Wills, Inventories & Indentures

 relating to the Hyde Family

My thanks to Billie McNamara;  Allen Peterson & Mike Spencer for many of these wills

Forename letter:  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   

Abel HYDE of Tintwistle, Yeoman: 13 February 1792

In the name of God Amen I Able HYDE of Tintwistle in the Parish of Mottram in Longdendale and County Chester Yeoman. being of Disposing Mind and Memory (blessed be God for the same) Do Make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) First I will that all my Just and Lawful Debts Funeral Expenses and Probate of this My last Will and Testament be paid and Discharged out of My Personal Estate and Effects, Nextly I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife Sarah HYDE all my Household Goods and Furniture Stock of Cattle Husbandry Gears, I also Give and Devise to My son David HYDE one of those to Houses in Tintwistle aforesaid (at his choice) which at present are in the possession of my son Joseph HYDE and Matthew BERRY to hold to him my said son David for and during the term of his Natural Life I also Give and Devise to My Son Joseph HYDE his Heirs and Assigns forever all My freehold and real Estates Housing Land and premises Situate at Tintwistle aforesaid with all the Appurtenances (Except the aforesaid House for the use of My son David [  ]) And also the said House from and after the Death of My said son David together with all My Tenements rights and Interests in the Leasehold Tenement at Tintwistle aforesaid now in My possession and that aforesaid Son Joseph Upon Condition that he My said Son Joseph his Heirs and Assigns do give proper security to My Loving Wife Sarah HYDE to allow her the Peaceable Possession of the part of the Freehold and Leasehold premises which I do at present Occupy Possess and enjoy for and during the time of her Natural Life, and also Upon the further Condition that he My said Son Joseph HYDE his Heirs and Assigns do pay or cause to be paid into the Hands of My Executors here after Named the full and Just sum of Two hundred pounds within Twelve Months next after My Death.

I also Give and Devise to My said Son Joseph HYDE his Heirs and Assigns forever all that My Freehold Estate Housing Land and premises Situate at Gellor Houses Minorea and Mosses in the Township of Hollingworth with all the Appurtances thereunto belonging Upon the further Condition that He my said Son Joseph HYDE His Heirs and Assigns do pay or cause to be paid into the Hands of My Executors hereafter Named the Sum of Three hundred pounds (which with the above amounts to five hundred pounds) within Twelve Months Next after My Death And out of the aforesaid Sums of Money Give and Bequeath My Grandaughter Mally KNIGHT her Executors Administrators and Assigns (within Twelve Months Next after My Death) the Sum of Two hundred pounds, Also to My Grand Daughter Mary RHODES I Give and Bequeath the Sum of Two hundred pounds To be paid to her when She shall attain the Age of Twenty years or at her Marriage which shall first Happen together with what Interest My Executors can Make of the same (except so Much of the said Interest as they shall see Absolutely needful to lay out on her Maintainance and Education) But in Case My Said Grand Daughter shall not live to nor be Married before she attain to the Age of Twentyone Years Then and in such Case I Give her said Share to be Equally divided amongst all My Children or to their several and respective Executors Administrators and Assigns, And whereas I have a House or Houses in the Town of Ashton under line in the County of Lancaster My Will and Mind is and I do here order and Appoint that My executors hereafter named Shall Sell the same to the best Bidder (Unless some one of My Daughters is Desirous to have the same at the price of Two hundred pounds) and the Money Arising therefrom I give to Divided Equally amongst My three Daughters Mary BUCKLEY Jenny SHAW and Ann SHAW or their several and respective Executors Administrators and Assigns within Twelve Months Next after my Death I also do hereby request My Loving Wife to Deliver (Within Six Months next after My Death) to My Eldest Son David HYDE all that part of her Estate in the Township of Godley which was formerly in the possession or Occupied by John HIBBERT And whereas My Relation John MOULT of Rochdale Surgeon Did by his last Will Bequeath to My aforesaid Wife or the Heirs of Her Body one Seventh part of his real and Personal Estates My Will and Mind is and I do Give and Devise and Bequeath the same to be Equally Divided to My Loving Wife and her Two Sons and Three Daughters before Mentioned or to their Several and respective Heirs and Assigns for Ever All the rest residue and remainder of My Estate Effects whatsoever Wheresoever or which I shall Dispose or be Entitled to I give and Bequeath to be divided equally amongst My aforesaid three Daughters Mary BUCKLEY Jenny SHAW and Ann SHAW to their Several and respective Executors Administrators and Assigns, And Lastly I nominate Constitute and appoint My Two Sons David HYDE and Joseph HYDE and my Two Sons in Law John BUCKLEY and Thomas SHAW Executors of this My last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Abel HYDE the Testator have here unto Set My Hand and Seal the Fifteenth Day of October in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty eight.


Signed Sealed and published pronounced and declared by the said Abel HYDE the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of Us Who have hereunto Subscribed our Names as witnesses at his request and in his presence and in the Presence of Each other Samuel SWINDALE; Thomas ARRANDALE; John HYDE

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Abel HYDE whitesmith of Carbrook Mills, Stayley: 1793

mentions: wife Ann HYDE

Young sons & daughters

Father Abel HYDE of Hartshead

Brother John HYDE

Executors: Friend - John BUCKLEY; Brother - Jonathan HYDE; Relation - William HEAP

Written 14 Feb 1793

Witnesses: Ralph HALL; John HYDE; Robert HYDE

Effects valued at £500

Probate issued 17 Jun 1793

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Abel HYDE of Stayley, Mottram p., Hat Manufacturer: 1821

Estate left to sister Esther wife of Samuel HYDE of Stayley, woollen clothier

Mentions also Nephew Abel HYDE; Niece Mary Ann HYDE

Witnesses: W. GIBBON; Robt ALGER; John BROMLEY

Executors: Sister Esther HYDE & Edward SMITH of Ashton, cotton spinner

Probate issued 19 Sep 1821

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Abel HYDE the Elder of Staley 1826

This will dated 18th December 1824 has been transcribed and is available if any one wants a copy.  However it is very wordy so this is a precis.

Abel HYDE had four children Samuel; Abel; Ann and Sarah all under the age of 21.  No wife is mentioned

Executors and trustees are brothers of Abel - Samuel & William 

Guardians for the children are John ROBERTS of Manchester, stationer and his Wife - no name given

Also mentioned John HYDE as one of the lives

Abel HYDE had three Mills, Cottages & Land at Carr Brook Stayley for lives under the Earl of Stamford; leasehold estate at Moorgate in Stayley (where he lived); leasehold estate at Fold in Stayley occupied by Hugh SHAW.  Also ..alk Yard, Saddleworth occupied by James SCHOFIELD and William WHITELEY

Witnesses: Jno GIBBON; Nich EARLE; Edw ATHERTON

Proved at London by Samuel HYDE & William HYDE 14th August 1826.

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Abel HYDE of Stayley 1857

This will dated 7th Feb 1857 has been transcribed if anyone would like a copy.  However it is very wordy so this is a precis:

Abel HYDE was a Cotton Works Manager

Wife - Sarah Ann HYDE

Children are mentioned but not named.

Also mentioned - James GUEST

Executors and trustees - Lees HYDE of Harthead, Ashton under Lyne, farmer;  Edward HILTON of Coo.. Hill, Saddleworth, Yorkshire, cotton spinner and Edwin BUCKLEY of Staley Bridge, Ashton under Lyne, innkeeper

Witnesses: Henry Thos DARNTIN - Solicitor - Ashton under Lyne Henry GREAVES - his clerk

Will proved at Chester 9th April 1857

Will proved London 27th Apr 1857

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Alice HYDE of Ardwick 1820

This is the last Will and Testament of me Alice HYDE of Ardwick in the County of Lancaster Widow First I desire to be decently but privately buried in a lead coffin in the grave with my late husband Robert HYDE Esquire at the chapel in Ardwick aforesaid without any funeral pomp and with as little expense as may be and I desire that no rings may be given on that occasion and I will and direct that all my just debts the expences of my funeral the charges of the probate and all other charges and expences attending the execution of this my will be paid and discharged out of my estate and effects And I give and bequeath to Mrs BRAMLEY the wife of Mr BRAMLEY the sum of ten guineas to and for her own separate use and I declare that the same shall not be subject or liable to the controul debts or engagements of her husband and that her receipt alone shall (not withstanding the coverture) be a sufficient discharge to my executrix for the same Also to Mrs STANSFIELD of Leeds the sum of ten guineas And I also give and bequeath to Miss Sarah HAMER and Miss Margaret HAMER at Wakefield the sum of ten guineas apiece and to Mrs FRAIZER and Mrs RIGBY of Harrack ten guineas apiece to and for their respective use And I give and bequeath unto Mrs WAINWRIGHT of Sheffield the sum of ten guineas to and for her use and benefit Also I give and bequeath unto Josiah OATES of Leeds Mrs HAMER of Liverpool Henry OATES of Bradford and to Doctor ALEXANDER of Leicester ten guineas a piece to and for their respective use and benefit and unto Susan LOWE wife of the Reverend Mr LOWE the sum of ten guineas to and for her use Also I give and bequeath Miss OATES of Lancaster and to Mrs Ibbitson HAMER ten guineas a piece to and for their respective use and benefit And I give and bequeath unto Miss Ellen MARKLAND five guineas for her use Also to Mrs HYDE and Mr GREY? ten guineas a piece to and for their respective use And I give and bequeath unto my faithful servant William WILLIAMS the sum of one hundred pounds and to his wife Margaret WILLIAMS the sum of fifty pounds and to my servant Charlotte STANLEY ten guineas and also to my servant Mary SEDLEY five guineas the above said several legacies to my servants to be paid to them respectively in case they are in my ....... at the time of my decease but not otherwise And I give to my said servant William WILLIAMS and his wife Margaret the bed they now sleep in and all belonging to it with two pair of sheets two quilts and all the furniture in the room they sleep in except six boxes containing my plate sheets and a green cloth for the table And I give to each of my servants who may be living with me at the time of my decease a suit of proper mourning And I give to Miss Margaret OATES one hundred pounds to her use And I give and bequeath to the said unto the said Miss OATES my four silver sauce boats with the spoons belonging to them twenty four silver forks my small silver teapot and stand and my small silver mustard pot And also I give unto my nephew Samuel Bamford HAMER and my nephew William HAMER all the stock which I may have or leave at the time of my death in the public funds together with the dividends then owing thereon to be equally divided between them share and share alike and for their respective use and benefit but I do hereby will direct and declare that the said stock and dividends so by me given and bequeathed unto the said Samuel Bamford HAMER and William HAMER shall be subject to the payment thereout unto Miss Betty HAMER who now resides with me of the sum of Fifty pounds which she lent to the Mother of Samuel Bamford HAMER and William HAMER And also of all such sum or sums of money which they the said Samuel Bamford HAMER and William HAMER or either of them shall at the time of my death owe or stand indebted unto the said Miss Betty HAMER and I authorise and empower the said Miss Betty HAMER as Executrix to this my will to deduct and retain the same accordingly and all the rest residue and remainder of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and what nature or kind soever I give and bequeath unto the said Miss Betty HAMER who now resides with me to and for her own use and benefit And it is my will that the legacy of one hundred pounds to my servant William WILLIAMS shall be paid to him free of duty And lastly I nominate constitute and appoint the said Miss Betty HAMER sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of paper to the first whereof set my hand and to this second and last sheet my hand and seal the eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen

(signed) A HYDE

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of Will RENSHAW; John RENSHAW

Proved at London 18th Nov 1820 before the Judge by the oath of Betty HAMER Spinster the sole Exec to which Admon was granted being first sworn by common duly to admr          

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Ann HYDE of Carbrook, Stayley: 1798

Widow of Abel HYDE of Carbrook, Stayley.   Children still undere the age of 21.

mentions daus: Mary Ann HYDE; Esther HYDE

Sons: Ralph HYDE; Abel HYDE

Servant Ann TAYLOR

Executors: Nathaniel BUCKLEY of Wood (who renounced); John HILTON of Quick; Edward HALL of Hurst

Written 20 Jul 1798

Witnesses: John BUCKLEY; Rich. BUCKLEY; Sarah BUCKLEY

Probate issued 24 Sep 1798

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Anthony HYDE of Longlee: 15 June 1636

In the name of God Amen the Second day of Aprill In the year [                  ] God 1636 I Anthony HYDE of Longlee Sicke in body but in p[fect] Remembrance praysed be god for it do Constitute ordayne and m[          ] last will and Testament in manner and forme ffollowinge th[             ] witt ffirst I offer and bequeath my Soule to Allmighty God m[              ] and maker Trustinge through the Merritts of His Sonn Jesus C[             ] and His precious bloude sheedinge to be one of the number [                ] Electe and my body to be buried within the pish Church of Glossopp [      ] that my ffurnerall expenses and such detts as of Right I owe to [           ] man be discharged of my whole goods:   Item I give and bequeath to John HYDE my brother xvd  Item I give and bequeath to [            ] HYDE by brother Eyghte pounds to be payd unto Him by H[             ] of fforty shillings a yeare:  Item I give and bequeath to Margr[        ] my Sister Eyght pounds:  Item I give and bequeath to Eliza[         ] BOOTH my Sister Eyght pounds:  Item I give and bequeath to El[     ] HYDE daughter of George HYDE Three pounds sixe shillings Eyght pence  Item I give and bequeath to Anne HYDE and Eliz[            ] HYDE daughters of John HYDE my brother ether of them [           ] pounds:  Item I give and bequeath to Allice MORTON fforty sh[          ]

Item I give and bequeath to William RADCLIFFE sonn of Thomas [              ] Twenty shillings:  Item I give and bequeath to Elin HYDE my [            ] one Cow wch will Caulfe about the first day of May next:  I[          ] ordayne and make Raph BOOTH of the Pygreeve my true [          ] full Executor trustinge He will fullfill and Accomplish th[        ] last will and Testament for my Soules Health:  With the [          ] of John BOOTH my brother in law:  In wittnes whereof I [             ] Anthony HYDE have here unto put to my hand and seale [            ] and yeare ffirst above written:the marke a[    ]

Anthony HYDE

witnes hereof; Raphe [  ]ILE his marke; John HYDE

A true and pfecte Inventorie of all such goods and Cattells as of late weare the goods and Cattells of Anthony HYDE lately deceassed prayse by Thomas GODDARD Raphe HYDE and Raphe FFERNELEY  the 22th day of Aprill. (not transcribed) £57-3-0

Note: the right hand edge of this will is nearly gone. 

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Charles HYDE of Marple: 1786

Know all men by these Presents, that we Margaret HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester , Widow, Francis MASON of the same place, Gentleman and Thomas NICHOLSON of the same place, Gentleman

are holden and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God Beilby by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Chester, in the sum of eighty pounds, of good and lawful money of Great Britain, to be paid unto the said Right Reverend Father, his lawful attorney, executors, and administrators, or assigns: To which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, severally, for and in the whole, our heirs, executors, and administrators and the heirs, executors, and administrators of each of us firmly by these Presents, SEALED with our Seals, and dated the eleventh day  of December in the twenty-seventh year of the reigns of our sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth, and in the year of our Lord God, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six

The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bounden Margaret HYDE, widow and Relict of Charles HYDE lat of Marple in the County and Diocese of Chester, yeoman deceased & ADMINISTRATRIX of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of the said Charles HYDE   etc. etc. ........

(signed) Margt HYDE; Francis MASON; Thos NICHOLSON

The 11th Day of December 1786 Margaret HYDE within named took the usual Oath of an Administratrix in common form, before me Thos Bentham Surrogate

Under £100 Admin. issued 14 Dec 1786

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David HYDE of Stockport 1754/1782

Page One - HYDE - Will of David late of Stockport Flax dresser decd. extred & Adon etc. granted to Thos HYDE surviving exec. first sworn etc. 27 Jun 1782.

Page Two - Datd 6 April 1754

Pages 3 - 5 - In the Name of God Amen I David HYDE of Stockport in the county of Chester Flax dresser being indisposed as to my health but of sound and perfect memory and understanding (praised be God) Do make publish and Declare this my last Will and Testament in manner following First I commend my Soul unto God that gave it hopeing for a Remission of my sins through the merits and mediation of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ and my Body I comit to the Earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executors herein hereafter named And as to my Worldly Estate I dispose thereof as follows First I direct that all my just Debts, Funeral expenses and the charge of the probate of this my Will be paid and Discharged , Then I charge All that my Messuage Burgage or Dwelling house and Shop with the appurtenances Scituate and being in the Market Place in Stockport aforesaid in the possession of Mr William HOLME mercer and the cellar under it in my own possession with one annuity of Six pounds to be Issueing and payable from thence half yearly from my Death Clear of all Deductions whatsoever  unto my Loveing wife Ann HYDE and her assignes dureing her Life and Subject thereto and charged and chargeable therewith I Give and Devise the same, together with the Stables now also in the possession of the said Mr HOLME with their and every of their appurtenances unto my Eldest Son Thomas HYDE his heirs and assignes for ever Also I Give and Devise unto my said son Thomas HYDE his heirs and assignes my two seats in the pew on the South side the Middle Isle in the Parish Church of Stockport aforesaid to be held and enjoyed along with the aforesaid Messuage Burgage or Dwelling house and always Considered as appertaining thereto for ever Also it is my Will and mind and I do hereby order and Direct that my said Loveing Wife shall have the use and occupation of the parlour and chamber over it of the Messuage Burgage or Dwelling house now in the possession of Alice LAWTON with free & uninterrupted Liberty of passing and Repassing in and thro` all convenient Ways and passages to and from the same dureing her life Also I will order and Direct that my Executors hereafter named and the Survivors and Survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivor shall have the Setting and Letting as well of the said parlour and chamber over it from and imediately after the Death of my said Wife as also of all the other part and parts of the said Messuage Burgage or Dwelling house in possession of the sd Alice LAWTON and also of all that Messuage Burgage or Dwelling house and Shop with the appurtenances in my own possession, together with the Stable which I hold along with the Same, and the way or passage which I now use to and from it, from and imediately after my decease and the Receipt of the Rents Issues and Profits of all and Singular the same premises (?) until my son David HYDE shall attain the age of twenty one, which Rents and profits I order to be applied towards accumulateing my personal Estate and from and imediately after my said son David`s attainment to the age of twenty one years Then as concerning all the houseing and premises in possession of the said Alice LAWTON (subject to the Interest in the parlour and chamber over it, hereby before given for the use of my said wife for her life) and also all the houseing and premises in my own possession with their and every of their appurtenances I Give and Devise the same unto my said son David HYDE his heirs and assignes for ever Also I will order and Direct that the press and shelves now in the Shop which I use myself and which is part of the premises I have given to my son David shall be considered and taken as part of and go along and enjoyed with the sd shop as ..... Loomes (?) for ever and shall not be Reckoned or accounted as part of my personal Estate Also I Give and bequeath unto my said son David HYDE and his assignes my seat in the pew on the South side the Middle Isle of the parish church of Stockport which is scituate next the pew wherein the Two seats are that I have already Disposed of to my said son Thomas HYDE Also I charge the Shop and The Roomes over it, and the cellar and all other the premises scituate in the Underbank in Stockport aforesaid in possession of Samuel DANIEL Grocer Also the House Buildings and Premises late in possession of Elizabeth JOHNSON Widow - Deceased Also the House Buildings and Premises Scituate in the Underbank in Stockport aforesaid in the Several possessions of Frances BUCKLEY and Mary SMITH, Also my Dole in the Longshut in Stockport aforesaid and also the pew in the South Gallery in the parish Church of Stockport aforesaid now in my own possession with one clear annuity or yearly sum of Eight pounds of lawful money of great Brittain to be Issueing and payable from thence from the Day of my Death to Ann TILSTONE now of the City of London Widow dureing her Life, And Subject thereto, I order and direct my said Executors to Set and Let the same and to receive the Rents and profits thereof from and after my Decease until my son Charles HYDE shall attain his age of Twenty One years, which profits I order to be applied in augmentation of my personal Estate and from and after my said son Charles`s attainment to the age of Twenty one years then as Concerning The shop and the Roomes over, the cellar and premises in possession of the said Samuel DANIEL Also the Dwelling house Buildings and premises late in the possession of the sd Elizabeth JOHNSON deceased Also the House Buildings Dwellings and premises in the several possessions of the sd Frances BUCKLEY and Mary SMITH Also the said Dole in the Longshut in Stockport aforesaid and the pew in the South Gallery in the parish Church of Stockport aforesaid with all and every their Rights Members and appurtenances (Subject to the sd annuity of Eight pounds to the sd Ann TILSTONE for Life) I Give and Devise the same to my said son Charles HYDE his Heirs and Assignes for ever Also I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Frances HYDE the sum of One Hundred and Twenty pounds of lawfull Brittish money with lawfull Interest to be Computed for the same from the Day of my Death till payment of the same Sum Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Lidia HYDE the like sum of One Hundred and Twenty pounds, with lawfull Interest to be Computed for the same from my decease until payment of that sum Also I Give leave and bequeath to my Daughter Ann HYDE the Clear sum of Six pounds a year of lawfull money out of my personal Estate and the Interest and produce thereof for her Maintenance and Education `till she shall attain the age of Twenty One years and upon my said Daughter Ann`s attainment to her said age of Twenty one years Then I Give and bequeath unto her my said Daughter Ann the sum of One Hundred and Twenty pounds of lawfull money Also I Give leave and bequeath unto my said Dear Wife Ann HYDE, the Bed I now ly in, together with all the Bed Cloathes Bedding and Furniture to the same belonging and It is my will and mind and I do hereby Declare, that notwithstanding my Devise or Bequest in and before made to the contrary It shall be lawfull for [my] said Wife and such of my Children as shall live with her to use and Enjoy the pew in the South Gallery of the parish Church of Stockport aforesaid without paying any Rent for the same until my said son Charles shall attain the said age of Twenty one years and as for and concerning all the rest residue and remainder of my personal Estate or Effects whatsoever so to be Accumulated and Improved by the Rents and Profits of certain parts of my Real Estate dureing the Infancy of my two sons David & Charles HYDE respectively as aforesaid I Give Devise and bequeath the same unto all my Sons and Daughters Equally amongst them share and share alike And Lastly I Do hereby nominate and appoint my said Dear Wife Ann HYDE, my son Thomas HYDE and my Brother Samuel HYDE Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby Declare this to be my last Will and Testament Revokeing all former Wills by me made In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal and published and Declared this to be my last Will and Testament this Sixth Day of April In the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Four.

(signed) David HYDE plus Seal

Signed sealed published and Declared by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the sight and presence of us, who have Subscribed our names as Witnesses to the due Execution thereof in the sight and presence of the said Testator

Sam COOPER; William GARLICK; Roger DEWHURST Servt to Mr COOPER   

 June 11 1782 

Thomas HYDE one of the Executors within named, was sworn in Common form (Ann HYDE and Samuel HYDE, the other executors being before dead)

Before me Thomas BENTHAM Surrogate

Under £300

Probate issued June 27th 1782

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David HYDE gentleman of Godley, Mottram p.: 1817

mentions: wife Nanny HYDE

Brother Joseph HYDE

Late sister Mary BUCKLEY - her children & grandchildren

Joseph son of Hannah NEWTON daughter of Mary

My sisters - Jane SHAW; Ann SHAW

Late sister - Sally WRIGLEY

Martha KNIGHT; Nathan KNIGHT - children of Mary KNIGHT who was a dau of Sally WRIGLEY

Sarah --; Ann SWINDELLS

Late sister Lucy RHODES; her dau Mary RHODES & Mary`s children Abel HOWE; Lucy HOWE

Executors: nephew Nathaniel BUCKLEY cotton manufacturer of Dukinfield; friend John SHAW yeoman of Godley Green

Written 27 Aug 1817

Witnesses: Cha: WALMSLEY; William SHEPLEY; James BARDSLEY

David HYDE died 4 Oct 1817

Probate granted 3 Nov 1817

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Delpha HYDE of Balshaw: 22 Mar 1680/1

In the name of God Amen: the twentieth day of October in the twoo & thirtieth year of the raigne of our most gracious soveriegne Lord Charles the second by the grace of god over England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith Anno Dom 1680:  I Delpha HYDE of Bulshaw within the parish of Glossopp in the County of Darby widdow being in good health and of perfect minde and memory praised be god for the same And calling to remembrance the uncertaine estate of the transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please god to Call: do make constitute ordaine and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following (That is to say) first I bequeath and freely resigne upp my soule into the hands of Almighty god my maker and preserver trustinge through the meritts and mercy of Jesus Christ my redeemer to receive pardon for all my sinns: and to be one of the number of his elect and Chosen and I Commit my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried within the Chancell of Heafeild in a Christian decent manner And as for my worldly Goods which it has pleased the lord to bestow upon me I Do order give and Dispose the same as followeth And it is my will and mind that my funeral expenses and all such debts as of right I owe unto Any person be first paid and discharged out of my whole goods.  Item I give and Bequeath unto John HIDE my sonn the sume of Twenty shillings of lawfull money of England Item I give and bequeath unto the said John HYDE my sonn one silver spoone And one table standinge in the over parlour at Bulshaw aforesaide, Item I give and bequeath unto Ellin HYDE my Daughter in law the sume of five shillings of Lawfull money of England Item I give and bequeath unto John WHYTLE my sonn in law the sume of Tenn shillings of lawfull money of England Item I give and bequeath unto Delpha WHYTLE my daughter the sume of twenty shillings of lawfull money of England Item I give and bequeath unto Martha HYDE my Grandchilde the sume of Twenty shillngs of lawful money of England Item I give and bequeath unto Hanna HYDE my Grandchilde the sume of Tenn shillings of lawful money of England Item I give and bequeath unto all and every one to whom I am Godmother the sume of one shilling A peice of Lawfull money of England Item all the rest and residue of all my goods and Chattles and not herein formerly by me bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Ellin HYDE my Daughter And I Constitute ordaine and make the sayd Ellin HYDE my Daughter Sole Executive of this my last Will and Testament And I do hereby revoke all former and other Wills and testaments heretofore by me made ratifying and confirminge this and none other to be my last Will and Testament In Wittness whereof I the sayd Delpha HYDE have hereunto putt my hand and seal The Day and year first above Written

Delpha HYDE marke & seale

Sealed signed and also published And Declared to be my last will and Testament in the presence of

John HADFEILD ye elder; James HEAWARD; John HADFEILD younger

The inventory to the value of  £326/13/6 was appraised on 19th March 1680 by Robert SLACKE, Tom BUCKLEY, John WHYTLE

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Edward HYDE of Hartehill: 15 February 1593/4

In the name of god Amen the xix th day of Januarie in the yere of or lord god 1592 ano dom to the [ ]omportation of the Church of England I Edward HYDE of Hartehill in the preshe of Glossopp & Countie of Derbe sycke in bodie but sounde of mynde and in good and pfecte memorie prayse be to god almightie make herein my Last will Testament in maner and fforme ffollowinge:  first I bequeathe my soule to god almightie my maker savior and Redemr And my bodie to be brought ho[   ] to the earthe  wch suche ffunerall expenses as shalbe thought most convenient and [          ] by my executors hereafter named.  Item I devyse and bequeath all my lands of Inheritans in Heaffeld or els where in maner and fforme ffollowinge that ys to wytt to my sonn Willm HYDE and to his heires soe ever lawfully to begotten and soe want of heires of his bodie lawfully begotten  To Joane HYDE my daughter and to the heirs of her bodie lawfully begotten soeevr and ffor defalte of heires of her bodie lawfully begotten:  To Ales HYDE my daughter and to the heires of her bodie lawfully begotten for ever and ffor defalte of heirs of her bodie lawfully begotten To Katheren HYDE my daughter and to the heires of her bodie lawfully begotten soe ever and for want of heires of Katheren HYDE lawfully gotten my will ys that my said landes shall go unto the next heire male of me the said Edward HYDE  ffor ever  Itm I do geve assegne and bequeath unto my sonne John HYDE all my Right tythe Terme and interest of & in my ffarme or tenent wch I Gave by lease of Indenture of my m[ay]ster John HYDE Itm I do geve and bequeath to my daughter Ellen HYDE ffor her chylds portion and the x th of my whole goods and that my said sonne Willm shall kepe my said Daughter Ellen wth meate Drinke and aparell ffor her callinge Duringe her lyve and to have the use of the said x th and yf yt please god to call ffor the said Willm then my wyll ys that who is ever shall have my said Lands shall lykewise kepe my said daughters in maner aforsaid  Itm ffor and inconsyderation of [  ]inge & bequeth my lands as aforsaid That Willm my sonn shall geve unto my thre said daughters Joane, Ales and Katheren everie of them xxxiijs iiijd a pece to be payed when any of them shall happen to come to mareiage and is everie one of them shall happen to mary to have xxxiijs iiijd apece, or els the said Willm at his mareinge to paye the said daughters, [ ]o the said daughters shall have the said xxxiijs iiijd a pece at whatr tyme shall ffirst happen to come.  Itm my will ys that my two sonnes Willm and John shall have my husbandry stoff equally betwene them. And ffor all the Rest of my Goods and cattles my will ys to be equally devided, amongst my thre daughters Joane, Ales, and Katheren my detts legacies and funerall expenses to be dyscharged of my whole goods.  Itm I do ordene make and apointe Willm HYDE my sonne and Nichols LYNGARDE my sonn in law to be myne executors to execute pforme and ffulfill this my last will and Testament and de[    ] To the intent and true meaning therof And to be oversers of the same I desyre my welbeloved ffrende Otywell FFERNELEGHE and Raphe HYDE and here unto I have sette my hand & seale

I here wyttness Otywell FFERNELEGHE; Raphe HYDE; John BOLLER

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Edward HYDE of New Milne: 1612

mentions: Brother Raphe HYDE

Thomas DOWNES; William DOWNES

William HYDE; Edward HYDE of New Milne son of William

William RADCLIFFE; Lawrence HYDE

Land at Bodon & Diglands

Executors: William HYDE; Thomas DOWNES

Written 3 May 1612

Appraisers of Inventory: John HAIGHE; William ANDREW; Robert SHEART; Robert DOWNES

Debts owing: Edward DOWNES; Thomas DOWNES; Robert DOWNES; Robert SHEART; William DOWNES; Edmund BRADBURIE gent.; Ottiwell MELLORE; William WYLD; John HADEFEELD; Ottiwell BOWDONE; William RADCLIFFE; William ANDREW; wife of Gervas HAIGHE; wife of John BOWER; Sir Vivian LEIGHE; William MELLORE 

Probate granted 19 May 1612

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Edward HYDE of Jumble, Hayfield 1659

In the name of God Amen the twenty fifth day of April in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and fifty eight I Edward HIDE of Jumble Sicke in body but in good and perfect remembrance praise bee to God for it doe constitute ordaine and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say First I offer and bequeath my soule to the Almighty my maker trusting through the meritts of his sonne Christ to be one of the number of his elect and that my body shall be buried in a Christian like manner as my Executors hereafter named shall thinke fitt amd that my funerall expences and such debts as of right I owe to any man be fully discharged out of my whole goods.  Item it is my will that my executors hereafter named shall imploy the benefitt of all my Lands at Higgate in the Foyside hamlett for the use of my younger children yearly after the rate of fower pounds by the yeare in manner and forme following To my daughter Elizabeth twenty eight pounds of the first receipts Item I doe give her all my right and title of a lease of one messuage and tenement called Isharkhill als Harthill now in the tenure or occupation of Nicholas HIDE and if my said daughter Elizabeth doe enjoy her right at the Isharkehill without other suite or trouble that then shee shall give to my nephew Elizabeth (sic) HYDE five pounds Item I doe give her my loomes with everything belonging to them Item I doe give her the Ash Coffer in the parlor Item I doe give to my sonne Samuel and my daughter Alice fifty two pounds to be divided equally betwixt them wch will bee after the rate of forty shillings a yeare for either of them and for all my worldly goods and chattels after my forth bring? and debts paid I give leave and bequeath to my three younger Children equally to bee divided equally amongst them onely excepted one arke; one sapling coffer, and disboards and the great boards in the house wch are ......... and my will and mind is that if any of my younger children happen to bee deceased before they have received the said severall sumes above mentioned that then it shall bee paid equally amongst the rest of my said children and it is my will and mind that my executors hereinafter named shall imploy the benefitt of my said lands at Higgate  for the paiment of the said severall sumes of money above during the tearm of twenty yeares and that my executors shall imploy and putt forth my said younger childrens goods for their best proffitt and advantage untill they come to lawfull age And my mind and will is that all my children shall bee brought up out of my lands at Heafeild untill my eldest sonne Ralph HYDE shall accomplish the age of Twenty three yeares which will be in the yeare of our Lord god One thousand six hundred and sixty nine and after the determination and end of the said yeares above mentioned and that then I doe give leave and bequeath all my lands both at Hyggate and Heafeild to my sonne Ralph HYDE during his naturall life and to the heires male of his body lawfully begotten or to bee begotten and for want of heires male of my sonne Ralph HYDE lawfully to bee begotten then I give leave and bequeath all my said lands to my sonne Samuel HYDE during his naturall life and then to the heires male of his body lawfully begotten or to bee begotten and for want of heires male of my sonne Samuel HYDE lawfully to bee begotten then to the heires female of my sonne Ralph lawfully begotten or to bee begotten and for want of heires female of my sonne Ralph lawfully begotten then to the heires female of my sonne Samuel lawfully to bee begotten And my mind and will is that if my sonne Samuel have an heire male lawfully begotten and my sonne Ralph have noe sonne but daughter or daughters that my executors shall have power to imploy the benefitt of my said lands for the levying of the summe of Forty pounds to bee paid to the said Ralphs daughter or daughters Item my mind and will is that my sonne Ralph shall have power by any act or deed in writeing in his life daits? or by his last Will and Testament to lymite nominate and apointe the one half of all his lands both at Hygate and Heafeild for and in respect of his wife`s dower if hee happen to marry during her naturall life Item my will and mind is that for want of issue of my sonne Ralph HYDE and my sonne Samuel HYDE lawfully to bee begotten that then I doe give leave and bequeath all my Lands both at Heafeild and Hiygate to my daughter Elizabeth during her naturall life and to her issue lawfully begotten or to bee begotten and for want of her issue lawfully begotten or to bee begotten then to my daughter Alice during her naturall life and to her issue lawfully begotten or to bee begotten and for want of her issue to my Brother John HYDE and to his heires for ever paying unto my Sister in Law Elizabeths Children Six pounds and to Sister in Law Ellins Children the summe of Twenty Fower pounds within one whole yeare after hee enter upon the said Lands And it is my Will that if my Mother in Law bee then living that shee shall have one Cowgate at Jumble to bee made good grasse or else every yeare foure and twenty shillings at her election and choise during her naturall life Item I ordaine and make Ralph ARNFEILD and Laurence BENNETT my lawfull executors trusting they will fulfill and accomplish this my last Will and Testament for my soules health and if that my executors should happen to be deceased out of this mortall life before my said children have received their portions out of my said Land then I doe give full power to my said executors to ordaine and make executors to performe and operate the remainder of all such Legacies as are unpaid at their decease and I doe give full power unto Thomas WATERHOUSE and Robert YEARELEY to bring my executors to account at any yeares end that they performe this my last Will and Testament In wittnes whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and Seale

The mark and Seale of Edward HYDE in the presence of Thomas WATERHOUSE John HYDE Robert YEARILEY

This will was proved at London the fower and twentieth day of June one thousand six hundred fifty nine before the Judges appointed by Act of Parliament dated the nineteenth day of May one thousand six hundred fifty nine by the oathes of Ralph ARMFIELD and Laurence BENNETT executors to whom .. they being first sworn truly to Administrate            

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Edward HYDE of Hayfield: 11 May 1664

Yn the name of god a men the 21 of october 1663 y Edward HIDE of heafield in the parrish of glossopp and County of Derby husbandman being weake in body but of good and perfect Remembrance doe ordaine and Make this my last will & testament in maner and forme followeing inprimise I Commend my soulle into the hands of allmighty god my Creator trusting through the merits and mercye of Christ my saviour to bee one of the number of his Ellectt and my body to bee buryed in the Chappell of heafeld if ys permit ytem after my depts which of Right y owe being satisfied and my funerall expences bee discharged y give unto jhon HIDE and Raph HIDE and joan and Ellin all those foure children of mynd y doe give unto them all my worldly goods as bills and bonds Cattells Chattells moveable and Imoveable Except [mt] Edward and george Ether of them one shilling apeece and my minde is that all my foure children as jhon Ralph joan and Ellin shall divide all my worldly goods Equally amounge them and lastly y doe make john my son my sole Executor of this my last will and testament in witness hereof y have here unto put my hand and sealle the day and yeare above written

Edward HIDE his marke and seale


A true and perfect inventory of all such goods Chattells and Cattells moveagle and immoveable which weare lately the goods of Edward HYDE of heafeild deceased as the are vallued and praised in the yeare of our lord god 1663 November the twentyth Day by Thomas WATERHOUSE and Robt WARRINGTON

(Inventory not transcribed)

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Elizabeth HYDE of Haigh, Glossop p.: 1599

Inventory only dated 27 Jan 1599

Probate granted 4 Jul 1599

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Elizabeth HYDE spinster of Chisworth: 1704


Cousins: Hamlet HYDE; Jonathan HYDE; Thomas HYDE; John HYDE the elder of Crode Stones; John HYDE the younger of Crode Stones; Samuel GODDARD; Robert GODDARD of Chisworth

Executor Robert GODDARD of Chisworth

Witnesses: Robert BREDBURY; Joseph GARLICK; Samuel GODDARD

Written 9 Dec 1700

Inventory £26.15s. 5d. taken 3 Feb 1703/4  Appraisers: John BOOTH; Robert WOOD

Money owed: John HIDE; Samuel GODDARD

Probate granted 16 Apr 1704

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Elizabeth HYDE of Macclesfield: 1832

This is the last will and testament of me Elizabeth HYDE of Macclesfield in the County of Chester Spinster made and published this twenty fifth day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty two First I will and direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences shall be paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease out of my ready money and money that may be owing to me at my decease but in case the same shall be insufficient then I do hereby subject and charge all my real and personal Estates with the payment of the deficiency And subject thereto I Give and devise all that my freehold Messuage or dwelling house with the appurtenances thereto belonging situate in Park Lane in Macclesfield aforesaid now in the occupation of Rachel WADSWORTH unto my nephew Aaron HYDE of Edgley near Stockport in the said County Shopkeeper for and during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease I Give and devise the said house with the appurtenances unto and amongst all and every the child and children of my said nephew Aaron HYDE equally share and share alike if more than one as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to their several and respective heirs and assigns for ever I also Give and devise all that my other freehold Messuage or dwelling house situate and being in Park Lane in Macclesfield aforesaid with the appurtenances now in the occupation of Mary BOSTOCK unto my niece Hester the wife of Joseph ORME of Stockport aforesaid Bookkeeper for and during the term of her natural life and after her decease I Give and devise the said last mentioned house with the appurtenances unto and amongst all and every the child and children of my said niece Hester ORME equally share and share alike if more than one as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to their several and respective heirs and assigns for ever I also Give and devise all that my other freehold Messuage or dwelling house situate and being in Park Lane aforesaid with the appurtenances now in the occupation of Widow KENNERLEY unto my great Niece Ann the wife of William LEE of Stockport aforesaid Shopkeeper for and during her natural life and after her decease I Give and devise the said last mentioned house with the appurtenances unto and amongst all and every the child and children of my said Great Niece Ann LEE equally share and share alike if more than one as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to their several and respective heirs and assigns for ever And I Give and devise all that my other freehold Messuage or Dwelling house situate and being in Park Lane in Macclesfield aforesaid now in my own occupation with the appurtenances to my nephew Peter HYDE of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Cotton Spinner for and during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease I Give and devise the said last mentioned house with the appurtenances unto and amongst all and every the child and children of my said nephew Peter HYDE equally share and share alike if more than one as tenants in common and not joint tenants and to their several heirs and assigns for ever but in case any of the said devisees for life shall happen to die leaving one child only then I Give and devise the house and premises devised to such devisee respectively as aforesaid unto such one child his or her Heirs and assigns for ever And I Give and Bequeath my Oak Chest of Drawers and the Swing Glass upon it and also my family Bible unto James HOLDER son of Nanny the wife of [blank] HOLDER the daughter of the late William BROCKLEHURST for ever I Give and Bequeath unto my Great Niece Betty HYDE the daughter of my nephew Isaac HYDE her executors administrators and assigns six Silver Tea Spoons I also give and bequeath unto my Great Niece Sarah HYDE another daughter of my said nephew Isaac HYDE her executors administrators and assigns two Silver Tea Spoons One pair of Silver Sugar Tongs and two Silver Salt Spoons I Also Give and bequeath to my Great Nephew Peter HYDE son of my said nephew Isaac HYDE his executors administrators and assigns my Silver Watch and all the rest residue and remainder of my household goods and furniture and all other my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever (except my ready money and money I may die possessed of or entitled to) I Give and bequeath unto my said Great Nephew Peter HYDE and my said Great Nieces Betty HYDE and Sarah HYDE their respective Executors administrators and assigns to be divided among them by my Executors hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease share and share alike (and I Give to Mrs Thomas LEAN Miss Sarah LEAN her daughter and Miss FOSTER each a Mourning Ring) And I Give and bequeath unto James LEAN of Macclesfield aforesaid Gentleman and Thomas LEAN of Macclesfield aforesaid Druggist my Executors hereinafter named All my ready money and money out at interest or that may be owing to me and securities for money which I may be possessed of  or entitled to at the time of my decease Upon trust to recover collect and receive all such sums of money as may be outstanding and by and out of such ready money and such sums as may be collected and received as aforesaid in the first place to pay satisfy and discharge all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences And the residue of such monies I Give and bequeath unto the said James LEAN and Thomas LEAN their Executors Administrators and assigns And I do hereby nominate and appoint the said James LEAN and Thomas LEAN Executors of this my Will and do direct that they shall not be answerable or accountable for any loss which may happen to the said trust monies unless the same shall happen through his or their own wilful default or neglect and that they shall have a reasonable allowance out of my Estate and Effects for their loss of time and trouble in and about the execution of this my Will and lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore made and publish and declare this to be my last Will and testament In Witness whereof I the said testatrix Elizabeth HYDE have hereunto set my hand seal the day and year first before written

Elizabeth HYDE her mark and seal

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said testatrix Elizabeth HYDE as and for her last Will and testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses


The within named Testatrix Elizabeth HYDE do make and publish this as and for a Codicil to my within written Will and desire that the same may be taken as part thereof It is my Will and mind and I do direct that Rachel WADSWORTH and Matilda POWELL and the survivor of them shall live in and occupy the House and Garden now occupied by myself for and during their natural lives and for the life of the survivor of them paying unto my nephew Peter HYDE and his issue to whom I have in my said Will devised the said house and premises the yearly sum of two pounds ten shillings clear of all taxes and deductions and they the said Rachel WADSWORTH and Matilda POWELL or the survivor of them keeping the said house and premises in tenantable repair In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the eighth day of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty two

Elizabeth HYDE her mark and seal

Signed sealed published and declared by the said testatrix Elizabeth HYDE as a Codicil to her last Will and testament in the presence of us who have signed our names as Witnesses at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other

James PLANT; Margaret MALBORN; Lydia MACE (?)

