTH of Ludworth, yeoman: 1740

Synopsis of Will  made 16th June 1738 Proved 8 May 1740

John HOLLINGWORTH of Ludworth being aged but in health etc.   Debts to be paid etc.   Bequests:

Daughter Mary wife of Joshua HEGGINBOTHAM 12 pence - plus what he has already given her makes her dower portion £60 equal with my daughter Hannah wife of John RADCLIFF  according to (my) agreement with son in law Joshua HEGGINBOTHAM

To Isaac SIMPSON son in law 12 pence 

Also to Mary & Hannah all messuages and land with appurtenances in Norbury and all profits accruing from them to be divided between them.  Also I give to Joseph WOOD; Samuel WOOD; John WOOD; my grandsons £1. 1. 0d.

To Sarah SMITH and her daughter Elizabeth £1 each; To Timothy ASHTON £2

To Mr Robert BIRKS curate at Marple Church 10/-; To Mr Samuel WARDMAN minister at Millbank Top, Ludworth 10/-

All rents and profits from my tenement in Ludworth called The HOLLINS to be shared between Mary and Hannah 

To Hannah his right or title when term of present tenancy expires (?) [except Henry ROWBOTHAM or Samuel HOLLINGWORTH be living or either make a claim to the premises].

Executors daughter Hannah RADCLIFF and Mr Joseph HOLLAND, minister 


(signed) John HOLLINGWORTH

   A true and perfect Inventory of the Estate of John HOLLINGWORTH

 Assessors John WAGSTAFFE; Thomas KNIGHT


 £   s  d

First his purse & apparel 


One bed & bedding belonging 


Three sheets & so napkins 


One cofer & warming pan & some other brass 


One sadle & bridle one ... 


Three pewter dishes & 2 candlesticks


One table 2 forms & 6 cushions


One pair of bedstocks, 1 pewter shelfboard? 


One cheese press, one crest; one form 


One cupboard, 2 coffers, 4 chaires; 1 table 


Two shovles & some old iron 


One slead; one old cofer & 2 boxes 


His teniment for Glossop Dale 


Money owing to deceased 


In Huselment 






(blacksmith- from Elizabeth`s will) Synopsis of Will proved 13th Apr 1687

Wife Elizabeth the sole Executrix

Item whereas I have borrowed and had of John GARNET of Risham in parish of Manchester £16 against which I have made him an assignment out of my tenement at Ludworth (I instruct) my Executrix to re-pay him within the next 12 months plus the interest accruing.  If John GARNET does this without trouble then he can have another £5.


John GARNET £12





Mary HOLLINGWORTH 1 shilling

Anne MORTON £12

I give to my wife Elizabeth all my tenement in Ludworth with all my title plus all chattells etc.

(signed) Robert HOLLINGWORTH

Witnesses: Will GODDARD; Ralph BANCROFT; John HIDE 

  Inventory taken by: Robert WOOD - mark; Bryan WOOD - mark; John HEGINBOTHAM; Will GODDARD

 Assessors: Robert WOOD (x); Bryan WOOD (x); John HEGINBOTHAM; Will GODDARD 


 £   s  d

 Purse and Apparel




Bedstocks and beding 


Pewter, brass and ....... 










Tenement 3 years


Tenement 50? years







 Roger HOLLINGWORTH, husbandman of Chatterton Lane Mellor: 1620


William HOLLINWORTH of Marple: 1626

(Although William lived in Marple many of the people he mentioned lived in the Mellor area)

In the name of God Amen.  The Eleventh Daie of December 1625. I William HOLLINWORTH of Marple in the County of Chester Yoman sicke in bodie but in good and perfect Remembrance laud and prayse be to Almightie God do make constitute and ordeyne this my last will & Testamt in manner & forme folowing viz. First I comend my soule into the hands of Almightie God my maker and Redeemer hoping that through the merits of his onelie begotten sonne, he will assuredlie save me, And my bodie to be buried in the parish church, or church yord of Stockport as my Executors hereafter named shall thinke fitting Imprimis after my funerall expences discharges and my debts paid; It is my will and mynd that my wife shall enjoy the Third pte of all my goods, and the other two pts equallie to be distributed amongst my children; And my said wife to have the govmt of the said goods and lands untill such tyme as my eldest sonne shall accomplishe the age of twentie one years, keeping her my name Itm it is my will and mynd that when my said eldest shall accomplishe the age of Twentie one yeares That within two yeares after, he shall paie to his brothers viz. Thomas HOLLINWORTH five pounds Thirteene shillings four pence and to George HOLLINWORTH six pounds thirteene shillings four pence And to his sister Jane Tenn pounds Itm I do .......... and appoint Barbara my wife and George LOWE my brother in Lawe my Executors 

Debts owing by me


£     s    d

Imprimis to Robert WOOD of Ludworth

13  11  00

Itm to John CARINGTON of the Foulds

05  00  00

Itm to the executors of John BROMHALL

03  08  00

Itm to William HOLLINWORTH

00  15  00

Itm to Robert CLAYTON

02  00  00

Itm to Mr BOWER

01  01  00

Sum Total

26  05  00

Debts owing to me


£     s    d

Imprimis Thomas SMITH of Edwarth?

08  00  00

Itm Thomas SMITH Senior

07  18  00


05  00  00

Itm Robert JOHNSON of the Broome stayre

02  10  00


01  10  00

Itm John COLLIER of the Westwood

03  06  08

Itm John DANIELL of Storth

01  05  00

William HOLLINWORTH of the bridge end the eldest

parchment ripped

Itm Peter WOOD Senior

02  10  00


01  13  04

Itm Richard DOOLEY

00  12  00

Itm Thomas MOULT

00  08  00

Itm Thomas BOUTH

00  02  00

Itm John COLLIER of the Lane?

00  04  04

Sum Total

35  19  04

(the mark of) William HOLLINWORTH

Witnesses hereof George ELLIOTT; George HEGINBOTHOM; Otiwell RIDGE

A true and perfect Inventarie of all the goods and cattells and chattels of William HOLLINWORTH late Deceased made the 14th daie of December Ano 1625Otiwell RIDGE Will HIBBERT John RURESELL John SYDEBOTHAM the assessors (?)


£     s   d

Imprimis two oxen

08  00  00

Itm other two oxen 

06  06  08

Itm four kyne 

12  06  08

Itm six young oxen 

12  00  00

Itm Three Calves 

02  00  00 

Itm two mares

04  00  00

Itm six sheepe

01  10  00

Itm corne and hay

15  00  00

Itm Pewter and Brasse

02  10  00

Itm Leades?

02  01  00

Itm Earthen potts

00  01  00

Itm in Treene ware 

01  00  00

Itm in Arkes and Coffers and sheeye? keeres and Turnell

04  06  00

Itm in Bedstocks

00  08  00

Itm in Bedding

14  00  00

Itm in husbandrie ware and Iron Ware

02  00  00

Itm in Sackes window sheets and Sy....

01  00  00

Itm in wheate, meale malt and Barlie wthin house

02  00  00

Itm in Baron

00  13  04

Itm in Pullyn

00  03  00

Itm three stone troughes

00  03  00

Itm chaires stooles and Bords

00  04  00

Itm Butter and cheese

00  09  00

Itm one tacke of ground in Chisworth

12  00  00

Itm one cowe

02  13  04

Itm his apparrell

04  00  00 

Sum Total           

110  09  00


John HUDSON, farmer of Ludworth: 1860


neph John HUDSON younger, Mellor innkeeper

Joseph BOWDEN Bank Head nr Hayfield, farmer

son Ralph TAYLOR of Ludworth and his mother Martha TAYLOR

Lord Edward Fitzalan HOWARD, landlord

Wm NORTON Salford landlord

Witnesses: John HUDSON; Joseph BOWDEN; David DAWSON; Thomas LIVESLEY


Timothy HURST husbandman of Mellor 1752

Administration to widow Sarah HURST

Supported by William PRIESTNALL weaver of Mellor & John BOWDEN weaver of Mellor

Probate 15 Apr 1752


John JACKSON of Ludworth: 1774


Thomas JACKSON of Mellor: 1602


Thomas JACKSON (of Mellor): 1638


William JACKSON of Mellor: 1686


William JACKSON of Ludworth: 1745


Elizabeth JOWETT of Mellor, spinster, and later of Lower Hall, Glossop p.: 1866


Francis William JOHNSON of Marple, Ches.

Sisters Sarah TURNER; Mary MARRIOTT; Jane Anne HORROCKS

Brother Jonathan JOWETT

Witnesses: Thomas M FREEMAN; John HOWE


Jonathan JOWETT the elder yeoman of Mellor: 1825

Mentions: Sons James JOWETT; John JOWETT; Jonathan JOWETT

Daughter Mary wife of John SLACK of Little Hayfield

Mr Emanuel WILDE

Property in Bugsworth - purchased from James Andrew DRINKWATER & leased to Thomas LOYD & Thomas PRICE

The Lower Hall, Mellor

Executors: Sons - James; John & Jonathan JOWETT

Written 16 Feb 1825

Witnesses: Matthew TRUMAN clerk; Abel OLIVER; Thomas ERNIL

Probate states James JOWETT is a yeoman of Ashton under Line; John  JOWETT is a yeoman of Bredbury; Jonathan JOWETT is a yeoman of Mellor

Testator died 19 May 1825

Probate 8 Jul 1825


Henry MARSLAND licenced victualler of Mellor: 1852

Mentions: Children - Thomas; Elizabeth & Martha

Brother in Law - Robert JACKSON shopkeeper of Hazel Grove

Executor: Brother in law Robert JACKSON

Written 16 Oct 1852

Witnesses: Josh DEAN; John FLETCHER

Testator died 29 Nov 1852

Probate 13 Dec 1852



Richard MIDDLETON of Ludworth: 1822


William MOORS of Ludworth: 1845

This is the last Will and Testament of me William MOORS of Ludworth in the parish of Glossop in the county of Derby dealer in cotton waste who make and publish the same in manner and form following that is to say  First I order and direct all my just debts and funeral and testamentary charges and expences to be paid and discharged by my Executrix and Executors hereinafter named out of my personal Estate  I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Mary such part of my household Goods and furniture beds and bedding plate linen and china as she may make choice of for her own use absolutely and the use and enjoyment of all my Horses Cattle Farming stock and implements of Husbandry for and during the term of her natural life and to the end that no waste or diminution be made therein I direct my Executors hereinafter named to take an Inventory thereof immediately after my decease which my said Wife shall subscribe before the same shall be yielded up or delivered to her and I direct my said Executrix and Executors or the survivor of them her or his executors or administrators with all convenient speed to make sale and dispose of the residue of my personal Estate not consisting of money and to collect and get in all debts owing to me of what nature soever and put place and continue the money arising therefrom out at interest on good mortgage Security and from time to time call in and replace the same out at Interest at like Security as often as circumstances may require and pay and apply the interest and produce thereof when and as the same shall be received in the same manner as the rents and profits of my property herinafter mentioned  I give and bequeath all the Leasehold or other Estate or Interest of and in all my Messuages cottages or dwellinghouses with the closes fields meadows pastures and parcels of land thereunto belonging situate lying and being in Ludworth aforesaid or elsewhere within England and now in the occupation of myself and of John BOOT, John SMALLEY, Ralph SHERWIN and others as my Tenant unto my said wife and to my two friends the Reverend Robert KIRKUS of Ludworth aforesaid and Daniel GEE of the same place Saddler their executors administrators and assigns upon the several trusts and to and for the several ends intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same that is to say Upon trust to permit my said wife to hold and enjoy or set let and manage the same and receive and take the rents issues and profits for her own use she keeping the said premises in repair And I declare that if my said wife shall charge or assign or attempt to charge or assign the said Rents Interest and profits that then her interest shall cease and the same shall be vested in my said executors as fully and effectually as if she were dead and from and after the decease of my said wife Then I direct the said Robert KIRKUS and Daniel GEE or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor to call in any money out at Interest and make sale and dispose of all other my Estate and Effects by public auction or private contract as they or he may think proper. And as to for and concerning the money to arise and be made from such Sale or Sales and other the ways and means aforesaid I direct the same to be divided into two equal parts or shares one of such parts or shares I direct to be again divided into as many parts or shares as I may have Brothers and Sisters then living or then dead leaving issue then living one of which I give to each living Brother or Sister and another amongst the living issue of each such dead Brother or Sister (with such condition as after mentioned as to the share of my sister Martha DOBSON) and the remaining or other of such two first named parts or shares I dispose of as follows that is to say I give and bequeath to Edward CLARKE, Robert CLARKE, Thomas CLARKE and Sarah GORTON Brothers and Sisters of my said wife Ten pounds a piece and to Paul BAKER        