The eleventh Day of September 1832

James LEAN and Thomas LEAN, the Executors in this will with a codicil named, were sworn in common form and they further made oath that the personal Estate and Effects of the Testatrix within the Diocese of Chester were under the value of two hundred pounds 

before me Thomas PARKER, Surrogate 

The Testatrix died the tenth Day of March 1832

Personal Estate and Effects sworn under the Value of two hundred pounds

Probate issued Dated 11th Sep 1832

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Elizabeth HYDE widow of Tintwistle, tanner: 1863

mentions: sons James HYDE; Henry HYDE; Thomas Bowker HYDE

Executor: Son James HYDE

Written 9 Oct 1857

Witnesses Henry Thos DARNTON, solicitor; Henry GREAVES his clerk

Probate granted 21 Jul 1863

Elizabeth HYDE died 21 Jan 1863

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Ellen HYDE of Longlee: 23 March 1640/1

In the name of God Amen the Sixteenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord God 1638 I Ellen HYDE of Longelee widow Sicke in bodye but in good and pfect Remembrance prayse be given to God ffor it do Constitute ordeyne and make this my last will & Testamente in maner and fforme following, [   ] ffirst I offer and bequeath my Soule to Almightie God my Creator and maker trustinge through the merrits of his sone Jesus Christ and his precious bloud sheedinge to be one of the number of his Electe And my Body to be buried within the pish Church of Glossopp, And that my ffunerall expenses and such detts as of Right I owe to any man Be discharged of my whole goods, Item I give to Elizabeth BOUTHE my daughtr (sic) wyfe of John BOUTHE xij d Item I give Thomas BOWDEN the yonger of Bankheade vid, Item I give to Alis NORTON my sarvante one Cowe, And all the Rest and Residue of my unbequethed goods Cattells & detts I give and bequeath to John HYDE my sonn Item I ordeyne and make John HYDE my Sonn my lawfull & soley executor trustinge he will fullfill and accomplish this my last will & Testament fro my Soules healthe In wittes where of I have here unto putt my hand the day and yeare such above written

the mk Ellen HYDE

Wittness hereof Alis NORTON her mk as a wittnes; Raph FFERNELEY

Inventory taken 4 Feb 1640/1 valued @ £63-9-0 Appraisers Raphe FERNELEY; Raphe HYDE; John BOUTHE

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Grace HIDE of Roworth: 11 September 1694

in the name of god amen and the foreteenth (sic) day of august in the year of our Lord god one thousand six Hundred ninety and fore (sic) I grace HIDE of Roworth within the parish of glossop & county of derby Spinster weake and sikly (sic) in body butt sound and perfect in memory blessed be allmighty god for  the same and well knowing the certainty of death allthough the time thereof is both uncertain and unknown to me and being very desirous to settle that estate which god hath given mee that noe side or varyence may arise amongst my Relations and frends (sic) when I am att Rest doe ordaine constitute and make this my Last will in writeing as followeth

ffirst and principally I comend my soule into the hands of allmighty god my creator hopeing and humbly desireing to be one of the number of his ellectt and my body I committ to the earth whence itt was to be buried in a decent and Christionlike manor at the disscresion of my executor hereafter named and as for my worldly estate wich (sic) allmighty god hath bestowed on mee I doe dispose of in manor and form following that is to witt ffirst I give and leave to my kinsman John HIDE Liveing att mattly more one shilling:  Item I Leave to grace HIDE his daughter five pouds (sic) Item I give and Leave unto Rafe HIDE Liveing att thorside feilds one shilling (writing crossed out)

Item I give and leave unto Sarah HARISON twenty shillg and Lastly after my Legacise and funeral is discharged and paid I give leave devise and bequeath all the Rest Residue and remendor of my goods and debts and persionall estate whatsoever to the use and behoofe of Isabell the wife of Edward SHERTT and there Children for the bringin (sic) of them up the same to bee disposed of att the disscresion of my executors for the mentinance of them and I doe thereby constitute and appoyntt my wellbloved frends John SHERTT of Bodon head and Thomas SHERTT of wash brook my executors of this my Last will and testemet (sic) hoping that so there best indever the will per forme all things attending to my trust in them and I doe hereby revoke all other wills and  d[    ] this to be my Last will and testement

Grace HIDE her mark and seal

A true and pfect Inventory of the goods Creditts and Chattels of Grace HYDE late of Roworth within the pish of Glossopp in the County of Derby spinster Decd apprised by us whose names are subscribed the Eighteenth day of August Ano Dom 1694

(Inventory nor transcribed)


Valued @ £98=04=04

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Hannah HYDE widow of Rose Cottage, Werneth: 1884

mentions son William HYDE only.

Executor son William HYDE

Written 1 Aug 1882

Witnesses: Fred DRINKWATER solicitor of Hyde; Thomas HADFIELD, grocer of Hyde

Hannah HYDE died 6 Jun 1884        Goods valued at £454. 6s.10d.

Proved 12 Aug 1884

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Henry HYDE of Bacum, Werneth: 1639 (a difficult will to transcribe so details only)

mentions:  wife Elizabeth

Sons: Henry & Thomas

Daus: Elizabeth; Martha & Ruth

Dau? Marie JOHNSON

John JOHNSON son of John deceased

Thomas JOHNSON `brother of the said John`

Executors: wife Elizabeth & son Thomas  

Also mentions William SYDEBOTHOM - brother in Law; Robert WINTERBOTHOM - son in law  

Witnesses: Thomas BRIDGE; Thomas BOOTH; R n J? BARSLEY?

Inventory assessors: George RATCLIFFE; Thomas SYDEBOTHOME

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Henry HYDE of Mottram, blacksmith: 1693

mentions wife Mary HYDE

Brother`s son Samuel HYDE of Haughton

Robert HYDE son of Samuel HYDE

Anne; Mary; and Alice HOLLAND daus of my brother in law Adam HOLLAND

Poor of Mottram

Lands in Saddleworth recently bought from Robert BROADBENT

Land in Mottram

Land which I have purchased from Ann HYDE widow and her son Robert HYDE

Executors: wife Mary HYDE; nephew Samuel HYDE

Written 3 Dec 1690

Witnesses: William CHADWICK; Nicholas WAGSTAFFE; Reynald TETLOWE

Inventory taken 14 Mar 1692/3  £206. 3s.11d.  Appraisers: Thomas OULDHAM; William WAGSTAFFE; Edward CHADWICKE; Hugh LAWTON

Probate 29 Apr 1693

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Henry HYDE of Stockport 1799

Page 1 - HYDE Admon of Henry late of Stockport Day Lab decd granted 5 April 1799

Page 2 - Under 20£

Know all Men be these Presents that we Peter HYDE of Stockport in the county of Chester, Hatter, David WILLIAMSON of the same place, Silk Merchant, and George Edward DALE of Heaton Norris in the County of Lancaster Gentleman are holden and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God William by divine Permission, Lord Bishop of Chester, in the sum of Thirty Nine Pounds and eighteen shillings of good and lawful money.................................... Sealed with our seals and dated the fifth day of April in the thirty ninth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George 3d by the grace of God ............................... and in the year of our Lord God one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine.

The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bounden Peter HYDE, the natural and lawful Nephew, next of kin, and Administrator of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of Henry HYDE, late of Stockport, in the County and Diocese of Chester, Day Labourer, deceased do make or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory ...........................................................................


Sealed and Delivered in the presence of W. BOWNESS  

Page 3 - April 5th 1799 The within named Peter HYDE took the usual Oath of an Administrator before me W BOWNESS Surrogate

Effects under twenty pounds

Admon issued Dated 5th April 1799  Pending Inhibition

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Henry HYDE yeoman of Hollingworth: 1888

mentions: housekeeper Rachel LEAKE

Nephews & Nieces: Joseph HYDE; Eliza wife of Thomas DEAN; George HYDE; Margaret wife of John JACKSON children of late brother William HYDE

Anne HYDE; Elizabeth wife of James HARGREAVES; Robert HYDE; Joshua HYDE children of late brother John HYDE

William HYDE son of late brother George HYDE

Great nephews: George Hyde MASON; Henry James MASON & great niece Miriam Eyre MASON children of niece Emma late wife of Thomas Eyre MASON

Children of late nephew David HYDE & late nephew John HYDE

Children of late niece Mary wife of Thomas HOWARD

Executors - friends - Thomas Eyre MASON cashier of Hyde; Thomas DRINKWATER gentleman of Hyde

Written 16 Jul 1888

Witnesses: Fred DRINKWATER solicitor of Hyde; Charles Edward GOUGH coachman of Hyde

Probate granted 17 Dec 1888

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James HYDE of Mellor: 17 October 1744

In the name of God Amen I James HYDE of Mellor in the parish of Glossop and County of Derby Husbandman being much indisposed in body: but of Disposing mind and memory (praysed be God for the Same) Do publish and Declare this to be my Last Will and testament (hereby revoking and Making Void all former Wills and Testaments by me heretoforemade) and first I will that all  my just Debts and funeral Expenses and the Charges of the probate of this my will be paid.  And in the Next place I give and bequeath unto Hannah my Loving wife and James HYDE my son all my whole Substance Cattles and Chattles in trust that they will bring up my younger Children until they attain the Age of twenty one years (or be so first unmarried) if they will be governed by them and stay with them.  And my will and mind is that my Wife or Son pay unto each and every of my younger Children Thomas, Mary, and John HYDE as the Severally attain the Age of Twenty one Years the sum of fifty pounds if it so happen that god so prosper my Wife and Son that their Affects at the time will allow to give them So much [leaving] a [Sufficient] for my wife and an Equal Share to my Son James HYDE  Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth wife of Jonathan DOWLEY they Sum of twelve pence I having given in hand in Money goods and Charges as much as I give the rest of my Younger Children Item I give to my Son in law Jonathan DOWLEY the sum of twelve pence All the rest Residue and Remainder of my Effects Cattles and Chattles if any be after my Will is performed I give Devise and bequeath unto Hannah my Loving Wife and my Son James HYDE Lastly I Do nominate ordain constitute and Appoint Hannah My Loving wife and James HYDE My Son executrix and Executor of this my Last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Twelfth Day of Aprill in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty four.

James HYDE his Mark and Seal

The within written Will was Signed Sealed & published by the Said James HYDE for and as his Last Will and Testament the day and year within written in the presence of us who subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presence of the Testator John HANFORTH; Robert STAFFORD; Bar. BOOTH

A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods Cattles and Chattles of James HYDE of Mellor in the parish of Glossop Deceased Prised by Benjamin BANCROFT and Ralph HYDE the twenty firfth day of May in the Year of Our Lord 1744.

Valued by Benjamin BANCROFTand Ralph HYDE at £180/0 

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James HYDE of Stockport 1790 Admon

Know all Men by these Presents, that we Sarah HYDE of Stockport in the County & Diocese of Chester, Widow Matthew RAWLINSON of the same place, Gentleman, and Frances FOSTER of the same place, Innkeeperare holden and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God William by divine permission, Lord Bishop of Chester, in the sum of ninety pounds , of good and lawful money.......................

Sealed with our Seals and dated the third day of June in the thirtieth reign of our sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God............ and in the year of our Lord God, one thousand seven hundred and ninety

The Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above bounden Sarah HYDE aforesaid, Widow and Administratrix of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of James HYDE late of Stockport in the County and Diocese of Chester, Servant Man, deceased do make or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory ..........................................................

Sarah HYDE`s Mark & Seal; Frans FOSTER; Mattw RAWLINSON

Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of W BOWNESS

Page 2 - June 3rd 1790 Sarah HYDE within named took the usual Oath of an Administratrix before me 

W BOWNESS Surrogate

Effects under £100    Admon isd. 7 Jun 1790

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James HYDE of Glossop parish: 1809 - Administration

William VYSE Clerk Doctor of Laws, Vicar General of the honorable and right reverend Father in God James, by Divine permission, Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, To Christopher HOWE Matthew OLERENSHAW and John CROWTHER Clerks, jointly and severally Greeting: Whereas we have decreed Letters of Administration of the Goods and Personal Estate of James HYDE late of the Parish of Glossopp in the County of Derby and Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry Farmer deceased, who died intestate (as is alledged) to be granted to Martha HYDE the Widow Relict of the said deceased; We therefore Commit and Grant to you jointly, and severally, full Power and Authority, to administer the Oath under-written to the said Martha HYDE And what you shall do in the Premises you are to Certify to us or our Surrogate within three Months from the date hereof Provided nevertheless that this Commission shall be of no Effect unless certified and transmitted to Us within that time; Dated at Lichfield the Thirteenth Day of June in the Year of our Lord 1809 

The Oath states that James HYDE died Jan 29th 1809

Probate granted 23 June 1809  Estate valued at £20

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James HYDE block printer late of Mottram: 1838

Administration granted to Nancy HYDE, widow of Ashton - supported by Ann HYDE, widow of Hollingworth; William HYDE publican of Hollinwood, Oldham p.

James HYDE died 25 Aug 1829

Probate granted 2 May 1838

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James HYDE of Hurst, nr Ashton 1850

Extracted from the Public Episcopal Registry of Chester  (full Will transcribed if anyone is interested)

I James HYDE of Hurst near Ashton under Lyne in the County of Lancaster Bookkeeper do declare this to be my last Will and Testament I order all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences to be paid by my executors hereinafter named out of my estate and effects I give and bequeath all and singular my money securities for money Railway and other shares and All other my Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever of which I may be possessed unto my brother Abel HYDE of Stalybridge Shopkeeper my friend William TWEEDALE of Ashton under Lyne in the said County Grocer and my two sons James & Robert Hardy their executors administrators and assigns to hold same upon trust to collect get in receive and convert ..... parts of my personal estate (except any furniture) as shall not consist of money into money and stay possessed thereof upon trust that they my said trustees and ....(illegible)..... survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor do and shall lay out and invest the whole of the said trust monies in their or his names or name in the parliamentary stocks or public funds of Great Britain at interest upon Government or real ........ securities in England or Wales .... do and shall from time to time alter vary and transpose the same for or into other securities of a like nature at their or his discretion as occasion shall require And I direct that my said trustees and executors and the survivors of them and the executors administrators and assigns of such survivor shall stand possessed of the interest dividends and annual produce of the said trust estate and premises so from time to time invested as aforesaid upon trust to pay and apply the same for and towards the maintenance education and advancement in the World of my said four children Ann, Mary Elizabeth John and William Henry until the youngest of such of my said four children for the time being shall have attained the age of fourteen years ......................................

.........  And also that it shall be lawful for them and each of them with and out of the trust monies which shall come to their hands to reimburse themselves all such costs charges damages and expences as they shall expend and sustain in or about the execution of the trusts of this my will or in anywise relating thereto And I do hereby appoint the said Abel HYDE William TWEEDALE and my sons James and Robert Hardy trustees and Executors of this my will In witness whereof I the said James HYDE the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand this thirteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty nine

Signed James HYDE

Signed published and declared by the said James HYDE the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto signed our names as Witnesses thereto Charles RAWDON Cooper Doncaster John ANDOW Southport

In the Consistory Court of Chester The ninth day of April 1850

Appeared personally Robert NEWTON of Ashton under Lyne in the County of Lancaster Gentleman and being sworn upon the Holy Gospels made oath that the last Will and Testament of James HYDE late of Hurst near Ashton under Lyne in the County of Lancaster bookkeeper deceased bearing date the thirteenth day of June 1849 and hereto annexed was prepared in the office of of (sic) Is...ry GARTSIDE of Ashton under Lyne aforesaid as solicitor for the said Testator and that the interlineation of the words "the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds" between the twenty sixth and twenty seventh lines from the top of the second sheet of the said will was made by .... this deponent (in consequence of their accidental omission by .............. over in the Engrossment of the said will) previous to the execution thereof by the said testator (Signed) Robt NEWTON Sworn at Ashton under Lyne the day and year aforesaid before me C E QUIRK MA Surrogate

On the sixteenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty the will of James HYDE late of Hurst near Ashton under Lyne in the County of Lancaster Book keeper deceased was proved at Chester by Abel HYDE William TWEEDALE James HYDE and Robert Hardy HYDE the executors therein named the right of every person being saved and time allowed to exhibit an Inventory H RAIKES Registrar

Proved at London 8th May 1850 before the Judge by the oaths of Abel HYDE the brother William TWEEDALE and James HYDE and Robert Hardy HYDE the sons the executors to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by common duly to administer

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Joan (Johan) HYDE of Gumblehouse: 15 March 1631/2

In the name of god Amen. I Johan HYDE of gumblehouse in the countie of Derb sick in boddy but of good & pfect remembranc praise be given to Almightie god doe make, and ordaine, this my Last will and testament the xiith day of feber ano dom 1631.  ffirst I bequeath my soule to Almightie god my maker & redemer hoping to be saved by the mercie & merritts of Jesus christ my saviour & by none of my [    ], And ffor my boddy I committ to the earth from whence it came, & to be buried at the discression of my frends In the pishe church of glossopp where I ame a pishoner.  Now as touchinge my psonall estate, my will and mynde is and I doe give & bequeath unto Katherine WATTERHOUSE  of Ashover, And to Robt WATTERHOUSE hir son eyther of them xxs if they chauc to survive and overlive Tw monothes next after my Decease, Also I give to Ann CLEITON daughters [Alis] CLEITON my kinswoman xs. Itm I doe five & bequeath unto Johan HYDE daughter of Edward HYDE of Gumblehouse one kowe:  And lastlie my will and full Mynde is and I doe ffrelie give and bequeath: when my legacies, & funerall expences ar discharged, and such duties wch of due and right ought to be discharged & paid, & done, unto Edward HYDE of Gumblehouse aforesaid my kinsman:  And the rest of my goods cattels chattels & debtes moveable & unmoveable wht soever wch I have in the world and of this my last will & testamt I doe make & ordeine the said Edward HYDE my kinsman and Johan HYDE his daughter my executors and my welbeloved freinds Raph WATTERHOUSE and Richard BLACKOWE of Heafeld ovseers hoping they will see this my Last will and testament pformed to the health of my soule In witness whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale the day & yere above written

the mke and seale of Johan HYDE

These being witnesses George MILNER;  Edmund BOTHAULEY his  Marke E B

A debt owing to the testator by Pe: [ ]BOLEY & Raph WATTERHOUSE due the 7th of July next cominge for 3 sheepe        xs  vd

The inventorie of all the goods cattels, chattels and debts of Johan HYDE of Gumblehouse within the pish of Glossopp and countie of Derb deceased valued, and prysed by Tho: WATTERHOUSE; Nicholas HURT; Thomas SMITH & Tho: WATTERHOUSE the xiijth day of februarii anno dom 1631

(Inventory not transcribed) Valued @ £17-3-7

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Joan HIDE widow of Marple: 1739

mentions: nephews Reginald RICHARDSON; John RICHARDSON

Mistress Rebecca NEWTON   Alice WRIGHT of Torkington    Anthony CARRINGTON of Torkington

Martha HIDE wife of Thomas HIDE of Marple

Niece: Mary WOOD wife of Edward WOOD; Nephew Ralph WOOD; Niece Elizabeth BANCROFT dau of Mary WOOD; Niece Elizabeth ORME wife of Daniel ORME; Niece Jane OLDHAM wife of Daniel OLDHAM; Niece Mary RICHARDSON widow of Disley

Executor Anthony CARRINGTON    Written 26 Nov 1738

Witnesses: Nathaniel ADSHEAD; John MARSLEND

Probate 18 May 1739

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John HYDE gent. of Langley, Glossop p.: 1598

Inventory only - dated 22 Oct 1598   Appraisers: John DAND?; Otiwell FERNELEY; Raphe HIDE; William BRAMMALL

Probate 25 Nov 1598

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John HYDE jun. of Hart Hill: 4 June 1621

In the name of God Amen the Seventhe day of ffebruary In the yeare of our Lord God 1620: I John HYDE of Hart Hill the yonger Sicke in body: but in good & pfecte Remembrance prayse be to god for it do Constitute ordayne and make this my last will & Testamente in Manner & fforme ffolowinge that is to saye:  ffirst I offer and bequeath my Soule to Allmightie God my Creator and maker trustinge Through the Merritts of His Sonn Jesus Christ and His pretious bloude sheedinge to be one of the Number of His Electe:  And my body to be buried within the pish Church of Glossop: And that my ffunerall Expenses and such detts as of Right I owe to any man be discharged of my whole goods:  Item where as I have taken a leasse in Revertion for xxi yeares of George HYDE my Landelorde berringe date the xxix day of Janurary & in the Sixteenth yeare of His Mg: Raigne of England: after the determination & hide of one leasse In beinge for Terme of three lyves to witt of John HYDE my father and of one the said John: & of Nicholas HYDE my brother I do Assygne lease and bequeath the same leasse in Revertion of xxi yeares to Edward HYDE my Eldest Sonn in manner and forme ffolowinge that is to witt:  that he the same Edward my Sonn shall truly pay to Elizabeth HYDE my wyef the some of ffourtie shillings yearly duringe her lyef of the tearme for longe tentiment the ffirst payof ffortie shillings to begin at the ffirst feast day of the Nativitie of St John baptist which shall first and next happen after the beginninge and t[     ] of the said lease of xxi years if she so longe do live and keepe his self sole and unmarriede As also that he the same Edward my Sonn shall truly pay & Satisfy to my two yonger sons John HYDE and ffrancis HYDE either of them the some of ffifftie pounds to be paide as foloweth to witt: within one whole yeare next after he enter of the saide leasse: xx£ and at every yeares Ende then next ffollowing the lyke some of xx£ of lawfull money untill the some of one Hundreth pounds be them ffully paide and discharged And allso yeldinge & payinge therefore yearly duringe the said Tearme all such Rents duties & Services as are due or payable for or out of the same And if Edward my Sonn do make default in payment of the saide some of one Hundreth pounds or any pte at the dayes or tymes when the same oughte to be paid as aforesaid, Then I Assigne lease and bequeath my saide lease of xxi yeares with all my tythe and tenements Righte therein to my two yonger sons John HYDE and ffrancis HYDE equally to be devyded betweene them:  And that they the saide John and francis shall truly pay to the said Elizabeth my wyef the saide somes of ffortie shillings yearlie duringe her lyef at the tymes aforesaid if she so longe do live sole & unmarried and the tearme solonge continue as aforesaid:  And also yeldinge and payinge them yerely duringe the said tearm all such Rents and other duties as are due or payable for or out of the same:  Item it is my will that Elizabeth my wyef shall occupy the full half of all my lands in Hefeld that is loose and not in Leasse or shall herafter sale lease to warde the bringinge upp of my Children untill my yongest Sonn francis come to the full Age of xxi yeares: And then the Thirde pte of my lands onely duringe Her lyef Item it is my will that after the decease of Joane my Aunte then my Sonn shall have the other half of my lands in Hefeld Imployed by my Executors for the benefit and bringinge upp And towards the leassinge of some ptes of my said lands which I have sette John WATERHOUSE for severall Tearmes: And that my Executors shall have power by this my will to sett the said half of my lands for the tearme of Tenn yeares or under: next concerning for his bringinge upp and the leassinge of the said pcells of Land but for no other intents or purposes whatsoever:  And at the decease of Elizabeth my wyef and Joane my Aunt I give Him all my lands to him and to his heires for ever And if it pleases god to calle Elizabeth my wyef out of this Mortall lyef before the beginning and endinge of my said Leasse of xxi yeares above named: Then my will and mynde is that my two yonger Children John and ffrancis shalbe brought upp uppon my land in Heifld till my yonger sonn come to the Age of xi yeares and then she shall sett some trade And if it please god to calle for ether of my two Children John or ffrancis before the terme to the ffull Age of xxi yeares: then my mynde and will is that his portion of my goods shalle equally devyded betweene Edward my sonn and the Servyvor of them:  Item I ordayne and make Elizabeth my wyef and Robert STEWARD my Cossin my true and lawfull Executors trustinge she will fullfiill and Accomplish this my last will & Testament for my Soules Health with the oversight of my trusting frends Raph HYDE Raph FFEARNELEY these beinge wittnessses Robert GODDARD William BRADDOCKE Edward HYDE my brother & Raph SNELE

detts that I do owe out of bill


detts owing to me


To Robert HYDE als BOWDEN

the some of xxxiijs






to William WAGSTAFFE

xxis viiijd

William BENETT


Edward HYDE my brother

x£ xvis in bond

John HALL of Evaton



xi£ iij bond Due at midsomer next



to the same John

vi£ xijs due at michaelmas in bond



to Robert GODARD

iij£ iijs due at marke day in bill




iij£ iijs at may day next in bill



to Robert STEWARD

viij£ in bond




xxxvijs in bill




xviijs for winteringe of shepp & a calf



to Edward BOTHAM

iiijs iiijd or more



to William HYDE my brother




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John HYDE clerk, vicar of Mottram: 1637 (difficult to read)

Request to be buried in the Chancel at Mottram under the same stone as his father.

mentions: Son Nicholas HYDE; Son Robert HYDE & wife Anne

Old servant Alice HASHARD?

Thomas NORMANSELL minister of Stopport (Stockport?)

Overseers of will - friend Mr Robert CRYER vitler? of Glossop; John ETCHELLS, schoolmaster of Mottram

Executor Robert HYDE

Witnesses: Robert CRYER; John ETCHELLS

Written 13 Feb 1633

Debts owing Isabel RICHARDSON widow of the late Thomas RICHARDSON

Inventory taken 29 Mar 1637  £28. 4s.  Appraisers: John ETCHELLS, schoolmaster; Robert BOOTH; James HINCHCLIFFE; Thomas DEWSNAP

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John HYDE of Bulshawe: 5 May 1680

In the name of God Amen, the twentieth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred & seventy nine.  I John HYDE of Bulshawe in the pish of Glossop in the Countie of Derby, husbandman, being in good health and of perfect mind and memory praysed be God for the same, And trusting that death is certain but the time when most uncertain.  I do therefore constitute ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner & form following.  And first and principally I bequeath and freely resign upp my soule into the hands of the Almighty God my maker and preserver trusting through the merrits and mercy of Jesus Christ my redeemer to receive pardon fro sinns and to be one of the number of his elect.  And I committ my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried within the Chancell of Heafeild in a decent manner.  And it is my will & mind that my furnerall expenses and such debts as of right I owe to any person be first payed and discharged out of my whole goods And for my worldly goods which is such pleased be the lord to bestow upon me I give them as followeth.  And first I give and to him who is minister of Heafeild at my decease if he will make a funerall sermon at my funerall six shillings eight pence.  It.  I give and bequeath to delpha HYDE my wife one payre of Bedstock standing in the chamber over the house and all the bed Cloathes upon which wee do lye in And also I give and bequeath unto the said delpha my wife Four pounds of lawful money of England.  And it is my will and mynd that delfa HYDE my wyfe shall have using and occupation of the one half of all the husbandry ware and one half of all such other goods during her life (if she keep house) which are mentioned in one paire of Indentures of Assignment to be delivered to John HYDE my son after the decease of mee and my wife.  It. I give and bequeath to John HYDE my son the one half of all the Tyth of Corne and grayne growinge and Arising in and upon the Tenement of Bulshaw during the terme I have taken it. And the other halfe I give to delfa my wife.  It. I give and bequeath unto John HYDE my son Twentie shillings of lawful money of England and my best hatt dublett and Briches & the best paire of stockings and shoose.  It. I give to Cornelius HYDE Martha HYDE and Hanna HYDE my grandchildren every one of them twenty shilings of lawfull money of England.  It. I Give to John WHYTLE my son-in-law my best ryding coate. Item I give and bequeath to Ellin HYDE my daughter tenn shillings of good and lawful money of England. Ite. all the rest and residue of all my goods and cattells not formerly by mee bequeathed I give and bequeath to John HYDE my son delfa WHYTLE and Ellin HYDE my daughters to be equally devided amongst them.  And I constitute ordayne and make the said Ellin HYDE my daughter executrix of this my last will and testament.  And I doe hereby revoke all former wills and Testaments by me made.  In wittnes whereof The said John HYDE the Testator have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and year first above written.


Sealed signed and also published and declared to be my last will and

Testament in the presence of Binjamin MARRIOTT; Samuell MARRIOTT

The Inventory, to the value of £354/16/0 was appraised on 7th February 1679 by John ANDREWRobert SLACK, Edmund BUCKLEY, William ANDREW

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John HYDE of Allot Hey: Proved Chesterfield: 5 October 1709 

In the name of God Amen The ffifth day of ffebruary Anno Domini 1708 I John HYDE of Allot Hey in the parish of Glossopp & County of Derby yeoman being weake & infirm of body Butt of Good and perfect mind and memory thanks be to Allmighty God and Calling to Remembrance ye uncertaine estate of this transitory Life & that all flesh must [   ] unto death when it shall please God to Call Doo make and declare this my Last will and Testamt in maner and fform following first being penetenet & sory for all my sins most humbley desireing forgiveness for the same I commend my soule unto allmighty God my savoure & redeemer in whom & by whose merits of trust & [beleived] assuredly to [           ] & to him full Remission and forgiveness of all my sins and to Inherit ye Kingdome of heaven And my Body I Commit to ye earth to be decently Buried within the Chansell of Heafeild in a [Cristian] and Decent manner att the Discretion of my executor herein named & for the [            ] of my temporall estate & such goods Chattells and [Depts] as it hath pleased god to bestowe on mee I Doo order give and Dispose of the same as ffolloweth in for and maner following That is to saye Imprimas it is my will & mind that all my just Depts and ffunerall expenses shall be first paid & discharged forth of my Goods and Chattels Item I give Devise and [       ] Bequeath all that my messuage house outhousing Lands tenements and premises with all and every sheire Apurtenances lying and being att Allot hey in the parrish of Glossopp and County of Derby afoersaid unto Ralph HYDE my son his heirs and Assigns for eber upon this condition nebertheless and uppon Specall trust & Confidence reposed in him that is to saye that hee the said Ralph HYDE Doo forth of the said Lands and Tenements hereditiments premisses Devised is aforesaid well and faithfully Discharged and pay unto Gamaliell HYDE my son the sum of Tenn pounds of Lawfull mony of England within the space of one whole yeare after my Dissease and also that my son Ralph HYDE Doo Likewise will & faithfully discharge & pay unto John BOOTH my son in law the sum of Tennpounds of Lawfull mony of england within the space of one year after my dissease and Likewise that my son Ralf HYDE Doo well and faithfully pay and discharge unto Hannah HYDE my Daughter the sum of Twenty pounds of Like lafull mony of england within the space of one whole yeare next after my Discease and Likewise that my so Ralph HYDE Doo well and faithfully pay and Discharge unto my Daughter Elizabeth HYDE the sum of Twenty pounds of Lawfull mony of england within the space of one whole yeare next after my Discease and it is my will and mynd and the true intent and meaning of these [presents] that incase my said son Ralf HYDE shall att any time neglect and refuse to pay such sum or sums of mony as is above bequested that then in such case it shall and may by Lawfull to and for the said Gamaleill HYDE John BOOTH Hannah HYDE & Elizabeth HYDE my sons & daughters and all or any of them to whom such sum or sums of mony shall be oweing and unpaid to them or theire asignes the same being Due and payable as aforesaid to Enter into the above Devised Messuage Lands tenements Heriditament and premises with their and ebery of [     ]appurtenances lying att allothey aforesaid or into any part theire of and the Rents [    ] and profits theireof receive and take to his and her use untill such payments and all charges About the same [       ] paid & discharged Item I give and bequeath unto my son Ralph HYDE one bedstead standing in the parlor & also one Table and two fforms one [        ] one couch cheare one dishboard standing in the fire house & Likewise all boards & shelfes in the said hous together with all my Husbandry ware Item I will that my Executrix hereafter named Doo pay unto Martha BOOTH my daughter the sum of ffour pounds of Lawfull mony fforth of my goods & chattels within a space of one whole yeare after my deseace Item it is my will that my executrix Doo pay unto John BOOTH and William BOOTH my two grandchildren ether Tenn shillings out of my Goods & Chatles within one yeare after my desease Item I give & bequeath unto Elizabeth HYDE my daughter one plaine paire of Bedstockes standing in ye Chamber over ye buttre & one paire of blankets one paire of sheets one [bontsster] [one] [bedhilling] and one ffeatherbed which I use to lye uppon & one Longs Cofer in ye Chamber Item I give & bequeath unto Ralph & Gamaliell my two sons all my wearing apparell to be devided equally bettween them And Lastly all the Rest and Residue of my personall Esstate Good Chattells & Catles whatsoeber not all redy bequeathed and disposed of I Doo give and bequeath the same unto Hannah HYDE my daughter and I Doo make her my full and sole Executrix of this my Last will and testament hoping she will ffaithfully perform the trust herein Reposed in her heirby Revoking and disanulling and making void all formor and other wills and bequests by [mee] anytime herebefore made declaring this only to be my Last Will & Testament [     ] [       ] whereof I Witness John HYDE have heireunto putt my hand and seal the day & yeare first above written

 John HYDE

Signed Sealed published and declared to be [         ] & Last will and testament in the presence of


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John HYDE of Marple:1734 

In the name of God Amen The nineteenth day of February ano Dom: 1728 I John HIDE of Marple in the County of Chester Taylor being moved with the shortness and uncertainty of our Lives while on this Transitory Stage, do make ordaine and Declare this my Last Will and Testament in manner & forme following (omitting all Formall Cerimonial & Usuall forms of words comonly compriz`d in Wills touching & concerning a future state which are of no advantage to the Testator nor the Essentiall part of a Will). And first as concerning my Worldly Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I do hereby give Leave and Dispose of the same as follows And first I will direct and appoint that all my just Debts Funerall Expenses and the charge of the probate & Execution hereof be paid & Discharged out of my whole Estate by my Exects. hereafter named, Itm I Give Leave and bequeath unto my Loving Joan, the Messuage and Tenement I live upon for her to have Receive and take the rents Issues and profitts thereof for and dureing her naturall life, In case my Interest therein be not Determin`d Pursuant to the Direction of her Marriage Settlement, And Whereas it is covenanted in the aforsd Settlemt. that she the said Joan my wife shall have a mojety of the Good & Chattels of me the said Testator after my decease, with a provisoe that in case the Lives in the Lease of my aforsd Tenement shall dye before her that then she shall have power to renew the said Lease & putt in her own Life, Now it is my Will and mind That in case Joan my said wife will abandon such partt & soe much of the said Settlement as Relates to the mojety of my Gooods & Chattles & putting in her own life as aforsd. That then and in Such Case I do order my Exects. hereafter named to Levey raise and take up the Sume of Twenty Poundes and the Same Employ at Interest the profitts arising therefrom to be for the use and behoof of my Son John & my Daughter Mary, And the Stock to be Continued and kept up for the Use following (That is to say) if it happen the two Remaining Lives in the Lease of the said premises Expire before her the said Joan I do hereby give Leave and bequeath unto her the said Joan my now Loving Wife, the aforsd sume of Twenty Poundes for her seperate Maintenance to Dispose of at her Will and pleasure, And I give her her Bedd and beding as it now stands & Two Pair of Sheets to it, her Chest, a Desk and her Box, And fourty shillings in money to be paid unto her by my Exects. hereafter named within a month next after my decease, Itm I give Leave and bequeath unto John HYDE my son now at London the sume of Twenty poundes in answer to that wch. I have given Mary as part of her Marriage portion, And also my Chest, And I do give Leave and bequeath unto John JONES of Marple aforsd Clerk the sume of Four Shillings to Preach my Funerall Sermon, In case I shall sitt under his Ministery at the time of my Decease, And it is my further Will and Mind that if the Lives in the before mentioned Lease Survive my said wife then after her Decease, I give the aforsd. Twenty Poundes before Limitted to her for the use aforsd unto my son John and my Daughter Mary to be Equally Divided betwixt them share and share alike, And it is my Will and I do further Order Direct and Appoint that all the Rest and Remainder of personall Estate goods & Chattells after the payment of all my Just Debts Legacies Funerall Expences & the charge of the probate & Execusion hereof (Except such as are before lymitted to my said wife she stand to this my Will) shall be Equally Divided between my son John and my Daughter Mary WOOD wife of William WOOD now of Bradbury in the said County shoemaker share & share alike.  And Lastly it is my Will and Mind that my Le........ .... (fold on page) in Marple aforesd. be vallued Imediatly after the Decease of my said wife, and John my son shall have his choice before my Daughter Mary Either to have the Estate or the Mojety of the Money arising from such Appraisemt. or valuation, & her the said Mary to have the other part.  And I do hereby Constitute Nominate & Appoint John HYDE my son Wm WOOD my Son in law aforsd. & Edward WOOD of Hepley? within Poynton in the said County Yeom. to be Exects. of this my Last Will and Testament Hoping and Confiding in them that they will take care to see that these things be done and performed according to this my Will and as I have putt and placed my trust and confidence in them hereby Revoking and making void all Wills Testaments Legacies and bequests by me heretofore made Willed and bequeathed and this to be taken for and as my Last Will and Testament and none other.

Signed Sealed Published Expressed & Declared by the within named John HYDE Testator for and as his Last will & Testament In the presence of us who subscribed our names as Witnesses thereof in the presence of the said Testator, (It being the Will and mind of the said Testator that if Joan his wife married any second or other Husband then it is his will and mind that she should have Three pound a year dureing her life and a Bed)


In a different hand

July the thirty first one thousand seven hundred thirty four William WOOD one of the Executors named in the above written will came and took the oath of an Executor in common forme before me Jonat: Hanson Surrogate Power being reserved to John HYDE another Executor named in the said will. Edward WOOD another Executor named in the said will renouncing under hand and seal in a paper annext hereto (signed) J Hanson

Probate issued the 5th of August.

On a separate sheet

Know all men by these presents that I Edward WOOD of Hepley in the Parish of Prestbury And County of Chester Yeoman do hereby Renounce all my Liberty power and authority to act as Executor to the last Will and Testmt of John HYDE of Marple in the sd County late Deced. bearing date the nineteenth day of February in the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Eight.  And that I will not at any time or times hereafter meddle act or Interfere in any thing that concerns the said will.

In witness whereof I have hereinto putt my Hand & Seal this Thirtyeth day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Four (Signed & sealed) Edward WOOD

Witness hereto Isaac SYDEBOTHOM; Ottiwell HEGINBOTHOME

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John HYDE of Glossop: 1737

Declaration (crossed through & not signed) by Martha HYDE widow & relict of John HYDE to renounce any interest in his goods and estate and to transfer this interest to Mary wife of James HURST `natural and lawful daughter of the decd.`

Administration names James HURST of Glossop, weaver; John HADFIELD of Mellor, clerk; Anthony RADCLIFFE of Hayfield in support of Mary HURST 

Inventory: £51. 4s. 4d. Appraisers: John RATCLIFFE; Thos KNIGHT

Note 29th Mar 1737 states that `I Thomas HYDE nominated in the Last Will and Testament of John HYDE .....` refuse to act as executor.

Probate 28th Apr 1737 - but no will attached

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John HIDE of Hollenworth Head: 21 Oct 1748: Renunciation & Inventory 

Know all Men by these [present] that I Abigail HIDE Widow and Relict of John HIDE late of the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Yeoman for diverse good causes and considerations [me] hereunto moving Have Renounced And by these [present] do renounce all my Right Title and Interest in and to the Administration of the Goods and personal Estate of the said John HIDE -------deceased And do hereby [consent] as far as in me lies that Letters of Administration of all and singular the Goods and personal Estate of the said Deceased may be committed and granted to Joseph HIDE natural & lawful son of the said deceased

And to the and this my – Renunciation and [Consent] may the better take effect I – do here by nominate, constitute and appoint George HAND Parish Notary One of the [Procurators] general of the Lord Bishops Consistory Court of Lichfield my true & lawful [Proctor] for us and in my Name to appear before the Worshipel: Richard SMALLBROKE Doctor of Law and Chancellor of the Diocese of Lichfield & Coventry or his lawful Surrogate or other [competent] Judge in that behalf to [pray] & promise this my Renunciation to be admitted and enacted And what my said [Proctor] shall herein lawfully do or cause to be done I do hereby promise to ratifie and confirm as Witness my Hand and Seal this twenty first day of October in the year of our Lord One Thousand and seven Hundred and forty eight.  X   the mark and seal of  Abigail  HIDE

Signed & sealed being first duly stampt in the presence of us


A True and Perfect inventory of all & singular the Goods Chatles Creditts and Efects whatsoever that John HIDE late of Hollenworth head in the Parish of Glossop & County of Derby Dyed  [         ] of Vallued and praised by us this 28th day of April 1748.

In the House

£  s  d

In his purse and Aparrel 


fireren tonng & other [       ] about the fier 


one Squab: 2 Cofer 


6: Chairs 2:6 6, 7 Stools, 6: 2 Tables 1: 


3: Iron potts 10: 0, 1: [      ] [      ]


In [         ] In Wooden ware 13: potts & Bottles 1:6 


In parlor      one Cofer 1: Arke 


In Chamber one Bead & Bead Close 16:1 [      ] 1 Barrel 5:        


Over parlor  2 Cofers 4: Slack Cards 2:6 puter 2:6    


In Chamber one Bead & Bead Close 4: In Meal 1-5


and house  In Bacon 1 = 5, Hay 15: Corn 2 = 12 


In barn 6 Sacks 1 =, 5: One [Yacks] 4 Cheans 1 packsacke


one Cart, 1 Sledg & a Copp 


2: Harrows, 2 plows, Horse gayrs, Shous & forks 


four Oxen 13: ow & Bull 2: 1 Stear 1 = 15


two Bullock Stears 3: 2 Calves 2:


one Barron Hefor 2: 10: 3 Cows 9:


Halse one Mare 


In Debts 


In Debts Desparate


Hustlement & trumpery 


Vallued and praised by us 70-13-00 the day and year above said as Wittness our hands.         

Robert BOCKING `R` his Mark; Thomas HOWE; Geo: HIGENBOTTAM

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John HYDE of Werneth: 1829

 I, John HYDE, Book-Keeper, of the Town-ship of Werneth, Parish of Stockport and County of Chester, do hereby make my last Will and Testament in the manner and form following.

I bequeath to my dear wife Mary the free and undisturbed use, during the term of her natural life, of all my Household Furniture and Goods whatsoever; and also, during the term of her natural life, the interest of one hundred and twenty pounds due to me by John DICKINSON of Sandbach, for which I hold his Promissory Note; and also the interest, during her natural life, of twenty pounds, due to me by James BURCHEL of Hanley, for which I hold his Promissory Note. And my Will is that at her decease the Furniture and Goods be sold, and I give and bequeath the money arising from such sale, and also the hundred and forty pounds aforesaid, to my six dear children, Sarah, James, John, Ann, Margaret and Henry; to be divided amongst them share and share alike.  And if any one of my children should die before my dear Wife, my Will is, that his or her share so dying shall be given to the children which he or she may leave behind; and should he or she leave no children, then my Will is that his or her share be divided equally amongst the surviving brothers and sisters.  My further Will is that my funeral expenses shall be paid out of twenty pounds which I have in the Savings Bank at Stockport; and if any money remain out of the twenty pounds, I give it to my dear wife for her own use. 

I moreover appoint my dear Wife Mary and my dear Son James as Executrix and Executor to see this Will put in force according to its true meaning and intent. 

This my last Will and Testament is made on the fourteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, in token whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.

(signed) John HYDE

Witnesses to the Signing James BROOKS; Saml LEAH

The twenty seventh day of October 1829, Mary HYDE and James HYDE the Executors in this Will named were sworn in common form: & they also made Oath that the Personal Estate and Effects of the testator within the Diocese of Chester were under the Value of £200        before me Charles Kenrick PRESCOT M.A. Surrogate

The Testator died in the fourteenth Day of October 1829 Prob. issd 27 Oct 1829

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John HYDE of Whitehough 1831

This is the last Will and Testament of me John HYDE Yeoman of Whitehough in the parish of Chapel en le Frith in the County of Derby being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding thanks be unto Almighty God for the same made in the following manner First I give and bequeath unto my niece Sarah HOLLINSHEAD Wife of George HOLLINSHEAD the Elder and her heirs for ever that part of my Estate called and known by the name of the Warth consisting of two dwelling houses out housing together with the Land adjoining and on which the said Buildings do stand also a meadow called Christopher Meadow which the said George HOLLINSHEAD the elder now holds under me together with all rights privileges and appurtenances belonging unto the same property or in wise appertaining Item I give devise and bequeath unto George HOLLINSHEAD the younger and his heirs for ever all the rest residue and remainder of my real Estate of whatsoever the same may consist of wheresoever the same may be with all rights privileges and appurtenances therewith belonging or in any wise appertaining I also give unto the said George HOLLINSHEAD the younger all my household goods and furniture together with all my stock of cattle and all my farming utensils as they may stand at my decease and it is my mind and will and I order and direct that that the said George HOLLINSHEAD the younger or his heirs do well and truly pay to my sister Betty ANDREW the sum of seven shillings per week weekly and every week from the time of my decease unto the time of her decease and to see her decently interred at her death and to pay all expences attending her funeral also it is my mind and will and I order and direct that the said George HOLLINSHEAD the younger or his heirs do well and truly pay or cause to be paid at such time or times when the same shall or may be wanted all my just debts that may be due and owing at the time of my decease together with all my funeral ..... and the expences attending the probate and execution of this my last Will and Testament but and if the said George HOLLINSHEAD the younger or his heirs do neglect or at any time refuse to pay unto my sister Betty ANDREW as before specified or if the said George HOLLINSHEAD the younger or his heirs do neglect to pay all my just debts funeral expences and the expences attending the probate and execution of this my last Will and Testament and refuse to pay the same when demanded it shall then be lawful and I order and direct and I do hereby empower my Executors hereafter mentioned to enter on the Estate or any part thereof which I have hereinbefore given devised and bequeathed unto the said George HOLLINSHEAD the younger and his heirs for ever and the same to sell and dispose of to make up such deficiencies as shall or may be wanted according to the true purport and meaning of this my last Will and Testament returning the surplus if any after deducting all lawful and reasonable expences incurred by selling and disposing of the same Item I give devise and bequeath unto the four children of my Niece Nancy LEE deceased the sum of six hundred pounds to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike to be paid unto them at the end of twelve months next after my decease or as the shall severally attain the age of twenty one years Item I give and bequeath unto my nephew John ANDREW the sum of six hundred pounds to be paid unto him when he shall attain the age of twenty one years but if the said John ANDREW dies before he attains the age of twenty one years or goes abroad and does not return until he shall have attained his twenty second year then it is my mind and will and I do order and direct that the said sum of six hundred pounds be disposed of in the following manner viz the children then living of my Niece Nancy LEE deceased to have fifty pounds each also the children of my niece Sarah HOLLINSHEAD wife of George HOLLINSHEAD the Elder excepting George HOLLINSHEAD the younger the sum of fifty pounds each and the remainder part to go to the residue of my personal property Item I give and bequeath unto James Carrington BRADDOCK of Haugh in Bugsworth the sum of twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto James BENNETT of Ashen Clough in Chinley the sum of twenty pounds provided and if it should happen that any of the property which I have out upon interest be lost and there be not sufficient left to pay the above mentioned legacies it is my mind and will and I order and direct that the legacies left unto the children of my Niece Nancy LEE deceased and my nephew John ANDREW be so much less as such deficiency may amount unto viz the legacy left unto the children of my niece Nancy LEE to be less by one half of such deficiency and the legacy left unto my nephew John ANDREW to be less by the other half of such deficiency and if there happened to be any remainder or residue after the legacies before mentioned be fully paid and discharged it is my mind and will and I do order and direct that all such residue and remainder be put out to interest by my Executors hereafter mentioned and the interest arising to be paid yearly and every year unto my niece Sarah HOLLINSHEAD wife of George HOLLINSHEAD the elder during her natural life and at her decease the said residue and remainder to be equally divided amongst her children excepting George HOLLINSHEAD the younger share and share alike Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint James Carrington BRADDOCK of Haugh in Bugsworth aforesaid and James BENNETT of Ashen Clough in Chinley aforesaid Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby empower them to receive all sum or sums of money that may be due and owing unto me at the time of my decease and I do also empower them from time to time to call in and receive all sum or sums of money that I may have out at interest at the time of my decease with all interest due thereon whether the same be let out on mortgages bonds or notes as the same shall become wanted to pay the legacies by me given and bequeathed or at any other time when they shall think it necessary and I do hereby empower them to place out such sum or sums on interest as shall not then be wanted on such sufficient security as the shall approve of and it is my mind and will and I order and direct that my Executors shall not be answerable nor accountable for such sum or sums of money that shall or may be lost from the time of my decease until the execution of this my last Will and Testament shall be fulfilled nor shall the one of them be answerable or accountable for the other of them but each of them for his own acts and deeds only And I do hereby revoke all other Will or Wills by me before made and I do declare this to be my last Will and Testament as Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty six Before the signing and sealing of these ....... I give and bequeath unto George HOLLINSHEAD the younger all shop debts that may be due and owing unto me at the time of my decease for his own property also it is my mind and will and I order and direct that any cash that I may happen to have in my possession at the time of my decease shall go to the remainder and residue of my personal property

(signed) John HYDE

Signed sealed published and declared by the within named Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other have set our names as witnesses the day and year above written

Sarah BENNETT; Edward FORD; Samuel BENNETT

Proved at London 24th January 1831 before the Judge by the oath of James Carrington BRADDOCK and James BENNETT the Executors to whom Administration was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer                  

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John HYDE innkeeper of Hollingworth: 1836

Administration granted to Ann HYDE widow of Hollingworth - supported by William HYDE print cutter of Hollingworth; James SHAW shoemaker of Mottram

Testator died 22 Feb 1836

Probate granted 1 Apr 1836

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John HYDE of Stockport Little Moor 1848

Know all Men by these Presents That we Anne HYDE of the Stockport Little Moor, Widow Samuel GRABBLE of the Churchgate in Stockport Publican and Ralph MORTEN of Halliday Hill in the Township of Efferton [Offerton] in the Parish of Stockport, Farmer are holden and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God John by Divine Permission, Lord Bishop of Chester, in the sum of two hundred pounds of good and lawful money............................................... Sealed with our Seals and dated the twenty seventh Day of May in the eleventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Victoria ..........and in the Year of our Lord God One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty eight

The Condition of the Obligation is such That if the above bounden Anne HYDE Widow, the Relict and sole Administratrix of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of John HYDE, late of the Stockport Little Moor, in the Town and Parish of Stockport Farmer deceased do make or cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory .................................................

Anne HYDE her mark; Samuel GRABBLE; Ralph MORTEN

Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Charles Kenrick PRESCOT MA Surrogate

Page 2 - The twenty third day of May 1848 Anne HYDE within named took the usual Oath of an administratrix in common form: and she also made Oath that the personal Estate and Effects of the Intestate within the Diocese of Chester were under the value of 100£

before me Charles Kendrick PRESCOT MA Surrogate

The Intestate died on the twenty second Day of April 1848 Admon issued dated 30 May 1848 

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John HYDE of Macclesfield 1857

This is the last Will and Testament of me John HYDE of Macclesfield in the County of Chester Silk Weaver In the first place I direct all my just debts Funeral and Testamentary expenses and the charges of proving this my Will shall be paid out of my estate and effects by my Executrixes hereinafter named as soon as may be conveniently be after my decease And subject thereto I do give and bequeath to my dear wife Martha HYDE the rents of all those my eight houses situate in Crompton Road in Macclesfield aforesaid and now in the occupation of myself Matthew WILSHAW John HOLLAND William HULME John POTTS Elijah ETHEN Ralph WHITTAKER and Thomas WILLIAMSON after the expenses of repairs and ground rents are paid together with any ready money I may have by me also the receipt of any outstanding debts that may be owing to me at the time of my decease together with all my household furniture and looms for her sole and separate use and benefit for and during her natural life and after her decease I give the rents of the said leasehold messuages to my four daughters namely Mary HYDE Martha JOHNSON Elizabeth WILDE and Sarah HARRISON for and during the terms of their natural lives to be equally divided among them share and share alike the eldest daughter for the time being collecting the rents thereof and dividing the same every year share and share alike After the death of my said wife then I give to my eldest daughter Mary HYDE all my household furniture looms, joinery tools and shop fixtures for her sole and separate use After the death of my four daughters then I direct that the said eight houses shall be sold and the proceeds divided equally among my grandchildren share and share alike And I thereby appoint my grandsons James Hyde JOHNSON and John Hyde WILDE as Trustees thereof.

And I do hereby direct and declare that it shall be lawful for my Executrixes hereinafter appointed to retain and to reimburse themselves all costs charges and expenses which they may be put to in the execution of this my will and I do hereby nominate and appoint my said four daughters Mary HIDE Martha JOHNSON Elizabeth WILDE and Sarah HARRISON Executrixes of this my Will And hereby revoking all former wills at any time heretofore made I declare this my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I the said Testator John HYDE have hereunto set my hand this twenty sixth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty four

Signed John HYDE

Signed by the said Testator in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses

John POTTS; Elijah (?) ELKIN

 January 1st 1857

Mary HYDE in the Will written HIDE spinster and Sarah HARRISON wife of William HARRISON two of the Executrixes in this will named were sworn in common form power being reserved to Martha JOHNSON and Elizabeth WILDE the other Executrixes herein also named to take upon them the Execution thereof when they shall lawfully require the same and they further made oath that the Testators Estate and Effects within the Diocese of Chester were under the value of Six hundred pounds

before me Chas M PRATT Surrogate 

The Testator died Decr 5th 1856 D.P. £11  Pro: issued Dated 6th Jany 1857  

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Jonathan HYDE yeoman of Mellor.: 1730

Declaration dated 7 Oct 1730 by James HYDE of Mellor husbandman - eldest son of Jonathan renouncing all interest

and recommends - Anthony CARRINGTON gent. who is the chief and principal creditor

Probate 15 Oct 1730

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Joseph HYDE tanner of Matley: 1698

Administration to his widow Anne HYDE supported by Gervase WOOLEY of Mottram

Inventory taken 18 May 1698 Appraisers: John FIDLER; Thomas TURNER; Francis BRETLAND; John HARROPP

Probate 6 Jun 1698

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  Joseph HYDE: 13 January 1796: Glossop 3. Ex. C. Inf. 300 £

This is the last Will and Testament of me Joseph HYDE of Hollingworth head in the Parish of Glossop and County of Derby Yeoman.  First I order and direct that all my just Debts, the Expenses of my Funeral, and of the Probate, with other charges attending the Execution of this my will; be paid and discharged out of my personal Estate and I give and devise unto my loving wife Mary HYDE, thirty pounds yearly to be paid unto her, by my Executors and Executrix hereafter named, and of the profits arising from any Real and Personal Estates, during Term of her natural life; And after the Death of my wife, I will order and direct that my Freehold Estate with its Hereditaments thereunto belonging, Situate and being at Mattleymoor, in the said Parish of Glossop and County of Derby, be Sold for the most Money that can be procured for the same within Twelve Months after the death of my wife

Also I will and devise, that all my Personal Estate be made into Money as soon as possible either before or after the Death of my wife and when all my worldly Substance is made into Money, Then my will and mind is that it be divided into Eight Equal parts Two Equal parts of the Eight parts I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph HYDE and the other Six parts [        ] [      ] I give and devise unto my Six Daughters (Viz.) Mary HALL Widow, Bettey GEE; Nanney HAUGE; Hannah BROCKLEHURST; Sarah HARROP and Dolly STANSFIELD Share and Share alike. But if any of my Daughters should Die before they receive their Legacies, then my mind and Will is that the Child or Children of the deceased Receive the Mothers share – Again I order my Executors and Executrix to give out of all my Worldly Substance before it is devided the following Sums of Money (Viz.) to my Daughter Mary HALLWidow, Ten pounds, To Nanney HAUGE, Ten pounds, To Sarah HARROP, Ten pounds, and to Dolly STANSFIELD Twelve pound ten shillings, also I give unto my Son in law Tho. STANSFIELD  Twenty pounds, [    ] is and [   ] Interest with Mrs. Sarah SHAW in  Charlesworth

And I nominate and appoint my Son Joseph HYDE my Daughter Dolly STANSFIELD, and the Rev. John WHITEHEAD, Executors and Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, In Witness whereof I the said Joseph HYDE, the Testator have hereunto set my hand and Seal this first Day of August, in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and Ninety four

Joseph X HYDE his mark and seal

Signed Sealed, Published and declared by [   ] and Joseph HYDE the Testator [    ] [   ] for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto [    ] our names as Witnesses in his presence and [      ] [         ] and in the presence of each other


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 Joseph HYDE of Hollingworth Head: 22 August 1832  

This is the last Will and Testament of me Joseph HYDE of Hollingworth Head in the Parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Yeoman who make and publish the same in manner and form following, that is to say, First I order and direct all my just Debts and Funeral and Testamentary charges and Expenses to be paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named  I give and bequeath unto my Sister Dolly the wife of Thomas STANSFIELD the use and enjoyment of all and every my Household Goods and Furniture Beds and Bedding and other Effects for and during the term of her natural life with full power for her to sell and absolutely dispose of the same in case she shall stand in need thereof  And whereas I have to this day previous to the Execution of this my will entered into an agreement with Joseph GEE of Ludworth in the said County of Derby Farmer for the sale unto him of All these my Messuages or Dwellinghouses Shippon and other Buildings situate in Thornset Hamlet aforesaid in the said County of Derby An at or near a place there called Matley Moor  And also of the three several closes fields pieces or parcels of Land situate in Thornset Hamlet aforesaid, and near to the said Messuages or Dwellinghouses, formerly in one close and called the Matley-Moor piece but now divided into three closes, Together with the appurtenances to the same premises belonging, at and for the price or sum of Seven Hundred Pounds free from all Incumbances which said contract according to the Agreement entered into by me with the said Joseph GEE is to be completed on the twenty fourth day of January instant but the conveyance has not yet been prepared to the said premises Now I do hereby give and devise unto my two nephews John GEE of Ardwick in the County of Lancaster, Corn Miller, and Isaac GEE of Ludworth aforesaid, Farmer their heirs and assigns All those my said Messuages or Dwellinghouses Shippon buildings closes fields pieces or parcels of Land Hereditaments and premises situate in or near Matley Moor in Thornset Hamlet aforesaid Upon trust that they the said John GEE and Isaac GEE the survivor of them or his heirs executors or administrators shall and do immediately after my decease if such Event shall take place after the said twenty fourth day of January instant but if it shall happen prior to that time then on the said twenty fourth day of January instant or as soon after as the conveyance shall be prepared, convey and assure the said Messuages or Dwellinghouse Shippon Buildings close fields pieces or parcels of Land Hereditaments and premises, so by me agreed to be sold to the said Joseph GEE as aforesaid, unto the said Joseph GEE his heirs or assigns or as he or they shall direct or appoint free from all Incumbances: He the said Joseph GEE his executors or administrators paying unto them my said Trustees John GEE and Isaac GEE or the survivor of them his executors or administrators the said purchase Money so agreed to be paid for the said premises And as to for and concerning my personal Estate and Effects (except my Household goods and Furniture) Beds Bedding and other Effects the use of which I have hereintofore given to my said Sister Dolly STANSFIELD for her life as aforesaid and at her decease as to such part thereof as may not here been disposed of by her in pursuance of the power or hereintofore contained,  Upon trust that they my said Trustees John GEE and or Isaac GEE or the survivor of them his executors or administrators shall and do collect and get in the same or convert the same into Money and stand and be possessed of such Money and rise the money to arise from the sale of all said premesis to the said Isaac GEE as aforesaid Upon the Trusts and to and for the ends intents and purposes hereinafter expressed and declared of and considering the same that is to say, Upon trust to put and place and from time to time to call in and replace the same out at Interest or good Security during the [time] of the natural life of my said Sister Dolly STANSFIELD and pay such Interest when in as the same may be received unto her my said Sister Dolly STANSFIELD for her use and benefit  And in case it shall so happen that the Interest so to be part unto my said Sister Dolly STANSFIELD with my other Incomes she may have shall be considered by my said Trustees and Executors hereinafter named to be insufficient for her support and maintenance it shall be in the discretion of my said Trustees and Executors to apply all or any part of the said principal Monies for such purposes And from and immediately after the decease of my said Sister Dolly STANSFIELD Upon trust to call in the Monies as to be placed out at Interest as aforesaid by them my said Trustees and Executors And pay thereout into the two children of Betty late wife of John BRADBURY of Charlesworth in the parish of Glossop aforesaid, Joiner the sum of Ten Pounds each in case they shall be living at that time, but if they or either of them shall be then dead the Legacy or share of the child or children dying shall sink into and become part of the residue of my Estate and Effects and by payable amongst all and every the legatee hereinafter named And as to the residue of such Monies Upon trust to pay the same unto and amongst Thomas HALL; Joseph HALL; John HALL; Micah HALL; Samuel HALL; (Children of my late Sister Mary HALL deceased) John GEE; Mary (wife of John HADFIELD); Joseph GEE; Isaac GEE (Children of my late Sister Betty GEE); Susan (wife of John JACKSON); Mary HAGUE; Betty (wife of Charles BARNES); Henry HAGUE and John HAGUE (Children of my late Sister Nanny HAGUE); Micah JACKSON of the parish of Glossop aforesaid, Mechanic; Mary (wife of Robert WHITTAKER); Betty (wife of Robert ROWBOTHUM); Joel HARROP (which said Mary WHITTACKER and Betty ROWBOTHUM are children of my late Sister Sarah HARROP); Martha BROCKLEHURST (daughter of my late Sister Hannah BROCKLEHURST); and Thomas STANSFIELD (son of my said Sister Dolly STANSFIELD) equally share and share alike.  And I do declare that the receipt or receipts of my said Trustees or the survivor of them his executors or administrators shall in a good discharge to the said Joseph GEE for is much or such purchase Money as shall to given to said Joseph GEE his heirs executors administrators and or assigns shall not be concerned to see to the application or answerable for the misapplication thereof so of my part thereof but shall be wholly discharged therefrom And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said John GEE and Isaac GEE Executors of this my will And I do hereby declare it to be my will and mind that they my said Trustees and Executors shall retain to and reimburse themselves and himself all such costs charges damages and Expenses as they or he may be put unto with reasonable Allowance in their or his loss of time and trouble carrying the Trusts of this my will into effect such payments which in my said Trustees and Executors may be paid unto and recompense for their loss of time and trouble to be taken out of the Monies and premises coming to their hand by virtue of this my will and they my said Trustees and Executors shall not be liable for my [            ] may [          ] in or about as [     ] [    ] [                                 ] without their willful neglect and default And lastly I do hereby revoke all former and other will and wills by me at any time heretofore made In witness whereof I have to the tow proceeding sheets of paper set my hand and to this third and last sheet my hand and seal the tenth day of January in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty six.

(Signed) Joseph HYDE

Signed sealed published and declared by Joseph HYDE the said the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses to attest the due Execution thereof James WOOD; Thomas SHAW; James HENLEY

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Joseph HYDE labourer of Mottram: 1847

Administration granted to Sarah HYDE widow of Joseph - supported by James TURNER warehouseman of Mottram; William BOOTH farmer of Glossop p.

Joseph HYDE died 12 May 1847

Proved 19 Nov 1847

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Laurence HYDE of Prestbury 1608

Page 1 - In the name of god Amen, the 4th April 1608 I Laurence HYDE of Presburye in the countye of Chester yeoman beinge sicke in bodye but in  good and perfecte remembrance god bee praysed therefore doe make and ordeygne this my last will and testament in manner and forme following viz. first I bequeath and committ my soule unto Almighty god hopinge steadfastly by the meritts of the passione of his sone our lord and savioure Jesus Christ to be one of the number of his electe and I bequeath my bodye to the earth viz. to bee buryed in the churchyarde of Presburye Item I give and bequeath to Agnes my wife the house and ten(emen)t where I now dwell together with the lease I have of the teythe of Presbury It: when my debts are payed and my funerall expense discharged I give five pounds forth of my whole goods unto Katherin my daughter I give unto Phillipp my sonne my joynte bedd my cupborde solinge (?) my longe borde in the house together with all the bords fornies and shelfes in my house my best mayre and my wheels my plow farrow yorke thayne spade and mattock the use of them belonginge to my wife soe longe as shee shall live In consideration wherof my sayde sonne Phillip to give to my daughter Katherin £13 11s 8d and to Richarde my sonne £6 13s 4d either within  tow or three years after the marriage of my sayde sonne Phillip or after the decease of his mother when hee shall enter upponn the whole living It. I give to my neyse the thyrde pte of the residue of al my goods and the other two pts I of my goods to my three childeren Philip Richarde and Katheren equally to be decided amongst them accordinge to the custome of the Countrie And of this my last will I constitute and ordeyne my Executors my brother Raphe HYDE and my sone Phillipp HYDE of Presburye

Debts owinge the Testator

Oliver CLARKE             22s 6d

George DALE                      3s

Rodger SWETNAM           2s

Edward LEIGH                   13s

Page 2  A true and pfecte inventarye of all the goods and cattells of Laurence HYDE late of Presburye in the county of Chester yeoman taken and praysed by these psons whose names are under written the 20th day of Aprill 1608 Thomas HYDE Thomas BATE John DAYE Richarde HOLLANDE

Tow oxen

£6  2s.  4d.

3 kyne


2 heffers


one nagg and one mare

£5  6s  8d

20 ould sheepe with eleaven lambs

£6  2s  4d

2 swine


2 payre of yron bound wheels

£2 10s

wayns chests plows harrows yokes thayns with all other implements & yron ware belonginge to husbandry

£2.  5s.

Corne and haye


Axeltrees and spokes

9s  4d

window sheets sacks and one hayre


In a loft over the house corne malte and greats

£2 12s

Cheese in the same loft 



12s 6d

In another lofte 2 feather bedds 2 feather boulsters 3 pillows 2 mattreses 3 coverlits and 3 blankquets 

£6  6s. 8d

In the p(ar)lour 2 feather bedds 2 feather boulsters 3 pillows 2 mattreses 2 coverlits and 3 blankquets with the curtens thereto belonginge


Beddinge in the ..... and entry lofte


Bedd cases & other implements in the lofte


In the lofte over the p(ar)lour 2 bedd cases and 3 cofers

23s  4d

Implements in the lofte over the house


4 yards of car...

6s  8d

In the p(ar)lour one bedd case & 2 cofers


One cofer in the house


2 arks in the barne


Bedd sheets with 2 dosen and a halfe of napkins table cloths and hand cloths


4 potts and 4 pans



£2 13s  4d

Silver spoons


Iron ware as grate broch and goberls (?)


qushens and carpets


Looms in the house and barrels knopts and such like 


Chears and stolls

2s 8d

One ladder


beefe and bacon


Halfe houlpe and heare suifte ??


Hens & bees


His apparell

£3  6s 8d

One joynte bedd with cupbords all joynte worke with tables shilfs and fourms


Corne sowen one the ground

35s  4d


3s  4d

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Lawrence HYDE husbandman of New Milne, Glossop p.:1621

Inventory £9.17s. 8d.  Appraisers: Thomas BEARD; Randle STAFFORD; William RADCLIFFE

Debts owing: John POTT; wife of William BEARD; Ottiwell BOWDON

Probate 2 Jun 1621

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Margaret HYDE of Ludworth: 1876

This is the last Will and Testament of me Margaret HYDE of Ludworth in the County of Derby Widow I appoint my son Thomas HYDE of Ludworth in the County of Derby Commercial Traveller and my Son in law John YARWOOD of Ludworth in the County of Derby Blacksmith to be Trustees and Executors of my Will I bequeath and devise all my real and person estate and effects unto my said Trustees their heirs executors administrators and assigns Upon trust with all convenient speed after my decease to sell and convert into money my said Real Estate and such parts of my personal Estate as shall be of a Saleable or convertible nature and to get in the other parts thereof with full power to make such sales either by Public Auction or Private Contract and subject to such conditions of Sale as shall be deemed expedient Also to buy in and resell without being responsible for any loss occasioned thereby and upon further Trust to pay distribute and divide the proceeds or money arising from such Sale or Sales after paying my debts and Funeral expenses unto and equally among all my Children then living at my decease and the issue then living of such of them as shall be then dead such issue nevertheless to take amongst them (and equally if more than one) the part or share only which their respective parents would have been entitled to if living I declare that the share under this my Will of every person being a female shall be for her own sole and separate use independently of every husband and that her receipt alone not withstanding coverture shall be an effectual discharge for the same I direct my Trustees to invest in their names the share of every Legatee (being a minor) shall be entitled under the aforesaid trusts in or upon any Securities Real or Personal at their discretion to apply all or any part or parts of the annual produce and income and also the capital of the share of each or any such minors in or towards his or her maintenance and education or in any manner for her or his advancement benefit or advantage either directly or by paying the same to his or her respective parent or guardian to be applied without seeing to the application thereof or requiring any account for the same and to invest and accumulate any surplus income and add the same to the capital from which it shall have arisen with power to apply such accumulations in manner as aforesaid I declare that the power of appointing a new Trustee or Trustees of this my Will shall be exerciseable by the surviving or continuing Trustees or Trustee for the time being or by the acting Executors or Executor or administrators or administrator of the last surviving or continuing Trustee or by the last retiring Trustees or Trustee I empower my Trustees or Trustee to give receipts to purchases and others for all moneys and effects to be paid or delivered to them by virtue of this my Will and declare that such receipts shall exonerate the person or persons taking the same from all liability to see to the application or disposition of the money or effects therein mentioned I declare that the trusts powers and discretions hereinbefore vested in my said shall (sic) be exerciseable by the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of my Will And I exempt every Trustee of my Will from liability for losses occurring without her or his own wilful default and authorize them respectively to retain and allow to each other out of moneys coming to their respective hands by virtue of my Will all expenses incidental to the Trusteeship as well as a reasonable compensation for their respective loss of time and trouble in or about the same And I revoke by me heretofore made (sic) In Witness whereof I have hereinto set my hand this twentieth day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy six

Margaret HYDE

Signed by the said Margaret HYDE the testator as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses to attest the same


Proved at Derby the twenty third day of May 1876 by the Oaths of Thomas HYDE, the Son and John YARWOOD, the Executors to whom Administration was granted.

The Testatrix Margaret HYDE was late of Ludworth in the County of Derby Widow and died on the tenth day of February 1876 at Ludworth

Personal Estate under £200

Extracted by John BURDER, Solicitor, Manchester        

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Martha HYDE of Simondley: 1810

In the Name of God Amen, I Martha HYDE of Simondley in the Parish of Glossop, in the County of Derby Widow; being weak in body but of sound and perfect Mind and Memory; and considering the uncertainty of this mortal Life; Do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following

First it is my will and I order and direct, that all my just debts, Funeral expences, and the charges of proving this my will be duly and immediately paid after my decease.  I Give and bequeath to my son Robert HYDE, (who is serving his Majesty, if alive) the Sum of Thirty pounds Also I give and bequeath to my son William HYDE (who also is a soldier) the Sum of Thirty pounds And I give and bequeath to my son Abel HYDE ( who is in his Majesty`s service, if alive) the Sum of Thirty Pounds And it is my Will that they shall each severally and personally, come to Simondley to receive their respective Shares or Legacies as aforesaid And it is my Will that no interest shall accumulate to any of their benefits, upon any of their bequests, previous to the receiving thereof And in case any one, or all of them, should not return to receive his or their share or shares as aforesaid, In that case, I give and bequeath the share, or shares, legacy, or legacies, of him or them so dying and not returning to my Daughter Hannah the wife of Robert SMITHES her Executors Administrators and Assigns. Also I give and bequeath to my said Daughter her Executors, Administrators and Assigns, all my right, property, and Interest of, and in the Messuage, Land, and Tenement, which I hold by Lease under Bernard Edward HOWARD Esq. situate at Simondley aforesaid, together with all my Household Furniture, Farming Utensils, And all the rest, residue, and remainder of my Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what kind, or quality, the same may be and not herein before disposed of I give to my said Daughter accordingly And Lastly I do nominate and appoint  Robert SMITHES aforesaid my son-in-law and my friend John BRADSHAW joint executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made In Witness whereof I have hereunto put my Hand and Seal this twenty seventh Day of January One Thousand eight Hundred and ten   

Martha HYDE her mark and seal

Signed sealed published and declared to by the last Will and Testament of Martha HYDE of Simondley in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses in her presence and in the presence of each other

Thomas SHAW his mark; John DEARNALEY

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Mary HYDE widow of Mottram: 1704

mentions - The poor of Mottram

Cousins: John STOCKPORT the elder of Manchester; Elizabeth THORNILEY of Newton; Susan WALKER; Edward CHADWICK the elder of Godley; Mary TURNER of Godley; Robert HYDE of Haughton

Henry HYDE son of Robert

Thomas GOODYEAR the younger

Cousins: Thomas GOODYEAR the elder; Peter SIDEBOTHAM of Woodley

Executors: Thomas GOODYEAR the elder; Peter SIDEBOTHAM

Written 18 Aug 1703

Witnesses: Stephen .... ROWE; Nicholas WAGSTAFF; Benjamin GEE

Inventory 26 Apr 1704     Appraisers: Thomas HIGINBOTHAM; Hugh LAWTON; William BOYER

Probate granted 26 May 1704

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Mary HYDE of Stockport 1822

This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester Widow

I give and devise to my two friends Robert Oldham MIDDLETON of Manchester in the county of Lancaster Rope Maker and Robert WALMSLEY of Stockport aforesaid Grocer their heirs and Assigns all the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments of which I or any person or persons in Trust for me am or is or are seized for an Estate of Freehold and Inheritance or of Freehold only (Except such Estates and Hereditaments as are vested in me in Trust or by way of Mortgage) and all the real Estate which I can devise by virtue of any special power of appointment with their respective rights members and appurtenances To hold the same unto and to the use of the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY their Heirs and Assigns for ever upon Trust that they the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY or the Survivor of them or the heirs and assigns of such survivor do and shall after my Decease at such time or times as to them or him in their or his discretion shall seem meet sell and absolutely dispose of the same either altogether or in parcels and either by public sale or private contract as to them or him shall seem reasonable And I order and direct that the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY and the survivor of them and the Heirs and Assigns of such survivor shall in like manner sell and absolutely dispose of all the Copyhold or Customary Estates which I may die possessed of or entitled to And for the purpose of selling my said Freehold and Copyhold Estates do and shall give Receipts and Discharges and enter into make and execute such Covenants Agreements Acts Deeds Conveyances Surrenders and Assurances in the Law as they or he shall think proper And I give and bequeath all my personal Estate and effects of what nature and kind soever not hereinafter specifically bequeathed by me unto the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY their Executors Administrators and Assigns upon Trust to convert the same into Money and to collect and get in the same And I direct that the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY their Heirs Executors and Administrators shall stand possessed of the Money to arise from the Sale or Sales of my said real Estates and which shall come to their hands or be produced from my personal Estate upon and for the Trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to the powers provisions and declarations hereinafter expressed and contained (that is to say) upon Trust that they the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY or the survivor of them or the Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns of such survivor do and shall by and with the same pay my funeral expences Debts and the charges of proving and establishing this my Will and all the Legacies given thereby or which I shall give by any Codicil or by any Testamentary Paper signed by me or in my hand writing and whether Witnessed or not And I give and bequeath unto my Uncle James RIXON of Romiley in the County of Chester Gentleman the Interest of the sum of Two hundred and fifty Pounds for and during the Term of his natural life, and from and after his death I give and bequeath the said sum of Two hundred and fifty Pounds unto his Daughter Sarah the Wife of the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON her Executors Administrators and Assigns as a mark of my respect and esteem for her, for her own use and at her own disposal and independant of her Husband I also give and bequeath unto Bessey HILL Wife of John HILL of Stourbridge in the County of Worcester House-builder her Executors Administrators and Assigns for her own use independant of her husband as a mark of my sincere esteem and regard for her the sum of Two hundred and fifty Pounds. I also give and bequeath to my servant Elizabeth JONES the sum of Fifty Pounds in case she be living with me at the time of my death as a Reward for her long services I also give and bequeath to my said Trustees the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY (whom I hereby appoint my Executors) the legacy of Fifty Pounds each and all the rest residue and remainder of the money to arise by the sale and produce of my said real and personal Estate I give and bequeath the same to and amongst my two Nieces Jane Washington HORNER and Mary Ann HORNER and my Nephew Joseph Washington HORNER in equal shares and proportions to be paid to them with the Interest and accumulations thereof at their respective Ages of Twenty One Years but if any of them shall happen to depart this Life under that Age leaving lawful Issue such Issue to be entitled amongst them to their his or her Parents share as well Original as accruing and if any of my said Nieces and Nephew shall die under the age of Twenty one Years without leaving lawful Issue the share of such of them so dying to be equally divided amongst the survivors and survivor of them and the Issue of such of them as shall happen to be then dead such Issue taking amongst them his or her parents share and if all my said Nephew and Nieces shall happen to die under Age without leaving Issue Then I give and bequeath all the said residue of the produce of my said real and personal Estate to my next of Kin according to the Statute of Distributions And I give devise and bequeath to the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns all Estates which at the time of my decease shall be vested in me upon any Trusts or by way of Mortgage of which I have power to dispose by this my Will with their rights members and appurtenances To hold the same Premises unto the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY their Heirs Executors and Administrators respectively  according to the nature and quality thereof respectively upon the Trusts and subject to the equity of redemption which at the time of my decease shall be subsisting or capable of taking effect therein respectively And I do hereby declare that the Receipts in Writing of the Trustees or Trustee who for the time being shall act in the Execution of the Trusts of this my Will for any sum or sums of Money payable to them or him for the purchase of my said Estates or any part thereof or otherwise under or by virtue of this my Will shall be good and effectual releases for the Money therein respectively acknowledged to be received and shall to all intents and purposes discharge the person or persons taking such Receipts and his heir or their Heirs Executors and Administrators from seeing to the application or being accountable or answerable for the misapplication or nonapplication of the same or any part thereof And I do hereby authorize and empower my Executors to pay any Debts owing by me or claimed from me upon any evidence they shall think proper and to accept any Composition for any Debt or Debts owing to me although the same may be less than the full amount thereof and to take any Securities real or personal for any such Debts or Composition and also to allow such time for the payment of the same respectively as to them or him shall appear reasonable And I declare that the said Robert Oldham MIDDLETON and Robert WALMSLEY shall not be charged or chargeable for the other or others of them or for the signing Receipts for the sake of conformity or for any Banker or other person in whose hands any part of the said Trust Moneys shall be lodged or for any loss or damage whatsoever which shall happen in the Execution of the said Trusts without his wilful default neglect or collusion and that each and every of the said Trustees may deduct retain to and reimburse himself and themselves respectively out of the Trust Monies which shall come to their or his hands or hand all such Costs Charges and expences as they respectively may expend or to be put unto in or about the Trusts hereby created or any of them or otherwise in relation thereunto In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of September One thousand eight hundred and twenty.       