Page missing here

nothwithstanding his or their giving or signing or joining in giving or signing any receipt or receipts for the sake of conformity and that they or any of them shall not be answerable or accountable the one for the other or others of them or for the acts receipts payments neglects or defaults of the other or others of them but each of them only and respectively for her his and their own acts receipts payments neglects or defaults and that they or either of them shall not be answerable or accountable for any Banker Broker or other person with whom or in whose hands any part of the said Trust monies shall or may be deposited or lodged for safe custody or otherwise in the execution of the Trusts hereinbefore declared Nor for the rise or fall in the price or value of Stocks or the insufficiency or deficiency in Title or value of any Security or securities or funds in or upon which the said Trust monies or any part thereof shall or may be placed out or invested Nor for any other misfortune loss or damage which may happen in the execution of the aforesaid Trusts or in relation thereto except the same shall happen by or thro` his or their own wilful neglect or default and then and in that case each person respectively shall singly and alone be answerable for the loss or damage which shall so happen or arise by or thro` his own wilful default respectively and also that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Executrix and Executors and each and every of their Executors and administrators by and ... of them monies which shall come to their respective hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid from time to time to deduct retain to and reimburse herself himself and themselves respectively all costs charges damages and expences which they or any of them shall or may sustain expend disburse lay out or be put unto in or about the execution of the aforesaid trusts or in relation thereto And lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other will and wills by me at any time heretofore made In witness whereof I the said William MOOR have hereunto set my hand the twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five 

(Signed) William MOOR

Signed published and declared by the said William MOOR the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses to attest the due execution thereof

A. A. ECCLES Attorney Marple

Josh DEAN his clerk

Two sheets are attached to the will concerning probate.

William MOOR Dealer in Cotton Waste died on 22 Oct 1845

The estate was under the value of £1500

Mary MOORS; Robert KIRKUS and Daniel GEE were sworn on the 12 Dec 1845 before Mattw Freeman, Commissioner 

Probate granted 22 Dec 1845


Anne NELSON spinster of Mellor: 1808

Mentions: Brother John NELSON & his son & daughter

Sisters: Elizabeth; Sarah & Mary

Niece - Fanny LONGSON

Executors: Samuel OLDKNOW Esq., Brother in law Mr. Samuel CHAPMAN

Written 24 Apr 1807

Witnesses: Thomas PARKES jun.; Thomas DEWHURST

Probate 11 Jan 1808


Ann OLLERENSHAW formerly HARRISON of Mellor: 1794

Administration given to husband Thomas OLLERENSHAW

Probate 22 Mar 1794


Anthony OLERENSHAW of Ringstones: 1803


David OLLERENSHAW of Birchenough within Mellor: 1874

mentions: Tho WOOLLEY of Haughton Green, Lancs shopkeeper; John WOOLLEY of Haughton Green, Lancs, butcher; Wm WOOLLEY

Martha wid of James STAFFORD

Robert & Thomas WOOLLEY children of my half brother James WOOLLEY

Elizabeth wife of Wm SHEPHARD; Hannah wife of John NIELD

David, Edward, Eliza, William, Thomas, Robert WOOLLEY all children of my half brother Thomas WOOLLEY

Wright, Thomas, Mary (wife of David HOLLAND) John, Ann (wife of Alexander McLEQUAHAN), William, George, Eliza (wife of Edward WOOLLEY) Harriet all children of my half brother Robert WOOLLEY

James Stanney WOOLLEY son of my half brother John WOOLLEY

Witnesses: Robert MARSLAND of Marple;  Eizabeth HEATHCOTT of Birchenhough

Will made 1870


Matthew OLERENSHAW clerk of Mellor: 1824


Edward PICKFORD yeoman of Mellor 1766

Administration to son Samuel PICKFORD yeoman of Mellor

Supported by George BOWDEN yeoman of Glossop p.

Inventory taken 19 Nov 1766 £59.11s. 6d. Appraisers: Samuel BOWDEN; George BOWDEN

Probate 30 Dec 1766


John PICKFORD yeoman of Mellor :1798


Samuel PICKFORD yeoman of Lower Hall, Mellor: 1813

Mentions: wife Betty PICKFORD


Grandsons: Samuel; John & Edward HADFIELD sons of late dau Mary

Grandaughter Betty PICKFORD alias DEWSNAP dau of son Joseph

Grandaughters: Sarah dau of son Edward PICKFORD; Nanny dau of son Samuel PICKFORD; Betty dau of son Joseph PICKFORD

Property at Bradshaw, Mellor

Executors: son Edward PICKFORD; Rev. Christopher HOWE vicar of Glossop

Written 18 Oct 1809


Testator died 8 Feb 1813

Probate states Edward PICKFORD is an innkeeper

Probate 27 Aug 1813


James PLANT of Mellor: 1817

Administration to Easter/Esther  PLANT widow

Supported by James SIGLEY farmer of Disley & John HOWARD carpenter of Brookbottom

Testator died 13 May 1817

Probate 8 Jul 1817


Matthew POTT yeoman of Cobden Edge, Mellor: 1787


Thomas POTTS, farmer of  Cote Green Ludworth: 1871

mentions: wife Harriet

children Hannah Maria; Elizabeth; Samuel; Joseph; James Thomas; Job; John; Harriott.

Witnesses: James HIGGINBOTHAM of Ludworth; Joseph BRADDOCK of Ludworth


Anne RATCLIFFE spinster of Mellor: 1712 (spelling appears interchangeable)

Administration to kinsman Robert COTTRELL in trust for Penepole (sic) RATCLIFFE & Mary RATCLIFFE sisters of the deceased

Supported by James HOLLAND

Dority MOTTRAM had waived her right to administer in favour of her son Robert COTTRELL

Probate 29 Nov 1712


Catherine RADCLIFFE of Mellor widow of William :1690


George RATCLIFFE of Hill Top in Mellor: 1683 (same family as RADCLIFFE)

Mentions: Elizabeth GODDARD dau of my sister Mary


George BROWNE otherwise HAMBLINTON

William RATCLIFFE & his brother John of Podner;

Brother in law John HAUGE & his wife Elizabeth; Thomas GODDARD & Mary his wife

William WALKLATE; Elizabeth DOUNES

Kinsman John HAUGE the younger

Executor: Kinsman John HAUGE

Written 28 Nov 1683

Witnesses: John HEGGINBOTHOM; William WALKLATE; Elizabeth WALKLATE

Inventory taken 8 Dec 1683 £61. 2s. 3d.  Appraisers: John HIGINBOTHOM the elder; John HIGINBOTHOM the younger; William WALKLATE; Laurence CHATTERTON

Debts owing to the testator by: William HIBERT; William HEAWARD

Probate 15 Dec 1683


Gilbert RADCLIFFE of Mellor: 1681


James RADCLIFFE muslin manufacturer of Mellor: 1818


Margaret RADCLIFFE widow of Podner in Mellor: 1630

Mentions: the children of William SIDEBOTHOM



Son Anthonie`s children - John RADCLIFFE; Robert RADCLIFFE; Margaret RADCLIFFE

Son George`s two daughters; son John`s two children

Son in Law Robert ARMFIELD`s six children?


Servant Ellen

Written 6 Feb 1629/30

Executors: sons William RADCLIFFE; George RADCLIFFE; John RADCLIFFE Supervised by Mr William RADCLIFFE

Witnesses: Brian FISHER; Anthonie HIGGINBOTHOM; Robt BOOTH

Inventory says Margret RADCLIFFE alias ROBOTHOM

Inventory taken 25 Feb 1629/30  Appraisers: Charles SYDEBOTHOM; Thomas WALKLATE; William GODDARD; William RADCLIFFE

Probate 24 May 1630


Margaret RADCLIFFE widow of Mellor 1680/1

Inventory taken 3 Feb 1680/1 £12. 5s. 0d. Appraisers: William WALKLATE; William GODDARD; William RICHARDSON

Probate 22 Mar 1680/1


Mary RADCLIFFE widow of Mellor 1709

Mentions: Three children Gilbert; Mary & Ann

Son Gilbert RADCLIFFE & his daughter Mary

Son in Law George SHUTTLEWORTH & his wife Mary - my daughter

Son in Law Timothy HULME & his wife Ann - my daughter

Ann; Catharine & Thomas children of my daughter Ann

Written 8 May 1705

Inventory taken 12 Apr 1709 £38. 6s. 3d. Appraisers: J CHETHAM; Wm CHATTERTON

Debt owed to the testator by Geo SHUTTLEWORTH

Executor: Son in law George SHUTTLEWORTH

Witnesses: William HEGINBOTHOM; Thomas BANCROFT; John HYDE clerk

Probate 27 Apr 1709


Thomas RADCLIFFE of Mellor: 1665


William RICHARDSON Mason of Mellor 1681/2

Mentions: wife Ellin

Son John

Written 19 Jan 1681/2

Executor: wife Ellin RICHARDSON

Witnesses: William GODDART; Booth WATERHOUSE

Inventory taken 28 Jan 1681/2 £24.10S. 0d. Appraisers: William WALKLATE; William GODDARD; Booth WATERHOUSE

Probate 22 Mar 1681/2


Elizabeth ROBINSON widow of Ludworth: 1690

Mentions: Cousin Elizabeth CROSLEY; cousin John GODDARD; cousin Emanuel GODDARD; cousin Deborah FEARNILEY

William BOOTH of Charlesworth his wife & children

Robert HUSLER; John HUSLER and his children

Written 19 May 1690

Executor: cousin Emanuel GODDARD


Inventory taken 22 May 1690 £28.10s. 8d. Appraisers: Thomas WALKLATE; George WALKLATE yeomen of Ludworth

Probate 24 Sep 1690


John ROBOTHAM of Mellor: 1706

Administration to widow Mary ROBOTHAM

Supported by John WALKLATE farmer of Mellor & John CRESWELL yeoman of Glossop

Inventory date not shown  £13.18s. 4d.  Appraisers: Reginal ROBOTHAM; Wm CHATTERTON

Probate 10 Apr 1706


Lawrence ROBOTHAM the elder husbandman of Mellor: 1619/20

Mentions: wife Elizabeth ROBOTHAM

Children: Ann ROBOTHAM; Lawrence ROBOTHAM; James ROBOTHAM

Executor: wife Elizabeth ROBOTHAM

Written 23 May

Witness: William JACKSON; John BREADBURY

Debts owed by the testator: George HEGINBOTHOM; Robert CARINGTON; John BOUTH of Marple; Mr Raph BOWRE; Thomas ROBOTHAM; George NEWTON; William COCKER; Edward HEGINBOTHOM

Debts owed to the testator by: John BRADBURY & his wife; Thomas COCKER of Fearfield; Henry RICHARDSON

Inventory taken 19 Feb   Appraisers: William HEGGINBOTHAM; Hugh HAIGHE; Nycholas HYBBERT

Probate 23 Mar 1619/20


Thomas ROWBOTHAM yeoman of the Meadows, Mellor 1835

Mentions: Sons - Thomas ROWBOTHAM; John ROWBOTHAM; Joseph ROWBOTHAM; William ROWBOTHAM

Daughters: Margaret ROWBOTHAM; Harriet ROWBOTHAM

Son in law John JOWETT husband of daughter Sarah

Executors: sons John ROWBOTHAM; Joseph ROWBOTHAM

Written 21 May 1831


Probate 21 Jul 1835


William SCHOALS yeoman of Mellor: 1750

Mentions: wife Martha SCHOALS

Son William SCHOALS

Son in law: Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH & his wife Esther SHUTTLEWORTH

Sons in Law Wm BARKER; Joseph BAMFORD; John TURNER; Samuel BOWDON; no forename WYLD

Daughter Alice TURNER

Granddaughters:Louis BOWDON; Lucy WILD; son in law BARKER`s daughter

Grandson George BAMFORD

Written 21 Apr 1749

Executors: son in law Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH; Mathew HEGINBOTHOM both of Mellor

Witnesses: John HYDE; Edward? DOWNS; Ottiwell HEGINBOTHOM

Inventory taken 16 Jun 1749 £24.14s.10s. Appraisers: Joseph BAMFORD; John TURNER

Probate  17 May 1750


Martha SCOALS/SCHOALS widow of Mellor: 1752

Mentions: She is widow of Wm SCHOLES (sic)

Daughters: Esther SHUTTLEWORTH; Alice TURNER

Elizabeth BARKER; Elizaberth BARKER & Mary BAMFORD`s children

George BAMFORD son of Joseph BAMFORD

Louis BOWDON; Lishew WYLD wife of Henry WYLD

Children of son in law Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH

Children of son in law John TURNER

Written 5 May 1750


Probate 16 Apr 1752


Mary SHAW spinster of Mellor & Manchester: 1806

Mentions: Samuel OLDKNOW of Mellor

William SHAW CLARKE son of Robert & Hannah of Wellingford in Berkshire; William SHAW CLARKE my Estate at Cobden Edge in Mellor.