Signed Mary HYDE (with seal)

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Testator, as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses


Stockport February 13 1822

Robert WALMSLEY and Robert Oldham MIDDLETON executors named in this will with a codicil annexed were sworn in common form and they further made oath that the personal estate and effects of the testatrix within the diocese of Chester were under the value of four thousand pounds.   Before me Kelsall PRESCOT Surrogate

The testatrix died on the 14 of October 1821   Probate issued Dated 8 April 1822 

Codicil on a separate sheet (in the handwriting of Mary HYDE

It is my wish that Jane Washington HORNER shall have my Piano Forte and Music Stool her Sister Mary Ann HORNER to have my best set of Scarlet Tea China and all belonging it, saying Tea & Coffee Urn, also the Blind Beggar being my own work and hangs in the Room I sleep in over the Parlour.  Joseph Washington HORNER to have my Watch and my Writing Desk and the large Family Bible

Mrs MIDDLETON to have the small eight Days Clock that stands now in the Room over the Kitchen, the Furniture to be disposed of as soon as convenient, after my Decease, as possible.

Stockport Churchgate August 24: 1821

Signed Mary HYDE

(In a different hand) This is a codicil of the will of the late Mary HYDE sworn to by the executors before me Kelsall PRESCOT Surrogate Feb 13 1822

On a separate sheet

In the Consistory Court of Chester On Monday the eighth day of April 1822

Appeared personally James RIXON of Romiley in the county of Chester Gentleman and John Kenyon WINTERBOTTOM of the same place Gentleman

and being sworn upon the Holy Gospels made Oath that they knew and were well acquainted with Mary HYDE late of Stockport in the County and Diocese of Chester Widow deceased and with her manner and character of handwriting having frequently seen her write and subscribe her name and having now with care and attention viewed and perused the paper writing hereto annexed bearing date the twenty fourth day of August one thousand eight hundred and twenty one and purporting to be and contain a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of the said deceased they verily and in their consciences believe the whole series body and contents of the said paper writing together with the names "Mary HYDE" subscribed thereto to be of the proper handwriting and subscription of the said Mary HYDE deceased and of no other person whomsoever


Signed and sworn at Stockport the day and year aforesaid Before me Kelsall PRESCOT Surrogate

On a separate sheet in the handwriting of Mary HYDE are columns of names

Reverend Mr PRESCOT

Ladies Gloves
























Mrs DAWL...   (in a different hand)


Miss ASTLEY  (in a different hand)


Mr HORNER not to attend by any means whatever, nor to be noticed in any respect




Mr W AMBERY                    one wanting

Abraham ASHTON


John BROSTER (in a different hand)

__________________________________ top

Mary HYDE widow of Hawk Green, Marple: 1885

mentions: Brother Thomas COOPER of Compstall Bridge

Sister Elizabeth COOPER widow of Hawk Green

Niece: Elizabeth Mary WOOD of Ludworth

Nephews: Josiah & James COOPER sons of brother Joseph COOPER

Nephew & Niece John COOPER & Elizabeth A COOPER children of brother William COOPER

Executors: brother Thomas COOPER; sister Elizabeth COOPER widow; nephew Josiah COOPER

Written: 26 May 1882

Witnesses: Ellen Ann OLDHAM of Mottram; John JACKSON of Marple

Mary HYDE died 19 Oct 1884

Proved 3 Feb 1885

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Nanny HYDE widow of Godley: 1839

mentions:  Charles BOSTOCK miller of Cheadle

John VAUGHAN gentleman of Heaton Norris

Grandsons: Samuel SHEPLEY; William SHEPLEY; John SHEPLEY

Granddaughters: Sarah SHEPLEY; Mary SHEPLEY; Ann SHEPLEY

Daughter Nancy BOULTON widow

Executors: Charles BOSTOCK; John SHEPLEY & Samuel SHEPLEY of John dies

Overseer of Will John VAUGHAN

Written 2 Jul 1837

Witnesses: Robert SMITH jun.; Joseph SWANN; Jacob JACKSON

Codicil 6 Nov 1838

More money given to grandson William SHEPLEY

Witnesses: Robert BENNETT; Samuel PENNY; James PENNY

Nanny HYDE died 24 Feb 1839

Probate 17 May 1839

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Nathan HYDE of Ardwick 1797  

Last page(s) of Will missing - date 13 May 1797

I Nathan HYDE of Ardwick in the County of Lancaster Esquire being of perfect mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following and First I will and direct that all my just debts funeral expences and the charges of the probate and execution of this my Will and all and every the Legacies hereinafter given and bequeathed or which shall be mentioned and specified in any codicil note or memorandum to be written or ........ by me shall be paid and discharged out of personal Estate and I give and devise all that my capital messuage or dwelling house with the Lands Hereditaments and appurtenances therein to belonging or therewith usually occupied or enjoyed by my late Brother Robert HYDE deceased situate lying and being in Ardwick aforesaid unto my affectionate Wife Margaret HYDE for her residence or usual place of abode (she maintaining and keeping the same in neat order repair and condition) together with the use of all the household and other goods plate china linen and furniture therein during the term of her natural life in case she shall so long continue my Widow but not further or otherwise And I give and bequeath all my Coaches Carriages Horses Hay Corn Cattle Victuals Wine Ale and Liquors of what kind soever and also the sum of five hundred pounds to my said Wife to be paid and delivered to her immediately after my decease for her own use and benefit And I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Samuel GREGG and my Brother in Law John ENTWISLE Esquire and Bertie MAITLAND their Executors Administrators and Assigns the sum of twenty five thousand pounds upon the Trusts nevertheless and to and for the several uses intents and purposes herein after mentioned and expressed of and concerning the same (that is to say) upon Trust and to the intent and purpose that they my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns do and shall from time to time place out or continue the said sum of Twenty five thousand pounds at Interest upon Government or such real Security or Securities in England as shall be thought good and sufficient and at such rate of Interest as can be reasonably had or got for the same and pay and apply the yearly Interest increase dividends and produce thereof as the same shall become (sic) one half yearly unto my said Wife for and during the term of her natural life in case she shall so long continue my Widow and from and after her decease or marriage Then upon further Trust that they my said Trustees or the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns do and shall in like manner place or continue out at Interest the sum of ten thousand pounds part of the said sum of Twenty five thousand pounds and pay and apply the yearly Interest Increase dividends and produce thereof unto my said Wife for and during the term of her natural life for her own sole and separate use and not subject  or liable to the Debts Contracts Controul or Engagements of any person or persons with whom she may live after intermarry whose receipts alone whether covert or sole shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my said Trustees or the Survivor of them the Executors Administrators or Assigns for so much and such part of the Interest monies or dividends for which such receipt or receipts shall be given And from and after the second marriage of my said Wife Then upon further Trust that they my said Trustees and the Survivor of them his Executors Administrators or Assigns do and shall pay and apply the sum of fifteen thousand pounds part of the said sum of Twenty five thousand pounds in and and (sic) for the benefit of my residuary Legatee herein after mentioned And from and after the decease of my said Wife then upon further trust that they my said Trustees and the Survivor of them their Executors Administrators or Assigns do and shall pay and apply the Sum of Ten thousand pounds residue of the said sum of twenty five thousand pounds unto and amongst all and every or any one or more of my Sons and Daughters tho` at such time or times and in such parts shares proportions manner and form as her my said Wife (whether covert or sole) by any Deed or Deeds writing or writings purporting to be her last Will and Testament to be by her Signed Sealed and Delivered or by her last Will And Testament to be by her Signed Sealed and published in the presence of and attested by two or more credible Witnesses shall declare direct leave give bequeath or appoint the same and for want or default of such Declaration Direction limitation gift bequest or appointment Then unto and amongst all or every such Sons and Daughters then living equally share and share alike And I do hereby will and declare that the provision hereinbefore made for my said Wife in lieu recompense and full satisfaction and discharge of any Dower right or title of Dower or thirds at Law which she now hath or at any time hereafter can shall or may have claim challenge demand of in to from or out of any real or personal Estate whereof or wherein I shall die seized or possessed And I give and devise all those my Messuages or Dwelling houses Lands ...... and Hereditaments with their and every of their Appurtenances situate lying and being in Manchester Ardwick Denton Houghton and Lancaster in the said county or any of them and also all that my said Capital Messuage or Dwelling house with the Lands and Hereditaments therein to belonging to (from and after the decease or second marriage of my said Wife) unto my Son John HYDE and his Assigns for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of waste? And from and after the determination of that estate by forfeiture or otherwise unto the said Samuel GREGG John ENTWISLE and Bertie MAITLAND and their Heirs during the life of my said Son John In trust to procure the contingent ................ whereof hereinafter limited from being defeated or destroyed and for that purpose to take duties and bring actions as occasion shall require but nevertheless to p...... and .... the said John HYDE and his Assigns during his life to receive and take the ...to issues and profits of all an singular the said premises to his and their own use and from and after the decease of the said John HYDE unto the first Son of the said John HYDE lawfully to be begotten and the Heirs Male of the body of such first Son lawfully issuing and for default of such issue unto the second third fourth fifth and all and every other Son and Sons of the said John HYDE lawfully to be begotten severally successively and in remainder one after another as they and every of them shall be in priority of birth and seniority of age and the Heirs Male of their several and respective Bodies lawfully issuing the elder of such Sons and the Heirs Male of his body being always preferred and to take before the younger and the Heirs Male of his

The next page(s) is/are missing      

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Philip HYDE of Prestbury 1661

Cover page looks like it has been used to blot the Inventory.

Will and Testament of Phillipp HYDE of Prestbury 19 Apr 1661

Page 2 - In the name of God Amen. I Phillipp HYDE of Prestburie in the County of Chester yoman beinge sicke in Body but of Sound and Perfect memory praised be god for the same Doe ordayne and make this my last Will and testament in maner and forme followinge

First I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ Hopinge assuredly to bee saved in and through his alone Merritts and my Body to bee buried in descent maner amongest my Anscestors And for that temporall Estate wherewith Itt hath pleased God to Blesse mee withall I give and bequeath the same in maner and forme followinge First My Will and mynd is that my goods Cattells and Chattells shall goe for and towards the payment and Discharge of my Debts and funeral Expences and what my said Goods shall fall short to pay and Discharge my will & mynd is that the same shall bee made forth out of my tenem(en)t in Prestbury ....... as I have already appoynted by a certaine Indenture of assignment bearinge Equall Date with these pl.ents Onely I desire that the Husbandry ware and the great table with the bedstids now remayninge in my House at Prestbury might soe continue Alsoe I doe hereby give and bequeath unto Katherin CROWTHER my Daughter in Law five pounds in Money to bee paid to her out of my personal Estate or in case that the same fall short that then the same shall be paid unto her by my sonne Phillipp for and in lieu and Satisffacion of all recconinges Betwixt us from the begingings of this world to the day of the Date of these pl.ents

Secondly my will and mynd is and I doe hereby give and bequeath unto my Reputed Daughter Katherin HYDE One Roome belonging to my said Messuage in Prestbury aforesaid Comonly called the Kitchen Buttrey to have and to hould to the same Katherin HYDE soe long as she shall keepe herselfe sole and unmarried for a place for her to Inhabite and dwell in But not Carry or take any other person or persons whatsoever as also one bed to be got out and appoynted unto her at the discrecion of my Executors

Thirdly I doe hereby Ratify and Confirme unto my children Thomas Anne and Mary and to my reputed children Richard and Katherin all such Sume and Sumes of money as I have to them lymitted and appoynted in and by the said Indentures of Assignment

Fourthly my will and mynd is that whereas there is a certaine tenem(en)t in Peber in the County of Chester by Thomas ALCOCKE and Richard ALCOCKE late Brother in law and uncle unto me the said Phillipp left unto my children amongst them my will and mynd is that the said tenem(en)t goe to the uses in the said assignment mentoed ? onely I desire that my sonne Thomas might Enjoy the first yeares profitt for & towards the byndinge him an apprentice

Page 3  And of this my last will and testamt I doe hereby ordaine and make my trusty and well beloved freinds William NEWTON of Parke house in the County of Chester yeoman and my lovinge Daughter in law Katherin CROWTHER my Executors In witnesse whereof  I have hereunto set my Hand and seale the fifteenth day of December in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred Fifty and Nyne

Phillipp HYDE his mark & seal

Sealed and Delivered and published in presence of us Alexander HARLOW; William HYDE; Thomas JEYSON       

Page 4 Inventory - part of which has decayed.  For this reason I have omitted the values.

A true and perfect account of the Goods Cattells and Chattells of Phillipp HYDE late of Prestbury in the County of Chester yoman Deceased Taken and Prised at Prestbury aforesaid the last day of December Anno Dm 1659 by John DYTON Peter SHELHORNE? Richard BLACKSHAWE and William HOLLAND yoman

One Cowe one heifer one sterke and two calves

One Gray Nagge

Two Swyne

Six sheepe 

Corne Barly and Oates .........

In Hay

In Husbandry ware 

In Poultrie

In the parlor above the house

One Bedd Beddstidd Featherbedds and other furniture thereunto belonginge

One other Bedd Bedstid and furniture

One Prisse Cupboard One chaire two Buffet Stools and one Coffer

Four Silver Spoons

One Peece of Flaxon Cloath

One pair of Round Stools

In the Chamber over the Parlor

One Bed with the furniture

One other Bedd with the Furniture

One other Bed with the Furniture

In Linnen

One Table two Chests

In the Chamber over the house

In ... hempe and Flax Yarns and 4 Sackes

Three small Coffers

In the little Parlor

One Bed with the Furniture & One old Arke or ....

In the Chamber over the Kitchen

One old Bedd with some other old useless things

In the House

One Table and One Cupboard

Twenty Six Pewter Dishes with other small pewter

In the Kitchen

In Brasse

In Butter Cheese Bacon and .........

One Iron Grate and other Iron ware

One Coffer

In the House

One Coffer and one Cheese presse

In ..... ware & Jacknall? ware

One close or piece? of Land for the terme of three years yett in beinge

The Deceaseds Purse & Apparel

Sume Total .........

Exhibit 19 Apr 1661

__________________________________ top

Philip HYDE of Butley 1700

Page 1 - HYDE then Latin Philippi HIDE ... of Butley Yeoman de ... Extm et Com ... Exs Gulielmus (William) WATTS Josephus MALBON et Thome HIDE Executobus ....... 19 Nov 1700

Page 2 Phillip HYDE will

Page 3 In the name of God Amen: the Eighth Day of May Anno Dom 1700 I Philip HYDE of Butley in the County of Chester yeoman being in perfect health both body & mind yet considering the uncertaintie of continuing so do put this my will & mind with my owne hand in to writing.  And first I bequeth my Soule into the hands of almightie God my Saviour hoping through the merits death, and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full & free pardon and forgiveness of all my Sinns And to inheritt Everlasting life, And my body I comitt to the earth to be Decently buried at the discretion of my Executors here after named And as touching such temporall Estate as it pleased god to bless me with I give and dispose thereof as followeth.

Imps I will that all my debts and funerall Charges shall be paid  Item I give to my Brother Thomas HYDE my tenemt in Prestbury that I am now possessed of (with this proviso) he paying and securing to be paid to my Loving wife Dorothy during her life the yearly sume of nyne pounds a year yearly and also the house with its apartmts that is those Roomes belonging (viz) two parlours & the Buttery for to live in if shee have occasion but for no other end nor uses And I also give her the best bedd that I shall die possessed of wel made up (only one excepted) I also give her one halfe of the Linnen & one cow and five pounds in money to be paid within one month after my death; Item I also give to my half Brother Richard HYDE Fifty Shilling a year to be paid by my Brother Thomas out of the profitts of the said tenemt yearly during his Life; Butt if my sd Br. Tho shall refuse to Do these things before exprest then my will & mind is that my said wife shall enter upon my said tenemt and hold & enjoy itt and all the profitts During her life if the Lease so Long indure doing all such services as I am obliged to by my Lease And paying to the said Richard HYDE three pounds a year yearly whilst he Lives And if shee have the tenemt it shall be in full of her claime to any other parte of my estate.  Item I give to my sd Brother Thomas all my Husbandry ware Item I give my Sister Ann WHITIKER Twentie pounds more then I ... her  Item I give my Sister Mary Twentie pounds in money & the use of Four Score pounds as it shall rise yearly & to be Imployed by my Executors  Item I give to Margreat the wife of Tho GILBERT five pounds  Item I give to Niece Mary GILBERT Three Score pounds to be laid out or Imployed for her use by my Executors according to their descretion Item I give my wifes grandaughter Dorothy SPAWTON Forty Pounds to be Imployed by whom my wife shall appoint Item I give to the use of the poore of Prestbury to be Laid out Five pounds Item I give to the use of Butley poore to be added to the comon stocke three pounds  Item I give to Philip HYDE my kinsman Twentie pounds And to his sister Ann Fortie shillings And their Brother Richard HYDE five shillings  Item I give to my godson Edward BROCK a Guinea & to every god Child I have Living at the time of my death two shillings apeece And to [one line illegible at bottom of page] .............................. & his wife each Twentie shillings

Page 4  Item I give to Dorothy DALE tenn shillings & to her sister Alice tenn shillings And to their Brother George DALE tenn shillings  Item I give to my Brother Thomas Twentie pounds And I also give him Four Score pounds he paying my sister Mary twelve pence a pound for it yearly as Long as she lives 

Item I nominate and Appoint my well beloved and trustie friends Wm WATTS Joseph MALBON and my Brother Thomas HYDE Executors of this my Last will and Testamt and I give to Each of them twentie shillings And be ........ ........ & Indemnified from any damage they or any of them shall sustain by this trust reposed in them And after my debts funeral expences & Legacies are paid then I give all the Rest of my personal Estate goods & chattels whatsoever unto my Brother Thomas one of the Executors before named And I do hereby revoake, disanull and make void al former wills & Testamts by me formerly made In Witness whereof I the sd Philip HYDE have here unto sett my hand & seale the day & year first above written.

Philip HYDE (his signature & seal)

Sealed & Delivered (with those words first enterlined betwixt the 36 & 37 Lynes (viz) Item I give to Margreat the wife of Thomas GILBERT five pounds) and I also Enter Lyne I betwixt the 21st & 22nd (& one Cow) then sealed & delivered as above in the presence of

John GEE; George BARBER; John BURGES

No 19 1700 Latin sentence Tho Wainwright

Page 5  A true & perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattle Chattells and Creditts of Phillipp HYDE late of Butley in the County of Chester Yeoman deceased taken and vallued the Tenth day of October Anno Dm 1700 by John STONEHEWER & John ASTLE Apprazers






Two Cowes and Two Little Cowes




Seaven Twinters and One Bull Calfe




Two best Bullocks & one worser




One Seyy Eight Sterkes & Six calvvs




Nine Milk Cowes & One Lame Cowe




In Wheate




In Wheate and Rye




 In Oates & Barley




A Cow att Joseph COWPERS




Three Horses & One Mare




Three Swine




I`th Corn House

A Corne Cart and Wheels, a muck cart & wheels




In Harrowes Boards & Limver




Garden & ...

In Oates & Barley




One Buckleing chaire, Axes, Augers & other tools




Stable & Chamber

In Horse geares, wheels timber &other Lumber




In Hay




Two plowes and Irons





In Pewter Brass & white ware




In Cheese fatts Basons & other woodware





One Ovall Table & One round Table




Five chaires & fower stooles





One Long Table 




One Presse & Three Chaires




In Bookes




In Kitchin

A Cheese Presse & One swine Board 




A Kneading Turnell? & a Spinning Wheele





Coopery ware ; a Table & other things




Best chamber

One Red Bedd with itts furniture




One other Bedd with the furniture




Six cushions




One little Table & a great Chaire




Two Looking Glasses




In Linen




One Tr.... & a little Cuboard





& chamber at back of it

In malt & two old cofers




In Boards & Cooper Timber




In wooll, feathers & other odd things




In yarne & Towe




Cheese Chamber

In Cheese




In Beding




Tresles and other odd things




..... Chamber

A Greene Bed with itts furniture




Another Bedd & a Cofer




Kitchin Chamber

One Bed with itts furniture




Three Coffers and one screene




Five Pillowes & one Boulster




Buttery Chamber

One Bed with itts furniture 




One Truckle Bed




One Desk & one Table




One Old Cofer & Two sack stooles




One chaire and Panne & a little Cubboard





One Clock & Two Brass Potts




One Warming Pann & a Brass Panne




One Brass Kettle & a furmie panne




One Copper Chafeing Dish a candlestick and a little panne




A little Brass Pott, Kettle & Two s.........




A thing for salt & a little P.. over itt




Three Spitts & a fowling peice




A Driping Panne, frying Panne, smoothing Iron & some other Iron things




Fire shovle Tongues Pott Races & Hookes




In Bacon & Poultrey




In fewell for the house




Three silver spoones 




The Deceased`s Apparrell Swords & Saddle 




A Watch & Plate Buttons




Monies found on the Deceased  ad: deain?




In debts owing to him by several specialties 




In other debts without specialty




In Lim.... & other odd .... not well to be particularized














__________________________________ top

Ralph HYDE of Glossop p: 12 May 1546

In ye name of god Amen the xth daye of January an dm ye 1545th I Raphe HYD Sounde in body and pfect in Remembrance thanks be to god But By Reason of myne Age d[  ]deyng ye uncertyntye of deth make this my las wyll in forme folowying fyrst I Bequeth my Soule to Allmyghty god & the Blessed mother saynte mary & all the blessed A[       ]ding of heven & my Body to be buryed in ye pysshe Church of glossop also for my mortuaryi Accordynge to the [    ]nte ys of [   ]dad I am to my wryte for tythynge & obla[  ]andt forgoten upp Itm I bequeath to an honest priest to pray for my soule And myn A[       ] soules by the space of [   ] of of one yere xxs Itm I wyll yt my executors shall Bestowe iijs iijd [   ] and dole the same Among the porest at A tyme convenyent Itm I bequeath to Raphe WYLD son my Russet Belt Jakes It to margaret ye daughter of John HYD my son An ewe & lambe Itm to [   ] KYNDER A payre of botes Itm to henry DOGHSON A payre of hab[  ] Itm I wyll yt my executors shall paye or cause to be payd to my son In lawe John RAULLENS x£ whech I owe hym & yt beyond unpayd of hys maryage good Itm I [   ] yt on my charg yt I now dyd owe to John DODGE Any manr of dutye or dette by reason of dowry of Covenent grant or pmy & yt or was betweene us the resydue of my goods not bequeathed (When my detts be payd my legacyes And ffunerall costs dyscharged) Chatles dyveyded into iij pts [   ] of one pte Equall Remayn to margaret my wyffe And other or pts to be Equally dybyded Amonge Rychard Wyllm Margaret & John HYDE my Chyldren Item I ordyn and constitute margaret my wyffe Rychard & willm HYD my sones my trewe & lawfull executors to se thys my Wyll fulfylled As Wyll Answer [    ] god These Wytnes John WATERHOUSE Ottywell ANDREWS And Randuyll HYDE wt other [   ]

detts owyng unto me





ix s



Idm Willm



iij s iijd



The true Inventorye of All and singler such goods As were appurtayning to Rauffe HYDE at the tyme of hys deth pysed by John DANDE ottewell ANDREWE John WATERHOUSE and John COLYER  the 6th daye of maye ao dm yl d xlvj In prmis

pl [     ] ye p[   ]


Itm xxx o[   ] & lambes

iij£xvjs viijd

Itm xx hoggs

xxxiijs iiijd

Itm iiij oxen

iij£ xiijs iiijd

Itm iiij kyel

iijs iiijd

Itm iij heyfers


Itm iij Calves


Itm a mare


Itm on v[  ]yne


Itm In corne


Itm in conletts vj

xiijs iiijd

Itm in shets x payre


Itm blanketts 


Itm ij mattes


Itm middlyng panes


Itm iiij potts


Itm xvj pecs of pent so[    ] 


Itm a [ ]oyn [     ] and Ap[  ] wt others thyngs belongyng to ye Same


Itm Chares stoles botles dysshes and oy wodden ware wt all oy hustylment of house to ye walnre

iiijs iiijd

__________________________________ top

Ralph HYDE of Bullshawe, Glossop p.: 1607 (very difficult to read)

mentions: wife 

Sons Raph; Robert and Thomas

Daus: Margaret; Elizabeth GELL

Christopher BENNETT

Alexander HOLLINGWORTH gent.

Son in Law Raph MELLOR


Witnesses: Edward BENNETT; Thomas SMITH; William .......

Debts owing me: John DAND; John HADFIELD of Dinting; John KINDER; ..... WILKINSON; John HYDE; Ellen CHITAM (Cheetham?) widow; Thomas MELLOR; John ARMFEELD of Cliffe Bank; Wife of John POTT of Harrope; John BENNETT of the Banke

Written 21 Sep 1607

Inventory - Appraisers: John DAND; Raphe HYDE yeoman of the Haighe; Anthony BOWDON; Thomas WALKLETT

Probate 2 Oct 1607

__________________________________ top

Ralph HYDE of Haigh: 21 November 1609

In the Name of God Amen the xxix day of Julye in the yeare of our Lord god 1609. I Raph HYDE of the Haighe Sicke in bodye but in good and pfecte Mynde and Remembrance praysed be to god for it, do Constitute ordayne and make this my psente will & Testament in Maner & fforme folowinge that is to witt: ffirst I offer and bequeath my Soule to Almightie god my Creator and maker Trustinge through the Meritts of His Sonn Jesus Christe and his pcious bloude sheeding to be on of the Number of His Electe and Body to be buried within the Chapell of Mellor and that my ffunerall expences and such detts as of Right I owe to Any man be discharged of my whole goods:  Also I leave and bequeathe to Raph HYDE my eldest Sonn on pewter dishe and a Chandler a Cheer thre Arkes & on brasse potte at litle Hefielde on litle copper on greate byble to be kepte as Heirloomes:  Also I give and bequeathe to Raph my saide sonn thre Arkes that garnesh my best Coffer which was my grandfathers my best S[ ]olde bedde on boarde at litle Hefielde and two tables at the house and the two ptes of all my Husbandry ware and Towles in full satisffacon of all his thyrdes pte or porcon  Also I give leave and bequeath to Margery now my wyef the third pte of all my lands for terme of her lyef And I give her the therd pte of all my goods unbequeathed and the full third pte of all my Husbandry ware:  And ffurther it is my ffull mynd and will that Margery my said wyef [     ] all [     ] my ffarme Tenemente wherein I now dwell And on [ T]acke of grounde called or knowne by [   ]names of bent & Cote clough beinge pcell of the ffarme of James RIDGWAY: towards the bringinge upp [    ] [    ]herante of any & h[     ] duringe so longe tyme of the severall tearmes contayned in my said leasses as she shall be sole and unmarried & that she shall [   ] the Tuition of my children and there portons till the severally Accomplish the severall Ages of Twentie on years if she lykewyse live so longe sole and unmarried And if she Mary or dye then I leave Asygne and bequeath my sayd ffarme & Tenement and the Tacke of pre[     ] calede bente & Cote clough [ ]borne [         ] duringe al the tyme contayned in my said severall leasses to my Exectutors hereafter named towards the bringinge upp and onely use benefyte & pferement of my Chalddrene And that the th[   ] Executors from then forth shall have the [       ] of all my Children & there portons wll the come to there severall Ages of xxi yeares as aforesaide:  Also it is my ffull mynde and will that the two ptes of all my goods shalbe imployed by my said Executors for the benefit of my sonns younger children untill such tyme as there severall portons (Accordinge there withall there porton of my goods & pfetts of my Leasses) do Amounte [  ] [ ]ome to [     ] of the sum of ffortie pounds as so many of them as shalbe then livinge

Also I give to Mary my daughter on Coffer wch was my fathers: Also I give leave and devyce to Henry HYDE my sonn [       ] after he Accomplish the age of xxi yeares every yeare duringe his lyef the some of [very dark] HYDE at every feast of the Nativitie of [                      very dark                        ] at litle Hefelde And for wante of payment of the said some of xxs at the daites aforesaid my full mynde and will is that Henery my sonn shall defranyne enter uppon the p[     ] [    ] at litle Hefielde untill the some of xxs be ffully and [        ]upp unto he do Atayne to the ffull valewe in lande and goods of on hundred pounds And then the said An[       ] shall cease:  Also it is my will that my Stepp[     ] daughter Margret COTRELL shalbe manteyned at the discresion of my Executors hereafter Namede till she Accomplish the Age of xxj yeares And then she shall have the some of fyve Marckes [       ] her p[         ]

Also I give to Alis BLACKWELL my servant an ewe & A lambe: Also I give to Rondulfe STAFFORD  of the Cliff my lether dublette: Also I give to ffrancis BRODH[URS]T my brother in lawe my best payre of britch[   ] dublette Also I give to my servant Thomas SMITH my [    ] Coate and my dublet & britches best buton f[  ]te: Also I do constut ordayne and make Robert [         ] and George BOUTH my lawfull Executors trustinge the will ffullfill & Accomplish this my last will & Testament for my soules health: And I do desyer Mr Hamlet HYDE of Hyde gent & Mr John HYDE the deane of Maklefield to be oversiers of this my will these being witnesses Robert RIDGWAY Robert HYDE my brother & Raph FFERNELY wth others

detts that I do owe


detts owinge to me


first to Robert H[         ]  

vi£ xis iiijd

first william WYLDE


Item to Margret SHOTLWORTH 



Item to Ann BARBOR  

xiiij£ xiijs iiijd

Item John BOWRE


Item to John [    ] & Thomas SHOTLWORTH  




Item to Raph ORME   

xiiij£ xikijs iiijd



Item to Edward HADFIELD

x£ xs



Item to John HYDE    




Item to Mrs Jane DAVENPORT 




Item to John [    ]TON  




Item to Elizabeth & Joane CLETON



Item to Elin [    ]    




Item to Richard [     ] 




__________________________________ top

Ralph HYDE of New Milne 1615

In the name of God Amen in the Nynth day of March in the yeare of our Lord God 1615 and in the yeare of the reingne of our Soveringne Lord James by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith the Thirteenth and of Scotland the nyne and fortieth I Raphe HYDE of New Milne of the parish of Glossop in the Countie of Derbie Wollen Draper beinge sicke in bodie but of good and perfect remembrance I praise God for dread of naturall Death the tyme ........ is ......... Doe make Constitute Ordane and Declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge, That is to witt, First and chiefly I comitt my soule into the hands of Almighty God Trustinge faithfullie by the meritts of his sonne Jesus my Saviour to be one of the number of his elect And my body I comitt to the earth to be buried in the chappell ...... of Hayfield.  Item I doe give and bequeath unto Lawrence HYDE my brother £10.  Item I doe give unto Alice DOWNES my sister £16 wch her oweth me, Item to Robt DOWNES her sonne 20s Item I give unto his fower children to every of them 13s 4d a peece Item I doe give unto Edward DOWNES my nephew 20s Item I doe give unto William DOWNES £5 6s 8d.  Item I doe give unto Lawrence DOWNES Thomas DOWNES and Margrett DOWNES to everie of them £3 6s 8d a peece.  Item I doe give unto fower children of William HYDE my nephew the summe of £13 6s 8d. that is to Randull HYDE Edward HYDE Ann HYDE and Joane HYDE equally to be divided amongst them, Item I doe give unto Raphe HYDE which I am godfather unto the sonne of William HYDE the sume of Six fore? poundes.  Item I doe give unto Elizabeth BEARD wyffe of George BEARD £3 And to her three children £3 equally among them.  Item I doe give unto Elizabeth GARLICK one cowe being in her possession.  Item I doe give unto Margrett HYDE the wyffe of William HYDE 10s.  Item I doe give unto Wm WARRINGTON 46s wch he oweth mee.  Item I doe give unto Otiwell BOWDEN 18s wch he oweth mee  Item I doe give unto the children of Widowe BOWER of Whytle to everie of them 6d a peece,  Item I doe give to the wyffe of Bryan HEATON 12d  Item I doe give unto Edmund SMITH 6d.  Item I doe give unto Edmund HOBSON the younger 3s 4d.  Item I give unto Raphe BOOTH 12d.  Item I give unto Margrett BRAMALL 12d  Item I doe give unto Margorie HOBSON 6s 8d  Item I doe give unto Randull HIBBERTT the sonne of John HIBBERTT 10s.  Item I doe give unto Ann RATCLIFFE the daughter of William RATCLIFFE 10s.  Item I doe give and leave towards the building of the Haigh Bridge 10s.  Item I doe give unto the wyffe of Raph ROWBOTHM 12d.  Item I doe give unto Widowe SWINDELS of the Pingott 12d.  Item I doe give to everie one that I am godfather to 12d a peece.  Item I doe give to Otiwell WARRINGTON 2s.  Item I doe give to Widowe BEARD of Jowhole 3s 4d.  Item I doe give unto Robert HYDE of Haigh 5s.  It is my mynd and will that after I be forthe? brought my debts legacies and funerall expences discharged and  paid or done out of my whole goods that then the rest remaining and not bequeathed shalle and remayne unto Wm HYDE my nephew and to his use.  And I doe allso ordayne and appoynte the said Wm HYDE the executor of this my last will hoping he will see the same performed according to the meaninge thereof.  Raphe HYDE his marke  Witnesses of this my will Law: HYDE his marke Edmund HOBSON his marke Robt HYDE

Proved at London but this part in Latin.  

__________________________________ top

Ralph HYDE of Prestbury 1616

In the name of God Amen the 20th Daie of August in the 14th yeare of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Kinge Defender of the faith here and of Scotland the 48th I Raphe HYDE of Presburie in the Countie of Chester husbandman beinge sicke in bodie but in good and perfecte memorie (thanks bee to god) doe make and ordaine this my Last Will and Testam(en)t in manner and forme followinge First I comend my soule into the hands of the almighty god my creator and maker by whose mercies the onelie? merrits of Jesus Christ my Saviour and redeemer I hope assuredlie to bee saved And my bodie with ..... .... it was made to bee buried at the discretion of myne executors Itm as concerning my goods cattalls and chattalls I give and bequeath and dispose of them in manner and forme followinge Imprimis I give unto Katherine GLEAVE of Poynton £7 and doe freelie give to George GLEAVE her husband that £3 which hee owes me Itm I give and bequeath unto Thomas BATE of Adlington and to his children ten pounds Itm I give and bequeath unto Joane STUBES of the p(ar)ishe of A........ and to her two sones ...... pounds Itm I give and bequeath to Randle BARLOWE fyve pounds Itm I give and bequeath to Frances BARLOWE fyve pounds Itm I give and bequeath unto Edward BARLOWE ten shillings Itm I give and bequeath unto Margarett POTT of Ranowe fortie shillings and to give to Lawrence POTT her husband that 20s which he owes me Itm I give unto Richard HYDE my brother Lawrence sonne £10 Itm I give and bequeath unto Katherine the wife of Thomas NEWTON £10 Itm I give and bequeath unto Edward NEWTON sonne to the aforesaid Thomas NEWTON £20 Itm I give unto Phillip PHILLIPPS £20 Itm I give unto Joane BARBER sister to George BARBER of Presburie £20 Itm I give and bequeath unto everie god child I have 2s apeece Itm I give and bequeath unto 20 of the poorest cottagers neare ad...... unto Presburie 20d apeece Itm I give to Raphe HYDE my godson 10s Itm I give and bequeath unto anie poore bodie 2d at my funerall Itm I give unto Anne HYDE my sister in lawe that £7 12s which she owes me Itm I give unto Phillipp HYDE my nephew that £23 which hee owes me Itm I give unto Thomas NEWTON that £14 18s which hee owes me if it please god I dye within the fortnight debts owing to the testator Imprimis Phillip HYDE £23 Itm Thomas NEWTON £14 18s  Itm John NEWTON £22 Itm Richard NORMONSELL £11 Itm Thomas BLACKSHAWE £11 Itm Jess? WILLOTT £7 14s Itm Richard BLACKSHAWE £8 4s Itm James CLARKE £5 10s Itm John CLEATON £5 Itm Willum MOTTRAM of Mottram Andrews 44s Itm Leonard OLDHAM 44s Itm Thomas SHRIGLER and John SHRIGLER of Whellor? £6 12s Itm the said Thomas and John SHRIGLER £12 Itm Edward CLARKE of Presburie 10s Itm my will and mynd is that my debts and funerall beinge first Discharged of my whole goods and my legacies herein this my last will and testam(en)t bequeathed beinge paid all the rest of my goods cattalls and chattalls shall be equallie devided amongst those p(er)sons whose names are under written that is Randull BARLOWE Frances BARLOWE brother to the foresaid Randull BARLOWE Thomas NEWTON Anne HYDE my sister in lawe and Phillip HYDE and Richard HYDE sonnes of the aforesaid sis Anne HYDE Itm also give unto Randull BARLOWE one cheese bound with Iron (?) and to give unto Katherin the wife of the aforesaid Randull one newe blankett Itm I give unto Joane the wife of Frances BARLOWE one newe blankett Itm I give Katherin the wife of Thomas NEWTON one blanket Itm for the rest of my beddings with newe linnen ... I give unto Anne HYDE my sister in lawe Itm I give unto Thomas NEWTON one chest Itm I give unto Phillip HYDE one chest Itm I give unto Thomas NEWTON and to Phillip HYDE all my husbandrie ware Itm I doe make constitute and ordaine Thomas NEWTON of Mottram Andrewe Tanner and Phillip HYDE sonne of my brother Lawrence HYDE late deceased my true and Lawfull executors to see this my will and testament faithfully performed as my trust is they will and I doe lykewise req.... and appoynt Jasper WILLOTT of Tytherington to bee one side of the same and for his paines and care therein I doe give unto him £20 In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the date and yeare above written Anno Dm 1616

These beinge wittnesses

Henrie DEYE?; Sig... John BARBER; Randull BARLOWE with ....    