Kinsman Samuel SHUTTLEWORTH & Ann his wife - my Estate at Stockport Moor now occupied by George HAMPSON; John SIMISTER & Samuel BOOND ?

John PILKINSON - my Estate in Ouderton ? in Lancaster; Miss Mary DOXON - my leasehold house in Manchester.

Cousins: John PILKINSON; Catherine BRUNDRETH; Mary GILL ?; Godson: Thomas SHAW

Miss Mary DOXON -the legacy left me by the late Joseph HAGUE Esq.

James DOXON and his wife Mary; Mrs WAGSTAFF of Highgate

Thomas EVERETT of London & Mrs EVERETT his wife; Mary EVERETT my god daughter

Mrs CLARKE; Michael ? WILTON; Mr BEARD of Stockport; Mr Mathew NICHOLSON of Liverpool; Robert ? Esq of Manchester

Charles WHITE Esq; William RADCLIFFE of Werneth & Jerimiah RADCLIFFE his nephew

John Esketh ? LEIGH; Miss Olive LEIGH his sister; Mrs Mary LEIGH their sister

Mr James KEARSLEY of London; Samuel HARGREAVES

Elizabeth WOOD my Late Servant

Trustees of the Infirmary at Manchester ; To the Trustees of the ? Hospital there; Poor of Mellor; Respective Charities

The rest of my Estate to the said Samuel OLDKNOW


Written 12 April 1798

Witnesses: Thomas DEWHURSTMargaret BRADDOCKJohn BRADDOCK

Proved at Chester on 2 Sep 1806 by Samuel OLDKNOW; John PILKINGTON & Mary DOXON spinster.

Proved at London on 11 October 1806


Mary SHEPLEY spinster of Sandhill, Ludworth: 1778


Ann SHUFFLEBOTTOM formerley CLAYTON of Mellor: 1798

Administration to husband James SHUFFLEBOTTOM husbandman of Mellor

Probate 29 May 1798


George SHUTTLEWORTH of Mellor: 1721

Will written 30 Nov 1720 - mentions:

Second son George SHUTTLEWORTH - left Neatherhey, Phoside hamlet, Bowden Middlecale bought from Gilbert RADCLIFFE of Mellor

Fourth son Samuel SHUTTLEWORTH - left cottage lying in Common Slack, Mellor

Three youngest daughters Sarah; Margaret & Anne

Two sons Thomas & William & daughter Mary wife of Mr John BYRON minister of Chapel-en-le-Frith - all to get 12 pence

Wife Mary £50

Thomas STAFFORD; Tristram STAFFORD; John SHALCROSE & Edward DOWN Esq. from whom he bought timber. Proceeds from this for three young daughters.

Executor wife Mary

Witnesses: Ottiwell HEGINBOTTOM; Wm HEGINBOTHOM; Ottiwell HEGINBOTTOM jun.

Appraisers: John BYRON; Ottiwell HEGINBOTTOM

Probate granted 4 Oct 1721


John SHUTTLEWORTH of Shaw, Mellor: 1799

Written 16 Apr 1799

Mentions Housekeeper Sarah HOWARD & her sister Anne HOWARD to have furniture & the cow in Henry BUCKLEY`s shippon

Nephew Samuel HOWARD & his sisters Hannah PENNISTON wife of Petter; Esther HOWARD; Mary CLATON wife of George; Martha ENSHAW wife of Petter - all £5

Mary SHUTTLEWORTH widow of brother Thomas £5.

Children of brother Thomas - George; John & Jane OGDEN wife of Paul £5 each

Children of Thomas - William & James debts forgiven

Witnesses: Joseph DRINKWATER; Henry BUCKLEY Snr.

Executrix: Sarah HOWARD Housekeeper

Probate 21 May 1799


Mary SHUTTLEWORTH of Marple Bridge within Mellor: 1743

Widow & relict of the late George, yeoman Written 18 May 1733

mentions: Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH eldest son left items of furniture

George SHUTTLEWORTH second son £10

William SHUTTLEWORTH third son £10

Samuel SHUTTLEWORTH fourth son £30

Mary BYRON deceased daughter`s to share £6. If all dead this money to be shared between the children of Thomas & William

Sarah BUCKLEY daughter - wife of John BUCKLEY, joyner of New Houses, Saddleworth p. £14 If deceased to be shared amongst children

Anne SHUTTLEWORTH youngest daughter to get all the rest of estate.

Executors: son George SHUTTLEWORTH; Ottiwell HEGINBOTHOM of Marple. They are given a guinea for mourning clothes


Inventory £385. 3s.10d. Appraisers: Benjamin BANCROFT; Saml SHUTTLEWORTH

Probate 20 Apr 1743


Samuel SHUTTLEWORTH of Mellor, yeoman: 1774

Mentions: All property in Withen Grove, Manchester & in Mellor to Executors Joel RATCLIFFE, friend & kinsman and Daniel THORNALY son in law - both of Mellor - to be dispensed by them as Executors.

Son Samuel SHUTTLEWORTH & Daughter Mary THORNALY wife of Daniel to have half share each.

Children of son Samuel - not named

Written 22 Jan. 1771


Probate 13 Oct 1774


Sarah SHUTTLEWORTH, spinster of Mellor: 1717

Mentions: Sister Mary BOOTH - left 1/-

Niece Mary BARSLEY - two pewter dishes

Sister Margaret TYM various items plus one fourth of estate

Brother George SHUTTLEWORTH left one fourth of estate

Brother Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH left one fourth of estate

The last fourth to be shared by nephews & nieces - John ARMEFIELD; Robert ARMEFIELD; Mary BARSLEY; Sarah ARMEFIELD; Margaret ARMEFIELD & Anne BOOTH.

Written 14 Jun 1710

Witnesses: Edward YELLOT; Thomas HALL; Benj: MARSHALL

Executors: George SHUTTLEWORTH, brother; Ellis TYM, brother in law

Inventory taken 19 Mar 1716 - total £146.19.09d  Appraisers: John BYRON; Ottiwell HEGINBOTTOM

NB a request for Mr JONES to preach the burial sermon or failing that Mr HOLLAND 


Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH of Briggrave, (Mellor) Glossop p.:1611

mentions Son Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH - left all estate

Children: William SHUTTLEWORTH & Elizabeth? SHUTTLEWORTH - both £25

Executor: Son Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH with oversight of son in law Raphe ARMEFIELD; Robert RIDGWAY & Robert ASBURY

Written 29 Apr 1609

Witnesses: Richard BURROW?; Raph FEARNALEY

Debts owed by Thomas - John MELLOR - £10.25; Son Thomas - 2s; Wife of Henry LOWE - £2 & 12d.; Raphe SMITH 10s

Debt owing to Thomas - John GODDARD of Holewoodend - 16s 8d.

Inventory 26 Jul 1809 £53.10s.    Appraisers: Robert RIDGWAY; William RATCLIFFE; Robert ASBERRY; Raph FEARNALY

Probate 11 Nov 1611


Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH, husbandman of Briggreave, Mellor: 1648

mentions Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH left half share of estate & farm; items of furniture & husbandry tools

Wife Cisley SHUTTLEWORTH left half share of estate & farm & residue

Daughter Alis SHUTTLEWORTH £45 when she attains 21 years

Son in law Edward BOORE given 10s out of the debt he owes him of £3.10.

Daughter Elizabeth BOORE wife of Edward 20 shillings out of the debt plus 6s. & 8d.

Children of Edward & Elizabeth to have the residue of the debt.

Written 29 Nov 1646

Debts owed to Thomas: William HYDE of Newmiln £6. 0 .0; Randle HYDE his son £2. 0. 0.; Richard ASBURN £2. 0. 0.

Witnesses: Thomas ARMFEILD; Raphe FERNELEY

Inventory 20 Oct 1647 £110.10. 2d. Appraisers Raphe HYDE; John LUBERTE?; William HYDE; Thomas GODDARD


Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH, yeoman of Mellor: 1709

mentions dau Sarah SHUTTLEWORTH who gets everything in the house except for a bed etc. given to daughter Mary ARNEFIELD

Four grandsons - children of son George SHUTTLEWORTH - Thomas; George; William; Samuel - £10 each from Tanyard plus £10 each from money owed by John BOOTH of Moorside

Houses recently bought at Chapel en le Frith to son George SHUTTLEWORTH and upon his death to grandson Thomas - George`s eldest son

Son Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH of Werneth to have the £50 he owes

Estate to be evenly divided between Thomas senior`s five children - George; Thomas; Sarah; Mary & Margaret

Executors: son George SHUTTLEWORTH; Ottiwell HEGINBOTHOM, yeoman of Marple kinsman

Written 4 Jul 1704


Inventory taken 25 Aug 1709 including goods & debts £487.12.04d.

Appraisers: Thomas BANCROFT; John BEARD; William CHATTERTON

Mentions Bond from George SHUTTLEWORTH & Debts owed by: Mr Gamll JONES; Adam BARLOWE; Isaac ROYLE; Robert TURNER; Tho: SHUTTLEWORTH; John JACKSON; Jonathan BARDSLEY; John DOWNES; William PEERSON; William RADCLIFFE; William PEERSON (sic); Willm MOTTERSHEAD; Tho: ADHSHEAD; Thomas KIRK; James ASHTON; Tho: SHUTTLEWORTH (sic)


Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH of Lawrence Lane, London, warehouseman: 1764 

Desiring that my body be interred at Mellor in Derbyshire & written 26 Jan 1764

mentions: Father Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH

Sister Martha RADCLIFFE wife of Joel of Marple Bridge, tanner

Niece Mary SHAW daughter of Joseph & Mary (sister of Thomas)

Sister Mary SHAW - land at Stockport Moor

Sister Hannah SHUTTLEWORTH - land at Cobden Edge

John HAGUE of Manchester, warehouseman - land in Marple Bridge

Thomas WAGSTAFF of Lawrence Lane, London, warehouseman

Joseph SHAW of Gold Street, London, warehouseman

Robert WAGSTAFF; William WAGSTAFF & his wife

George DOXON & his wife

John ALLEN & his wife; John ALLEN the Elder, Joseph ALLEN the Younger; James ALLEN

John HAGUE & his wife; Joseph HAGUE; Mr Thomas WAGSTAFF & his wife

Mr & Mrs SHAW; Miss DOXON

Residue of Estate to Executors: John HAGUE; Thomas WAGSTAFF; & Joseph SHAW

Witnesses: G. ELLIS; G. ELLIS jun.; Ralph YATES

Proved 30 March 1764 at London.


Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH of Mellor, yeoman: 1766

Mentions: Daughter Hannah SHUTTLEWORTH -  all my household goods & 8s a year from Chapel en le Frith.

Daughter Mary SHAW

Son in Law Joel RATCLIFFE - £5

Reverend John HADFIELD - 1 guinea to preach my funeral sermon

John GODARD son of Thomas HADFIELD of Podnor within Mellor - 1 guinea.

Poor of Mellor - 2 pence a piece 

Executors: Brother Samuel SHUTTLEWORTH & Ottiwell HEGINBOTHOM, tanner of Marple

Written 28 May 1766 


Probate 16 Oct 1766

NB Burial register entry says of Marple Bridge


Thomas SHUTTLEWORTH fustian manufacturer of Mellor, Derbyshire: 1798

Summary: John SHUTTLEWORTH to sell goods cattle personal Estate what so ever and convert into  money. The estate where I now live the other two several closes of Land called the Long piece and the Little piece at Jordan Wall Nook in the Hamlet of Thornset in Glossop. After debts expenses etc pay £5 to my wife which is by me intended in lieu bar and satisfaction of her dower or thirds. The remainder the same equally to be shared among all my children born or to be born. The parts or shares of my two sons George and John and such after born child or children if any to be put and placed out and continued with interest against good and sufficient security by my Executor during their minorities. And the yearly interest paid to my wife for their education and up bringing so long as she is my widow.

My friend John BRADBURY to be aiding and assisting with advice to my said trustee and Executor.

Sole executor: Brother John SHUTTLEWORTH 

Written 6 Dec 1796


Probate 26 April 1798


George SIDEBOTHAM  of Ludworth: 1856


Peter SIDEBOTHAM of Ludworth: 1713


Hugh SYDEBOTHAM  of Mellor 1630/1


Thomas SYDEBOTHOM  of Mellor 1699


Elias SLACK of Bradfield, Yks (not Mellor but linked to the next will)

This is the last Will and Testament of me Elias SLACK of Rowley House in the Chapelry of Bradfield in the parish of Ecclesfield in the County of York Yeoman. First I will and direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses be paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named by and out of the real and personal estate hereinafter by me given to my son Thomas SLACK.  I give and bequeath to my friends John PARKIN of Middlewood in the parish of Ecclesfield aforesaid Ironmaster and Thomas BRAMMALL of Oughtibridge in the same parish Publican their heirs executors and administrators all that messuage or dwelling house now in my own occupation consisting of two low rooms one chamber one cellar and half of a Garden there part of the Homestead called Rowley House and also all my household furniture and effects therein upon trust to permit and suffer the Widow and Children of my deceased son William SLACK to have the use of the Dwellinghouse and Garden now in my own occupation and the furniture therein under such restrictions as my Trustees shall think  proper after taking an inventory of such furniture till the youngest of such children shall attain the age of twenty one years then on trust to give up the said Dwellinghouse and premises to my son Thomas SLACK for his own use and the household to my four Grandchildren Margaret Thomas Joseph and William the children of my said son William SLACK deceased or such of them as shall be then living equally share and share alike. Also I give and bequeath unto my said Trustees John PARKIN and Thomas BRAMMALL the sum of Four hundred pounds upon trust that they my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the executors of administrators of such survivor do and shall put and place out at interest upon Government or real security and pay and apply the interest thereof from time to time to commence from my decease in the maintenance and education of the Children of my said son William and in the maintenance of the Widow of my said son William so long as she shall continue his Widow and live with my said Grandchildren until the youngest Child of my said son William shall attain the age of twenty one years and when and so soon as such youngest child shall attain the age of twenty one years upon trust to call in the said sum of Four hundred pounds and pay distribute and divide the same with the accruing interest in respect thereof unto and equally amongst my said four Grandchildren Margaret, Thomas, Joseph and William the Children of my said son William Slack deceased share and share alike. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Jonathan TURNER the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid to her without interest at the end of one year next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah the wife of Joseph SHAW the sum of Eighty four pounds (she and her husband having already received from me the sum of Sixteen pounds) to be paid to my said daughter Sarah SHAW without interest at the end of one year next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath to my son John SLACK the sum of Forty pounds to be paid to him without interest at the end of one year next after my decease. Also I give and devise unto my Son Joseph SLACK all that my freehold messuage tenements shops Buildings closes and parcels of land and premises situate or called by the name of Hill Top in the Chapelry of Bradfield aforesaid in the occupation of Joseph WARD or his undertenants with the appurtenances to hold the same from and after the expiration of one year from the time of my decease unto and to the use of my said son Joseph SLACK his heirs and assigns for ever he and they paying thereout yearly and every year the sum of Three pounds by two half yearly payments unto my said Trustees during the minority of the Children of my said son William for and towards the maintenance and support of the said Children until the youngest of them shall attain the age of twenty one years and which I do hereby charge upon the said Hill Top Estate and I direct my Trustees to receive the rents of the said Hill Top Estate for the term of one year next after my decease to be applied by them towards by debts legacies funeral and testamentary expenses, And I do give and devise unto my Grandson William COULDWELL of Oughtibridge Stone Mason one rood of land to be staked out from the north west corner of an allotment called the Green Allotment in the occupation of Joseph BROOKE and to extend northwardly to the Sheffield and Manchester Turnpike Road and westwardly to Green Lane being part of the Rowley House Estate to hold the same unto and to the use of my said Grandson William COULDWELL his heirs and assigns for ever and I do give devise and bequeath all and every my messuages lands tenements and hereditaments situate and called Rowley House and Usher Wood otherwise Ushay Wood in the Chapelry of Bradfield aforesaid in the several occupations of Joseph BROOKE and myself and all other my real and personal estate not hereinbefore by me disposed of subject to the right of the Widow and Children of my said son William residing in the Dwellinghouse and the use of the Garden now in my own occupation during the minority of the said Children as aforesaid and also except the said rood of land devised to the said William COULDWELL unto and to the use of my said son Thomas SLACK his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever from and after the expiration of one year next after my decease paying thereout the yearly sum of Seven pounds to my said trustees by two half yearly payments for and towards the maintenance and education of the Children of my said son William until the youngest child shall attain the age of twenty one years. And I do hereby charge my Rowley House Estate with the payment of the said Annuity of Seven pounds and give to my said trustees or trustee for the time being power of entry and distress upon the said Rowley House Estate for the payment of the said Annuity of Seven pounds and upon the Hill Top Estate for payment of the said Annuity of Three pounds in default of payment as for rent in arrears. And I direct that one years rents of my Estates at Rowley House and Hill Top shall be applicable to the payment of the charges of proving my Will my just debts and funeral expenses and that my said son Thomas SLACK shall by and out of the residue of my estate real and personal pay my legacies and all other charges. And I direct that that they my said Trustees shall be answerable only for what they shall respectively actually receive and shall and may by and out of my residuary estate  pay all expenses which they shall necessarily incur in the execution of the trusts of this my Will and I do hereby appoint my said friends John PARKIN and Thomas BRAMMALL Trustees and together with my said son Thomas SLACK Executors of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me made in witness whereof I the said Elias SLACK the Testator have to the two first sheets of this my Will (contained in three sheets of paper) set my hand and to this third and last sheet my hand and seal this ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.  

(signed) Elias Slack

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Elias SLACK the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other ~ Robt Rogers ~ Robt Lingard ~ John Bradley ~  Passed 22nd April 1837  


Thomas SLACK, yeoman of Tarden within Mellor: 1861

This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas SLACK of Tarden within Mellor in the County of Derby Yeoman. I give and bequeath All my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever (except as hereinafter mentioned) subject to the payments of my debts and funeral and testamentary charges and expenses unto my dear wife Ann absolutely. I give devise and bequeath unto my two sons Thomas SLACK and Samuel SLACK their heirs executors administrators and assigns all my freehold, leasehold and copyhold messuages, farms, lands tenements and hereditaments wheresoever situate, which I have power to dispose of by this my will. To hold the several messuages, farms, lands, tenements and hereditaments unto and to the use of the said Thomas SLACK and Samuel SLACK their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns during the life of my said Wife In Trust to pay the rents issues and profits of the same unto or permit the same to be received used held and occupied by my said Wife during her life.  And after the decease of my said wife I give the same messuages farms lands tenements and hereditaments as follows – namely I give and devise all my messuage or tenement with the closes of land and hereditaments thereunto belonging and commonly called or known by the name of Ashes Wood or Ashay Wood in the Chapelry of Bradfield in the West Riding of the County of York and now in the occupation of John DOWNES as my Tenant and ~  containing fourteen acres of land or thereabouts unto my son Joseph SLACK his heirs and assigns for ever. I give and devise All that my messuage and dwellinghouse called Rowley House with the Closes of land thereunto belonging also situate in ~ Bradfield aforesaid and now occupied by John DOWNING as my tenant and containing ten acres or thereabouts to my said son Samuel SLACK his heirs and assigns for ever. I give and devise all my messuage or tenement called the Hill Top ~ with the Closes of land and hereditaments thereunto belonging also situate in ~ Bradfield aforesaid and now occupied by George ELLISON as my tenant containing twelve acres of land or thereabouts unto my said son Thomas SLACK for the term of his natural life without impeachment of waste and after the decease of my said son Thomas I give and devise the same messuage or tenement closes of land and hereditaments unto all and every the child and children of my said son Thomas if come there one ~ to take in equal shares as tenants in common and the heirs and assigns of such child or respective children, and in case any of the children of my said son Thomas shall die under the age of twenty one years without leaving issue living at his her or their death or respective deaths then as well as to the share hereinbefore limited to each child so dying as the share or shares limited to such child by this indicatory (?) limitation I give and devise the same to the other if only one or the others if more than one of the said children and if more than one to take as aforesaid and the heirs and assigns of such other or others respectively but in case there shall be no such child of my said son Thomas or no such child who shall attain the age of twenty one years, or who dying under that age shall leave issue living at his or her death, then I give and devise the said messuage or tenement closes of land and hereditaments unto my said son Samuel SLACK his heirs and assigns for ever. I give and devise All that my messuage or tenement called Higher Bradshaw with the closes of land and hereditaments thereunto belonging situate within Mellor in the County of Derby and now occupied by Joseph HIGGINBOTTOM as my tenant containing ten acres or thereabouts unto my two daughters Mary and Hannah their heirs and assigns for ever in equal shares as tenants in common. I give and bequeath All those my securities on the Wadsley and Langsett Turnpike Road in the said West Riding of the County of York the one for securing fifty two pounds two shillings and five pence and the other for securing twenty nine pounds fourteen shillings and ten pence and the money owing by virtue of the same securities unto my daughter Margaret her executors administrators and assigns absolutely. I give devise and bequeath All the estates vested in me in any trust or by way of mortgage and which I have power to dispose of by this my will with their appurtenances unto my said two sons Thomas SLACK and Samuel SLACK their heirs executors ~ administrators and assigns according to the nature and quality thereof respectively upon trust to hold or dispose of the said trust estates in the manner in which they ought to be held or disposed of pursuant to the said trusts and upon payment of the money secured on mortgage to convey or assign the estates in mortgage to the person or persons entitled thereto for the time being. And I declare that the money secured upon such mortgages shall be considered and taken as part of my personal estate.  And I give and bequeath the same unto my said Wife accordingly. And I declare that it shall be lawful for the said Trustees or Trustee for the time being of my will to sign and give any receipt or receipts for any sum of sums of money payable to them or him under or by virtue of this my will and that any person or persons paying to them or him any such sum or sums of money and taking their or his receipts for the same respectively shall not afterwards be answerable or accountable for the loss misapplication or nonapplication or in anywise bound or concerned to see to the application of the money in the said receipts mentioned or acknowledged to be received. And I declare that the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will unless the same shall happen by or through their or his wilful neglect or default, nor shall either of them my said Trustees be answerable or accountable for the acts deeds receipts or disbursements of the other of them but each of them shall be answerable only for his own separate acts deeds receipts and disbursements. And I do hereby direct that my said Trustees shall and may pay and reimburse ~ themselves and himself all reasonable and necessary costs charges and expenses whatsoever which they or either of them, shall or may bear pay be put unto or sustain in or about the execution of this my Will or the Trusts hereby in them reposed. And lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my said two sons Thomas SLACK and Samuel SLACK Executors of this my Will. And I hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have at the bottom of the four preceding sheets of this my Will (the whole whereof is contained in five sheets of paper and also to this fifth and last sheet of paper at the foot or end of this my Will set my hand this tenth day of October, in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty seven                                

(signed) Thomas Slack

The writing contained in this and the preceding four sheets of paper was signed by the said Thomas SLACK the Testator as and for his Will in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses thereto

Francis Williams Johnson ~ Clerk with Mr. Johnson Solicitor Marple

Charles Sandiford Block  Printer of Mellor              15 folios   

Proved on this 5th March 1861 by the oaths of Thomas SLACK and Samuel SLACK the sons of the deceased the Executors named in the Will