A true and pfect Inventory of all the goods cattels and chattels of Raphe HYDE of Presburie late deceased taken and prazed by they persons whose names are under written the 23rd day of August Anno Domm 1616


Lynnen cloth


6 Blankquets with one coverlett

14s 4d

4 payre of sheets a table cloth with one od sheet 

23s 4d

one mattris with a boulster with one cover blankquet


one ould cheare with with some ould cushens


6 sacks one pack cloth and a small sheet


12lb of undressed course flax


3 pounds of woll


one payre of skales with three lead wayghts


13lb of Iron ware 


one skellit


In pewter

4s 6d

one payre of brasse skales with wayghts


three chests with one arke

26s 8d

In bookes

2s 6d

one silver pynn with a little cross of silver


for the whole tearme resident in a peece of ground called the marlatch


Tow axes with nogers and other tooles

6s 6d

Tow shovells with fors and pitchforks 

2s 6d

Tow chests one saddle with ropes and a wisket


In ould yron and lead


In rakes shackiles mellits racks and fleaks with other loose wood with boards

6s 8d

In hay

13s 4d

one mattock with a muckhake 


one payre of bedstocks


his apparel


for the ley? of beasts

£3 8s

Debts owing to the testator which are expressed by his will by specialties and other wise

£131 16s

In gould and silver ready tould

£187 19s 7d

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Ralph HYDE of Bulshawe: 29 January 1650/1

In the name of god Amen the Sixt day of February Anno Domi 1644.  I Raph HYDE de Bulshawe withe parish of Glossopp and County of Derby yeoman beinge sicke in body but of good and pfect remembrance prayse be given to god do Constitute ordayne and make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Inpris I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty god my Creator and maker trustinge by the merrits and precious blood sheedding of Jesus Christ my onely saviour and redeemer to be one of the number of his electe And my body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buryed within the Chappell of Heyfield yt god shall so appoynt in a Christian and decent manner.  Item I give and bequeath unto Margarett my wyfe Twenty pounds worth of such of my goods as shee the said Margarett shall desire or make choyse of & one ffeatherbed one boulstes one payre of sheets three blanketts one Courlett & one pillow in lewe and full satisfacon of her third part of all my goods.  Item I give and bequeath unto Delpha HYDE my Daughter in law the sume of Tenn shillinges Item I give and bequeath unto Silvius HYDE my grandchild Ten shillings and to Hamlett HYDE and Delpha HYDE my grand children Tenn shillings to be equally divided Item I give and bequeath unto Raph CLAYTON and Elizabeth his wyfe ether of them Twelve pence in lewe and full satisfacon of his and her childs part or filiall porcon.  Item I give to Raph CLAYTON my grandchild two shillings to Edward CLEYTON my grandchild twelve pence to William CLEYTON my grandchild twelve pence to John CLEYTON my grandchild twelve pence and to Catherine CLAYTON my grandchild twelve pence to Ellen CLEYTON my grandchild twelve pence and to Elizabeth CLEYTON my grandchild the sume of Twelve shillings Item I give and bequeath unto my sone John my Cloake new Coate and my best Hatt.  Item I give and bequeath unto Richard FFRYER Clerke the sume of Three shillings and four pence Item I give and bequeath unto my Cossin Raph CANTERELL ffyve shillngs Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Margarett the best chiste Item my mynd and will is that yf John HYDE & Raph CLEYTON my sone and sone in law shall not give a Competent discharge unto my Executors hereafter named uppon the payment of the legacies to my grandchildren before menconed and bequeathed to saive and to keepe harmelesse the sayd executors from any clayme to the sayd legacies by the grandchild or children at any tyme hereafter that then the Children of him or them so refusing to give such discharge shall forfeit there legacies herein bequeathed.  Item I give and bequeath unto Ellen HYDE Anne HYDE Ales HYDEand Margarett HYDE my daughters All the rest Residue and Remainder of All my goods Cattells and Chattells to be equally divided amongst them and I ordayne and  make Raph CANTRELL of Whatslowe my sayd Cozon and Ellen HYDE my sayd daughter my true and lawfull Executors of this my last Will and Testament Hopeinge the will soe all thinges herein pformed according to the trust and Confidence I repose in them In witnes whereof I have here unto put to my hand and seal the day and year above written.

A true and pfecte Inventorie of all such goods Cattells and Chattells as of late were the goods Cattells and Chattels of Raph HYDE of Bulshaw deceased praysed by William ANDREW Raph FFERNELEY & John HYDE the Sixe & Twenteeth day of Aprill one Thousand six hundred and ffiftie.

(Inventory not transcribed - Valued @ £100-12-0)

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Ralph HYDE of Ludworth: 10 December 1673

The twentieth day of May in the yeare of our Lord god 1672 I Ralph HYDE of Ludworth in the Parish of Glossopp & County of Derby Husbandman, being weake in body but of pfect memory (praysed be God therefore) doe hereby Constitute & make this my last will & Testament in maner & forme followeing. Imprimis I Comend my soule into the hands of God my Creator hopeing by his mercies And the mercies of Christ my redeemer to be obtaine the remission of all my shins & to be one of the number of the elect; And I comitt my body to the Earth from whoure it was taken to be buried in a Christian and decent maner, Item my will & minde is that my debts and funerall expenses be first paid of out of my whole estate by my executors hereafter named, Item I give & bequeath unto my Sister Ellin HYDE twelve pound Item I give unto my Sister Elizabeth HYDE twelve pound Item I give unto my sister Ane ROTHWELL Tene Shillings Item I give unto my Aunt Elizabeth HYDE ffive Shillings, Ite. I give unto the Children of my Brother William ROTHWELL twelve pound apeece Item I give unto every of the Children of Ane BOTHAM twelve pound apeece; Item I give devise & bequeath unto my son John my messuage and tenement with the Appurtenan(c)es thereunto belonging, Item I give and bequeath unto my said son John all the rest and residue of my goods and Chattels of what fort Kinde or nature soever they are or in whose hands the may be found; Item my will & minde further is that in case my said son die and leave neither wife nor Issue male or female behynde him then I give and bequeath the reversion of all my estate reall and psonall (which my said son John shall dy possessed of by vertue of this my last will & testament) unto my three sisters viz Ellin HYDE Elizabeth HYDE and Ane ROTHWELL to be equally divided amongst them Item I Ordaine Constitute and make my said son John HYDE John BOTHAM and Robert HYDE of Ludworth my True and lawfull executors of this my last Will & Testament, In witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written


Signed sealed Published and Declared to be my last Will and Testament in the presence of us

George BOOTH his mke; W: WALKELATE

A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods Cattels and Chattels of Raph HYDE of Ludworth in the parish of Glossopp and County of Derby yeoman [       ] & valued the fourth day of November Ano Din 1673 by John HYDE of Bulshawe Wm WOOD of Ludworth aforesaid and John HYDE of Mellor all in the  said County of Derby yeoman 

(Inventory not transcribed - Valued at £61-11-06)

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Ralph HYDE yeoman of Boden Middlecale, Glossop p.:1721

Administration to Sara HYDE widow of Boden Middlecale, Glossop p. - supported by ..... BOOTH of Chisworth;William DEWSNAP of Padfield

Inventory taken 22 Jan 1720/1 £24.19s. 4d.   Appraisers: Robert SLACK; Matt. BACON; John FOX

Probate granted 20 Apr 1721

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Ralph HYDE of Dole Cote: 19 Oct 1758

In the Name of God Amen I Ralph HYDE of Dole Cote in the Parish of Glossop & County of Derby Husbandman being weak of Body but of a sound mind & perfect understanding do make & ordain this to be my last will & Testament in manner & form following. First I commend my soule into ye hands of God who gave it & my Body to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executor herein after named And as for such worldly Estate as the Almighty has been pleased to bestowe upon me I dispose thereof in manner following

First my mind & will is that all my just Debts which I shall owe at my Death Funeral Expenses & the Charges of ye Probate & the Execution thereof be first paid & discharged out of my whole Estate.  And then I Give devise & bequeath unto my Loving wife Mary HYDE all my Freehold Estate & all the Encroachment that is belonging to my said Estate called & known by ye Name of Dole coat in Great Hamlet during her Natural Life & after her Decease I Give the said Estate with the Encroachment thereunto belonging to my lawful son Anthony HYDE to Him & his Heirs forever.  Item I Give to my Son-in-law John HANDFORD the sum of ten pounds which I have given Bond for, but till my Decease & my wife Marys Decease I oblige the said John HANDFORD to pay the Interest, I also give to my Son Ralph HYDE the sum of one shilling & every one of his Children one shilling a piece,  I Also give & bequeath all my goods Cattle & Chattles of what sort soever to my wife Mary HYDE to dispose of as she shall think fitt,  And Lastly I do make Ordain & Appoint my Lawful Son Anthony HYDE to be Sole Executor of this my last will & Testament, And do hereby revoke disannul & make void all other Will or Wills by me at any time now before made.  In Witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this twenty sixth Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred fifty four.

Ralph HYDE

Signed, Sealed, Published & declared to be ye last will of the above or within mentioned Ralph HYDE In the Presence of


The Inventory, to the value of £34/6/0 was appraised on 2nd August 1758 by William LOMAS, Robert SLACK & John LOMAS

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Ralph HYDE yeoman of Whitle, Glossop p.: 1768

Administration given to his son John HYDE mason of Whitle, Glossop p. supported by John HIIGGINBOTHAM yeoman of Shaw, Glossop p. & John DOE

Inventory £208.16s.  Appraisers: John BANCROFT; J HIGGINBOTHAM

Probate granted 14 Dec 1768

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Ralph HYDE of Bradshaw, Mellor: 25 January 1780

In the name of God Amen I Ralph HYDE of Bradshaw within Mellor in the County of Derby Yeoman Do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following.  That is to say First as for and  concerning my Personal Estate I give and Bequeath thereout unto my loving wife Alice the sum of five pounds to be paid to her Immediately after my Decease and I also Give and Bequeath unto my said loving wife the use and Enjoyment of the new parlour the chamber over the same and the shop adjoining to the kitchen, being part of my Dwelling House or Messuage at Bradshawhill aforesaid now in the possession of John HEGINBOTHAM and myself for and during her natural Life or Marriage again after my Decease, and also the use and enjoyment of such of my Household Goods as she shall chuse, not exceeding the whole in value the sum of Twenty Pounds for and during her Life, or until her Marriage again after my decease, or which shall first and next happen and from and next after the Decease of my Wife, I Give and Bequeath one sixth part of such Goods unto all the children of my Daughter Martha Deceased who was wife of Jonathan GEE of Arnycroft in the said County of Derby, equally to be divided among them share and share alike. And I Give one other sixth part of such Goods unto all the children of my Daughter Elizabeth deceased who was wife of Robert HEGINBOTHAM of Longlee in the said County of Derby to be equally divided amonst them.  And I Give and Bequeath one other sixth part of such Goods unto the children of my eldest son James late of Marple in the County of Chester equally to be Divided amongst them share and share alike.  And I also Give and Bequeath the Remaining Three Parts of such Goods unto my sons Ralph and Thomas and my Daughter Ann Equally amongst them.  And in case either of my said sons or Daughter shall happen to Dye in the life time of my said Wife and before her Second Marriage, Then I Give and Bequeath the shares or parts of such Goods to the Children of him or her or them so dying.  Then as to the Residue of my Personal Estate I hereby will order and Direct that the same shall be applied in the Discharge of my Debts, Funeral Expenses the Probate hereof and such Legacies as are herein after mentioned.

Now as for and Concerning the whole of my real and freehold Estates together with the Residue of my Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever within the Kingdom of England I hereby Give and Devise the same unto my second son Ralph HYDE of Offerton in the County of Chester and my said son in law Robert HEGINBOTHAM their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for Ever Upon Trust and to the Intent and Purpose that they the said Ralph HYDE and Robert HEGINBOTHAM and the survivor of them and the Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns of such survivor do and shall with all Convenient speed after my Decease Sell Dispose Assign and Convey all and every my Real and Freehold Estates by way of Auction to the Highest or best Bidder And all Money arising therefrom together with the Residue of my personalty, pay and apply the same to such uses as are herein after mentioned and by me Given and Bequeathed .  And this further Trust and Confidence and to this further Intent and Purpose that they the said Ralph HYDE and Robert HEGINBOTHAM and the survivor of them and the Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns of such survivor do and shall with all convenient speed after my Decease be Sale and Disposition of a Competent part of my said Freehold Estate or otherwise as they in their Discretion shall see most proper and Expedient raise and Levy the sum of Two Hundred Pounds and place and put out the same at Interest or let the said sum of Two Hundred Pounds lye and remain at Interest upon my said Freehold Estate at Bradshawhill aforesaid and pay and apply such the Yearly Interest or the sum of Nine Pounds Yearly Annuity unto my said wife and her Assigns for and during the Term of her natural Life or her Marriage again on every the Twenty second day of November and the fifth day of April by even and equal portions the first payment thereof to commence and be paid on such of the said Feast Days or Times as shall first and next happen after my Decease, which said Yearly Interest of Two Hundred Pounds or Annuity, I hereby Will Order and Direct shall be in lieu and full satisfaction and Discharge of and for all Dower and Thirds at Law which she my said Wife can or may have claims Challenge or Demand of into or out of any of my Personal real of freehold Estates wheresoever the same now are or be or which I at any time heretofore have been seized off or shall or may at any time hereafter during her Coverture be seized off .  Then as for and concerning all such Money as shall be raised by the sale of my Freehold Estates And also the Money arising by the sale of my Personalty together with all other my Personal Estate I Give and Dispose of the same as follows, That is to say I Give and Bequeath unto my First Son James the sum of Ten Pounds to be paid to him at the end of Twelve Months next after my Decease.  But in case my said son James shall happen to Dye before the Time of receiving the aforesaid Legacy, then the said sum of Ten pounds to be paid unto and amongst all the children of my said son James lawfully begotten equally share and share alike.  I also Give and Bequeath the sum of Two hundred Pounds of lawfull Money to be paid unto and amongst all and every Legitimate Child or Children of him my said son James already lawfully begotten or at any time hereafter to be begotten on the body of Ann his now lawfull wife, Daughter of Samuel BOWDEN of Beigerift (?) in the said County of Derby to be divided share and share alike.  And in case any such Legitimate Child or Children shall happen to be then dead leaving any Legitimate Child or Children that then and in such case the parts shares or proportions of the said sum of Two Hundred Pounds belonging to such Deceased child or children shall go unto and be paid amongst the child or children of such deceased child or children. 

Also I Give and Bequeath unto my second son Ralph the sum of Two Hundred Pounds to be by him Received at the end of Twelve Months next after my Decease.  But in case my said son Ralph shall happen to dye before the Time of receiving the aforesaid Legacy then the aforesaid sum of Two Hundred Pounds to be paid unto and amongst all the children of my said son Ralph equally share and share alike.  Also I give and bequeath unto my Third son Thomas the sum of Two Hundred Pounds to be paid to him twelve months next after my Decease But in case my said son Thomas shall happen to dye before the Time of receiving the aforesaid Legacy then the aforesaid sum of Two hundred Pounds to be paid unto and amongst all the children Lawfully begotten of my said son Thomas Equally share and share alike.  Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Ann (wife of Peter MARSLAND of Marple in the County of Chester) the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be paid to her at the end of Twelve Months after my Decease.  But in case my Daughter Ann shall happen to be then Dead, the said sum of One Hundred Pounds to be paid unto and amongst all the Legitimate children of my said Daughter Ann Equally share and share alike.  Then I Give and Bequeath unto and amongst all and every the Legitimate Children of my said late daughter Martha GEE the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be paid and Equally Divided amongst them share and share alike by my Executors as they shall severally and successively attain to the full age of twenty one years or the Day of their Marriage or which shall first and next happen after my Decease.  And further it is my Will and Mind, and I hereby Order and Direct my said Executors to pay and apply the Yearly Interest arising from off the said one hundred pounds or from off such part thereof as shall then Remain unpaid to the same children unto the said Jonathan GEE.  But in case the said Jonathan GEE shall happen to dye before all the shares or parts of the said one hundred pounds are paid and Discharged, Then such said Yearly Interest shall go unto and amongst such of the said children as have received no share or part thereof, at the Discretion of my Executors.  Also I Give and Bequeath unto all the Legitimate Children of my said late Daughter Elizabeth HEGINBOTHAM the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be equally Divided and paid amongst them share and share alike by my executors as they severally and successively attain to the full age of Twenty One Years or the Day of their marriage which shall first and next happen after my Decease.  And further it is my Will and Mind and I do hereby Order and Direct my said Executors to pay and apply the Yearly Interest arising from off the One Hundred Pounds or such part thereof as shall remain unpaid unto the said Robert HEGINBOTHAM.  But in case the said Robert HEGINBOTHAM shall happen to die before payment be maid of the said one hundred pounds as aforesaid, Then such Interest shall go unto and amongst such of the said children as received no part or share thereof At the Discretion of my Executor or Executors or Administrators of the survivor of them.  And as for and concerning all the Rest Residue and Remainder of the Money arising by the sale of my Freehold Estates And my Personal Estate and Effects not herein Disposed of by me, And also the said sum of Two Hundred Pounds, after the Decease or Marriage of my Wife, I hereby Give and Bequeath one sixth part thereof unto the Legitimate children of my said son James lawfully begotten as aforesaid to be paid and equally Divided amongst them share and share alike within six months next after the Decease or Marriage again of my Wife.  Also I give and Bequeath one other equal sixth part [page torn away] Remainder unto the children of my said late Daughter Maria to be paid and equally [page torn away] them share and share alike, within six months next of the Disease or Marriage again of my [page torn away] Give and Bequeath one other sixth part of my said Residuum Remainder unto the children of [page torn away] Daughter Elizabeth to be paid and equally Divided amongst them share and share alike within [page torn away] next after the Decease or her Marriage again.  Also I Give and Bequeath the Remain [page torn] Three Parts of shares of such Residuum Remainder (the whole in six) unto my two younger sons, namely Ralph and Thomas and my said Daughter Ann to be paid and equally Divided amongst them share and share alike.  And if either of my said sons Ralph and Thomas or my said daughter Ann Dyes, then such share or part shall go unto and be paid Equally Divided amongst  the child or children of such of them dead at the end of six months next after the Decease or Marriage again of my said Wife.  And Lastly I do hereby constitute, nominate and appoint my said second son Ralph, and my said son in law Robert HEGINBOTHAM Executors and Trustees of this my last Will and Testament hereby Revoking all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made.  In Witness whereof I the said Ralph HYDE the Testator have hereunto my hand and seal.  Interchangeably set this Twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight.

Signed sealed published and Declared by the before named Ralph HYDE the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament (being wrote upon three sheets of paper and each sheet signed with his own mark and sealed with his seal), in the sight and presence of us who have subscribed our names as Witnesses to the due Execution thereof in the sight and presence of the said Testator and of each other  John SWINDELLS; Joseph MOORS; Wm CHATTERTON

At Lichfield 25 January 1780 Let a probate of this will be granted to Ralph HYDE and Robert HEGINBOTHAM the executors named therein They having been duly sworn before me Thos WHITE Junr

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Ralph Hyde of Ludworth: Made 21 Sep 1805: Proved 1817  

This is the last Will and Testament of me Ralph HYDE of Ludworth in the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby, Yeoman made and published in manner following that is to say,

First I direct all my just debts and Funeral and Testamentary charges to be paid by my Executors hereinafter named, I give and bequeath to Sarah my wife the use of such and so many of my Household Goods and Furniture as she shall make choice of (not exceeding what shall be sufficient for furnishing one room) during her life.  I also give and devise unto my said wife and her assigns for and during her wife the two of my Houses with the Gardens and appurtenances there unto belonging situate in Dooley Lane in Marple in the county of Chester now in the several occupations of John GEE and George TAYLOR and I do declare that the provision herein before made for my said wife is by me intended to be in lieu bar? And satisfaction of her dower a thirds at Common Law.  And as for and concerning such of my Household Goods and furniture as my said wife shall not make choice of as aforesaid and also as to such as she shall happen to chuse (from and after her decease) And also as for and concerning all other my goods cattle chattels Personal Estate and effects whatsoever I give and bequeath the same unto two of my sons William HYDE and Ralph HYDE their Executors Administrators and Assigns upon trust to sell and convert the same into money and stand and be possessed thereof to and for such and the like uses and intents and purposes as are hereinafter mentioned and declared of and concerning the Rents and profits and the monies to arise from the sale of my Real Estates hereinafter devised in trust to be sold as hereinafter mentioned. And I do hereby give and devise unto my said sons William HYDE and Ralph HYDE their Heirs and Assigns All those my Houses with the Gardens and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in Dooley Lane aforesaid now in the several Occupations of William FOSTER James SPENCE William COBBS Edward TURNER Susannah COLLIER and James ROBINSON together with my Chief Rents of one pound six shillings and eight pence issuing and payable out of other Housing there belonging to Edward SWINDELLS and also the two houses and gardens in the occupations of the said John GEE and George TAYLOR (after the death of my said wife) upon trust that they my said sons William HYDE and Ralph HYDE and the survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor shall and do with all convenient speed after my decease make sale and absolutely dispose of such of my said Houses Gardens and premises as are not be me given to my said wife for her life as aforesaid and Chief Rent and with all convenient speed after the death of my side wife the Houses Gardens and premises so given to my said wife for her life as aforesaid in such manner as to them shall seem meet and for the most money that can be had or gotten for the same.  And I do hereby Will declare and direct that the conveyance and conveyances to be made and executed by my said sons William HYDE and Ralph HYDE or the survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor of all many of my said Real Estate shall be good and effectual conveyance and conveyances in the Law to the person or persons purchasing the same his her or their Heirs and Assigns and that the receipt or receipts of my said sons William HYDE and Ralph HYDE or the survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor for all or any part of the purchase money agreed to be given for the purchase of the said Real Estate or any part thereof shall be a good and sufficient receipts and receipts to the person or persons so paying the same his her and their Heirs and Assigns for and every such Sum and Sums of money which shall be therein expressed to have been received and that after such receipt and receipts for the whole of the purchase money so agreed to be paid as aforesaid the purchaser or purchasers his her or their Heirs Assigns shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money or any part thereof or in any wise liable to the misapplication or non application  thereof.  And I do hereby declare my Will and mind to be that my said sons and the survivor of them his executors and Administrators shall ---- and be possessed of and interested in the monies to arise from the sale of and to be made from all my Real and Personal Estate hereinbefore devised and bequeathed to be sold as aforesaid and the rents and profits of my said Real Estate until such sale or sales shall be made (subject to the provisions hereinbefore made for my said wife as aforesaid and also to the payment of my just debts, funeral & testamentary charges and the --- charges and expenses of and for the carrying of the trusts of this my Will into execution) upon trust In the first place to put each of my sons and daughters upon an equality in point of receiving so that those who have received nothing in my life time may have as much as those and their children who have received most therein for the settling and ascertaining of which I refer them to my book wherein they will find an amount of what I may have advanced paid laid out or appended for each of them and their respective children And as to the remainder thereof n trust to pay one equal sixth part thereof to my said son William HYDE, one other sixth part to thereof to my said son Ralph HYDE, one other sixth part thereof to my son Hamnet HYDE, one other sixth part thereof to my daughter Mary TURNER, one other sixth part thereof to my daughter Betty WILLIAMSON, and the remaining one sixth part thereof to my daughter Martha HYDE and which said several and respective residuary sixth parts or shares I do hereby give to my said six children respectively and their respective Executors, Administrators and Assigns accordingly.  And I constitute and make my said sons William HYDE and Ralph HYDE Executors of this my Will and Trustees of my Estate. And I do revoke all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made and declare this to be my last.  In witness whereof I the said Ralph HYDE the Testator have hereunto put my hand and seal the twenty first day of September in the year of our Lord 1805.

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Ralph HYDE of Werneth: 1863

This is the last Will & Testament of me Ralph HYDE of Werneth in the county of Chester Farmer First I direct the payment of all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses and subject thereto I give and devise and bequeath All the real and personal estate of which I shall die possessed (other than my interest in the farm hereinafter mentioned) unto my seven children Betty TAYLOR widow; Mary HYDE; Sarah the wife of Edward CHEETHAM; Hannah ARROWSMITH widow; Ralph HYDE; Jonathan HYDE; and Jane the wife of Benjamin LEE to and for their own use and benefit absolutely in equal shares and proportions I give devise and bequeath All my estate and interest in the farm and buildings I now occupy at Werneth aforesaid as tenant from year to year under Thomas William TATTON Esquire unto my said son Ralph HYDE for his own use and benefit absolutely I nominate and appoint my said sons Ralph HYDE and Jonathan HYDE to be Executors of this my Will I hereby revoke all former wills and testamentary writings before made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I the said Ralph HYDE have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand the twenty eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six (signed) Ralph HYDE

Signed by the said Ralph HYDE the testator in the presence of us present at the same time who have attested and subscribed our names as witnesses to the above Will in the presence of the said testator and of each other George TAYLOR, Solicitor Stalybridge; John DEARNLEY, Werneth

Chancery Act  On the 22nd day of October 1863 the Will of Ralph HYDE formerly of Werneth and late of Godley both in the county of Chester Farmer deceased one of the Executors named in the said Will, having been first sworn duly to administer , power being reserved of making the like Grant to Jonathan HYDE the son of the said deceased the other Executor there named.

Effects under £300 No Leaseholds 

Testator died 20 Nov 1862

Probate extracted by George Taylor Solicitor Stalybridge

Charles T W Parry District Registrar 

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Randle HYDE of Heyfield: 8 April 1562

In the name off god amen the xiiijth daye off marche yn the yere off oure lorde god [  ]th [    ]th [   ]th (1561) I Rondull HYDE off Heyffyeld off ye pysshe off glos soppe wythyn the countye off Derbye [       ] yn and mynde & off pffyte re membrance dredyng naturall death Do ordeyne & make ys my testament & last wyll yn man & fforme hereaft ffoloyng ffyrst I offer & bequeath my soule to god almyghtye my onelye maker Savyoure & redemer And to All the blessed [     ] off Heyven And my bodye to be buryed yn the pysshe church off All Saynts At glossoppe And fforther hyt ys my wyll yt Alyce my wyff shall have my house yn Heyffyeld wt All ye grounds And [   ] [  modytes] & Apptenances [   ] to belongyng wyth All other gournds yt I have nowe yn occupayan to hyr And hyr Assignes duryng ye t[ ]me off ye yere yt I gave [there yn] And I bequeth unto Thomas FFERNELE my motley zabet It to Wyllm SHERT of ye chappell ffryth my best doublet It to Bryan CLEYTON my Russet zabet And after my bodye ys [ho ]ertlye buryed And All ffunerall costs & bequests dyschargyd & payed then ye resydew off All other my goods I gyff And bequeth unto the sayde Alyce my wyff And I make my exsecutores the sayde Alyce my wyff and Otwell ANDREW off ye Byrchehalle Do And [  r] yt Intent that they shall pfforme & ffulffyll yt my wyll And dyspose ffor my saule As they shall thyn be best At ye oversyght off wyf: Wylm SHERT off ye chapell my brother in lawe gyffen the daye And yere above wrytten these beyng wyttenez & recordes George ANDREW Wyllm HADFFYELD And Robert HEYRE wyth other

These by ye detts owyng unto me


ffyrst Jhon HADFFYELD off ye Rygetoppe


It Edwarde BOWDEN off ye [     ]houses





ijs iiijd



It Raphe HYDE son off Edwarde [  ]wyche s of ye sayde Raphe my syd to paye ffor ye dyscharge off such dett as was sett[   ] ye sayde Rondull HYDE & ye sayde Edwarde hs brother [  ]ay off ye sayde Raphe HYDE


It Emme NERSTON wyff of Thruston ffor A oxe beast


It ffor ij Rone off George

iiijs iiijd

It off Lent money


The true Inventorye off all & synguler goods moveable & unmoveable off Randull HUDE of Heyffyeld off ye pysshe off glossoppe wythyn ye countye off Derbye taylor decessed ye ffyrst daye off Aprill Ano dom 1562 praysed by Thomas BOWDON Edwarde BOWDON Wyllm HADFFYELD & Robert HEYRE

ffyrst thre Bye


It ij heyffurs A twyntr A [  ]yrbe [    ] [    ]


It pewtr and brasse

xiijs iiijd

It yn beddyng & other implements belongyng unto households & husbandre


Grand total 

 vij£ ijs viijd

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Randle HYDE yeoman of Chisworth: 1632/3

mentions: Grandchildren Katherine HYDE; Mary HYDE; Elizabeth HYDE; John HYDE

Son Robert HYDE; Sister Margaret HYDE

Executor: Son Robert HYDE

Witnesses: Robert MELLOR; William WALKLATER  

Written 12 Feb 1632/3

Debts owing: Rodger DEARNELEY; Robert GARSIT; Robert EAVELY; Thomas WALKLATE; John MOSSE alias TOMLISON

Inventory taken 4 Mar 1632/3 £50.16s.  Appraisers: William WALKLATE; Robert BRIDGE; Thomas TAYLOR; Thomas BOOTH

Probate granted 21 Mar 1632/3

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Robert HYDE of Hanging Gate 1612

In the name of God: Amen the third day of Februarie in the yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of God of England France & Ireland Kinge defender of the faith the Tenth and of Scotland the five and fortieth Anno Domm 1612 I Robert HYDE of the Whyte Hanging Gate in the parish of Chapel le Frith in the Countie of Darbie Skinner being in good and perfect memorie praysed be God, and yet dreadinge the tyme of death which is uncertane And being willinge to dispose of those thinges which god hath lente me in manner and forme as followeth I doe therefore constitute ordaine and make this my present Testament contayneing herein my last Will in this manner that is to witt: First and principallie I give bequeath and betake my soule into the handes of Almighty god my Creator and Maker trustinge onlie by the merritts of Christ his death and passion to be one of the number of his elect and chosen children And my bodie to the earth from whence it came to be buried within the parish church of Chappel le Frith aforesaid Alsoe it is my will that my funerall expences and legacies be discharged of my whole goods Item it is my will that Alice CLEATONN my sister shall have Five poundes Item I give and bequeath to her five children fifteene poundes equallie to be devided amongst them Item I give and bequeath to my sister Ellen HOLLINWORTH three poundes fower shillings Item I give and bequeath to Margrett DEARNELEE fower shillings Item I give and bequeath to my sister Margarett all my parte of pewter and brasse and beddinge Item I give and bequeath unto my two sisters Elizabeth and Margrett after my funerall expences and legacies be discharged all such debts as are conteyned in my will Item I ordaine constitute and make Randulph HYDE my brother and Raphe HYDE my Executors to discharge this my will as my trust is in them And I do give my good friend John WRIGHT of the Meadowe and my nephewe Robert HYDE to be ....ters of this my will to see my Executors doe their dutie herein These beinge wittnesses viz Robert HOLLINWORTH, William HOLLINWORTH, Adam WYLDE / Debts owinge to me Roberte HYDE / Imprimis Raphe WYNTERBOTHAM Eleven shillings/ Item William BRAMALL twentie shillings/ Item Thomas DOWNES twelve shillings/ Item Humfreye his sonne fower poundes fifteene shillings/ Item Roger BENNETT two pounds eight shillings/ Item William SILVESTER twentie two shillings/ Item William HYDE two pounds eight shillings/ Item Thomas BEARDE two poundes three shillings/ Item Ottiwell CLEATONN two pounds eleven shillings/ Item Richard WYLDE three pounds five shillings/ Item William OLIVER twelve poundes/ Item his wife tenn shillings/ Item Robert OLIVER Willms sonne two poundes/ Item George YEAVLEY twentie shillings/ Item Christopher BENNETT twelve shillings/ Item Henry KIRKE thirtie five shillings/ Item John HURDSFEELD two pounds eight shillings Item Henry SLACK twentie shillings/ Item Widowe LOWE eight shillings/ Item Robert CARRINGETONN Junior twentie one pounds/ Item John WRIGHT twentie shillinges/ Item Joane MARSHALL fowerteene shillings fower pence/ Item Robert HALL nyne shillings five pence/ Item Reignold KYRKE de Chappel 7o / Item Thomas MOULT three shillings fower pence/ Item Thomas BUXSTONE three pounds one shillinge fower pence/ Item Thomas MELLOR twelve shillings fower pence/ Item Robert HOLLINWORTH five pounds one shilling eight pence/ Item the same man 4s 3d Sum total est £76 17s? 1d.    

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Robert HYDE, Clerk of Little Rowarth: 22 April 1612

In the Name of god Amen the xxvij day of January in the year of our Lord god 1611 I Robert HYDE of Litle Rowarth Clerke sicke in body but in goode & pfect Remembrance prayse be to god for it do Constitute ordayne & make this my prsente will & Testament in maner & fforme ffolowinge that is to witt ffirst I offer and bequeath my Soule to Almighti god my Creator and maker trustinge through the merits of His Sonn Jesus Christ & his pcious Bloude sheedinge to be one of the Number of his Electe And my bodye to be buried within the pish Church of Glossopp:  And that my ffurnerall expenses and such detts as of Righte I owe to Any mane be discharged of my whole goods Item I give Assigne & Bequeath to William BRADOCK my Nephew my house and ffarme wherein I now dwell in Little Roworth duringe all my Tearme contayned in one Indenture from James BOWDEN of Whestone decessed: the said Wm paying & doinge all such Rents Duties & Servicese as are due and Acosstomed to be paide & do[     ] for the same by vertue of the said Indenture:  Item I give to eych chylde of Thomas TELIOR a sheepe.  Also I give & Bequeath to eych childe of William BRADOCK a sheepe:  Also I give to George HYDE my Nephew a sheppe:  Also I give to Ann BAR[LOWE] my supposed [    ] daughter iijs iiijd in full satisfacon of her chyldes pte or portone:  Item I give to Margret HYDE my systerinlaw my Cloke  Item I give to John BRADOCK sone of Wm BRADOCK my nephew my pvate byble and comunion book:  And all the Rest and Residue of my unbequeathed goods & detts of what name or kynde soever the be of I give and bequeath to Ann HEGINBOTHAM my daughter to be payde to her by my Executor hereafter named at such tyme as she shall Accomplish the Age of xxi yeares And that my said Executor shall at the ende of two years now nexte ensuing putt forth her said porton of goods to go forwarde for her benefit till she come to Age.  Also I ordayne and make William BRADDOCK my Nephew my true and lawffull executor trusting that he will ffullfill and accomplish this my prsente will & Testament for my Soules Health with the oversight of Robert GODDARD & Raph FFERNELY those beinge witnesses John HYDE Thomas TELIOR & Nicholas HYDE with others.

A true & pfect Inventory of all such goods Catels and detts as of late weare the goods Catels & detts of Robert HYDE Clerke Deceased praysed by Thomas GODDARD Robert GODDARD Raph FFEARNELY & John BRAMALL the third day of ffebruary 1611.

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Robert HYDE of Glossop: 1627

Administration to Alice HYDE his widow of Glossop - supported by John BOWYER yeoman

Inventory only  Appraisers John STAFFORD; John BOWYER

Probate granted 2 Jul 1627

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Robert HYDE shoemaker of Matlei, Chs.:1618

To be divided into three equal parts

First - to myself?

Second - my wife Elizabeth

Third - equally among my children

Three youngest to have any residue - namely Mary; Nathaniell & Isaarke (Isaac?)

Written 10 Apr 1618

Executors: Wife Elizabeth; Son John HYDE

Overseers of the will - John LOW of Denton; Robert BOOTH, brother in law; Rauffe HYDE brother

Witnesses: John LOWE; Rauffe HYDE; Arthare COLLIER

Debts I owe: Peter COTTRELL; William BARKER; Mr. NEWTON; Thomas LOWE

Debts owed to me: Mr. Alexander HOLLINGWORTH; George ANDREW the elder; Rauffe BOWER of Gameslie; Henrie BOWER; John TAILIER; John TURNER of Tinsell; George ANDREW the younger; Nicholas HARRIESON; the Deaner? Meadow; Robt. DARGIE?; John WOLDI?; Thomas CHEETHAM; Mr. John HOLLINGWORTH; John COLLIER of Matlei; Reinold HIGHAM; Robt. WORTH; Thomas THORNELIE?; Alexander RODE?; John SHEPLEI of Hyde; Widdow NEARSHARED?; Mr. Arthur HOLLINGWORTH; John SIDBOTHOM; Robt. BOATH of Haughton; John NEWTON; Rauffe HYDE; John JOHNSON; John C DARGIE; Elizabeth HIGHAM; Ambere WHEWALL;  Widdow BRETLAND; John DEPLEGE the younger;  Robt. ASHWORTH; Nicolas THORNELIE; Ri. CHAPLEI; John CHADWICKE; Willm FIELDSEND; John TETLOWE; John HARRISON; Willm TURNER; Edward TURNER; John SHAWE; John THORNELIE, tailor; James HOLLINGWORTH; Joan THORNELIE; Rauffe SOMESIDE; Thomas BEELIE; Oliver WINTERBOTHOM; Widdow HARROP     

Inventory taken 20 May 1618  Appraisers: John LOW of Denton; John TETLOW; Edward CHADWICKE; Robert BOOTH; Rauffe HIDE

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Robert HYDE of Chisworth 1656

In the name of God Amen The Eighteenth Daie of Januarie in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fiftie five I Robert HYDE the elder of Chisworth in the parish of Glossop & Countie of Derbie yeoman being diseased, sicklie & weake in bodie, of good memorie blessed be God therefore do constitute ordeine and appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First I committ my soule to God my most mercifull father hopeing & fullie trusting in the onlie meritts of Jesus Christ my onlie Saviour to obteine eternall Life in heaven And my bodie to the earth to be buried in the churchyard at the Parish Church of Glossop as neere as maie be to my kindred And of my worldlie goods which God hath bestowed upon me, And all everie my chattles & cattles I Dispose in manner & forme following First it is my mind & will that my funerall expenses & Debts be first paid out of all my goodes & cattles Item I doe give unto my sonnes John HYDE & William HYDE and Elizabeth my daughter to everie one of them twelve pound apeece Item I leave give and bequeath unto everie one of my Grand children three shillings and four pence apeece Item I give leave & bequeath unto Samuell BARDSLEY of Marple in the Countie of Chester Clerk five shillings intreating him to come to my buriall & preach my funerall sermon And of for & concerning all the rest residue & remainder of all my goods Chattles & Cattles whatsoever & whose hands soever they or any of them be found I give leave and bequeath wholie & onlie to my youngest sonne Robert HYDE And furthermore I make ordeine & appoint my said younger sonne Robert HYDE my sole and onlie Executor of this my last will Testmt hopeing he will performe the same In Witness whereof I the said Robert HYDE the elder have hereunto sett my hand & seale the daie & yeare first above written

Robert HYDE the elder his mark

Read and pronounced to be the last Will and Testament of the said Robert HYDE the elder who wished us whose names are subscribed to be witnesses thereof & thereunto Robert HEYWARD the elder his mark; Sa: BARDLSEY Clerk  

This Will was proved at London the Eight and Twentieth daie of November in the year one thousand six hundred fiftie six Before the judges for probat of willes & granting Administration lawfully authorised By the oath of Robert HYDE the youngest sonne & sole Executor named in the said will To whom was granted Administration of all and singular the goods Chattles & Debts of the said diseased being first sworne by vertue of a commission trulie to Administer the same.                 