Effects under £200 Probate extracted by W & S W Johnson, Solicitors, Stockport  


John STAFFORD of Mellor: 1711


John STANNEY yeoman of Mellor: 1842


Robert STANNEY farmer of Ludworth: 1848


William STANNEY yeoman of Mellor: 1834


Robert STONES of Mellor - 1613

Gives bequests to brother Wm STONES; Thomas BEELEY; George HEGENBOTHOM; George HEGENBOTHOM`s wife; brother William`s children; Thomas BEELEY`s three children; George HEGENBOTHOM`s two children; Elizabeth DANIELL; brother William`s wife; sister Elizabeth; John STAFFORD; Thomas JACKSON; godchildren; Ottiwell BEELEY

Executors: brother William STONES; Thomas BEELEY

Overseers: John STAFFORD; Thomas JACKSON

Written 12 Dec 1612

Witnesses: Otewell STAFFORD; Gilbert CHATTERTON

Inventory taken 5 Jan 1612/13  Appraisers: John STAFFORD; Nicolas HIBBERD; Thomas JACKSON; Edward WOOD husbandmen

Probate 27 May 1613


William STONES of Mellor: 1607

Mentions: dau Elizabeth; Sons Wm STONES; Rob STONES


Written 20 May 1607

Executor: son Wm STONES

Witnesses: Wm GODDARD; Thomas BEELEY; Thomas JACKSON

Inventory taken 17 Nov 1607 Appraisers:William HEGENBOTHAM; George HEGENBOTHAM; Humfrey OLERINSHAW; Thomas BEELEY

Probate 29 Nov 1607


Hugh SYDEBOTHAM of Mellor: 1630/1

Mentions: wife Elizabeth SYDEBOTHAM



Written 7 Jan 1630/1

Witnesses: Thomas JACKSON; Thomas MOL..Y

[Very difficult to read]

Inventory taken 10 Jan 1630/1  Appraisers: Thomas JACKSON; Wm? STONES; Ant. HYGGENBOTTOM

Debts owed by the testator to: Tho. MELLOR; John WALKLATE; L. ARMWELL; Peter SIDEBOTTOM; Geo NEWTON

Probate 14 Mar 1630/1


Nicholas SYKES of Mellor: 1706/7

Administration to daughter Elizabeth BOWDEN widow

Supported by Edward SWINDELLS farmer of Stoppord p. (Stockport?) & Anthony BOWDON yeoman of Glossop p.

Probate 5 Feb 1706/7


David TAYLOR innkeeper of Marple Bridge, Glossop p.: 1812


Deborah TAYLOR spinster of Ludworth: 1852


George TAYLOR of Ludworth: 1626


George TAYLOR cooper of Ludworth: 1664


James TAYLOR farmer of Stirrup: 1842


Lettice TAYLOR spinster of Ludworth: 1826


Robert TAYLOR husbandman of Ludworth: 1700


Samuel TAYLOR of Windlebottom, Mellor: 1729


Edward THORNILEY husbandman of Ludworth: 1674


John THORNELEY husbandman of Ludworth: 1591


Ralph THORNILEY husbandman of Cloughend: 1677


Samuel THORNELEY yeoman of Mellor: 1849


Thomas THORNELEY yeoman of Bradshaw: 1793


William TOMLINSON webster of Mellor: 1677

Mentions: wife unnamed (Ellen from probate); son unnamed

Written 24 Dec 1676

Executors: wife & Thomas TOMLINSON of Benfeild

Witnesses: Tristram RIDGEWAY; Samuel RIDGEWAY

Inventory taken 1 Jan 1676/7 £74. 4s. 0d. Appraisers: William THORNELEY of Romeley; Tristram RIDGEWAY of Broadcar; James RIDGEWAY of Lillebanck; Thomas TOMLINSON of Alfreton

Probate 10 May 1677


William TOMLINSON of Mellor: 1786

Mentions: brother John TOMLINSON`s children; Sister Hannah HOWARD`s children; Sister Sarah BROCKLEHURST`s children; Children of the late Hannah BOWER

Sarah TOMLINSON of Stockport

Writtren 23 Jan 1786

Executor: William TOMLINSON the elder of Mellor


Probate 26 Apr 1786


William TOMLINSON of Mellor: 1844 & 1846

Affidavit states that William TOMLINSON left a will & named Joseph JOULE; Edna QUARMBY (wife of George QUARMBY) & Martha TAYLOR spinster as executors.Joseph SMITH; Edna QUARMBY proved the will 15 Jan 1844

The oath now administered to Martha TAYLOR & probate granted 4 Jul 1846

There is no will on line. Testator died 26 Dec 1843


Betty TURNER spinster, Lower Cliff  within Mellor: 1873

mentions: farm in Stockport Etchells and Rock Cottage New Mills

niece Margaret Anne TURNER

sister Jane TURNER

brother Wm Henry TURNER

Witnesses: John HOWE; Ann HADFIELD

made 1868


Hannah TURNER widow of Lower Cliffe, Mellor: 1844

Mentions: son William Henry TURNER who is left Beard Hough in New Mills as long as he marries

Otherwise daughters Betty & Jane as joint tenants

Executors: Son William Henry TURNER; Daughter Betty TURNER

Witnesses: John BROWN; Joseph MELLOR; Sarah BROWN

Written 14 Jan 1834

Proved 6 Nov 1844


James TURNER yeoman of Moor End, Mellor: 1803

Sons: William TURNER; James TURNER

Daughters: Ellizabeth COTTRELL; Martha SHEPPARD

Sister Elizabeth WILDE


Executors son James TURNER; William TOMLINSON the elder

Witnesses; George BOWDEN; John HEATHCOAT; George SHERD


Jeremiah TURNER of Mellor Admon: 1717

Mentions: Elizabeth/Eliza TURNER widow & relict of Jeremy

Son John - minor to be educated. 

Signed by Eliza TURNER (X); Tho: BOWER; Randle HIBBERT

Inventory 31 Dec 1716 Appraisers: Tho: BOWER; William BARBER


John TURNER woollen clothier of Mellor: 1786

Executors: Samuel STANDLEY of Mellor, woollen clothier & William TOMLINSON, yeoman

Mentions his property at Broad Carr as well as his money & personal goods which are to be distributed as detailed in his will.

Legacies to: Daughter Ann wife of William STAFFORD, yeoman of Stockport £100

Granddaughter Ann MOSLEY dau of John`s dau Alice £100

Children of John`s dau Letitia by her first husband - John; George; Joseph; Alice; Betty; Mary; Ann; Lettice & Samuel £5

Eldest son Jeremiah £100; Second son John £150; Third son Matthew £100; Youngest son George £100

Daughters Lettice & Ann £5 apiece for mourning clothes

Grandson Charles TURNER of Stockport owes him £100

Grandson Charles TURNER, linen draper of Stockport £20

Granddaughter Rosanah HATHISON (Adkinson) dau of Letitia by her second husband £5

Sons in Law Charles WHITELEY & Joseph MOSLEY 10/- apiece


William TURNER butcher of Ludworth: 1850

Administration only

mentions: Lucy Ann TYM widow of William TURNER & wife of Matthew TYM, butcher of Ludworth

Matthew TYM butcher of Ludworth; James LONGSON wheelwright of Ludworth; John HUDSON farmer of Ludworth


Thomas WALKELATE husbandman of Mellor: 1635

Inventory taken 30 Apr 1635 £39.12s. 0d. Appraisers: Wm WALKELATE; Edward WALKELATE; John RADCLIFFE; John WARRINGTON


Will of 1866 Horatio WARHURST Ludworth, Glossop p., grocer

Mentions: wife Hannah

Witnesses: William SHAW Compstall; Robert MARSLAND Marple


Ralph WALLER yeoman of Mellor: 1838

Mentions: wife Mary Ann; children unnamed

Brothers: Thomas WALLER; Samuel WALLER

Friend Thomas BRINSLEY butcher of Marple

Executors: wife Mary Ann WALLER; Thomas WALLER; Samuel WALLER; Thomas BRINSLEY

Written 20 May 1837

Witnesses: Ralph WALLER jun.; John RIDGWAY; John MIDDLETON

Testator died 9 Jun 1837

NB Probate states that Mary Ann WALLER is now of Manchester

Probate 17 Jan 1838


John WHITAKER Gent. of Mellor: 1861

This is the last Will and Testament of me John WHITAKER of Mellor in the County of Derby Gentleman who make and publish the same in form and manner following that is to say I give devise and bequeath All my real and personal estate whatsoever unto my dear wife Mary WHITAKER, her heirs executors, administrators and assigns according to the nature and quality thereof  respectively.  And I hereby appoint my said wife sole executrix of this my will and revoke all former wills made by me at any time heretofore.  In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty one.


Signed by the said John WHITAKER the Testator as and for his Will in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

John HOWE; F.W. JOHNSON Solicitor Marple

Proved on the 25th June 1861 by the oath of Mary WHITAKER Widow, the Relict, the sole Executrix named in the Will

Effects under £200 Probate extracted by E V W Mann, Solic. Manchester 


Ann WOOD spinster of Rowarth: 1748


Ann WOOD of Lane End, Ludworth: 1814


Ann WOOD of Hollywoods, Mellor: 1880

This is the last Will and Testament of Ann WOOD of Hollywoods in the Township of Mellor, in the County of Derby (Widow) I hereby give, devise and bequeath to Jesse WOOD my nephew of West Derby near Liverpool, the likeness of my late husband now in my possession and I hereby give to Annie HARDY eldest daughter of my nephew William HARDY of No 2 Osborne Terrace Brinnington near Stockport my piano gold watch and silver plate and my Will is that as soon as conveniently after my decease that my Executor shall sell all my household furniture and other effects and invest the same, in some public security until the above named Annie HARDY becomes twenty one years of age at which time he shall pay the same with all accumulations of interest unto her and should the said Annie HARDY die before she attains the age of twenty one years the above named money and interest shall belong to and be equally divided amongst my nephews Benjamin HARDY, and Henry HARDY, of Bradford in Yorkshire, and my niece Mary Jane HARDY of Clayton West, in Yorkshire, or such of them as may be living at the decease of the said Annie HARDY I hereby nominate and appoint my nephew Benjamin HARDY of Bradford sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I hereby give to my executor the sum of five pounds out of the sale of my furniture as remuneration for his trouble as Executor  In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand by making a mark or cross as the same now appears this seventh day of June one thousand eight hundred and eighty.  Previous to this Will being signed, one word "order" in the eighth line was erased

Signed by the said Ann WOOD the Testatrix in the presence of us, present at the same time who, in her presence, and in the presence of each other, attest and subscribe our names as witnesses thereto

Ann X her mark WOOD

Samuel OLDHAM Mottram; James JOHNSON Mellor

Proved at Derby the twelfth day of July 


George WOOD of Mellor :1676


James WOOD of Ludworth: Died 1850  Admon 1851

Letters of Administration 1866

From Chester Record Office - Three sheets

Sheet One - Obligation standard form

Know all Men by these Presents That we Ralph WOOD of Mellor in the County of Derby, Bleacher, James WOOD of Handforth in the Parish of Cheadle, in the County of Chester, Farmer, and James WOOD, of Mellor aforesaid, Bleacher are holden and firmly bound etc..............in the Sum of Six hundred Pounds etc..................... dated the thirty first Day of March etc ............. One thousand Eight Hundred and fifty one.

The Condition of this Obligation is such, That if the above bounden Ralph WOOD, the natural and lawful Son and one of the next of kin and as such Administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of James WOOD, late of Ludworth in the Parish of Glossop in the County of Derby, Farmer, a Widower deceased to make ..........a true and perfect inventory...................at or before the thirty first day of March .....  one thousand eight hundred and fifty two .......

Ralph WOOD; James WOOD; James WOOD

Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of me Joseph TAYLOR Surrogate Stockport

Sheet Two - Hand Written - Admon

The thirty first day of March 1851

Ralph WOOD within named took the usual oath of an Administrator in common form, and also made oath that the personal Estate and Effects of the Intestate within the Diocese of Chester were under the value of £300

Before me Joseph TAYLOR, Surrogate Stockport

The Intestate died the thirteenth day of October 1850

Admon issued Dated 2nd April 1851

Sheet 3 - Hand written - Letters of Administration

Extracted from the Principal Registry of Her Majesty`s Court of Probate 

On the 28th day of March 1866 Letters of Administration of the Personal Estate and Effects of James WOOD late of Ludworth in the Parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Yeoman deceased who died on the 13th day of October 1850 at Ludworth aforesaid a Widower and Intestate left unadministered by Ralph WOOD deceased whilst living the natural and lawful son and one of the next of kin of the said intestate were granted at the Principal Registry of Her Majesty`s Court of Probate to James WOOD of Marple Bridge within Ludworth in the Parish of Glossop aforesaid Bleacher the natural and lawful son also and one other of the next of kin of the said deceased he having been first sworn duly to administer.  Effects under one thousand Pounds.  Former Grants - Consistory Court of Lichfield March 1851 and Consistory Court of Chester April 1851


John WOOD of Mellor: 1872

This is the last Will and Testament of me John WOOD of Mellor in the County of Derby Yeoman made and published in manner and form following that is to say I order and direct all my just debts Funeral expences and testamentary charges and expences to be paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named out of my personal Estate I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Ann WOOD All my household Furniture plate linen china beds and bedding books debts money securities for money horses and cattle farming stock implements of husbandry Agricultural produce both garnered and which may be growing upon my estate in my own occupation at the time of my decease And also all my other personal estate of what nature or kind soever for her own use and benefit absolutely I also Give and devise all my real estate whatsoever and wheresoever of or to which I or any person or persons in trust for me am is or are seized or entitled for an estate of freehold and inheritance or of freehold only or which are of the nature of Customary or Copyhold tenure and which I have power to dispose of or to appoint by this my Will unto my said Wife and her assigns for her life And from and immediately after her decease I give and devise unto my Nephew William HARDY of Kuntsford (Knutsford?) in the County of Chester Grocer`s Assistant his heirs and assigns for ever All that my estate situate at Whitle in the County of Derby aforesaid comprising messuages tenements lands and hereditaments with their rights privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging And from and after the decease of my said Wife I give and bequeath unto my friend David SHEPLEY of Charlesworth Shoemaker and my Nephew the said William HARDY All those my Messuages tenements outbuildings land and premises with their rights privileges and appurtenances situate and being in Mellor in the County of Derby And all other my real estate whatsoever and wheresoever not hereinbefore specifically devised To hold the same unto the said David SHEPLEY and William HARDY their heirs and assigns Upon trust and for the intents and purposes hereinafter expressed and contained of and concerning the same that is to say I do hereby order and direct my said trustees their heirs executors or administrators to sell and dispose of the same Messuages tenements outbuildings land and premises with their rights privileges and appurtenances situate at Mellor in the County of Derby aforesaid And all other my real Estate not hereinbefore specifically devised either by Public Auction or private Contract to any person or persons willing to become the purchaser or purchasers of the same for such price or prices Sum or Sums of money as to my said trustees or trustee for the time being of this my Will shall seem reasonable And for promoting and facilitating such sale or sales I empower my said trustees or trustee to enter into make and execute all such Contracts Agreements Conveyances Surrenders assurances acts deed matters and things as may be requisite and proper And I do declare that the receipt or receipts of my said trustees or trustee for the time being of this my Will shall be sufficient receipt and effectual discharge to the person or persons paying the same from being accountable or answerable for the application thereof And I do hereby direct my said Trustees or Trustee out of the nett proceeds of sale or sales of the said Messuages tenements outbuildings land and premises before mentioned (hereinafter called the said nett proceeds) to pay to Frederick ETCHELLS the son of my Niece Martha ETCHELLS the legacy or sum of Nineteen pounds nineteen shillings And also to pay to each of the three illegitimate children now living of my deceased Niece Mary WOOD the daughter of my deceased Brother George WOOD or which shall be living at the death of my said Wife the legacy or sum of Nineteen pounds nineteen shillings apiece And also to pay to Ralph WOOD the son of my niece Sarah COOPER the legacy or sum of Nineteen pounds nineteen shillings All which said legacies I hereby give and bequeath to the said respective legatees accordingly And as to the residue of the said Nett proceeds I do hereby order and direct my said trustees or Trustee to divide the same into three equal parts or shares And one of such parts or shares I herby give and bequeath unto my Nephew Jesse WOOD the son of my deceased Brother Ralph WOOD And one other of such parts or shares I hereby give and bequeath unto my Niece Mary the Wife of John HUDSON the daughter of my said deceased Brother Ralph WOOD And the other and remaining of such parts or shares I hereby give and bequeath unto my Niece Miriam the wife of James BROOKS another daughter of my said deceased Brother Ralph WOOD provided always and I do hereby declare that if any or either of them my said Nephew and Nieces Jesse WOOD Mary HUDSON and Miriam BROOKS shall die in the lifetime of my said Wife leaving a child or Children who shall survive her my said Wife that then the share or shares of such of them my said Nephew and Nieces as shall be so dead leaving issue as aforesaid shall go and be paid to the issue living at the decease of my said wife if any one or more of them the before mentioned Jesse WOOD Mary HUDSON and Miriam BROOKS as shall then be deceased as tenants in common in a course of distribution per sterpes and not per Capita and so that the issue shall take by way of substitution the share or respective shares only which the parent or respective parents would if living have taken I give and devise unto my said trustees their heirs executors and administrators All the estates vested in me upon any trusts or by way of Mortgage Upon the trusts and subject to the equities affecting the same at the time of my decease which shall be then subsisting or Capable of taking effect And I hereby nominate and appoint my said Wife Ann WOOD Executrix and the said David SHEPLEY and my said nephew William HARDY Executors of this my Will And I do hereby Authorize and empower my said Executrix and Executors to pay my just debts and to accept any security real or personal for or to compromise any debt or debts due and owing to me and to allow such time for the payment thereof as to them shall appear reasonable And I declare that my said Executrix and Executors shall be charged only to the extent of her or his respective actual receipts and disbursements and be exempt from all liability involuntary losses and entitled to retain all disbursements and expences incident to the execution of my Will And I revoke all former Wills made by me at any time heretofore In Witness whereof I have at the bottom of the two preceding sheets of this my Will (the whole whereof is contained in three sheets of paper) and also this third and last sheet at the foot or end of this my Will set my hand this twenty fourth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and seventy one.


The writing contained in this and the two preceding sheets of paper was signed by the said John WOOD the Testator as and for his Will in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as Witnesses thereto

J.W. JOHNSON Solicitor Stockport; W.E. JOHNSON Marple

Proved at Derby the 15th day of July 1872 by the Oaths of Ann WOOD Widow, the Relict, David SHEPLEY, and William HARDY, the Nephew, the Executors to whom Administration was granted.

The testator John WOOD was late of Mellor in the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Yeoman and died on the 2nd day of June 1872 at Mellor aforesaid

Effects under £200

Extracted by W & F W JOHNSON, Solicitors, Stockport         


Joseph WOOD of Hollins within Ludworth: 1841

This is the last Will and Testament of me Joseph WOOD of Hollins within Ludworth in the County of Derby Yeoman who make publish and declare the same in manner and form following (that is to say) First I order and direct all my Just Debts funeral and testamentary expences to be paid and discharged by my executor hereinafter named out of my personal estate I give and devise unto my son George WOOD his heirs and assigns All those my five freehold Messuages Cottages or dwellinghouses with the yards and appurtenances thereunto respectively belonging situate standing and being in Barlow Row near the Higher Hillgate street in Stockport in the said County of Chester and now in the occupation of John BOOTH and others as my Tenants To hold the same unto and to the use of him my said son George WOOD his heirs and assigns for ever

I give and devise and bequeath all and every the Messuages dwellinghouses lands tenements rents and hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever whereof or wherein I am seized possessed or entitled as Mortgagee in fee or in trust for any person or persons whomsoever with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances  And all my Estate and interest therein or thereto and also all and every other my Estate property and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind the same may be both real and personal not hereinbefore by me given devised and bequeathed,  unto my said son John WOOD (who I hereinafter appoint my Trustee and Executor of this my Will) his heirs executors administrators and assigns Upon Trust and to the intent and purpose that he my said son John WOOD or his heirs executors administrators or assigns do and shall on payment of such sum and sums of money as shall or may be due and owing to me at the time of my decease upon or in respect of the several Mortgages and securities affecting or charging the same hereditaments and premises respectively so in mortgage to me as aforesaid or which ought to be paid to my executors administrators or assigns convey assign and assure the said several and respective hereditaments and premises of which I am so seized possessed or entitled as Mortgagee in fee or otherwise as aforesaid with their and every of their appurtenances unto and to the use of the person or persons and his her and their heirs executors administrators and assigns who at the time of making such payment shall be entitled to the Equity of Redemption of and in the said respective Mortgaged premises but the monies which shall be received for or in respect of the said several Mortgages and securities I order and direct to be paid and applied to and for such uses intents and purposes as are mentioned and directed by me in and by this my Will concerning my other personal Estate hereinafter next mentioned And upon further Trust that he my said son John WOOD or his heirs shall stand and be seized of such of the said Messuages dwellinghouses lands tenements rents and hereditaments whereof I am seized or possessed or to which I am entitled in trust for any person or persons whomsoever with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances Upon such and the same trusts and for such and the same uses ends intents and purposes as I am or at the time of my decease shall or may be seized or possessed of or interested in the same hereditaments and premises And as to for and concerning the monies to arise and be made by the several ways and means aforesaid and from all and every other my Estate property and effects whatsoever and wheresoever both real and personal not hereinbefore by me given devised and bequeathed Upon trust that he my said son John WOOD his heirs executors or administrators shall and do as soon as conveniently may be after my decease collect and get in the same and convert the same into Money and give good valid and effectual receipts to the person or persons paying the same monies and out of and from such money shall and do in the first place pay satisfy and discharge all my first and lawful debts funeral and testamentary charges and expences and the expences of proving and establishing this my Will and of carrying the same into execution and in the next place pay or cause to be paid out of the said monies as far as the same will extend unto my son Ralph WOOD his executors administrators and assigns the sum of one hundred pounds unto my said son George WOOD his executors administrators and assigns the like sum of one hundred pounds unto my daughter Mary the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds unto my daughter Margaret the wife of Joseph COOPER of Chisworth in the said county of Derby Innkeeper the like sum of one hundred and thirty pounds and unto my Grandchildren Elizabeth Joseph Isaac Margaret and George the children of my late Daughter Ann wife of Thomas BROCKLEHURST the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds equally to be divided amongst them my said Grandchildren share and share alike the same several legacies or sums of money to be paid by my said son John within twelve months next after my decease to such of the said Legatees as may be then of the age of twenty one years without Interest for the same and to such of the said Legatees as are not then of the age of twenty one years when and as they respectively shall attain the said age of twenty one years with Interest upon their respective Legacies after the rate of Three pounds per cent per annum from the time of my decease to the day of payment and all the residue and remainder of my Estate property and Effects both real and personal I give devise and bequeath unto my said son John WOOD his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever as his and their own property.   And I do hereby invest in my said son John WOOD the liberty and authority of appropriating all or any part of the interest of the Money which I have bequeathed to my said Grandchildren as he shall in his discretion think most proper notwithstanding their Infancy, in their education bringing up and advancement in the world and to be allowed the same in account with Interest at three pounds per centum per annum or their respectively attaining their ages of twenty one years Provided Always and it is my Will and mind and I do hereby order and direct that in case any of my said children shall happen to die in my life time or after my decease and before their Legacies and shares shall become due and payable and shall leave lawful issue him her or them surviving Then I give and bequeath the Legacy and part and share of such of them so dying to such issue they taking only their respective parent`s share if more than one share and share alike But in case any of my said children shall happen to die without leaving lawful issue or leaving such and all of them shall die under the age of twenty one years Then I give and bequeath the Legacy and part and share of such of them so dying to and amongst the survivors of them and the issue of such of them as may be dead leaving issue such issue taking only amongst them their respective parents share and if more than one share and share alike Provided also that in case any of my said Grandchildren before named shall happen to die in my lifetime or after my decease and before their Legacies or shares shall become due and payable and shall leave lawful issue him her or them surviving Then my Will and mind is and I do hereby give and bequeath the part or share of such of them so dying to such issue they taking only their respective parents share But if any of them shall happen to die without leaving lawful issue or leaving such and all of them shall die under the age of  twenty one years Then I give and bequeath the part or share of such of them so dying to and amongst the survivors of them and the issue of such of them as may be dead leaving issue such issue taking only amongst them their respective parents share if more than one share and share alike  And Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said son John WOOD Trustee and Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former Wills and Codicils by me heretofore made and declare this and only this to be my last Will and Testament And I do hereby declare it to be my Will and mind that he my said Trustee and executor his executors and administrators shall and may from time to time by and out of the monies and premises which by virtue of this my Will or the Trusts hereby in him reposed shall come to his hands retain to and reimburse himself and themselves All such costs charges damages and expences as he or they shall or may bear pay sustain incur or be put unto with a reasonable allowance for his care time and trouble in or about the execution of the trusts hereby in him reposed or the performance of this my Will And that he my said Trustee and executor shall not be answerable or accountable for more monies effects and  premises than what he shall actually receive or shall come to his hands by virtue of this my Will nor shall he be answerable or accountable for any loss which may happen in the execution of any of the trusts hereby in him reposed without his wilful neglect or default In Witness whereof I the said Joseph WOOD the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained on this and four foregoing sheets of paper set my hand and seal to wit my hand and seal to and at the top of the first sheet where the sheets are affixed together, my hand to and at the bottom of the second third and fourth sheets respectively and my hand and seal to this my fifth and last sheet thereof the nineteenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine.