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Robert HYDE yeoman of Stealywood, Mottram p.: 1667

mentions: Wife Margaret HYDE

Sons: Nicholas HYDE; Robert HYDE

Dau Mary HYDE

Grandchild William PLATT

Son in Law William PLATT & Ellen his now wife

God daughter Jane DEANE

Overseers of the will: Robert LOTON of Stealywood; Nicholas GODDARD of Padfeild

Land in Dunham Massey

Executors: Wife Margaret HYDE; Son Nicholas HYDE

Written 7 Jan 1663/4

Witnesses: Robert LOTON the younger; John OULDHAM

Inventory taken 11 May 1667 Appraisers Nicholas GODDARD; Robert LOTON; Hughe KINDER; George WINTERBOTHAM

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Robert HYDE of Marple: 1724

Robert HYDE died Intestate & his widow Elizabeth HYDE had to swear an Obligation together with Hugh HOULT of Manchester, chapman.  The inventory below was appraised at this time.

A True and perfect Inventary of all the Goods Cattells & Chattells of Robert HYDE of Marple in the county of Chester Yeoman which were appraised and vallued by us whose names are hereunto subscribed this fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred & Twenty four, as followeth

Appraisers Nicholas LOWE & Ottiwell HEGINBOTHOM

£      s      d

Imps  Purse and apparrell

05 - 00 - 00

Itm In the House In One fire Iron and other things of Iron about the fire

00 - 13 - 04

Itm In One Coach Chair 

00 - 10 - 00

Itm In One Clock

02 - 10 - 00

Itm In One Dresser

02 - 00 - 00

Itm In One Table & some Cheeses in the House

01 - 00 - 00

In the Great Parlour     In One Press

00 - 10 - 00

Itm In One Table a Bedd & Bedding belonging to it

02 - 06 - 00

Itm In the Buttry in Brass & Pewter

01 - 10 - 00

Itm In Wooden Ware In Potts & Bottles

00 - 14 - 00

Itm In the Chamber over the Buttry In One Bedd & Bedding belonging to it

01 - 00 - 00

In Two Coffers and a Coach Chair

00 - 08 - 00

Itm In the Chamber over the House In Cheese

03 - 10 - 00

In other Bedd there

00  - 10 - 00

Itm In Some Lynen

02 - 00 - 00

Itm In the Mun Parlour In a Pair of Weaving Loomes

03 - 10 - 00

Itm In the Wash House In One Cheese Press

00 - 02 - 06

Itm In the Cart House in Carts etc.

 05 - 00 - 00

In Harrows and Plows

 00 - 15 - 00

Itm In the Stable In Horse Gears

02 - 00 - 00

Itm In the Barne in Corne and Hay

30 - 00 - 00

Itm In Cows Heifers Stirks and Calves

45 - 00 - 00

Itm In Horses & Mares

18 - 00 - 00

Itm In two swine

02 - 00 - 00

Itm In Poultery

01 - 00 - 00

Itm In Bookes

00 - 10 - 00

Itm In Money owing upon a Mortgage

60 - 00 - 00

Itm In More Money owing for Goods

04 - 07 - 06

In all other things not named or forgotten as Hustlements

00 - 07 - 00

Sume Inventary

196 - 19 - 04

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Robert HYDE of Ardwick 1783

This is the last Will and Testament of me Robert HYDE of Ardwick in the County of Lancaster Esquire as follows First I order all my just Debts Funeral Expences and the charge of the probate hereof to be paid with all convenient speed after my decease And I give to my dear wife my best carriage and best pair of horses that I shall be possessed of at the time of my Death for her own proper use and benefit And I do give her the yearly sum of fifty pounds in addition to her Jointure or Annuity which I settled or agreed to settle upon her on her intermarriage to be paid to her on the days and times and in such manner as the said Jointure or Annuity is appointed to be paid for and during her life in case she shall so long continue my widow and unmarried again but so soon as she shall marry again the payment of the said fifty pounds to cease and be no longer paid and I hereby will and direct that my wife shall be at liberty to reside in my Dwelling house at Ardwick aforesaid and have the free use possession and enjoyment of the same with all the household furniture plate and other things therein and thereupon and of the Outbuildings Gardens Lands & Meadow & Pasture with the appurtenances which I now use and enjoy therewith and of everything therein and thereupon for and during the term of one year next after my decease without paying any Rent or any gratuity or satisfaction by way or lieu of Rent for the same and to that end intent and purpose hereby order and direct my Executors to pay discharge all rent or Ground Rent and all Leys and Taxes for and in respect of the said House and premises and also to keep my said House Gardens and Premises in good and neat order repair and condition by and out of the personal estate during the said year But I hereby order and direct that my wife shall quit and leave the said House furniture plate and premises at the expiration of the said year without taking anything away therefrom except her own Jewells and wearing apparel And I give to my Brothers Samuel and Thomas each one thousand pounds And I give to my Sister LYLE the Interest of one thousand pounds after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum for and during her life for which I direct that her own Receipt under her hand shall from time to time be a discharge and after the Death of my said Sister LYLE I give the said one thousand pounds unto her younger children that is to say to all but her oldest son equally to be divided among them share and share alike And I also give to my Sister CUNNINGHAM the Interest of one thousand pounds after the rate of five pounds per centum per annum for and during her life for which I direct that her own Receipt under her hand shall from time to time be a discharge and after the Death of my said Sister CUNNINGHAM I give the last said one thousand pounds unto the children of my Sister BATT equally to be divided among them share and share alike And I give to my Nephew Samuel GREG five thousand pounds to be paid to him at the expiration of one year next after death And I give to my Aunt HOPLEY one hundred pounds a year during her life to be paid half yearly the first payment to be made at the end of twelve months next after my Death And I give to my cousin Robert HYDE the younger and his Heirs for ever all the House Farm and Lands where he now lives known by the name of Treahouse bank in the parish of Ashton underline which I lately? purchased from his Father he paying a thereout to his Father ten guineas a year during his life And I give to Mr John MIDDLETON one hundred pounds to be paid at the end of six months next after my decease And I give a suit of Mourning to every one of my Servants that shall happen to be in my service at the time of my Death And I hereby declare it to be my will and mind that in case I shall happen to purchase a seat or pew in St Mary`s Church belonging to John GARTSIDE Esquire I hereby give use of the said seat or pew to my said Wife during her life And I give and devise all the rest residue and remainder of my estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever as well real as personal and of what nature or kind soever subject to the Legacies Charges and Annuities aforesaid unto my Brother Nathan HYDE and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life without impeachment of or for any manner of roaste? And from and immediately after the decease of my said Brother Nathan I give and devise all and singular my said real and personal Estate subject and chargeable as aforesaid unto the first son of the Body of my said Brother Nathan and to the Heirs of such first son lawfully issuing and for want of such Issue Then I give and devise all my said real and personal Estate subject and chargeable as aforesaid unto the second third fourth fifth and all and every other Son and Sons of my said Brother severally successively and in remainder one after another as they and every of them shall be in priority of Birth and seniority of age and of the several and respective Heirs Male of the Body and Bodies of and every such Son and Sons lawfully issuing so as the oldest of such Sons and the Heirs Male of his Body shall always be preferred and take before younger of such Sons and the Heirs Male of his and their Body and Bodies and for default of Issue Male of my said Brother Nathan Then I give and devise my said Real and Personal Estate and (sic) my said Nephew Samuel GREG his Heirs and Assigns for ever he and they taking upon them and using the Name and Arms of HYDE but not otherwise And of this my will I constitute and appoint my said Brother Nathan my said Nephew Samuel GREG and my partner John MIDDLETON Executors and order them to lay out the sum of Fifty Guineas in Mourning Rings to be given by them to such of my acquaintance as they shall think proper In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the second day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty one Robt HYDE 

Signed Sealed Declared and Published by the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to attest the same in his sight and presence Jo CHIPPINDALE Pkt COUMBS Ra ELLIS

By this Codicil to my Will I make the following alterations and additions to it that is to say I give to my Wife my Tenement in Longsight which I purchased from Sir Aston LEVER Knight during her life if she shall so long continue my Widow but not otherwise nor any longer And I give her two hundred guineas in Money and I direct that she shall have the priviledge of continuing two years in my House with the appurtenances at Ardwick instead of one as in my Will is mentioned and I give to my Nephew Samuel GREGG the Legacy of ten thousand pounds instead of the five thousand pounds within mentioned to be paid as within mentioned Witness my Hand this third day of January 1783 Robt HYDE Signed and published in the presence of Richard HAWORTH George WHITAKER Jno CHIPPINDALE

This Will was proved at London with a Codicil the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty three before the Right Worshipful Peter CALVERT Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary  of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Nathan HYDE the Brother of the Deceased and Samuel GREGG two of the Executors named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said Deceased they having been sworn by Commission duly to administer power reserved of making the like grant to John MIDDLETON the other Executor named in the said Will when he shall apply for the same.            

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Samuel HIDE yeoman of Hayfield: 1764

Brief administration statement to widow Margaret HIDE

No furhter details.

Probate granted 17 Jan 1764

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Samuel HYDE of Stockport 1781

I Samuel HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester Yeoman, do make publish and declare this to be my last will and testament, whereby I dispose of my estate and effects in manner following, that is to say, I give and devise All those my several Messuages Cottages or Dwelling houses with the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto respectively belonging situate and being at the Southerly End of the Petty Carr Green in Stockport aforesaid, now in the several holdings or occupations of William NICHOLSON, John LEES, William JOHNSON, John JORDAN, Philip BRIARLEY and Robert CHADWICK (subject and chargeable as hereinafter is mentioned) unto and to the use of my sons Newman HYDE and Nathan HYDE equally to be divided amongst them, share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants, and to their several and respective Heirs and Assigns for ever, subject and chargeable as after mentioned, that is to say, they my said sons their Heirs or Assigns, paying for and out of the said premises, unto Elizabeth my dear and loving Wife and her Assigns, for and during the term of her natural Life, one yearly rent charge or annual sum of six pounds of lawful british Money discharged and indemnified of from and against all taxes charges rates Assessments and Imposition whatsoever, and to be paid by four equal quarterly payments, to wit, on the twenty fifth day of March, the twenty fourth day of June the twenty ninth day of September and twenty fourth day of December in every year the first quarterly payment thereof to be made on the first of those days that shall happen next after my Death, which said yearly rent charge or annual sum of six pounds I do hereby direct to be paid to my said wife for her life out of the said Messuages Cottages or Dwelling houses and premises accordingly: And in case default shall be made in payment thereof, or any part thereof, to my said Wife or her Assigns in Manner aforesaid by the space of twenty days, next after any of the days or times above mentioned for payment thereof; Then I order that it shall and may be lawful for my said Wife and her Assigns, when and so often as the same shall so happen, to enter into and upon the same Messuages Cottages or Dwelling houses and premises or any part thereof and the Goods and Chattels then and there found to distrain for the same and such Distress and Distresses to take lead drive appraise sell order and dispose of as the laws then in being for the sale of distresses taken for rent shall direct until the said rent charge or annual sum of six pounds or such part or parts thereof, for which such distress or distresses shall be made and all arrears thereof, and all Expences attending the same shall be fully paid and satisfied.  Also I give and devise unto my son William HYDE his heirs and assigns All that my Messuage or dwelling house, situate in the Perry Carr in Stockport aforesaid, wherein I now dwell, and all privileges advantages tenements hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or appertaining To hold the same Messuage hereditaments and premises unto and to the use of my said son William HYDE his heirs and assigns for ever, subject nevertheless and chargeable as hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, He my said son William HYDE his heirs or assigns paying for and out of the same premises unto the said Elizabeth my Wife and her assigns, for and during the term of her natural life, one yearly rent charge or annual sum of three pounds of lawful british Money, discharged and indemnified of from and against all taxes charges rates assessments and impositions whatsoever and to be paid by four equal quarterly payments and on the several Days and Times and in manner as above mentioned and appointed for payment of the said yearly rent charge or annual sum of six pounds and with the powers and remedies to and for my said Wife and her assigns during her natural life, for obtaining and recovering the said yearly rent charge of three pounds, as are given to and provided for her for the obtaining and recovering the said yearly rent charge of six pounds, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as if the same power and remedies were here particularly set forth

And it is my will and mind and I hereby declare that the provision hereby by me made for the said Elizabeth my Wife shall be in full of all her Dower or thirds at common Law and right and title of Dower, or other estate right interest and title, which she is, can, shall or may be intitled to, out of, or in respect of all or any of my said Messuages Cottages or Dwelling houses lands, hereditaments and premises or other my real estate whatsoever or wheresoever or any part thereof.  And it is my will and mind and I do hereby order and direct that the said Elizabeth my Wife shall (if she be so minded or desirous) reside and dwell during her life in the house wherein I now live.  Also I give devise and bequeath All that my Messuage or Tenement with the buildings closes lands hereditaments and premises with the Appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining situate in Auderley in the said County of Chester, now in the Tenure or Occupation of Francis RIDGWAY or his Under tenants, which I hold under Sir John STANLEY by virtue of a Lease thereof from him for three lives, one only of which, to wit, Ann the wife of Samuel LEES of Bredbury in the said County is now living, unto and to the use of my said sons Newman HYDE, Nathan HYDE and William HYDE equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to their several and respective heirs and assigns for and during all my estate right title term and interest therein And I give and bequeath unto my eldest son Samuel HYDE the sum of One Guinea, to be paid to him by my Executors hereinafter named out of my personal estate, within three months next after my Death to and for his own use.  Also I give and bequeath unto my Sons in Law James TAYLOR and Ralph MILNER the sum of One hundred pounds apiece of lawful Money of Great Britain, to be paid unto each of them my same Sons in Law by my Executors hereinafter named out of my personal estate, at the end of twelve months next after my Death, to and for their several and respective own use: And all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects of what nature or quality soever, after payment of my just debts, funeral expences and the probate of this my will and other incidental charges and expences and the several Legacies and Bequests herein by me above given and bequeathed, I give and bequeath the same unto my said sons Newman HYDE, Nathan HYDE and William HYDE equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike.  And (revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made) I nominate and appoint my said sons Newman HYDE, Nathan HYDE, and William HYDE joint executors of this will, and do direct that they shall not be answerable or accountable for any more of my estate and effects than shall actually come to their hands, nor shall they or any of them be answerable or accountable for each other or for the Acts, Receipts Disbursements or Defaults of each other, but each and every of them for his and their own Acts Receipts Disbursements and Defaults only and those only that are wilful.  Whereas I did on the marriage of my eldest son the said Samuel HYDE with Mary KENWORTHY then of or near Ashton under line in the County of Lancaster, his now wife, convey and assure unto or to the use of him his heirs and assigns a Messuage and Tenement, now enjoyed in two Dwellings, with the lands hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, situate in Stockport aforesaid, now in the possession of the said James TAYLOR and of Peter STEEL and Edward STANNEY or their Undertenants or assigns, and in regard the same Messuage Lands and premises are of greater value than the provision hereby made for my younger sons; the said Samuel HYDE hath promised and agreed to allow and pay unto the said Elizabeth my wife for and during the term of her life, an Annuity or clear yearly sum of six pounds of lawful british money which sum of six pounds as Ann(uit)y I do recommend it to him to pay to the said Elizabeth my wife for her life as aforesaid and do hope and beg he will duly pay the same.  In Witness whereof I have to this my last will contained in three sheets of paper set my hand and seal, to wit, my hand to the first two sheets and my hand and seal to this last sheet the thirtieth day of November in the year of our lord One thousand seven hundred and seventy eight.

Signed Samuel HYDE with seal

This writing contained in this and two preceding sheets of Paper was signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Samuel HYDE the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence and sight if us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses


I Samuel HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester yeoman do hereby make and declare this to be a Codicil to my last Will and Testament contained in the three preceding sheets hereunto annexed, Whereas in and by my said Will I have bequeathed unto my Son in Law James TAYLOR the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid to him out of my personal Estate as therein directed, and the said James TAYLOR is since dead - Now I do hereby declare that it is my Will and intention that the said Legacy so bequeathed to the said James TAYLOR, shall sink into and become a part of the residue of my personal Estate for the benefit of my sons Newman HYDE, Nathan HYDE and William HYDE, to whom such residue is by my said Will bequeathed, to be in like manner equally divided amongst them share and share alike - And in all other respects not altered by this my Codicil I do hereby ratify and confirm my said Will.  In Witness whereof I the said Testator Samuel HYDE have to this my Codicil hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine.

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Samuel HYDE the Testator as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament hereunto annexed in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto.


The first day of May 1781, Newman HYDE, Nathan HYDE & William HYDE the Executors within named were sworn in common form before me Thos BENTHAM Surrogate

Supra £100  Probate Issued  24th of same

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Samuel HYDE of Hollingworth: 1794

mentions: James WOOD son of William & Mary WOOD of Hollingworth

John WOOD; Thomas WOOD; William WOOD; Sarah WOOD; Mary WOOD sons & daus of the above William & Mary

Lee LEE; John LEE; Sarah LEE sons & dau of John & Betty LEE of Mottram

Executors: Thomas HEATHCOTT; John  WOOD

Written 1 Apr 1794

Witnesses: Nicholas BOOTH; John ROBERTS; Thomas HEATHCOTT

Probate 26 Apr 1794

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Samuel HYDE of Stockport 1816


Know all Men by these Presents that we George SMITH of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Gentleman Augustus HARGRAVES of Manchester aforesaid Merchant and James LAWRINSON of the same place Gentleman are Holden and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God George Henry by Divine permission Lord Bishop of Chester in the sum of Five Hundred Pounds of good and lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Current in that part of the said Kingdom called  England to be paid unto the said Right Reverend Father his lawful Attorney Executors administrators or assigns to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and every of us severally for and in the whole our heirs Executors and administors (sic) and the heirs Executors and administrators of every of us firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals and Dated the seventh day of March in the Fifty Sixth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Sixteen.  

Whereas it hath been alledged before the Reverend Thomas Mawdesley Clerk Master of Arts Lawful Surrogate of the Reverend and Worshipful Thomas Parkinson Clerk Doctor of Divinity Vicar General and official Principal of the above named Right Reverend Father by and on the part and behalf of Mary NORBURY of Stockport in the County and Diocese of Chester Widow John BRUNDRETT of Flixton in the County of Lancaster and Diocese aforesaid Yeoman and Alice his wife Ann ROGERS of Flixton aforesaid Spinster and Thomas ROGERS of Liverpool in the said County of Lancaster and Diocese aforesaid Broker that Samuel HYDE late of Stockport aforesaid Jersey Comber deceased was in his life time and at the time of his death possessed by virtue of a certain Indenture of Four parts bearing Date the thirteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty two and made between John TAYLOR of Manchester in the County of Lancaster Slater and Thomas WYLD of Manchester aforesaid Timber merchant of the first part John SEDDON of Openshaw in the said County Whetster of the second part Bernard SHAW of Manchester aforesaid Yeoman of the third part and the said Samuel HYDE deceased a person nominated by and in trust for the said John SEDDON of the fourth part of a Certain Chattel Right or Interest for the then Residue and Remainder of a certain term of Five Hundred years created  in and by a certain Indenture of Demise or Mortgage made by the said John TAYLOR and Thomas WYLD to the before named Bernard SHAW for securing the payment of Forty Six pounds unto the said Bernard SHAW of and in all that plot or parcel of Land part of a certain Plott or parcell of Land which was heretofore part of a certain close situate in Manchester aforesaid called the Brick Croft bounded on the Easterly side thereof by another plot or parcel of Land theretofore other part of the said close called the Brick Croft then lately sold and conveyed or agreed to be sold and conveyed by the said John TAYLOR and Thomas WYLD to Thomas COOPER of Chorlton Row in the said County of Lancaster Carpenter on the Westerly side thereof by another plot or parcel of Land heretofore other part of the said Close called the Brick Croft then or late belonging to one George GRIMSHAW on the Northerly side by part of a certain close then or late belonging to Jonah NICHOLS of Manchester aforesaid Merchant called Turners Meadow and on the Southerly side by a certain new street called the Church gate theretofore laid out in the said close called the Brick Croft and which said Plott or parcel of Land contains in length or Depth on the Easterly side thereof from south to north Nineteen Yards and Seven Inches or thereabouts on the westerly side thereof from north to south Twenty Yards and Thirteen Inches or thereabouts on the northerly side thereof from east to west Running in a level line Six Yards Five Inches or thereabouts and on the southerly side thereof from east to west five yards and thirty one inches or thereabouts and containing in the whole one hundred and eighteen superficial square yards or thereabouts very little more or less together with all ways waters watercourses liberties Easements Privileges Profits advantages and hereditaments whatsoever to the said plot or parcel of Land hereinbefore mentioned belonging or in anywise appertaining with their and every of their appurtenances In trust nevertheless for the said John SEDDON his heirs and assigns and to attend and go along with the Freehold and Inheritance of the same Premises and to protect and defend the same from all mesne and subsequent Incumbrances if any such there be And it was further alledged that the said Samuel HYDE deceased departed this life many years back Intestate without having assigned over the residue and Remainder of the said term of Five hundred years and that letters of Administration of his goods chattels and credits have not been granted to any person whatever and that there is not now any Legal representative of him And it was further and lastly alledged that the Trusts and purposes for which the said term of Five hundred years was originally created are now fully satisfied and discharged and that there is not any legal beneficial Interest whatsoever remaining attached thereto and that by divers mesne assignments conveyances and Devises or acts in law the Freehold and Inheritance of and in the aforesaid Premises with their appurtenances is now legally vested in the said Mary NORBURY John BRUNDRETT and Alice his wife Ann ROGERS and Thomas ROGERS who have also the sole equitable Right Title and Interest in and to the Residue and Remainder of the said term of five hundred years granted and assigned as aforesaid and now to come and unexpired and are desirous that a legal representative of the said Samuel HYDE deceased may now be appointed to assign and convey the remainder of the aforesaid term of Five hundred years so as aforesaid vested in the said Samuel HYDE deceased to some person or persons upon trust to preserve and keep on foot the said term and Estate to attend and wait upon the Freehold and Inheritance of the said Premises for the Protection thereof from and against all mesne and intervening incumbrances if any such there be and whereas the said Surrogate having duly construed the premises and rightly and lawfully proceeding did at the petition of the Proctor of the said Mary NORBURY John BRUNDRETT and Alice his wife Ann ROGERS and Thomas ROGERS decree Letters of Administration of the goods chattels and credits of the said Samuel HYDE deceased limitted so far as they relate to the said Chattel Right or Interest for the Residue and Remainder of the said Term of Five hundred years now to come and unexpired in the before described premises to be committed and granted to George SMITH of Manchester in the said County of Lancaster Gentleman a person for that purpose named by and on the part and behalf of the said Mary NORBURY John BRUNDRETT and Alice his wife Ann ROGERS and Thomas ROGERS to the intent that he may by their direction and appointment assign over the now residue and remainder of the said term of Five hundred years yet to come and unexpired In Trust for the purpose aforesaid and no further or otherwise

Now the Condition of this Obligation is such that if the above Bounden George SMITH administrator of the goods chattels and credits of the before named Samuel HYDE deceased limited so far as they relate to the said chattel Right or Interest for the residue and Remainder of the said term of Five hundred years yet to come and unexpired in the before described Premises do make or cause to be made a true and full Inventory of the goods chattels and credits of the said Samuel HYDE deceased so far as they relate to the said chattel Right or Interest for the Residue and Remainder of the said term of Five hundred years now to come and unexpired in the before described Premises and the same so made do Exhibit or cause to be Exhibted into the Registry of the Consistory Court of Chester and the same chattel Right or Interest do well and truly administer according to law and further do make or cause to be made a true and just account account (sic) of his administration thereof at such time and times as he shall be thereunto lawfully required and Lastly do at all time and times hereafter clearly acquit discharge and save harmless the before named Right Reverend Father his Vicar General aforesaid and all the other the offices of the said Court from all and all manner of actions suits and Demands which may or shall be brought against them or any of them for or concerning the granting Letters of Administration of the goods chattels and credits of the said Samuel HYDE deceased limited as aforesaid for the purpose hereinbefore mentioned then this Obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and virtue


Signed Sealed and Delivered being first duly stamped in the presence of C D WRAY Surr(ogate)

The seventh day of March 1816

George SMITH the administrator within named was sworn in common form and he further made oath that the whole of the personal Estate and Effects belonging to the Intestate limited to the chattel Right or Interest within mentioned within the Diocese of Chester did not amount in value to the sum of Fifty Pounds before me C D WRAY Surrogate

Limd .... issued dated 7 March 1816        

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Samuel HYDE woollen clothier of Moor Gate, Stayley: 1841

mentions: Trustees & Executors of Will - wife Esther HYDE; Edward Ashworth WHITEHEAD grocer of Rochdale; his wife Mary Ann Olivant WHITEHEAD; Abel HYDE, nephew

Children of late brother Abel HYDE; Brother William HYDE and his children; Children of late sister Mary DYSON; Children of late sister Margaret SYKES; Children of late sister Ann WHITEHEAD; Niece Mary Ann Olivant WHITEHEAD

Written 13 June 1839

Witnesses: Ann STELFOX; Robt. BURTON?

Testator died 5 Nov 1840  Probate 7 Apr 1841

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Sarah HYDE of Stockport 1789

This is the last Will and Testament of me Sarah HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester, Widow, made this Thirteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Nine, First I Will order and Direct that all my just Debts, Funeral Expences and the Charges of the Probate of this my last Will and Testament shall be paid and discharged out of my real and Personal Estate, And as for and concerning all those my messuages or dwelling houses Silk Mills Lands and premises with their appurtenances situate at Don bank in Stockport aforesaid and all those my Messuages or Dwelling houses Lands and premises with their appurtenances situate at the Petty Carr Green in Stockport aforesaid together with the Residue of all my Personal Estate, I Give Bequeath and Devise the same unto John GARSIDE of Stockport aforesaid, Grocer, and George GARSIDE of the same place, Liquor Merchant and to their Heirs and Assigns Upon Trust and to the intent and purpose that they the said John GARSIDE and George GARSIDE and the Survivor of them and his Heirs Executors or Administrators do and shall permit and suffer my Son in Law James OLERENSHAW and my Daughter Sarah his Wife to receive and take the rents issues and profits of all my said Real and Personal Estate for and during the term of their natural Lives in equal proportion share and share alike and that the Survivor of them shall receive and take the same during his or her natural Life and that from and immediately after the death of the Survivor of them the said James OLERENSHAW and Sarah his Wife In Trust for the use and equal benefit of all my Grand Children then living Born or to be Born on the body of my said Daughter Sarah untill the youngest of them arrive to the age of twenty one years, at which time I order and direct my said Trustees their Heirs Executors or Administrators to sell and dispose of all my said Real and Personal Estate and divide the same equaly among then share and share alike, and that if all my Grand Children should die before my said Son in Law James OLERENSHAW and Sarah his Wife Then in Trust for the Survivor of them his or her Heirs and Assigns for ever And I do hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint the said John GARSIDE and George GARSIDE Trustees and Executors of this my last Will and Testament, And lastly I do hereby Revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament, In Witness whereof I the said Sarah HYDE the Testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal the day and year first before written.

The mark and seal of Sarah HYDE

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Sarah HYDE the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us whose names are hereunto Subscribed as Witnesses thereto in her presence and in the presence of each other.


July 13th 1789 John GARSIDE and George GARSIDE Exors within named, were sworn in common form before me W: Bowness Surrogate

Effects under £100   Pro: Issued July 29th 1789     

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Sarah HYDE of Hollingworth: 1822

Administration granted to husband David HYDE of Hollingworth cordwainer; Joshua COOPER of Hollingworth cordwainer; Timothy WARHURST of Hollingworth carpenter

Sarah HYDE died 29 Jun 1816

Probate granted 9 Apr 1822

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Sarah HYDE of Stockport 1856

I Sarah HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester Widow hereby revoke all Wills and other Testamentary dispositions made by me at any time heretofore and declare this to be my last Will and testament I direct my just Debts and funeral and testamentary Expences to be paid out of my Estate and Effects  I give to my son John HYDE twelve silver Tea Spoons my Silver Sugar Tongs and my gold Watch I give to my God Daughter Mary BURGON my silver Cream Jug and to my God Daughter Sarah Ann TINKER of Salford my silver Watch I bequeath the pecuniary Legacies following To the said John HYDE the sum of Sixty pounds To Abel KING son of Francis KING of Stockport aforesaid Spindle Maker the sum of Ten pounds To the said Mary BURGON the like sum of Ten pounds To the said Sarah Ann TINKER the like sum of Ten pounds To Alice the Wife of James GATLEY of Manchester Reed Maker the sum of Five pounds To Emma the Wife of Richard PILLING of Manchester Painter the sum of Five pounds To Elizabeth the Wife of Edward MILLS of Manchester Boot and Shoe Maker the sum of Five pounds And to Sarah Ann the Wife of Thomas O`BRION of Manchester the sum of Five pounds and I direct the said Legacies to be paid within twelve months after my decease and subject to the above gifts I direct my Executors hereinafter named to set apart and invest a sufficient fund to produce by the Income there from the clear Weekly sum of four shillings and to pay the same Weekly to Thomas HYDE of Stockport aforesaid Spindle Maker until his decease or until he shall assign encumber or Mortgage the same or commit or suffer any Act or default or if by Act or Operation of Law his interest in such Income would if it were to continue become vested in or transferred to his Assignees in Bankruptcy or Insolvency or any other person or persons and after the determination by any means of the Interest of the said Thomas HYDE in such Income I direct that the said fund shall form part of my residuary Estate and I direct that such Weekly payments shall commence from my decease At the decease of the said Thomas HYDE or other sooner determination by any means of the interest of the said Thomas HYDE in such Income as aforesaid I give the portion of my Estate so set apart for such Income as aforesaid to my Daughter Margaret HYDE absolutely I give devise and bequeath all the residue of my property whatsoever and wheresoever and of which I may be seized or possessed at the time of my decease or over which I shall have any disposing power and whether real or personal unto my said Daughter Margaret HYDE her heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever I give and devise all Estates vested in me upon any trusts or by way of Mortgage unto my said Daughter Margaret HYDE and to James WHITTAKER of Heaton Norris in the County of Lancaster Joiner their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns Upon the trusts and equities affecting the same respectively I nominate and appoint the said Margaret HYDE and James WHITTAKER Executrix and Executor of this my Will and I declare that my said Trustees and Executors shall be answerable only for his or her own Acts and not for the Acts of the other and that they may reimburse themselves respectively all Expences incurred by them in and about this my Will I declare that the receipts of the said Margaret HYDE and James WHITTAKER or the Survivor of them or the heirs Executors or Administrators of the Survivor for any Monies paid to them  under or by virtue of this my Will shall be good discharges to the person or persons paying the same Monies and taking receipts for the same and that such person or persons shall not be answerable or accountable for the monies so paid by him her or them and shall not in anywise be obliged to see to the application thereof In witness whereof I the said Sarah HYDE the Testatrix have hereunto subscribed and signed my hand this twenty second day of March One thousand eight hundred and fifty four

Signed Sarah HYDE

Signed by the Testatrix Sarah HYDE in the presence of us the two Witnesses present at the same time who attested and subscribed it in the presence of the said Testatrix on the day and year aforesaid.

Thos. M FERRIS Solr Stockport; Goodwin Charles LEWIS Clerk to Thos. M Ferris

The fourth day of February 1856 Margaret HYDE spinster one of the Executors in this Will named was sworn in common form: (Power being reserved to James WHITTAKER the other Executor also in this Will named to take upon him the Execution of the said Will, whenever he shall lawfully request the same) and she also made oath that the personal Estate and Effects of the Testatrix within the Diocese of Chester were under the value of £200

before me Charles Kenrick Prescot M A Surrogate

The Testatrix died on the twenty sixth day of December 1855  

In the Consistory Court of Chester  In the Goods of Sarah HYDE deceased  The first day of March 1856

Appeared personally Thomas Morton FERRIS of Stockport in the County of Chester Gentleman [and George Charles LEWIS of the same place Attorneys Clark crossed through] and being sworn upon the Holy Gospels made Oath that he is one of the Subscribed Witnesses to the last Will and Testament of Sarah HYDE late of Stockport in the County of Chester, Widow deceased, bearing date the Twenty second day of March 1854 and hereto annexed that the said Will was prepared in the Office of this deponent as Solicitor for the said deceased that he was present on the said Twenty second day of March and saw the said Sarah HYDE deceased duly execute the same as and for her last Will and Testament by signing her name "Sarah Hyde" at the foot or end thereof as it now appears in presence of this deponent and Goodwin Charles LEWIS the other subscribed Witness thereto and this deponent and the said Goodwin Charles LEWIS did then in the presence of the said Testatrix and of each other set and subscribe their names thereto as witnesses as they now appear And he further made Oath that the several alterations appearing in the said Will, namely the word "God" written in an erasure in the eighth and ninth lines from the top first page of the said Will, the word "Sixty" and also the word "Abel" partly written upon erazures in the eleventh line from the top of the said first page & the word "Five" partly written upon an erazure in the seventeenth line from the top of the said first page were all so made previous to the execution of the said Will by the said Testatrix and previous to the same being attested by these deponents in manner aforesaid And he lastly made Oath that Goodwin Charles LEWIS the other subscribed Witness at the date of the said Will was a Clerk to the deponent but is now out of the Country and resident in Australia.