(the mark of) Joseph WOOD plus seal

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Joseph WOOD the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses the interlineations between the fifteenth and sixteenth lines in the third sheet being first duly made

Thomas LEES; James LEES both of the Townscliffe, in Mellor, Gentlemen

Henry LEES      Solicitor Staley Bridge

NB I have two copies of this Will one from Chester & one from Lichfield

Two further sheets relating to the proving of the Will - attached to Lichfield Will only

Estate under the value of £450

The testator Joseph WOOD died 6 Oct 1840 (The copy from Chester says died the 7th)

Hand written sheet attached to Chester Will

Probate and Copy of Will of Joseph WOOD deceased

The twenty first Day of April 1841 John WOOD the sole Executor in this will named was sworn in common form: and he also made oath that the Personal Estate and effects of the Testator within the Diocese of Chester were under the value of £200 before me Charles Kenrick PRESCOT M.A. 

Probate issued 6 May 1841


Ottiwell WOOD of Arnicroft, Mellor: 1612


Ralph WOOD of Ludworth: 1757

In the name of God Amen the Tenth Day of May 1753 I Ralph WOOD of Ludworth and parrish of Glossop and County of Derby Husbandman, Being aged but of sound mind and Disposing understanding Praised be God for the same I Do hereby make and Ordain, and Declare this my Last will and Testament in Manner and forme following (Omiting all further, formall, cerimoniall, and usuall forms, of words comonly compris`d in wills, touching and concerning a future state, which are of no advantage to the Testator nor the Essentiall part of a will) And as concerning my Worly Estate which it hath pleas`d God to bestow upon me I do hereby pubblish, Express and Declare my full mind and intention in that behalf as followeth, And First - my mind and will is that all my just Debts, and the charge of Funerall, Expenses and Probate and Execution hereof be paid out of my whole Estate by my Executors hereafter named

Itm I Give and bequeath unto my granddaughter Mary WOOD the sum of Twenty pounds to be paid in Twelve mounths after my Decease or the age of one and Twenty years, But if she should not happen to live to that age of one and twenty years, Than her part or sum of Twenty pounds is to be Equaly Divided betwixt my two son`s Joseph and Saml WOOD

Itm I Give and bequeath unto my Grandson Ralph WOOD, son of Joseph WOOD, the sum of five pounds, and my watch, to be paid in Twelve months after my Decease

Itm I Give and bequeath unto my Granddaughter Betty WOOD my son Joseph`s Daughter, the sum of Ten pounds to be paid as above

Itm I Give and bequeath unto my Grandson Thomas WOOD the sum of Five pounds to be paid as above

But if any of them shall happen to Die before they come to the age of one and twenty years than his or her part to be Equaly Divided amongst they survivors of my son Joseph`s children share & share alike. 

Itm I Give and Bequeath unto to my son Saml WOOD`s children the sum of five shillings apeece to be paid as above

Itm I Give and bequeath to my Loving Wife Ann WOOD the sum of Therty pounds and one cow which she shall chuse or like best, and all the Household Good`s that she brought with her, when I married her.

Itm I Give and Bequeath unto my son Saml WOOD All my Terme (?) Title and Tenantright of my Farme both at Broadstone & Heys.  But farther my mind and will is that my Grandson Ralph WOOD shall have the broadstone if my son Samuel shall think proper  

Itm All my money, in bills, bonds, or other ways Obligatory, Debts, Desparate and Espetiall (?) my cloath`s, Goods both with in Housing and with out in whose custody they same is or may be found to be equaly Divided betwixt my two sons Joseph & Saml WOOD except the shed (?) wheells and the Plow, which I give to my son Joseph WOOD Lastly I Do hereby make and Ordain my two sons Joseph and Saml WOOD Executors of this my Last Will and Testement, and do hereby utterly, Revoak, Disanull, and make voide, all other wills and Testements in any wise heretofore made by me either in words or writting In Witness whereof I the said Ralph WOOD have subscribed, this my Last Will and Testement with my own hand, and hear unto put my Seall the day and year first above written

(signed) Ralph WOOD plus seal

Seal`d, Sign`d, publish`d and Declear`d by the said Ralph WOOD to be his last will and Testement in the presents of these Wittnesses

Samuel HARDMAN; James WOOD; Lettice HARDMAN      

Lichfield 4th August 1757

Let a probate of this will be Granted to Joseph WOOD & Samuel WOOD the Executors named therein

They having sworn before me

Thos WHITE Sur.

  A True and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattels and Chattels of Ralph WOOD of Ludworth in the parish of Glossop and County of Derby Late Deceased, taken and apprais`d by us this fourteenth day of July 1757 William CHATTERTON John RATCLIFE


  £     s     d

Imprimis In purse and apparel 

   5   00   00

Item In one horse saddle and bridle

   6   00   00

Goods in the house


Item In one Clock & Couch Seat & Chest and 6 oak chairs

  4   12   00

 In one Oak Long table & a fire Iron tongues & shufle

  1   01   00

 In one Iron Dripping pan and hacking knife Iron Cleever Spittle Chafing Dish, Spitt & Galbots

  0   06   00

 Item In one brass warming pan and skellet seumer and candle stick

  0   05   00

In 3 Rush bottomed Chairs & 2 buffets     

  0   03   00

 In one Round Stoole, Salt pye & bellow       

  0   02   00

In one tin cover and dripping pan

  0   01   06

In one Duzen of pewter plates & 10 pewter dishes

  1   07   06

Item In one Large pewter Cup, & one Lesser cup & one Salt Sellar & Candle Stick   

  0   03   00

In one Smoothing Iron and looking Glass

  0   01   00

Goods in the Parlor


Item In one bed and beding and press

  3   00   00

In one table and cuberd & one Desk & Dishboard

  0   14   00

In 6 chairs & cofer table

  0   09   00

In 2 pewter Dishes and Some Glasses

  0   05   00

In one Grate and Soome Books

  0   08   06

Goods in the Chamber over the parlor


Item In one bed and beding

  3   10   00

In 2 Cofers one square table

  0   07   06

In 2 chairs & 2 buffets one square table & grate

  0   04   06

Goods in the Chamber over the butery


Item In one bed and beding & one Large Ark

  2   00   00

In 2 coffers 3 chairs & one barrel and tub

  0   15   06

In one wheel and a pair of weighs and one coffer and one Lead weight and 7 Sacks

  0   15   06

Goods in the Kichen


Item In one boylor and bars, one cheese press

  0   19   06

In one fire Iron and briggs & 2 small brass kettles

  0   04   06

In 2 Iron pots and one kettle, 1 small Iron weight

  0   07   06

In 17 trenchers, one Stone Morter & Iron ball

  0   02   06

Goods in the Dineing Room


Item In 4 old chairs, an old coffer and table

  0   05   00

In 4 tubs one churn and 2 barrels

  0   14   00

In 4 cheese fats, 2 basons and one bowl

  0   04   09

Goods in the butery


Item In 2 pewter Dishes, 1 brass pan & a parcells of pots

  0   15   00

In one brass kettell, 4 pigins 2 Axes, 2 bills

  0   10   00

Goods in the Sable (sic)


Item In one pack Saddle, one Chart Saddle one Collor and a pair of chains

  0   06   00

In one Shuffke and fork

  0   02   00

In one Swine

  0   18   00

In one chart and wheels and harrow

  0   15   00

In 3 cows           

 11   00   00

In 4 Riddles, Plow and Irons

  0   05   08

In 5 pichells 4 Rakes and 2 Stone trows

  0   06   04

In one half hoop, 2 swingells trees & Rigwe

  0   04   09

Item Due upon a Securety from Thos DAVENPORT the sum of      

111  00   00

Due from Abell WOOD

 10   00   00

Item In all other things not named or forgotten as Huzlements       

  0   01   06

 Sum total          

170   14   00

              ------------------------ (top)

Ralph WOOD of Broadstone, Ludworth: 1811


Samuel WOOD of Broadstone, Ludworth: 1895

This is the last Will and Testament of me Samuel WOOD of Broadstone in Ludworth in the County of Derby Farmer I give and bequeath unto my wife Mary WOOD the whole of my property of what nature and kind soever and wheresoever for her sole and absolute use and disposal and also subject to the consent and approval of the owner of the said Farms Lord Howard of Glossop the tenancy of the two Farms now in my occupation in Ludworth aforesaid with all rights priviledges and advantages thereto belonging and I further entrust unto my said wife Mary WOOD the entire care and guardianship of such of my children as may be under age at the time of my decease Lastly I nominate and appoint my said Wife Sole Executrix of this my Will and Testament hereby revoking all and every Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declaring this to be my last Will and Testament In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of April One thousand eight hundred and ninety five

Samuel WOOD

Signed by the within named Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in our presence who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereinto set our hands the day and date above written

Thomas Matthew FREEMAN; William WOOD

On the 18th day of July 1895 Probate of this Will was granted at Derby to Mary WOOD the Sole Executrix


Sarah WOOD of Broadstone, Ludworth: 1868

This is the last Will and Testament of me Sarah WOOD of Broadstone situate in the township of Ludworth the parish of Glossop, and in the County of Derby Farmer, being in perfect sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding do make and declare this to be my last Will and testament in manner following I give devise and bequeath unto my son Samuel WOOD and unto my son in law William HIGGINBOTTOM their heirs Executors administrators and assigns all my real, and personal, Estate and Effects, of what nature or kind soever, and also what money I have out at Interest, whatsoever, and wheresoever, upon the Trusts following, that is to say upon Trust, that they my said Trustees or the survivors of them, their heirs, Executors, administrators, or assigns of survivors do and shall in the first place pay and satisfy all my just debts, Funeral and Testamentary expenses, in the next place I bequeath and leave certain sums of money, as hereinafter mentioned.  I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel WOOD the sum of twenty five pounds sterling, and to my daughter Sarah WOOD the sum of Forty five pounds sterling, and unto my son Jesse WOOD the sum of Thirty pounds sterling and unto my daughter Jane HIGGINBOTTOM the sum of twenty five pounds sterling and what money I have out at Interest, they my said Trustees, or the survivors of them, or their heirs Executors, administrators, or assigns of survivors do and shall with all convenient speed after my decease, call in, sell, and convert into money all my Real and Personal Estate, by Public Auction, and with and out of the monies to arise thereby, shall be equally shared into ten parts or shares and I give and bequeath one of such parts or shares, into my daughter Jane HIGGINBOTTOM another of such parts unto my son Joel WOOD and another of such parts unto my daughter Marion BROOK and another of such parts unto my daughter Mary HUDSON and another of such parts unto my son Samuel WOOD, and another of such parts unto my daughter Sarah WOOD, and another of such parts unto my son Jesse WOOD, and another of such parts unto my son John WOOD, and another of such parts unto my son Joseph WOOD and the last part or shares unto my grandson Fred HETCHELS, but if, either of my sons or daughters happen to die leaving no issue, his or her share shall go to the other brothers and sisters then living, but if either of my sons or daughters happen to die leaving child or children such child or children shall be entitled to his Fathers or Mothers share and the same to be put out at Interest by my Executors until they arrive to the age of twenty one years, or married and I declare that the Receipts in writing of the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will, for any monies payable to them or him or her, under the Trust hereof shall effectually discharge the person or persons to whom the same shall be given, his, her, or their heirs Executors administrators and assigns from all liability in respect of the application of the monies therein respectively mentioned to be received, and I declare that the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my Will shall not be liable to answer or make good any losses, that shall happen in the Execution of this my Will unless the same shall happen by or through their or his wilful neglect or default, nor shall either of them my said Trustees be answerable or accountable for the acts deeds receipts and disbursements of the other of them but each of them shall be answerable only for his own separate acts, deeds, receipts and disbursements, and I do hereby direct that my said Trustees or Trustee shall, and may reimburse themselves and himself out of my Estate all reasonable and necessary costs charges and expences whatsoever which they or either of them, shall or may, bear, pay, or be put unto or sustain in or about the Execution of this my Will, or the Trusts hereby in them reposed, and lastly I hereby nominate and appoint my son Samuel WOOD and my son in law William HIGGINBOTTON (sic) Executors of this my Will and I hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Sarah WOOD have hereunto set my hand and name this twentyeth day of Jany in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and sixty five

Sarah WOOD

Signed by the said Sarah WOOD, as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in her presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunder subscribed our names as attesting witnesses thereto

Samuel FAIRALL, Auctioneer, Disley; Martin BLACKSHAW, Innkeeper, Stockport,

Proved at Derby the 21st day of September 1868 by the Oaths of Samuel WOOD, the Son and William HIGGINBOTHAM (in the clause of appointment of Executors written "HIGGINBOTTOM") the Executors to whom administration was granted

The Testatrix Sarah WOOD was late of Broadstone in the Township of Ludworth in the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby, widow and died on the seventh day of August 1868, at Broadstone aforesaid.

 Effects under £200 Extracted by William SMITH, Solicitor, Stockport.      


Thomas WOOD of Mill Brow: 1826

This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas WOOD of Millbrow within Ludworth in the County of Derby Farmer who make and publish the same in manner and form following that is to say First I order and direct all my just debts and funeral and testamentary charges and expences to be paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named out of my personal Estate I give and bequeath unto my Daughters Betty, Jane, Mary Catharine, Martha and Hannah the sum of twenty pounds a piece to be paid to them at the end of twelve months after my decease I give and bequeath unto my son William the leasehold Interest in the Farm whereon I now reside and which I hold under the Most Noble Bernard Edward Duke of Norfolk subject to the payment unto my Executors hereinafter named of the sum of ten pounds before my said son shall enter into the possession of the said premises And I direct that my said son shall enter into the possession thereof at the usual times of entering upon Farms in the Spring after my decease And it is my will and mind that in case my said son William shall be desirous of purchasing my stock of cattle, Farming Stock, and Implements in Husbandry he shall have to option of so doing at the Valuation of two disinterested persons one to be chosen by my said son and the other by my Executors hereinafter named And I give and bequeath the monies to arise therefrom and from all other my Estate and Effects unto my sons John, Samuel and William and my said Daughters Betty, Jane, Mary, Catharine, Martha and Hannah equally share and share alike and to their several and respective executors administrators and assigns And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint Peter SMITH of Ludworth aforesaid Farmer and Robert ROBINSON of Chunal in the said county of Derby Farmer Executors of this my Will And I do hereby declare it to be my will and mind that they my said Executors and the Survivor of them his Executors and Administrators shall and may from time to time by and out of the monies and premises which by virtue of this my Will or the Trusts hereby in them reposed shall come to their or his hands retain to and reimburse themselves and himself  respectively All such costs charges damages and expences as they or he shall or may bear pay sustain or be put unto with a reasonable allowance for their or his care time and trouble in or about the execution of the Trusts hereby in him and them reposed And that they or either of them shall not be answerable or accountable for more of the aforesaid monies or effects than what they shall actually respectively receive or shall come to their or his respective hands by virtue of this my Will Nor shall the one of them be answerable or accountable for the other of them or for the heirs executors administrators receipts payments acts deeds  or defaults of the other of them but each of them for his own respective receipts payments acts deeds and defaults only Nor shall they or either of them be answerable or accountable for any Damage which may happen in the execution of any of the Trusts hereby in them reposed without their or his wilful neglect or default And lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other Will and Wills by me at any heretofore made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty sixth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two.

(signed) Thomas WOOD plus seal

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas WOOD the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses to attest the due Execution thereof


24 December 1825

On which day JALLOTT exhibited as Proctor, made himself Party for Peter SMITH and Robert ROBINSON and alledged, That Thomas WOOD late of the parish of Glossop in the county of Derby, Farmer deceased but whilst living duly made and executed his last Will and Testament in Writing, and thereof appointed the said Peter SMITH and Robert ROBINSON Executors Wherefore He prayed Probate of the said Will to be committed and granted to his said Party, and also a Commission to issue forth for administrating to them the usual Oath of Executors

Directed to Matthew FREEMAN and William PASHLEY Clerks

Let a Commission and Probate pass as prayed

Two more sheets relating to the granting of Probate

Goods are under the value of £450

Peter SMITH & Robert ROBINSON were sworn in by Matthew FREEMAN Commissioner

Thomas WOOD died 14 Jul 1825


William WOOD of Ludworth: 1813

This is the last Will and Testament of me William WOOD of Ludworth in the parish of Glossop in the county of Derby Innkeeper and Blacksmith made and published in manner following, that is to  say, First I direct and order all my Just debts and funeral and Testamentary charges to be paid and discharged by my Executrix and Executor herein after named out of my personal Estate and Effects and subject thereto I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Ann, the use, but not the disposing power, of all my Household Goods and Furniture Cattle and Farming Utensils, with all my Brewing Vessels, Working Tools and Implements in Trade, or any part thereof at her discretion for and during so long time of her natural life as she shall continue my widow and as for and concerning such parts thereof, if any, as my said wife shall not make choice of and also as to such as she shall chuse from and after her decease or marriage again which shall first happen and also as for and  concerning all other my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever I give and bequeath the same unto William BEARD of Ludworth aforesaid Bread baker his executors administrators and assigns upon trust to convert such parts thereof as are of a saleable nature into money, and stand and be possessed thereof and of such part or parts thereof as consist of money to and for such and the like uses intents and purposes as are herein after mentioned and declared of and concerning the rents and  profits and the monies to arise from the sale of my several Leaseholds Buildings Lands and premises herein after given and bequeathed In trust to be sold as herein after mentioned I give and bequeath all that my leasehold Messuage or Dwelling house Smithy Outbuildings Garden Land and Premises with the appurtenances whereon I now live in Ludworth aforesaid and which I hold under Bernard Edward HOWARD Esq. for the remainder of a term of ninety nine years And also all that my other leasehold Messuage or Dwelling house with the lands and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate and being at Heys within Ludworth aforesaid now also in my own occupation and which I also hold under the said Bernard Edward HOWARD for the remainder of a term of fourteen years unto the said William BEARD his executors administrators and assigns for and during all my Estates terms and Interests therein respectively Upon trust that the said William BEARD his executors or administrators shall and do permit and suffer my said Wife and her assigns to have receive and take the Interest of all such of my said personal Estate as shall be or be converted into, money And also the Rents Issues Profits and Produce of my said leasehold Messuages or Dwelling houses Smithy Lands Tenements and Hereditaments for and during so long time of her natural life as she shall continue my widow and from and immediately after her death or second marriage, which shall first happen Upon further trust that he the said William BEARD his executors or administrators shall and do with all convenient speed make sale and absolutely dispose of my said Messuages or Dwelling houses Smithy Lands Tenements and hereditaments in such manner as to him or them shall seem meet and for the most monies that can or may be gotten for the same Upon which sale or sales and the conveyance or conveyances to be made and executed in pursuance thereof the receipt or receipts of the said William BEARD his executors or administrators for the purchase money or monies agreed to be paid for the said premises or any part thereof shall be a sufficient discharge or discharges to the purchaser or  purchasers thereof respectively who shall not afterwards be obliged to see to the application or be answerable for the misapplication of the said monies or any part thereof And I do hereby declare my will and mind to be that the said William BEARD his executors and administrators shall stand and be possessed of and interested in the monies to arise from the Sale of, and to be made from, all my personal and leasehold Estates and Effects hereinbefore given and bequeathed as aforesaid, and the rents and profits of my said leasehold Estates and Interest of my said Personal Estate from the death or marriage again of my said wife which shall first happen until such Sale or Sales shall be made of my said leasehold Estates Subject to the payment of all my Just debts and funeral and testamentary charges and the expences attendant on carrying the said Sale into execution upon the several trusts and to and for the several uses intents and purposes hereinafter expressed; Upon trust to divide the same into seven equal parts, and to pay one of such seven parts unto my son Samuel; another of such seven parts unto my Son William; another of such seventh parts unto my Son John; another of such seventh parts unto my Daughter Betty; another of such seventh parts unto my Daughter Ann; another of such seventh parts unto my Daughter Sarah; and the remaining seventh part unto my Daughter Kitty and which said several and respective seventh parts I do hereby give and bequeath to my said Sons and Daughters respectively accordingly And I direct and order the same to be paid to them respectively at the end of twelve calendar months next after the death or second marriage of my said wife which shall first happen And I will that none of the said seventh parts by me given and bequeathed as aforesaid shall be deemed to be lapsed Legacies, or not payable by reason of any of my said Sons or Daughters dying in my life time or before his her or their respective seventh part or parts shall become due or payable but that the same shall be paid to the legal personal Representative or legal personal Representatives of such of them as may so happen to die as if such Legatee or Legatees had been then living And lastly I do hereby make and appoint my said wife Executrix and William BEARD  the said Executor of this my last Will and Testament And do declare my will and mind to be that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said Executrix and Executor and Trustee his or her executors and administrators in the first place by and out of the monies and premises respectively coming to their hands to deduct and reimburse to themselves respectively all such loss costs charges and expences as they or any of them shall or may sustain expend or be put unto in or about the execution of this my Will or of the Trusts hereby in them respectively reposed or any thing relating thereto together with a reasonable allowance for their trouble any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding And my will further is and I do hereby declare that my said Executrix and Executor or either of them their or either of their executors or administrators shall not be charged or chargeable with, or accountable for more of the aforesaid monies and premises than they shall actually respectively receive or come to their respective hands by virtue of this my Will nor with or for any loss which shall happen without their respective neglect or default nor the one of them for the other of them or for the acts deeds receipts disbursements neglect or defaults of the other of them And I do hereby revoke all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made In witness whereof I the said William WOOD the Testator have hereunto set my hand and seal the tenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven.

(signed) Wm WOOD plus seal

Signed sealed published and declared by the said William WOOD the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request, in his presence, and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses to attest the due execution thereof


Attached Probate and Oath shows that William WOOD died Jany 20th

Probate issued to Ann WOOD and William BEARD Bread Baker on 19th April 1813

Estate value under £800


Ann WOOLLEY widow of Mellor: 1806

mentions: Thomas DEWHURST gent. of Marple

Sons James & John

Granddaughter Betty the dau of Mary HEYWOOD wife of James

Daus Mary HEYWOOD wife of James; Lydia BERRY wife of James; Martha FLETCHER wife of George

Executor Thomas DEWHURST

Written 25 Sep 1805

Witnesses: John BRADDOCK; William HOWARD

Probate granted 10 May 1806


James WOOLLEY farmer of Mellor: 1800

Administration to widow Ann WOOLLEY of Mellor

Supported by William HOWARD carpenter of Whitle & Peter BOWLER of Marple

Probate 4 Dec 1800


Elizabeth YEAVELEY widow of Mellor: 1697

Mentions: Sister Mary HAMBLETON; George son of Mary HAMBLETON

Elizabeth HIBBERT of Mellor

Daughter in law Ann YEAVELEY; Grandchild Robert YEAVELEY

Mary wife of Robert SMITH of Romiley

Executors: Lawrence CHATTERTON; Nicholas BRADBURY both of Mellor

Written 12 Apr 1692

Witnesses: Mary TAYLOR; Ann PICKERING Samuel PICKERING clerk

Executors declined to act - so administration given to widow Ann YEAVELEY - supported by William WALKLETT nayler

Inventory taken 1697 £19.19s. 0d. - full date & signatures of Appraisers missing

Probate 6 Oct 1697