Signed Thos M FERRIS

Sworn at Stockport by the said Thomas Morton FERRIS the day and year aforesaid Before me Charles Kenrick Prescot M A Surrogate    

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Thomas HYDE of Ludworth: 24 July 1621

In the name of God Amen the Twenteeth day of May In the year of our Lord God 1621 I Thomas  HYDE of Ludworth Sicke in body but in good and pfect Remembrance praise be to god for it. do Constitute ordaine & make this my last will & Testament in Manner and fforme folowinge that is to witt: ffirst I offer & bequeath my soule to Almightie god my Creator and maker trustinge through the Merritts of god sonn Jesus Christ and his pcious bloode sheedinge to be one of the Number of His Electe and my body to be buried within the prsh Church of Glossop And that my funerall Expenses and such detts as of Ryhte I owe to any man be discharged of my [whole] goods Item I dispose and bequeath to Joane my wyfe with the legacie of my Es: Lands my farme and Tenement whence I now dwell duringe all my Tearm contaynede  in my Lease the payinge all such Rente and other duties as are due or payable for the same:  And that she the saide Joane my wyef shall montayne and keepe all my Children And Margarett my daughter in lawe with meate drinke Clothes and lodginge fitt for there [      ] the doinge her work during the said Tearme And if Margarett my daughter in law shall have a Child then my is that Raph my sonn and the said Margaret shall have a [ewe] kepte somer: and wintere duringe the said Tearme And that then Joane my wyef shall be discharged of the keepinge & mayntenance  And that my sonn Raph shall have some housing at the discression of Raph HYDE my brother sett him forth when he got the to house as aforesaide.  And at the Ende of the said Tearme my will is that Raph my sonn & Margaret his wyef Behavinge themselves quietly with Joane my wefe the meane-tyme shall have with the lycence of my Es: lands my housinge and ffarme aforesaid with all the Tenant & Righte therein Item I give to Joane my wyef the Thirde pte of all my goods & Chatels: Item I gibe to Raph my sonn one [Cowe] to be debided to him at such tyme as he shall sett up house such a one as my Executor shall think fitt:  Item I give to John HYDE my Sonn xiiij£ in satisfaction of his Childs pte:  Item I gibe to Edward HYDE my sonn x£ in satisfaction of his Childs pte: and all the Rest and Residue of my unbequeathed goods and Chatels I gibe leave and bequeath to my thre yonger children to witt Thomas HYDE Robert HYDE & Elizabeth HYDE equally to be devyded amongst them: And that my Executor hereafter named shall Imploy and putt forth my childrens goods for and towards there benefit and pferment till the [severally] accomplish the Age of xxi yeares: Item I gibe to Robert GODDARD xi xijd

Item I ordayne and make Raph HYDE my brother my lawfull Executor trusting he will fulfill and accomplish this my last will & Testamente for my soules health with the oversight of Mr George BOUTH & Mr John MOORHOUSE my aproved and true[  ] friends [  h   ] I desy[ er ] to be overseers of this my will & Tst. beinge witness Thomas WALKLATE John BRAMMALL & Raph FFERNELEY

dette owinge to me


dette that I doe owe


Thomas SMITH the elder                 

v  v  ix

to Mr William ROWLINSON        

iiij  x  o

Henry [         ]                                 

i  o  vi

to Thomas HEGINBOTHAM          

ij  vij  o

Bryan CLETON                                 

o  iiij  vi

to William WALKERE                  

i  xiij  iiij

Raph HIBERT                                   

o  iiij  ij

to John BRAMMALL                     

ij  x  o

John CLETON                                    

o  x  vi



Edward BOUTH                                 

o  vi  o



Thomas STANFIELDE                          

o  vi  o



John GEE                                         

o  vij  vi



Edmund WOOD                                

o  iiij  vi



Robert HOLLINWORTH                         

 i  xiij  x



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Thomas HYDE of Werneth: 1669

Upon the eleventh day of January in the twentith year of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Lord Charles the Seacound, by the grace of god Kinge of England etc: Anogh dom 1668: I Thomas HYDE of Werneth in the county of Chester yeoman being weeke of body but in good and perfect Memory praised by god knoweing the certainty of Death but uncertainty of the time thereof, being very desirous that peace & consent may bee continued amongst my dear and tender relacions when I am dead and gone from of the stage of this life doe make & ordayne this my last will & testament in manner and forme following.  First I comend my soule into the hands of god my maker, hopeing to bee made ..... of life everlasting through the satisfaction of Jesus Christ my Redemer, & by body to the Earth from wherein man was taken, to bee buryed at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named, and as for that worldly estate which it hath pleassed the lord to bestow upon me my mind and will is that my debts funerall expenses & probate of this my will shall bee taken & deducted out of my whole goods chattells and cattells and after the deduction thereof my mind and will is that a certaine legacy left unto Margaret HIGHAM daughter of Edmund HIGHAM by Elizabeth OULDAM her Ant as alsoe one bound of fourty pounds .... the paym(en)t of Twenty Pounds of lawfull money of England acording to a condition anexed unto the sd bound and sealled by Edmund HIGHAM aforesd unto me Thomas HYDE bee then set aparte out of my remaining goods cattells & chattells to bee paid or dispossed of as shall pticularly expressed in that respect  ITEM after the valuation of debts funerall expenses and pbate as aforesd & seting aparte the legacy & bound as aforesd I will that the Remainder bee cast & divided into three equall pts, and third pte whereof I give and bequeath unto Margery HYDE my now wife, and out of the other two pts I give and bequeath Twenty Pounds of currant & English money to Mary HYDE my daughter to bee paid unto the sd Mary when she shall ataine to the age of one and twenty yeares, together with two legacies left unto the sd Mary HYDE by the severall wills of Richard OULDAM and Elizabeth OULDAM, and the residue and Remainder of the aforesd two pts of all my goods chattells and  cattells I give and bequeath unto and amongst all my children equally to bee devyded amongst them (Newman HYDE, David HYDE and Mary HYDE my sonnes & daughter excepted) ITEM the tenemt in Werneth whereupon I now live I give to Margery my wife and her Assed (assigns?) untill Newman HYDE aforesd atayne the age of one and twenty yeares, or might by efluction of time have atayned the age of one and twenty yeares if the terme in the Leasse continue, as also the tenemt in Werneth and Beacom, together wth sixe accers or thereabout of Moore ground lying in Werneth, held by severall Leasses, untill David HYDE aforesd ataine the age of one and twenty yeares or untill such time as the sd David by efluction of time might have atayned the sd age of one and twenty yeares she the sd Margery keepeing them the said Newman & David severally till age as aforesd if the will abide with her and cary as becometh children.  And then severally as they the said Newman HYDE, and David HYDE ataine the age as aforesd I give and bequeath two pts of the tenemt in Werneth whereupon I now dwell unto Newman HYDE aforesd during the Remainder of the Terme in the Leasse now in being, and the other third pte residue and Remainder of the sd tenemt I give unto Margery HYDE my wife dureing life if the Terme in the Leasse now in being for long continue, and after the deceasse of the sd Margery all the sd Messuage and Tenemt unto Newman HYDE aforesd and his Ass(ign)s dureing the Remainder of the terme in the Leasse of the sd tenemt now in being ITEM after the ataynemt of David HYDE to the age of one and twenty yeares or eflution of time upon which hee might have atayned the age of one and twenty yeares I give two pte of the tenemt in Beacom and Werneth together with sixe accers of Moore ground lying in Werneth unto the sd David HYDE & his Ass(ign)s dureing the then Remaining terme in the severall Leasses of the same now in being, and the full third pte of the tenemt in Beacon and Werneth together with the third pte of the sd Moor-ground held by the severall Leasses aforesd unto Margery HYDE my now wife for and dureing the terme of her naturall life if the termes in the severall Leasses for long continue or such and soe much of the same as shall continue in Leasse & being dureing the life of the sd Margery And after the death and deceasse of the sd Margery  HYDE my now wife then I give and bequeath all the tenemt and messuage in Beacom and Werneth together with the sixe accers of Moore-ground lying in Werneth dureing the then Remainder of the severall termes then in being unto David HYDE and his assignes: and in case the aforesd Newman HYDE or David HYDE dy and depte this life before the ataine the age of one and twenty yeares then my mind and will is, and I give and bequeath all unto the survivor of all & singular the messuages & tenemts together wth the aforesd sixe accers of Moore-ground during the Remaining ternes in the severall Leasses: after the atainment of the survivor to twenty one yeares of age (the estate to Margery my wife aforesd alwaies excepted) and in case both the sd Newman HYDE and David HYDE dy and depte this life before the ataine the age of one and twenty yeares then whatsoever should have accrued unto Newman HYDE shall fall and desend unto Mary HYDE & her assignes dureing the termes in the Leasse now in being, as also what should have accrued unto David HYDE to fall & desend unto Martha HYDE & her assignes dureing the then Remaining termes in severall Leasses aforesd PROVIDED alwaies anything herein formerly mentioned to the contrary in any wise not withstanding that it is my mind and will that my Executor herein hereafter named shall take more Leasses of the tenemte aforesd & shall put in Newman HYDE, and David HYDE as two of the lives into the sd Leases if such Leasses may be obtayned upon equall Rates or Terms of the Lord or owner of the inheritance of the sd messuage and tenemt and shall upon the obtayneing of such Leasses have power to charge the sd messuages and tenemte wth such sume or sumes of money as she shall think meet to charge the sd Newman HYDE and David HYDE to pay to the Rest of my children or soe many of them as she shall think meet in equity and consience.  And as concerneing the legacy formerly mentioned to be left unto Margaret HIGHAM daughter of Edmund HIGHAM by Elizabeth OULDAM aforesd and the bound of fourtie pounds with condition of twenty pounds as aforesd sealled by Edmund HIGHAM unto me the aforesd Thomas HYDE my mind & will is that if Edmund HIGHAM aforesd take a new Leasse of his tenemt and assigne it as is required in the will of the aforesd Elizabeth OULDAM, that then the sd Legacy left in the sd will shalbe forth with paid unto the sd Edmund HIGHAM, but in case the sd Edmund HIGHAM faile & take not a Leasse nor assigne it as is required in the aforesd will of the sd Elizabeth OULDAM, that then my Executor shall pay the sd Legacy left unto the sd Margaret, in the sd will, unto the sd Margaret HIGHAM upon her ataynemt to the age of one and twenty yeares, and at the same tyme shall by letter of Attorney, or by some other Lawfull way & maner passe over the said penall bound of fourty pounds sealled by Edmund HIGHAM aforesd (unto me Thomas HYDE as aforesd) unto the said Margaret HIGHAM for her sole use and benefit: And in case noe Leasse bee taken & assigned by Edmund HIGHAM aforesd as required in the aforesd will before Margaret ataine to the age of one & twenty yeares, and that the said Margaret dy & depte this naturall life before that time then my mind & will is that thirty pounds pte of the Legacy that should have bene pd by the will of Elizabeth OULDAM aforesd be paid unto Katherine HIGHAM now wife of Edmund HIGHAM if she be then liveing, and in case the sd Katherine be dead then equally to be devyded amongst my children or such of them as my executor doth thinke meet as also the Remainder of the sd legacy to such or so many of my children & in such sorte as my Executor thinke meet: fit and convenient PROVIDED alwaies the pmisser not withstanding it is my mind & will & I give & bequeath unto Samuell SHEPLY my now servant fourty shillings, and to William STANLEY my now servant five shillings, And of this my last will and testamt I ordayne and make Margary HYDE my now wife sole Executor hopeing she will see this my mind & will pformed according to my trust repossed in in her herby making voyd all former or other wills legacies or bequeaths att any time hearetofore given bequeathed or made declareing this to bee my last will & willing & desiring it may stand IN WITNESS whereof I the sd Thomas HYDE have hereunto put my hand & seale the day and yeare first named & written.

(signed) Thomas HYDE with seal

Read & published and afterwards sealled and delivered in the presents of us: Raphe HAYWOOD; Samuell SHEPLEY; John BRUCKSHAW

Attached is a sheet setting out the oath taken by Margery HYDE both in Latin & in English.

A true & pfect Inventory of the goods creditte, househould stuff chattells and cattells of Thomas HYDE of Werneth in the county of Chester yeoman late deceased as the came unto our hands the ninth day of Febuary.  Ano Dom (followed by Latin phrase) 1668. Aprised by us Abraham COOKE, John HIGGINBOTHUM, John BENISON, Isaac ANDREW and John BRUCKSHAW whose names are hereunto subscribed

£      s      d

IMPRIMIS One horse and one marre

012 - 00 - 00

Itm: two coults

005 - 00 - 00

Itm: two Bullocks

006 - 13 - 04

Itm: eight cowes and one Bull

028 - 00 - 00

Itm: foure twinters and foure calves

013 - 00 - 00

Itm: in corne ould and new and in hay

026 - 00 - 00

Itm: twenty Bushell of Meale, and ould measure of groate

012 - 06 - 00

In the Dwelling house

Itm: one Long table and carpett

002 - 10 - 00

Itm: 1 litle table; 1 couch chaire; 4 chaires & 1 cradle

002 - 06 - 08

Itm: 1 fire grate & 1 smothing Iron

000 - 10 - 00

In the Parlor

Itm: 1 standing beed, handings & all upon it

006 - 10 - 00

Itm: 1 litle table; 1 cort cubbard; cubbard cloath & quissine

001 - 08 - 00

Itm: 1 closse stoole & pan and A chamber pott

000 - 05 - 00

Itm: 1 cosser; 4 chaires; 3 buffetts; 1 couch chaireand 10 set quissines

002 - 01 - 00

Itm: 1 Iron grate and 14 yards of wollen cloath

001 - 13 - 00

Itm: 3 silver bowles; 1 salt & 1 Duzen of spoones

011 - 10 - 00

In the Kitchin

Itm: 100b waight of pewter at 12d pd

005 - 00 - 00

Itm: two sides of Bacon

000 - 18 - 00

Itm: 1 cubbord; 1 table; 1 coffer; 1 fire Ironand 8 stooles & 4 chaires

002 - 08 - 08

Itm: 1 brasse pott; and pottracke

00 - 10 - 00

Itm: 1 ould brasse pan

00 - 06 - 00

Itm: 1 dripping pan; 1 basting spoone; 1 gridiron; 2 pre of toungs; 1 fire shovell; & 18 coursse trenchers

00 - 05 - 08

In the Blue Parlor

Itm: 1 beedsteed wth beedcloaths & its furniture

03 - 00 - 00

Itm: 2 coffers; 1 litle table; 2 chaires & 1 Iron-grate

01 - 12 - 00

Itm: 3 duzen and 9 trenchers

00 - 04 - 00

In the Greene chamber

Itm: 1 standing beed; with hangings & bedcloths

05 - 00 - 00

Itm: 4 chaires; 5 buffett stools; 1 Litle table; 2 boxes; and 3 set quissine

01 - 09 - 00

Itm: 100b waight of cheese & 2 pare of brasse scales

 00 - 18 - 06

In the Clossett

Itm: Five stone of hempe

001 - 04 - 00

Itm: 1 Arke; 2 litle boxes and 1 wiskett

000 - 02 - 06

In the White Chamber

Itm: 2 paire of bedsteads; & the beedcloaths upon them

002 - 06 - 08

Itm: 1 Bell for a clocke and 2 coffers

001 - 13 - 04

Itm: 1 Long Table Cloath and 20 Napkines of Diper and 15 other Napkins and Table Cloath

002 - 10 - 00

Itm: 10 pairs of flaxen sheets an 1 odd sheet and .... pairs of hempe sheets; & 1 ould churne

005 -08 - 06

In the Litle Chamber

Itm: 2 pair of beedsteeds wth the cloaths upon them

003 - 16 - 00

Itm: 1 coffer

000 - 05 - 00

Itm: at the staire heads: two coffers

000 - 10 - 00

In the Milke house

Itm: in bassens, and other odd things

000 - 12 - 00

In the Butterie

Itm: 3 panes and one possnette

002 - 00 - 00

Itm: In waights cheese fatte & other odd things

000 - 09 - 00

In the Kneading house

Itm: 1 Salting Turnell and meate in it

001 - 00 - 00

Itm: 1 kneding Turnell; & 1 Meale Tubb

000 - 06 - 00

Itm: 3 Spining Wheels; 1 hopper and cennelle

000 - 05 - 10

Itm: 1 beeffe tubb & other odd things; & 1 cheese presse

000 - 06 - 06

In the Litle Clossett

Itm: 1 pre of waig(h)s & ...... blades together wth 2 steands and 1 Litle chest 

000 - 05 - 08

In the Corne chamber

Itm: 2 coffers; 1 Arke; 1 bowking beard and other odd things

002 - 10 - 00

In the Chamber over the house

Itm: 2 pre of bedsteads & the beeding therewith and one coffer

002 - 05 - 00

In the Oven house

Itm: 2 potts; 2 skellits; 2 Tresses;  1 churne; 1 tub; 1 Barrell and piggins & other odd things

001 - 04 - 00

Itm: cartes and all the husbandry waire together with 3 stone troughs

004 - 04 - 02

Itm: one swine and the poultry

001 - 06 - 08

At the Lower house

Itm: 2 coffers; 2 Arkes; 1 stone trough and 1 Long table

001 - 16 - 00

Itm: in Meanure att the horses

000 - 06 -08

Itm: 1 Salting Turnell at Edmund HIGHAM`s house

000 - 05 - 00

Itm: one third pte of the Leasse of HIBBERT Tenemt

100 - 00 - 00

Itm: The Leasse of the Lower Tenemt in Werneth for yeares determinable on two lives yet in being

060 - 00 - 00

Itm: one Leasse of sixe Accers of Moore ground for yeares determinable upon three lives yet in being

042 - 00 - 00

Itm: one Leasse of the Tenemt at Becum head for yeares determinable upon one? (hole in parchment) lives yet in being

128 - 00 - 00

Itm: A tax in A closse in John HUDSON Tenemt in Brinington

005 - 00 - 00

Itm: A tax in hyde for for (sic) two yeares 

005 - 10 - 00

Itm: One cow hyde at taning wth Ottiwell HIGGINBOTHAM

000 - 07 - 00

Itm: in bounds & specialties wth out specialties likely to bee got  

296 - 03 - 06

Itm: Mary BURGES Adminator of William BURGES decd

012 - 00 - 00

Itm: William SYDBOTHAM in Rent

015 - 00 - 00

Itm: Robert TURNER of the Brooke in Godley

010 - 00 - 00

Itm: Dorothy SHEPLEY vid.

004 - 02 - 06

Itm: Henery BRUCKSHAW Senior

001 - 00 - 00

Itm: Mary BARSLEY of Ashton

001 - 00 - 00

Itm: Isaac GEE of Gee Crosse

000 - 12 - 00

Despate? Debts

Itm: Ann TURNER 1s; ... WALWORTH 3s 6d; Sisley SANDIFORTH 1s 6d; Richard BUCKLEY 5s 2d; Edward ASHTON 6s 3d; John ETCHELLS 10s

001 - 07 - 05

Itm: one set of Silver buttons

000 - 13 - 04

Itm: the decedants Pursse and Appell

017 - 00 - 00

Itm: in Seecks, bags, A loking glasse, books and all other odd things

003 - 00 - 00

Sume tot

903 - 02 - 09

__________________________________ top

Thomas HYDE of Butley 1713

Page 1 Title only;

Page 2 Another title page refers to Thomas HYDE of Butley, tanner & names Anne WHITTAKERS 20 Aug 1713

Page 3 in Latin; Page 4 admin - no apparent names

Page 5 Obligation the first part in Latin refers to Anne WHITTACRES of Butley in parish of Prestbury; Thomas GILBERT of Newton in said parish, yeoman and Reginald ADSHEAD of Butley in said parish yeoman

The Condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bounden Anne WHITTACRES Widow ... and lawfull sister, next of kin and Administrator of all and singular the goods chells and credits of Thomas HYDE late of Butley as above said tanner doe make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the good chattells and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of her the said Anne WHITTACRES or into the hands and possession of any person or persons for her and the same soe made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the Conry Court of Chester at or before the first day of December next ensuing And the same goods chattells and credits and all other the goods chattells and credits of the said deceased at the time of his death which at any time after shall come to the hands or possession of the said Anne WHITTAKERS (sic) or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for her doe well and truly administer according to law And further doe make or cause to be made a true and inst accompt of her so Adcon at or before the first day of September Anno Dm 1714 ........................ etc. etc.

The mark & seal of Anne WHITTACRES; Thos GILBERT (with seal); Reginall: ADSHEAD (with seal)

Sealed and delivered in the presence of 


20 Aug 1713 

Page 6 Inventory - see below; Page 7 Dates only; Page 8 A more modern version of Inventory

In Inventory of the goods chattells & creditts and personall estate of Thomas HYDE late of Butley in the county of Chester Tanner deceased who dyed intested appraised and valued by Nicholas HOBSON Reginald ADSHEAD Thomas HENSHAW and Hugh WORTHINGTON the 28th day of July anno dm 1713

In the house




Two cubboards




3 tables & two stands




9 pewter dishes 12 plates




2 brasse potts with some other odd things




1 grate with other Iron things




1 Screene Salt pye & chairs




in cheney ware




1 mustard ball




1 looking Glasse




In the chamber over the house




7 chairs and chest 1 desk 1 trunck & 1 coffer




1 bed & furniture




5 pair sheets & other linnen




4 silver spoons








In the Lower Chamber




One bed and furniture & other odd things




In the Buttery




goods at his own house in Prestbury




2 Cowes




in Leather Tanneth




In purse and apparell




In bonds and securityes




The interest of 2 Leases in Prestbury








 Appraisers Nicholas HOBSON; Regnall: ADSHEAD; Thomas HENSHAW; Hugh WORTHINGTON

__________________________________ top

Thomas HYDE of Kinder: 25 July 1789

In the Name of God Amen. I Thomas HYDE of Bankend in Kinder in the parish of Glossop and County of Derby Taylor: Do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following  First I will that all my just Debts Funeral and all other inevitable Expenses be first paid and discharged out of my Real or personal Estate by my Executors hereafter Named.  I Give and Bequeath unto my loving wife Dorothy the Rents Issues and profits of my Houses Outhousing Lands and premises in Kinder or elsewhere and the use of all my Household goods and all my personal Estate during her Natural Life or She contracts Matrimony again which shall happen first But if my Wife Dorothy shall Marry again after my Decease, Then I Give and Bequeath unto my Wife Dorothy the sum of five shillings in lieu of her Legacy heretofore Given and Bequeathed by me and no more  And after my Wifes decease or She be Married again I Give and Bequeath unto my Sons John Thomas and Edward and to my Daughters Ellen Hannah and Dorothy all my Household Goods to be equally divided amongst them share and share alike  And my Will and Mind is that after the Death of my said Wife Dorothy, All the rest and remainder of my personal Estate and all my Real Estate be valued by two honest reputable Men and the Valuation thereof to be divided into seven parts, And I Give and Bequeath unto my Son John two of the said seven parts I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Thomas one of the said seven parts I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Edward one of the seven parts I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Ellen one of the seven parts I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Hannah one of the seven parts And I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Dorothy the Interest of the last of the seven parts, And the said seventh part to be put to Interest by my Executors hereafter Named and the Interest to be paid to my Daughter Dorothy during her Natural Life, and after the Decease of my said Daughter Dorothy, I Give and Bequeath the said seventh part unto the Child or Children Born of the body of my Daughter Dorothy to be equally divided Amongst them share and share alike when the Youngest of them that shall be living shall attain unto the Age of twenty-one Years; but if my said Daughter Dorothy be reduced to Poverty and shall want relief, Then I do Give my Executors power to relieve her out of the said seventh part as they shall think proper and as her necessity shall require  And if any of my Children shall depart this Life before they receive their Legacy or part herein before Given unto them and leave no Issue, then I Give and Bequeath that Legacy or part unto all my Children to be divided as their Share or part is divided before.  And if any unto whom I have herein Given any Legacy or share shall depart this Life before such Legacy shall be due and payable unto such Child or Children that Legacy share or part which would have been hereby due to his her or their Parent had he she or they been living And all my Real and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever (Except my Household goods which I have Given before) I Give and Devise unto my Son John his Heirs and Assigns forever Chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the aforesaid Legacies which I have herein Given and Bequeathed unto his Brothers and Sisters or to be put out to Interest for their use according as my Estate and Effects shall be valued by to honest reputable Men  But if my Son John would rather chuse to have his shares or parts in Money.  Then I Give and Devise all  my Real and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever (not herein before Given by me) unto my Son Thomas, or to my Son Edward their Heirs and Assigns forever, the Elder to be preferred before the Younger Chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the aforesaid Legacies which I have herein Given and Bequeathed unto his Brothers and Sisters, or to be put out to Interest for their use according as my Estate and Effects shall be valued by tow honest reputable Men.  All which said Legacies I will that they be paid One Year after the Decease of my Wife Dorothy unless otherwise herein appointed for payment thereof  but if all my Sons had rather chuse to have their Share or part in Money, Then I do Order Authorise and appoint my Executors hereafter named (without any of my Children) to sell and make a Tythe of all my Real and personal Estate (Except my Household Goods) and divide the Money arising from the Sale thereof amongst my Children as I have divided their Shares or parts herein before, and be paid them or put to Interest immediately after my Executors shall have Received the purchase Money for the same  And lastly I do hereby Nominate and appoint my Brotherinlaw Jonathan CLARK and my Friend John KINDER the Older of Hillhouses Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me heretofore made: In Witness whereof I have heretofore set my Hand and Seal the twenty ninth day of December – in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Eighty five.

Thomas HYDE his mark and Seal

Signed Sealed published and declared by the within named Thomas HYDE the said Testator as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who in his presence and at his Request, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our Names as Witnesses Abraham LOW; John LEES; Tho: BOOTH

___________________________________ top

Thomas HYDE yeoman of Mellor: 1795

mentions: wife Elizabeth HYDE

Brother John HYDE

Tenants: William GODDARD; John HYDE (my said wife`s brother)

Children of Hannah SPEAKWELL (my Brother James HYDE`s daughter deceased)

Niece Mary - wife of John OLERENSHAW (she has three living children)

Nephews and nieces - John HYDE; Thomas HYDE; William HYDE; George HYDE; Jonathan HYDE; James HYDE the six sons of Brother James HYDE and my three nieces Hannah LOWE; Jane BAILEY; Elizaberth BALDWIN

My sister Betty`s three daughters

Brother John`s four children - James HYDE; Joseph HYDE; Hannah HYDE & her sister

Executors & Trustees: John FERN & Robert HEGINBOTHAM both of Mellor, yeomen

Written 13 March 1795

Witnesses Robert SIDEBOTHAM; Thomas ROWBOTHAM; George SHERD

Probate granted 9 June 1795

___________________________________ top

Obligation - Thomas HYDE of Macclesfield 1797

Under 20£ stamp

Know all men by these Presents, that we Esther HYDE of Macclesfield in the parish of Prestbury and county and diocese of Chester widow, William TURNOCK of Macclesfield in the county and diocese of Chester aforesaid silk man and Samuel LATHAM of Macclesfield aforesaid silk dyer

are holden and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God William by divine Permission, Lord Bishop of Chester, in the sum of twenty nine pounds, of good and lawful money of Great Britain....................... .............................. Sealed with our seals and dated the seventh day of November in the thirty seventh year of the reign .............. and the year of Our Lord God, one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven.

The Condition of the Obligation is such, that if the above bounden Esther HYDE Administratrix of all and singular the goods, chattels, and credits of Thomas HYDE her late husband deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory ................................................................................

Esther HYDE her mark; Wm TURNOCK; Samuel LATHAM

Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of David SIMPSON

Page 2 - Mr Monkhouse

The seventh day of Nov 1797 Esther HYDE within named took the usual Oath of an Administratrix in common form before me David SIMPSON Sur.

About fourteen pounds  Adon is. 13 Nov 1797  Under 20£

__________________________________ top

Obligation - Thomas HYDE of Glossop parish: 1801

Know all Men by these Presents that Mary HYDE of the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Widow Isaac HALLAM and John CARRINGTON of the Parish and County aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto Richard SMALBROKE Doctor of Laws Vicar General of the Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry in the sum of Two Hundred Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said Richard SMALBROKE or to his certain Attorney his Executors Administrators or Assigns To which payment well and truely to be made ..e oblige ourselves and everyone of us by her self and themselves for the whole our and everyone of our heirs Executors and Administrators firmly by these presents sealed with our seals dated the Twenty Fourth Day of February in the Forty first year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth And in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and One

The Condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bounden Mary HYDE Administrator of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of Thomas HYDE her late Husband etc. etc.

X Mary HOYDE`S Mark

(Signed) Isaac HALLAM; (Signed) John CARRINGTON

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Wm HOWE Sur.

On a separate sheet

Richard SMALBROKE Doctor of Laws, Vicar General of the honorable and right reverend father in God James by Divine permission Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, To  Christopher HOWE Robert RAIN and Matthew OLLERENSHAW Clerks jointly and severally Greeting: Whereas we have decreed letters of Administration of the Goods and Personal Estate of Thomas HOYDE late of the parish of Glossopp in the County of Derby and Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry Joiner deceased who died intestate (as is alledged ) to be granted  to Mary HOYDE the Widow Relict of the said deceased etc. etc.

The oath indicates that Thomas HOYDES goods were worth under £100.

_________________________________ top

Thomas HYDE of Stockport 1805

I Thomas HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester Flax Dresser being weak in body but of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding praised by God for the same do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say - I Give and bequeath unto my loving wife Mary HYDE all my Household Goods and Furniture plate Linen China Beds and Bedding and also all other my personal Estate and effects of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever and also all my ready money To Hold unto her my said wife and her assigns for and during the Term of her natural life Subject nevertheless to the payment of my Funeral Expences the charges of the probate of this my will and to the payment of all such debts as I may owe at the time of my decease.  And from and Immediately after the Decease of my said wife I Give and bequeath my said personal Estate and Effects unto my two Grandchildren Martha and Hyde MARRIOTT as and for their own proper Goods Chattels and Effects for ever And as for and concerning all my real Estate I hereby ratify and confirm the Settlement by me made thereof on the marriage of my Daughter in every respect as far as I lawfully can And it is my will and mind and I hereby order and direct my said wife to advance and lend unto William THOMPSON my nephew immediately after my decease the full sum of One Hundred pounds out of my said personal Estate for which sum the said William THOMPSON shall pay to my said wife lawful Interest during her life But on her Death I Give and bequeath unto the said William THOMPSON the said sum of One Hundred pounds for his own use And lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my said wife Thomas MARRIOTT Esq., and the said William THOMPSON Executrix and Executors of this my last will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set and put my hand and seal this Sixteenth day of March One thousand Eight hundred and five.

Signed Thomas HYDE with seal

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Thomas HYDE the Testator as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses to attest the same


November 16th 1805 The within named Mary HYDE Executrix and Thomas MARRIOTT and William THOMPSON Executors were sworn in common form before me W Bowness Surrogate

Above one and under two hundred pounds

Probate Issued dated November 16th 1805

__________________________________ top

Thomas HYDE of Butley 1808

In the Name of God Amen I Thomas HYDE of Butley in the Parish of Prestbury and in the County of Chester, Blacksmith, being of a sound & disposing mind and memory (Praised be God) do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following (That is to say) First I desire and direct, that all my just Debts, and Funeral Expences be paid and discharged, out of my Personal Estate herein after mentioned by my Executors herein after mentioned, Then I Give Devise and Bequeath all the whole of my Real Estate and Tenements which I hold by, and under Lease from the late Charles LEGH Esq., of Adlington, and now under Richard LEGH Esq., of the same place, either in Butley, or Prestbury, or else where, I Give Devise & Bequeath all the whole, Real Estate, & the yearly Rents arising therefrom unto my Dear and beloved Wife Sarah HYDE, for, and during Her natural Life, if the Life, or Lives, in my Lease, or Leases, shall so long live, and at her Death my Will and mind is, that all whole of my Real Estate, as aforesaid, (that is the Rents arising from the same yearly, be paid and divided equally) amongst my Three Daughters, share and share alike, (To Wit) To my daughter Mary HULME of Stockport in the said County of Chester, (by Sarah my former Wife) I give, devise, and Bequeath to Her, one third, or equal share of, & from the Rents of my Real Estate as aforesaid, to be paid to her, as the Rents become due yearly, Also, I Give devise & Bequeath to my Daughter Betty WOOD, by my dear & beloved Wife Sarah HYDE, aforesaid, one other third or Equal share of, & from the Rents of my Real Estate as aforesaid to be paid to her as the Rent, or Rents become due yearly, Also, I Give, devise, & Bequeath to my Daughter Sarah HYDE, by my Dear & beloved wife Sarah HYDE aforesaid, one other Third part, or equal share of, and from the Rents of my Real Estate and and (sic) Tenements as aforesaid, to be paid to Her as the Rent, or Rents, become due yearly, to be paid to them, by three equal shares for so long time as I have any term or Interest therein, of, and from my aforesaid Tenements, and if it should please God my Daughter Mary should die before my Son in law James HULME, then my Will and mind is further that my said Son in law James HULME shall have His Wives, Mary HULMEs equal third share as aforesaid during his natural Life, & at his Death His third share to be divided yearly as it becomes due as aforesaid to, & between my two Daughters Betty WOOD & Sarah HYDE aforesaid equally, or if either or both Dead at that time, or either or both of them Child or Children, such Child, or Children, to have his, Her, or their Parents equal share thereof yearly, or if either my Two Daughters Betty, or Sarah HYDE, die leaving no Issue such Daughters share to be paid to such survivor, or Her Child, or Children, then living, Also, my Will & mind is, That my Daughter Mary HULME shall have six new Rush Bottomed Chairs, to be purchased for her by my Executors out of my Personal Estate, And also, my Will and mind further is, That my Daughter Sarah HYDE shall have One Feather Bed, One Chaff Bolster, one pair of sheets, one pair Blankets, one Bed Quilt, and one Pair of Bedstocks, as soon as convenient after my Decease, And my will is further that my beloved wife Sarah HYDE shall have the use of all my Household Goods, Bedstocks, Beds, and bedding during her natural Life, (except what is by me here before bequeathed), & at Her death to have them sold, & disposed of by my Executors, & the money arising from the same Sale to be added to the whole of my Personal Estate, & to be given by Executors as hereafter mentioned, And at my Decease my Will is that all my Iron, in the Smiths Shop with all the working Tools therein, of any sort, or kind be sold, and the money from such Sale to be put to my Personal Estate, & to be disposed of by my Executors, here in named, Then I give, leave, & bequeath, all the whole of my personal Estate, of any nature, or kind soever, as money out at Interest, money by me in the House or elsewhere, the money raised by Sales as aforesaid, or any sort or kind so ever, or wheresoever, To my Daughter Mary HULME, one third part or equal share, of such Personalty, To my Daughter Betty WOOD, one third part or equal share, To my Daughter Sarah HYDE one Third part or Equal share, and if any of my Daughters Die leaving no Child, or Children, such Daughters share to be equally divided amongst the survivors, or their Child or Children or to their Heirs, And I do Direct that my Executors do retain any expences that may occur in the Execution of this my Trust reposed in them And Lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint, George BARBER of Prestbury, Inholder, & Robert BROOKS of Butley, aforesaid, Slater, and Shopkeeper, Executors, of this my last Will & Testament, hoping that they will take care to see it performed faithfully & truly in every respect, as my Trust is in them reposed, & [I] do hereby revoke & make void all other Will, or Wills, by me heretofore made & do declare this to be my last Will & Testament, In Witness whereof I the said Thomas HYDE have hereunto set my Hand & Seal the fifteenth Day of January, and in the year of our Lord One thousand eight Hundred & Seven

The mark & Seal of Thomas HYDE

Signed, Sealed, Published & declared by the said Testator Thomas HYDE, as, and for His last Will & Testament, before Us, who have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereof, at the Request of the said Testator, and in the sight & Presence, and sight of Each Other,

Witnesses John HALL; Joseph ROYLE; John HYDE

The thirtieth Day of December 1808 Robert BROOKS one of the Executors in this Will named, was sworn in common form (Power being reserved to George BARBER the other Executor of the said Will when he shall lawfully request the same) and he further made oath that the Personal Estate and Effects of the Testator within the Diocese of Chester were under the value of Forty Pounds before me Thos Monkhouse Surrogate

The Testator died the first Day of December 1808  Probate issued Dated 30 Dec 1808

     __________________________________ top

Thomas HYDE of Bradshaw, Mellor: 1823

This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas HYDE of Bradshaw within the Township of Mellor in the parish of Glossop in the county of Derby farmer made and published the Third day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and seventeen, in manner and form following that is to say,  First I will order and direct, that all my just and lawfull Debts Funeral Expenses and the Charges of the probate and Execution of this my last Will and Testament be fully paid and discharged by my Trustees hereinafter named by and out of my Real and personal Estate and Effects as soon as conveniently may be after my decease

 I give and devise All my Messuages Dwellinghouses Cottages Outhousing Lands Grounds and Hereditaments with the Appurtenances situate standing lying and being at Bradshaw aforesaid, and at Ringstones in the Hamlett of Thornsett and in the parish of Glossop aforesaid, or elsewhere in the said County of Derby, unto my Trusty Friends James JOWETT of Ludworth in the parish of Glossop aforesaid Coal master, and Ralph HYDE of Holly Wood End in Mellor aforesaid weaver and their Executors and Administrators for and during the term of Ten : x : x : years next after my decease, upon the Trusts and to and for the several interests and purposes hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, Upon Trust that they my said Trustees or the survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor do and shall by and out of the Rents issued and profits to be received of my before mentioned Estates and premises, or by Mortgage of all or any part thereof (if found necessary) Levy and raise the several sums Money Charges as hereinafter mentioned for the purpose of paying off and discharging all my just Debts which shall be owing by me at the time of my decease, whether on Mortgage Bond Note or otherwise, as well as all other my funeral and testamentary charges and Expenses and other purposes of this my will, And subject thereto, and also subject as hereinafter mentioned, I give and devise my said Real Estates and premises, as follows, that is to say,

I give and devise unto my son Thomas HYDE All that part of my Real Estate at Bradshaw aforesaid consisting of the Ancient Dwellinghouse or Tenement, a New Shop, the stable to the same contiguous or belonging, and the Pig, Hen, and Duck Cote adjoining each other, together with One hundred and twenty superficial square yards of Land to be taken of the Croft behind the Stable, from the end of the said Croft, in a square with the Stable, as now staked and set out, the Garden before the New Shop Door, and the ancient Garden behind the House, as also that part of the fold lying in the North East end of the said Building to be divided by a Wall and Gate in a straight line with the wall thereof  And also All those several closes of Land lying near to the said Dwellinghouse commonly called the stone pit field, the Rough piece the New piece, and the south East end or part of the Croft, as now staked and set out in a straight Line with the fence seperating the New Meadow below the fold (subject to the making and keeping in repair the said fence) containing together by admeasurement Six acres and a half or thereabouts be the same more or less, with their respective appurtenances, and all now in the occupation of myself and my son Thomas - And also liberty to get stone up the side of the Upper end piece, belonging to Thomas OLLERENSHAW for repairing the Road, fencing, draining or any improvements on the Estate (but not to sell or dispose of the same) Also subject to the repair of the Higher half of the fence down the New Meadow, and from the Gate round the Top of the said Croft, and also the fence over the Top of a piece of Ground called the Stone pit piece, and the Rough piece, And likewise to the repair of the Road leading from the Bottom to the Top of the said Rough piece, To hold the said last mentioned Hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances unto my said son Thomas his Heirs and assigns for ever Subject to and I hereby make the same Charged and Chargeable nevertheless to and with the payment of the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds towards the payment and discharge of all my just Debts as aforesaid, as well as all other incidental charges (if any) which my said Trustees shall or may be put unto, so far as respects the said last mentioned premises, And also subject to the payment of the further sum of two hundred and fifty  pounds to be paid unto the children of my said son Thomas when the youngest of them shall attain the age of twenty one years (if my said son Thomas shall be dead) and to be divided between them equally share alike, if more than one child, and if but one child then the whole to that one child, and I give and bequeath the same to them accordingly, and for want or in failure of such child or children then as hereinafter mentioned.

I give and devise unto my son William HYDE All that part of my said Real Estate at Bradshaw aforesaid consisting of one other Dwellinghouse or tenement with the Shippon Garden and Nursery over the Road, And all those several closes of Land called the Higher Rushops the Rushop Meadow, and Top of Little Hill, containing by admeasurement four acres three roods and one perch or thereabouts be the same more or less - now in the Occupation of William HYDE, Subject to the Repair of the Road leading from the said last mentioned Dwellinghouse to the Gate of the said Close called the Higher Rushops, and the Liberty of getting Gravel and Stone in the Higher Gravel or Stone pit, in the Lane, for repairing of the Road fencing Draining or improvements on the Estate, but not otherwise, To hold the said last mentioned Hereditaments with the Appurtenances unto my said son William his Heirs and assigns for ever, Subject to and I hereby make the same Charged and Chargeable nevertheless to and with the payment of the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid unto the children of my said son William when the youngest of them shall attain the age of twenty one years (if my said son William should be dead) and to be divided between and amongst them equally share and share alike, if more than one child, and if but one child then the whole to such one child, and I give and bequeath the same accordingly, And for want or in failure of such child or children, then as hereafter mentioned,

I give and devise unto my Son in Law, Daniel BRIERLEY (who married my Daughter Hannah) All that other part of my Real Estate at Bradshaw aforesaid, consisting of one other Dwellinghouse or Tenement, with the Cowhouse, Barn, Cart-house, Orchard and Stock yard to the same belonging in the Occupation of the said Daniel BRIERLEY, And also all those several closes of Land called the Lowest Rushops, the Barn field, the middle part of the Croft (as the same is now staked and set out,) the Meadow below the fold, and the Lower Meadow, now also in the occupation of Daniel BRIERLEY containing together by admeasurement fourteen acres and a half or thereabouts be the same more or less, also liberty to get stone up the side of the Overend piece belonging to Thomas OLLERENSHAW for repairing the Road, fencing, Draining or improvements on the Estate, but not otherwise, Also subject to the repair of the fence over the Tops of the said two Lowest Rushops, the fence over Barn field betwixt and Highfield, and also the Meadow below the fold, Also the repairing of one half of the fence between the New Meadow and the meadow below the fold, And also to the repairing of that part of the Road from the Highmost Rushop Gate to Ludworth Moor, And also subject to the payment of the whole yearly Chief Rent of thirteen pounds per annum payable for ever to the Heirs and assigns of Richard BAGSHAW Esquire in respect of my said Estate called Bradshaw To hold the said last mentioned Hereditaments with the Appurtenances unto my said son in law Daniel BRIERLEY (who married my Daughter Hannah) his Heirs and assigns for ever - Subject to and I hereby make the same Charged and Chargeable nevertheless to and with the payment of the sum of One hundred and sixty two pounds towards the payment and discharge of all my just Debts as aforesaid as well as all other incidental Charges (if any) which my said Trustees shall or may be put unto so far as respects the said last mentioned premises, And also subject to the payment of the further sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid unto the children of my said Daughter Hannah when the youngest of them shall attain the age of twenty one years (if my said daughter Hannah shall be dead) and to be divided between them equally share and share alike, if more than one child, and if but one child then the whole to that one child, and I give and bequeath the same to them accordingly, and for want or in failure of such child or children there as hereinafter mentioned,

I give and Devise unto my son in law Thomas SAXON (who married my daughter Mary) All that other part of my said Real Estate, at Bradshaw aforesaid consisting of one other Dwellinghouse or Tenement and Building called the Mill with the Dam Head, the Back Shippons, and the Hay loft over both Shippons, the Weaving shop and Garden before the Door, and fold divided by a Gate betwixt the Shippon end and Orchard Wall, now in the occupation of the said Thomas SAXON, And also all those several closes of Land called the Highfield Meadow, the Highfield and three acres of Bradshaw hill, as now staked out, containing in the whole six acres three Roods and Eleven perches or thereabouts be the same more or less, now in the occupation of Thomas SAXON Subject to the repair of the fence from the Bottom of his Meadow betwixt and Barnfield up the side of the said Meadow to the High Road, and from the Highfield Gate to the Bradshaw hill Gate, and from the Top of the said Rough piece, And also to the repair of the Road up Bradshaw hill, being two hundred and twenty five yards or thereabouts - To hold the said last mentioned Hereditaments and premises with the Appurtenances un to my said son in law Thomas SAXON his Heirs and assigns for ever, Subject to and I hereby make the same Charged and Chargeable nevertheless to and with the payment of the sum of Eighty Eight pounds, towards the payment and discharge of all my just Debts as aforesaid, as well as all other incidental charges (if any) which my said Trustees shall or may be put unto so far as respects the said last mentioned premises, And also subject to the payment of the further sum of Two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid unto the children of my said daughter Mary when the youngest of them shall attain the age of twenty one years (if my said daughter Mary shall be dead) and to be divided between and amongst them equally share and share alike, if more than one child, and if but one child, then the whole to that one child and I give and bequeath the same unto such child or children accordingly, and for want or in failure of such child or children then as hereinafter mentioned.

I give and devise unto my son in law John WOOD (who married my Daughter Sarah) All that other part of my said Real Estate at Bradshaw aforesaid, consisting of All those several closes of Land called the Middle Rushops, the Little Hill and part of Bradshaw Hill containing together by admeasurement Six acres three Roods and twelve perches or thereabouts be the same more or less, now in the occupation of John WOOD : x : x: x : and liberty to fetch water from the Spring head in the said Close called the Stone pit piece, Subject to the repair of the fence from the further Corner at the Top of the Middle Rushop to the High Road of Bradshaw Hill, and also to the repair of the Road from Thomas SAXON`s part up to the Lower end of the Plantation at Bradshaw Hill, To hold the said last mentioned Hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances unto my said son in law John WOOD his Heirs and assigns for ever, Subject to and I do hereby make the same Charged and Chargeable nevertheless to and with the payment of the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid unto the children of my said Daughter Sarah, when the youngest of them shall attain the age of Twenty one years (if my said Daughter Sarah shall be dead) and to be divided between them equally share and share alike, if more than one child, and if but one child, then the whole to that one child, and I give and bequeath the same to such child or children accordingly, and for want or in failure of such child then as hereinafter mentioned. 

I give and devise unto my son in law Samuel IBBOTSON (who married my Daughter Martha) All that other part of my said Real Estate situate at Ringstones, aforesaid consisting of one New erected Dwellinghouse or Tenement with the Loomshop and Chamber over the same, and all the privileges in the fold, To hold the same, unto the said Samuel IBBOTSON his Heirs and assigns for ever, Subject (along the following Closes next hereinafter mentioned) to the payment of One hundred and Ninety pounds towards the payment of my just Debts as aforesaid.  I also give and devise unto the said Samuel IBBOTSON All those several Closes of Land called Round Hill, the Stone pit piece and the Oxend, situate at Ringstones in Thornsett Hamlett within the parish of Glossop aforesaid, and containing together by admeasurement Nineteen acres two Roods and one perch or thereabouts be the same more or less now in the Tenure of Joseph MASON (subject to a Lease thereof, heretofore granted by me to him for the Term of fifteen years, at the yearly Rent of Eighteen pounds fifteen shillings,) and liberty to repair that part of the said Building which adjoins another House in the occupation of the said Joseph MASON, doing as little Damage as possible, To hold the same last mentioned Hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances unto my said son in law Samuel IBBOTSON his Heirs and assigns for ever, Subject to and I hereby make the same Charged and Chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the said sum of One hundred and Ninety pounds towards the payment and discharge of all my just Debts as aforesaid, as well as all other incidental Charges (if any) which my said Trustees shall or may be put unto so far as respects the said last mentioned premises, and also subject to the payment of the further sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid into the children of my said Daughter Martha when the youngest of them shall attain the age of twenty one years (if my said Daughter Martha shall be dead) and to be divided between them equally share and share alike if more than one, and if but one then to such one child, And I give and bequeath the same to such child or children accordingly, and for want or in failure of such child or children then as hereinafter mentioned. 

I give and devise unto my son in law Joseph MASON (who married my Daughter Betty) All that other part of my said Real Estate at Ringstones aforesaid consisting of all that principal Messuage or Dwellinghouse with the Barn Shippons, Stable, Swine Cote, Necessary Garden and Back yards to the same belonging, And also All those several Closes of Land called the Lower field, the Long Meadow, the Clough, the Clough field and the Croft behind the House containing by admeasurement fourteen acres and two Roods statute Measure or thereabouts be the same more or less, as the same are now in the Tenure or occupation of the said Joseph MASON (under a Lease granted by me to him for the term of fifteen years at and under the yearly Rent of Eighteen pounds fifteen shillings, payable as therein mentioned,) with liberty at all times to raise and repair that part of the said Messuage as adjoins the other House in the possession of the said Joseph MASON, doing no wilful damage thereto and also liberty at all times to get stone in the said Over end piece belonging to Thomas OLLERENSHAW for the purpose of Repairs of the Road, fencing Draining or improvements on the Estate, but not otherwise, To hold the same last mentioned Hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances unto my said Son in law Joseph MASON his Heirs and assigns for ever, Subject to and I hereby make the same Charged and Chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the sum of Two hundred pounds towards the payment of my just Debts as aforesaid, as well as all other incidental charges (if any) which my said Trustees shall or may be put unto, so far as respects the said last mentioned premises, And also subject to the payment of the further sum of two hundred and fifty pounds to be paid unto the children of my said Daughter Betty when the youngest of them shall attain the age of twenty one years (if my said Daughter be dead) And to be divided between and amongst them equally share and share alike, if more than one, and if but one then the whole to that one child, and I give and bequeath the same accordingly - and for want or in failure of such child or children then as hereafter mentioned Provided always nevertheless and it is my will and mind and I hereby order and direct, that when and so soon as my said Trustees shall have raised the said several and respective sums so hereinbefore charged upon any of the before mentioned Estates towards the payment of my just Debts as aforesaid that then and in such Case the Devisee or Devisees of such Estate or Estates as have so raised the same, shall be let into and take full possession of the said Estate or Estates so given and devised to him or them, agreeable to the Devise of the same, and the true intent and meaning of this my Will, and the said Term so granted and created to my said Trustees for raising such money shall from that time cease and be at an end (Provided such money so directed to be raised, shall have not been raised upon Mortgage of such Estate or Estates, and in that case, I do hereby order and direct that the said Term shall be kept on foot until full payment is made of all principal and Interest due on the said Mortgage or Mortgages) so far as respects such Estate or Estates respectively - Provided also and I do hereby order and direct, that in case any of my said Grand children shall happen to die before he she or they shall have received his her or their respective Legacy, and leave issue, then the part or share of such of them so dying shall go to and be paid to such issue, if more than one equally share and share alike, but in case they shall happen to die without issue, then the part or share of him her or them so dying shall go to and be paid unto his her or their surviving Brothers or Sisters, and the children of such of them as shall be dead, such children only taking their respective parents share, But if it shall happen that any of my said Grand Children shall happen to die and leave no issue or Brother or Sister him her or them surviving, then and in such case, I will order and direct that the part or share of him her or them, shall go to and be paid to my surviving Sons and Daughters and the children of such as shall be dead, such children only to take their respective parents share, and to be divided between and amongst them equally share and share alike, And I give the same to them accordingly I give and bequeath unto my said Trusty friends James JOWETT and Ralph HYDE All and singular my Goods Cattle and Chattels, farming Stock Securities for Money due and owing to me, and all other my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever which I may be possessed of or intitled unto at the time of my decease Upon Trust that they or the survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such survivor do and shall with all convenient speed after my death convert such parts of my said personal Estate as are saleable unto ready money, and also collect and gather in all my then outstanding Debts, and thereout and out of the said several before mentioned sums of One hundred and thirty pounds, One hundred and Sixty two pounds, Eighty eight pounds, One hundred and Ninety pounds, and two hundred pounds by me ordered and directed to be raised as aforesaid, do and shall pay and discharge all my just Debts funeral Expenses and the Charges of the probate and Execution of this my will and the several Legacies by me hereinafter given, And from and after payment thereof, do and shall pay and divide the Overplus (if any) between and amongst all my said Sons and Daughters equally share and share alike or the children of such as shall be dead, to take their respective parents  - share equally share and share alike - Provided also, and it is my will and mind and I hereby order and direct that previous to a division of the Overplus of my personal Estate and Effects being made, they my said Trustees do and shall thereout pay the sum of forty pounds unto my Daughter Sarah as and for her own sole use and benefit -  And I give and bequeath the same to her accordingly - Also I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Martha the sum of Six pounds five shillings to be yearly issuing out of and from the residue of my personal Estate and paid to her by my said Trustees from the time of my decease, during the remainder of the said Term of fifteen years for which my said Son in Law Joseph MASON holds part of my said Estate Also I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Betty the yearly sum of Six pounds and five shillings to be yearly issuing out of the said residue of my personal Estate during the remainder of the said last mentioned Term -  And in case it shall be found necessary to Mortgage all or any part of my said Estate, I do hereby declare that the receipt of my said Trustees for such Sum or Sums to be therein specified to have been lent shall be a sufficient and good discharge to the person or persons lending the same, who shall not afterwards be answerable for the application thereof, and that each of my said Trustees shall be answerable only for his own receivings and neglect.  And lastly I do hereby Nominate constitute and appoint my said Trustees and also all my Sons and Son in Laws hereinbefore mentioned Executors of this my will hereby revoking all others by me heretofore made and declare this to be my last, In Witness whereof I the said Thomas HYDE the Testator have to this my Will contained in Nine sheets of paper, set and put my Hand to the first Eight Sheets and to the Ninth and last Sheet my Hand and Seal the day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Thomas HYDE the Testator as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence of each other (sic) have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto (the several Interlineations) of "(if my Son (or Daughter) shall be Dead)" in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh sheets being made before the Execution hereof

(Signed) Thomas HYDE plus seal



I Thomas HYDE of Bradshaw within the Township of Mellor in the parish of Glossop in the county of Derby farmer do make this my Codicil which I direct to be taken and considered to be added to and made part of my last will and Testament hereunto annexed.  And it is my further will and mind and I do hereby order and direct that my Trustees and Executors shall be allowed  and retain to themselves all reasonable Charges and Expenses in and about the Execution of my said will , which they shall from time to time be put unto in any respect whatsoever.  And It is my further will and mind, and I do also order and direct that the Fold at Ringstones be equally divided between my two Sons in Law Joseph MASON and Samuel HIBBOTSON (sic), that is to say, the said Joseph MASON to have and hold the Lower part of the said fold, and the said Samuel HIBBOTSON the Higher part of the said fold as now divided, And I likewise order and direct if any of my said Legatees or their Husbands shall stand or be indebted to me at the time of my decease, either in Rents or money Borrowed or otherwise, then and in such case, such of them so indebted shall have the same time allowed them to pay the same, by regular installments ..(fold).. I have directed in my said will as to the other payments.  And in every other matter and thing, I confirm my said will, In Witness whereof I the said Thomas HYDE the Testator have to this my codicil set and put my Hand and Seal the Twenty first day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Eighteen

(Signed) Thomas HYDE plus Seal

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Thomas HYDE the Testator, as and for a Codicil to be annexed to his will in the presence of us


(Second) Codicil

I Thomas HYDE of Bradshaw within the Township of Mellor in the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby Farmer, do this Second day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and twenty one, make and publish this my Codicil to my last Will and Testament (which I hereby order and direct to be annexed to and taken and considered as part thereof in manner following, that is to say And whereas I have in and by my said will nominated and appointed my Friend James JOWETT of Ludworth in the parish of Glossop aforesaid Coal master, and Ralph HYDE of Holly Wood End in Mellor aforesaid weaver Trustees of my said will, (and also Executors) do hereby also nominate and appoint my Friend Jonathan JOWETT the younger of Mellor aforesaid Coal Master, and my son William HYDE, Trustees and Executors of my said Will, And I do hereby confirm my said will in every other respect as the same doth now stand, as also a former Codicil annexed thereunto, In Witness whereof I the said Thomas HYDE to this my Codicil have hereunto set and put my Hand and Seal the day and year first before written.

(Signed) Thomas HYDE plus seal

Signed .......(illegible)....... Thomas HYDE, as and for a Codicil to be added to and taken and considered as part of his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereto


Probate declaration states Thomas HYDE died on the 29th May 1823

Property valued at under £350. Probate extracted 10 Dec 1823

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Thomas HYDE of Norbury Smithy: 1833

This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas HYDE of Norbury Smithy in the Township of Marple in the Parish of Stockport and County of Chester made & published in manner and form following

First I give unto my son Thomas HYDE all my Impliments in trade of every discription what ever I also give unto my Daughter Mary HYDE the Bed she lies in and every thing belonging to it, also I give her my Corner Cupboard & all its utensils, also a Tea Tray & a warming pan.  The remaining part of my property whatsoever & wheresoever I give as follows I give unto my son John HYDE and his wife Betty HYDE during their natural lives one equal share and if they die without Issue, their share to come back to my children then living or their Heirs I give unto my son Robert HYDE and his Wife one equal share during their natural lives and to his Heirs afterwards I give unto my son Thomas HYDE & his Wife one equal share during their natural lives & to his heirs afterwards.  I give unto my son in law Chadwick SIMPSON & his Wife Martha SIMPSON one equal share during their natural lives & to her Heirs afterwards.  I give unto William STORER one equal share during his natural life & to the Heirs born of the body of his deceased Wife Alice STORER afterward.  I give unto my daughter Mary HYDE one equal share and to her children afterwards

I do hereby nominate & appoint my said sons John HYDE & Thomas HYDE above mentioned Executors of this my Will & Testament In witness whereof I the said Thomas HYDE the Testator have hereunto put my hand & seal this first day of December one thousand eight Hundred & Seventy Seven

(signed) Thomas HYDE

Signed in the presence of us who have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the said Testator 


The twenty third day of September 1833 John  HYDE and Thomas HYDE the Executors in the Will named were sworn in common form: & they further made oath that the personal Estate and Effects of the Testator within the Diocese of Chester were under the value of fifty pounds

Before me Charles Kenrick Prescot MA Surrogate

The testator died on the fifth day of November 1832

Probate issued dated 23rd Sept 1833

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Thomas HYDE (farmer & schoolmaster) of Spring Bank: 26 November 1853 

This is the Last Will and Testament of me Thomas HYDE of Spring Bank in the Township of Mellor and Parish of Glossop, County of Derby made and Published this twenty second Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty seven in form and manner following that is to say,  I Give and bequeathe to my Wife Ellen HYDE all my personal property and all money owing to me whatsoever or wheresoever the same may be whom I appoint sole Executrix of this my Will and for her own use and at her own disposal as she may hereafter choose in Wittness hereof I the Said Thomas HYDE the testator have herein set my hand and Seal hereby revoking all other Will or Wills heretofore made by me

Thomas HYDE

We who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Wittnesses hereto Mary TAYLOR Spinster; James SAXON Farmer

Testator died 25 Jun 1853

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Thomas HYDE of Werneth: 1871

This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas HYDE of Treacle Hill, Werneth in the Parish of Stockport in the County of Chester Overlooker in a Cotton Mill.  I order all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expences to be paid by my Executors immediately after my decease

I give and bequeath all that policy of Insurances on my own life for five hundred pounds in the Royal Fire and Life Insurance to my loving wife Hannah HYDE as and for her own absolutely I give devise and bequeath all my household goods and furniture plate linen china books prints and pictures book debts debts in bonds notes or other securities money in the Bank and all my present estate whatever and also all those my freehold cottages or dwelling houses and gardens situate at Treacle Hill in Werneth in the county of Chester now in the occupation of myself and others as tenants and also all those my leasehold cottages or dwelling houses and yards and appurtenances situate in Hyde Lane in Hyde in the County of Chester and now in the occupation of John HYDE Samuel WHARMBY and others as tenants thereof and also all my real estate and hereditaments whatsoever unto my friends William WILDE of Hyde Overlooker in a Cotton Mill and William TAYLOR of Hyde Lane in Hyde Bookkeeper and my son John HYDE of Hyde Overlooker upon trust for the following purposes that is to say that they my said trustees allow my loving wife Hannah HYDE the use and enjoyment of all my household goods and furniture plate linen china books prints and pictures during her natural life she committing no wilful waste thereof and that my said trustees pay to my wife all the rents interests profits and emoluments arising and to arise from all my ... real and personal estates and hereditaments whatsoever during her natural life At the decease of my said wife should she survive me if not then at my decease I order direct and empower my said trustees or the survivor or survivors of them or the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor to sell by public auction or private contract and for the most money they can obtain all my household goods and furniture plate linen china books prints and pictures and all my real and personal estate and hereditaments whatsoever and call in all monies owing to me and divide the money arising from such sale and calling in in equal shares among all my sons and daughters and the issue of such of them as may then be dead leaving issue such issue to take "per stirpes" and not "per capita"

If my wife should die before me then I order and direct that the money arising from the policy first mentioned shall go to and be divided in a similar manner to the money arising from the sale of my estates I order that the share or shares of any of my daughters shall not be subject to the control nor liable to the debts of their husbands and that the receipt of any of my daughters for any money they may have to receive under this my Will shall be a sufficient discharge to my trustees not withstanding their coverture And whereas I am uncertain whether or no my sons Joseph HYDE and William HYDE be living but I order and direct my said trustees or the survivor of them or the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor to invest on good and valid securities the sum of money which would be due to my said sons Joseph HYDE and William HYDE and allow the sum together with the accumulating interest to remain invested for the full and entire term of ten years from the day of the decease of my wife or myself as the case may be And if during the said term no claim be made by my said sons Joseph HYDE and William HYDE or their lawful issue then at the expiration of the said term I order my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them or the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor to divide the said principal sums and accumulated interest in equal shares among the remainder of my sons and daughters and the issue of such of them as may be then dead leaving issue such issue to take per stirpes and not per capita I order that each of my trustees and executors shall be answerable for their own act only I empower my said trustees or the survivors or survivor  of them or the heirs executors administrators or assigns of such survivor to make good and sufficient titles and conveyances of the whole or any part of my real personal estates and hereditaments whatsoever to the purchaser or purchasers thereof Lastly I nominate and appoint my friends William WILDE and William TAYLOR and my son John HYDE hereinbefore appointed as my trustees Executors and my wife Hannah HYDE Executrix of this my last Will hereby revoking all former or other Will or Wills by me heretofore made In witness whereof I have signed my name to the first and second sheets and to the third and last sheet thereof this nineteenth day of September one thousand eight hundred and sixty three - Thomas HYDE - Signed published pronounced and declared by Thomas HYDE the testator (first inserting the word "Bank" near the commencement of the twelfth line on the first sheet and striking out the word "other" at the commencement of the twenty first line on the second sheet hereof ) as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence and sight of each other have hereunto signed our names as witnesses to attest the truth hereof - Thomas TINKER Surveyor of Hyde; James SWINDELLS

Proved at Chester the 14th day of April 1871 by the oaths of William WILDE John HYDE the son and Hannah HYDE Widow the Relict three of the Executors to whom Administration was granted, William TAYLOR the other Executor and one of the Residuary Legatees in trust named in the Will having renounced the Probate and execution thereof and the Letters of Administration with the same annexed of the personal estate and effects of the deceased

The Testator Thomas HYDE was late of Treacle Hill in Werneth in the parish of Stockport in the County of Chester Overlooker in a Cotton Mill and died on the 21st day of March 1871 at Treacle Hill aforesaid

Under £1500 Including Leaseholds 

Messrs T & T Drinkwater Solicitors Hyde  Charles T W Parry District Registrar             

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Thomas HYDE of Ludworth: 1879

This is the last Will and Testament of me Thomas HYDE of Ludworth in the county of Derby commercial Traveller I appoint my Wife Lucy HYDE my Brother Samuel Ratcliffe HYDE and my Wifes Cousin Robert Hyde POTTER of Buxton cashier to be Trustees and Executors of my Will and Guardians of my children during their respective Minorities I bequeath to my said Wife all my household goods and furniture plate linen china beds and bedding and other household stores and effects for her own use and benefit absolutely I devise all my real estate And I bequeath the residue of my personal estate and effects Unto my said Trustees their heirs executors administrator and assigns Upon Trust with all convenient speed after my decease to sell and convert into money my said Real estate and such parts of my personal estate as shall be of a saleable or convertible nature and to get in the other parts thereof with full power to make such Sales either by public auction or private contract and subject to such conditions of sale as shall be deemed expedient also to buy in and resell without being responsible for any loss occasioned thereby And upon further trust to invest the money arising from such sale and conversion and the ready money I shall be possessed of or entitled to at my decease after payment of my debts and funeral and Testamentary expences in or upon any of the Public Stocks or funds or on government securities of the United Kingdom or upon freehold copyhold or leasehold securities in England or Wales or in or upon the Mortgages Bonds or Debentures of any company or corporation whether Commercial Municipal or otherwise carrying on business or constituted for any purpose in the United Kingdom but in no other investment with full discretionary power for my Trustees from time to time to vary and Transpose the said stocks funds and securities at their discretion for any other of the kind prescribed And upon further trust to permit my said Wife to receive the interest and income of the said trust moneys and of the investments for the same so long as she shall continue my Widow And on the decease or remarriage of my said wife whichever shall first happen my Trustees or Trustee shall thenceforth stand possessed of the said trust moneys hereinbefore directed to be invested as aforesaid and the securities for the same and the future income thereof In trust for and to pay distribute and divide the same unto and equally amongst all my children who shall be living at the decease or remarriage of my said wife whichever shall first happen and the Issue then living of such of them as shall be then dead such Issue nevertheless to take amongst then and equally if more than one the part or share only which their respective parents would have been entitled to if living Provided nevertheless and I do hereby give to my Trustees full discretionary power to postpone for such period as to them shall seem expedient the sale of all or any part of my Real estate and the getting in of such parts of my Residuary personal estate as shall consist of stocks funds shares or securities of any description whatever But I declare that from the time of my decease the unsold real estate and outstanding personal estate shall be subject to the trusts hereinbefore declared concerning the net money arising from the sale conversion thereof and the rents interests and yearly produce thereof shall be deemed annual income for the purposes of such trusts and such real estate shall be transmissable as personal estate and be considered as converted in Equity I declare that the provision hereinbefore made for any said wife is in satisfaction of the dower and thirds if any to which she would be entitled out of any Real estate of mine I declare that the share under this my Will of every person being a female shall be for her own sole and separate use independently of every husband and that her receipt alone not withstanding coverture shall be an effectual discharge for the same I direct my Trustees to invest in their names the share to which every Legatee being a minor shall be entitled under the aforesaid trusts in or upon all or any of the securities or investments hereinbefore mentioned and with the like powers to charge and vary the same investments at their discretion for any other of the kind prescribed And I authorise and empower my trustees in their discretion from time to time to apply all or any part or parts of the annual produce and income and also of the capital of the share of each or any of such minor in or towards his or her incountenance and education or in any manner for his or her advancement benefit or advantage either directly or by paying the same to his or her parent or guardian to be so applied without seeing to the application thereof or requiring any account for the same And so invest and accumulate any surplus income and add the same to the capital from which it shall have arisen with power to apply such accumulations in manner aforesaid I devise all the Real estate vested in me of my decease as Trustees or Mortgage to my said Trustees hereinbefore named their heirs and assigns Subject to the trusts and equities affecting the same respectively I declare that the power of appointing a new Trustee or Trustees of this my Will shall be exercisable by my said Wife during her widowhood and after her decease or remarriage by the surviving or containing Trustees or Trustee for the time being or by the acting Executors or Executor or Administrators or Administrator of the last surviving or containing Trustee or by the last retiring Trustees or Trustee I empowering Trustees to give receipts to purchasers and others for all moneys and effects to be paid or delivered to them by virtue of this my Will and declare that such receipts shall exonerate the persons taking the same from all liability to see to the application or disposition of the money or effects therein mentioned I declare that the trusts power and discretions hereinbefore vested in my said Trustees shall be exercisable by the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of my Will and I exempt every trustee of my Will from liability for loss occurring without her or his own wilful default and authorize them respectively to retain and allow to each other out of moneys to their respective hands by virtue of my Will all expences incident to the Trusteeship as well as a reasonable compensation for their respective loss of time and trouble in or about the same And I revoke all other Wills by me heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this Fifteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and seventy five

Thomas HYDE 

Signed by the said Thomas HYDE the Testator as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each have subscribed our names As Witnesses to attest the same

John R SMITH; Thos FORT Clerks with Mr Wm SMITH Sols Stockport

This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me Thomas HYDE of Ludworth in the County of Derby Commercial Traveller and Cotton Spinner which will bears date the fifteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and seventy five Whereas in and by my said Will I have appointed my Brother Samuel Ratcliffe HYDE to be one of the Trustees and Executors thereof and one of the Guardians of my children during their respective minorities Now I do hereby revoke the appointment of my said Brother as one of the Trustees and Executors of my said Will and a guardian of my children and I do here hereby declare that my said Will shall take effect in the same manner as if the name of my said Brother had not been invested therein as aforesaid but the names of my wife Lucy HYDE and my Wifes Cousin Robert Hugh POTTER the other Trustees Executors and Guardians named in my said Will had alone been originally invested throughout the said Will as the sole Trustees and Executors thereof and the sole Guardians of my children and I confirm my said Will in other respects In witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand this Twenty ninth day of January one thousand eight hundred and seventy seven

Thomas HYDE 

Signed by the said Thomas HYDE the Testator as a Codicil to his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses to attest the same

Wm SMITH Solr Stockport; Thos FORT his Clerk

Proved at Derby with a Codicil the thirty first day of March 1879 by the oath of Lucy HYDE widow the Relict one of the Executors named in the Will to whom administration was granted Robert Hugh POTTER cousin of the said Lucy HYDE the other Executor and one of the Residuary Legatees in Trust named in the said Will having renounced the probate and execution of the Will and Codicil

The Testator Thomas HYDE was late of Ludworth in the County of Derby commercial Traveller and Cotton Spinner and died on the eighth day of December 1878 at Ludworth aforesaid

Personal Estate under £600 Extracted by Darnton & Bottomley Solicitors Ashton under Lyne

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William HYDE of Hayfield:1609/10

Inventory only. Taken 16 Jan 1609/10.  Appraisers: Ottiwell FERNELEY; Edward BENNETT; Charles ASHTON; William ROWBOTHAM

William HYDE owes debts to: Thomas HYDE; Joan HYDE; Margaret LINGAD; John BRAMALL; Humfrey SUYCHSON?; Ottiwell FERNELEY; Thomas SMYTH; John HYDE; James CLAYTON; Thomas EYDE

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William HYDE the elder husbandman of Brownroad, Mottram: 1660

mentions Anthony REDDISH of Mottram; John COLIER of Matley; William JACSON of Brownroade

Kinsman Henry HYDE of Mottram

The poor of Mottram

Executor Henry HYDE

Written 4 Mar 1659

Witnesses: John BOWER; William JACKSON; John HYDE

Debts owed: Ottiwell WOOD; William ROADES

Inventory taken 12 Mar 1659  Appraisers: Anthony REDDISH; John HYDE; Thomas ARMFEILD; William JACKSON

Debts owed to William HYDE: William CHADWICK; William TURNER; William WILBRAHAM; Robert MARSLAND; Thomas PENDLETON; Oliver HIGGINBOTHOM; Widdow ERNSHAW; William RODES

Probate 7 Dec 1660

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William HYDE of Stockport 1816

This is the last Will and Testament of me William HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester Gentleman made and Published the Fifteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixteen in manner following ( that is to say) I Order and direct all my just debts funeral expences and the charges of the Probate of this my will to be in the first place paid and discharged by my Executors hereinafter named by and out of my personal Estate I Give and devise All those my Six several Messuages Cottages or Dwelling houses with the respective Appurtenances situate at Daw Bank within Stockport aforesaid unto my Nieces Mary HOLT Esther WILSON and Martha GREENHOUGH (Daughters of my late Brother Samuel HYDE deceased) as Tenants in Common and not as joint and to their several Heirs and Assigns for ever charged and chargeable nevertheless with the payment within Twelve Months next after my decease of the sum of Thirty pounds unto my Executors hereinafter named to be by them added unto and to go in aid of my personal Estate in discharge of the Legacies hereafter mentioned I Give and devise the Messuage or Dwelling house now in my occupation situate in the Petty Carr in Chestergate in Stockport aforesaid together with my other Messuages or Dwelling houses and Buildings at the back thereof unto William NORCLIFFE of Heaton Norris in the County of Lancaster Thomas Ward DENISON of Worksop in the County of Nottingham Gentleman and Daniel LANCASTER of Manchester in the said County of Lancaster Merchant (Whom I hereafter appoint my Executors) and their Heirs Upon Trust for and to permit and suffer my Niece Mary now the wife of John LAMB and her Assigns to set let manage and receive the rents and Profits thereof for her life for her own sole and separate use independent of and free from the Debts and control of her present or any future Husband and whose receipt alone notwithstanding her Coverture shall be a good discharge for the same, And from and immediately after her decease Upon Trust and to and for the use of all and every the Child and Children of her my said Niece Mary LAMB and their several and respective Heirs and Assigns for ever equally as Tenants in common and not as Joint Tenants, I Give and Devise my Messuage or Dwellinghouse with its Appurtenances in Salford in the said County of Lancaster and late in the occupation of My Nephew in Law Thomas HULME as my Tenant unto the said William NORCLIFFE Thomas Ward DENISON and Daniel LANCASTER and their Heirs In Trust that my said Trustees or the Survivor of them and his Heirs do and shall sell and dispose of the same Dwellinghouse and Premises either by public auction or private contract and at such times as they shall think fit, and the money arising from such Sale and from the Rents and Profits thereof until sale to pay distribute and divide unto and amongst all and every the children of him the said Thomas HULME by my late Niece Elizabeth HULME as shall be living at the time of my decease And the issue of such of them as shall be then dead leaving issue equally share and share alike such issue nevertheless to take amongst them only the share to which his her or their parent or parents would have been intitled to if living Upon which sale of the said Premises and the Conveyance to be made to the purchaser thereof by my said Trustees I do hereby declare that their receipt shall be a sufficient discharge for the purchase money And that the Purchaser shall not afterwards be obliged or concerned to see to the Application thereof to the purposes of this my Will, I Give and bequeath the sum of Five hundred pounds unto my said Trustees and Executors Upon Trust to put place and continue the same out at Interest upon such Securities as they shall think fit during the life of my said Niece Mary LAMB and to pay and apply the Interest thereof as the same shall from time to time become due and be received into the proper Hands of her my said Niece Mary LAMB for her life for her own sole and separate use independent of and free from the Debts and Controul of her present or any future husband, and whose receipt alone notwithstanding her Coverture shall be a sufficient discharge to my said Trustees and Executors for paying the said Interest  And upon further Trust from and after the decease of my said Niece Mary LAMB to call in the said sum of Five hundred pounds and to pay and divide the same unto and amongst all and every the Child and Children of her my said Niece Mary LAMB as shall happen to be then living and the issue of such of them as shall be then dead leaving issue equally share and share alike such issue nevertheless only taking the share to which his her or their parent or parents would have taken if living I Give and bequeath the sum of Five hundred pounds unto my said Executors Upon Trust to pay and divide the same unto and amongst my Nieces Esther Elizabeth Martha Catherine and Ann HULME Daughters of my said late Niece Elizabeth HULME equally share and share alike when and as they shall respectively attain the age of Twenty three years, And in case any of them shall happen to die under that age and shall leave lawful Child or Children the share of her so dying shall go to and be divided unto and amongst such issue equally share and share alike and if but one child to such child only.  And in case of the death of any of them under the age aforesaid without leaving lawful Child or Children Then to pay and divide the share of her or them so dying unto and amongst the Survivors or Survivor of them and the issue of such other of them as shall be then dead leaving issue equally share and share alike such issue only taking amongst them the share to which their respective Parent would if living have been entitled to I Order and direct my said Executors to pay the said sum of Thirty pounds before charged on my said Premises at Daw Bank unto Elizabeth the Daughter of my late Nephew William Martin HYDE I Give and bequeath the sum of Twenty pounds unto my said Executors In Trust to pay and divide the same unto and equally between my Nieces Ann WHITTENBURY and Esther SMITH I Give and bequeath unto my said Executors the sum of Thirty pounds Upon Trust to pay the sum of Ten pounds part thereof unto the Treasurer for the time being of a Society of Persons calling themselves Trustees of the Dispensary at Stockport.  The sum of Ten pounds other part thereof unto the Treasurer for the time being of a Society of Persons calling themselves Trustees of the Fever House or Wards at Stockport, And the sum of Ten pounds other part and residue thereof unto the Treasurer for the time being of a Society calling themselves Trustees of the Sunday School under the established Church at Stockport aforesaid which Three last mentioned Legacies of Ten pounds each I order and direct to be paid out of my personal Estate clear of the Legacy Duties (which I direct my Executors to pay out of my personal Estate) and applied to the use of the aforesaid Charities respectively I Give and bequeath unto the said William NORCLIFFE Thomas Ward DENISON and Daniel LANCASTER my said Executors the sum of Twelve pounds and twelve shillings apiece for the Trouble they may have in the execution of this my Will besides any expences they may incur, All which last mentioned Legacies I direct to be paid in Twelve Months next after my decease I Give and bequeath unto my Niece the said Mary LAMB the Bed and Bedding in the front Room with the printed Curtains belonging thereto Also the eight Mahogany Chairs, the large looking Glass and the small Corner Cupboard in the front Room, the Sofa, the Mahogany Card Table and the small picture in the House place I Give and bequeath unto William Hyde LAMB son of my said Niece Mary LAMB my Mahogany Writing Desk and to Esther LAMB his Sister my small Mahogany Chest of Drawers I Give and bequeath to my Niece Elizabeth HULME the large Picture in my bed room I Give and bequeath the whole of my Household Goods and Furniture Plate Linen China Beds and Bedding of what nature or kind soever (except such part thereof I have hereinbefore bequeathed) unto my said executors In Trust to distribute and divide the same unto and amongst the Children of my said late Niece Elizabeth HULME equally share and share alike I Give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my real and Personal Estate and Effects of what nature or kind soever unto my said Executors In Trust (after payment of my said Debts Funeral and Testamentary Charges and Legacies before mentioned) to divide the same into Two equal parts or shares and pay and apply one Moiety or equal half part or share thereof unto and for the benefit of all and every the Children of my said late Niece Elizabeth HULME with such benefit of Survivorship to and amongst them and their issue as the aforesaid Legacy of Five hundred pounds is hereinbefore by me given unto and for their benefit respectively And to pay and apply the remainder Moiety or equal half share or share thereof unto or for the benefit of the Children of my said Niece Mary LAMB with such benefit of Survivorship to and amongst them and their issue as the aforesaid Legacy of Five hundred pounds is before by me given for their benefit respectively Provided always and I do hereby declare it to be my Will and Mind and I do hereby authorize and empower my said Executors in case my said Niece Mary LAMB shall at any time during her life request the same or they may said Executors shall after her decease think it necessary to advance and pay unto and for the use and benefit of the Children of my said Niece Mary LAMB for the purpose of placing them apprentice to some useful Trade or Business from and out of the said sum of Five hundred pounds by me before bequeathed to my said Trustees and Executors for the benefit of my said Niece and her Children any sum or sums of Money not exceeding in the whole one hundred and fifty pounds in such proportions as she my said Niece shall think proper and such sum of Money so advanced and paid as aforesaid shall be deducted and taken from the part or shares of him her or them for whom the same shall have been so advanced when their respective parts and share of the said sum of Five hundred pounds shall become due and payable And Lastly I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other wills by me heretofore made and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament and thereof do nominate and appoint the said William NORCLIFFE Thomas Ward DENISON and Daniel LANCASTER Executors, And I do hereby declare that my said Trustees and Executors shall and may out of the monies which shall come to their Hands by virtue of this my Will reimburse and retain to themselves all Costs Charges and Expences which they shall respectively incur or be put unto in the execution of the Trusts aforesaid or of any of them or in consequence thereof And that they shall not be answerable for the Acts Deeds Payments or defaults of each other, But each only for their own respective Acts Deeds receipts Payments and wilful defaults.  In Witness whereof I the said William HYDE the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained on Five Sheets of Paper set my Hand to the Four first Sheets and my Hand and Seal to the fifth and last Sheet the day and year first within written

Signed Wm HYDE with seal

Signed sealed published and declared by the said William HYDE the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses to attest the same


On a separate sheet

Stockport May the tenth 1816

Thomas Ward DENISON one of the executors in this will was sworn in common form, power being reserved to Daniel LANCASTER another executor therein also named to take upon him the execution of the said will when he shall lawfully request the same, and he further made oath, that the personal estate and effects of the Testator within the diocese of Chester were under the value of fifteen hundred pounds

At the same time, William NORCLIFFE the other executor in this will named being one of the sect of people called Quakers, made the solemn affirmation, instead of the usual oath of an executor, in common form, and he affirmed that the personal estate and effects of the Testator within the diocese of Chester, were under the value of fifteen hundred pounds.

Before me, Kelsall Prescot Surrogate

The testator died on or about the fifteenth day of April 1816

Probate issued Dated 10th May 1816      

On a separate sheet.  Faint writing which I cannot read  Followed by 

Dated 15 March 1816

The last Will and Testament of William HYDE of Stockport in the County of Chester Gentleman

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William HYDE of Hill House: Made 31 Oct 1841: Proved 1842 

This is the last will & testament of me William HYDE of Hill House within Bradshaw in the township of Mellor, parish of Glossop & County of Derby made & published this thirty first day of Oct in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one, in form & manner following that is to say

First I give unto Thomas SAXON and Moses ROWBOTTOM my brothers in law whom I appoint Executors of this my Will, to them their Executors, Administrators or Assigns for ever all my real and personal Estate goods & chattels in Trust and for the purposes therein after mentioned and directed. 

First I order & direct that as soon as possible after my Decease sale be made of my personal effects and also that my Freehold Estate and property be sold by auction or otherwise so as to obtain the most, and from and out of the money arising from such Sales I order & direct that all my just Debts, Funeral Expenses and the Expenses of the probate and execution of this my will be paid therefrom.  And also that the sum of Two hundred and fifty pounds mentioned in the will of my late Father to be equally divided amongst my children, be so divided by my Executors, observing that the lawful child of my son John, deceased shall have the father`s share, which shall be put into some Savings Bank and the Interest paid for the use of such child till it shall attain the age of twenty one and then to receive the principal if it should so live.  If not then that share to be divided amongst the other as before directed. 

I further order and direct that when the debts expenses and sum to be divided are fully paid and discharged that then the remainder of the money be put out to safe interest and that the Interest arising therefrom be paid annually to my wife Hannah HYDE during her life by my executors or their order, and after her decease and interment that the principal money be divided in manner before directed.

I also will and order that either of my Executors shall not be answerable for the acts or directions of the other only their own.  In witness thereof I the said William HYDE, the Testator, have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the date and year first above written.  (signed) William HYDE

Witnesses Thomas HYDE, schoolmaster; Joseph MASON, farmer;  James HORSFIELD    

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William HYDE calico print cutter of Hollingworth: 1837

mentions: wife Ann HYDE

Sons & daughters - Robert, Charles, John, Thomas, James & William & Sarah BRADLEY wife of Thomas BRADLEY

William BARDSLEY tenant of Hooley Hill       Rev. William BUCKLEY late of Dukinfield

Trustees: Thomas BRADLEY of Newton, Mottram, print drawer; Son John HYDE of Hooley Hill, calico printer; Charles HYDE of Hollingwood, Oldham. hatter

Executors: wife Ann plus the trustees

Written 17 Feb 1825

Witnesses: Geo. WOODHEAD of Mottram; Samuel LEES; Elizabeth GRAY

Two Codicils - the first states that son James has died after the will was made and so his share is to go to his three children.  Son Charles to be executor of this.

Witnesses: William HYDE; John LAWTON; William HOWARD; John HOWARD

Second - Additional executor to be son Thomas HYDE printer of Broughton, near Manchester

Written 19 Nov 1835

Witnesses: John LAWTON; Ralph HEATON; George ROBERTS

 Testator died 3 Apr 1837    Probate granted 15 Sep 1837

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 William HYDE: 27 March 1865 

Printed sheet - Letters of Administration

On the twenty seventh day of March 1865 Letters of Administration of all and singular the personal Estate and Effects of William HYDE late of Mill Bank Top in the Township of Ludworth in the parish of Glossop in the County of Derby, farmer deceased who died on the twentieth day of April 1864 at Mill Bank Top aforesaid was granted at the District Registry attached to Her Majesty`s Court of Probate at Derby, to Mary HYDE of Mill Bank Top aforesaid the lawful widow and relict of the said deceased, having been first sworn duly to administer

Effects under £100 

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 1865 William HYDE of Broookhouses nr Hayfield, farmer mentions:

dau Betty HYDE

Witness: John MARRIOTT of Bridgend, Hayfield

Francis MARRIOTT Solicitor of Manchester  Will made 1860

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