Extracts from Hayfield Board of Guardians Minute Book
My thanks to Michael Spencer for these entries.
Beard , Ollerset, Whitle and Thornset, Hayfield pay Wednesday; Disley pay Monday; Mellor pay Tuesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday examine cases and paupers.
George JACKSON to maintain his bastard child John BOWDEN
Ann BAILEY illegitimate child at Biddulph
Thomas BOWDEN the father of Ann FORDS illegitimate child
In consequence of the bad quality of the bread furnished by SAMUEL TWIST it was ordered that no more be purchased from him.
Mellor John SWINDELLS of Quick, living at Saddleworth
Mellor Thomas McMERRICK hurt in a coal pit
Beard William LOMAS
Mellor Robert BOWDEN
Mellor Benjamin BOWDEN been troublesome
Hayfield Mary ROBINSON
Disley Mary STAFFORD second illegitimate child by John SIDEBOTTOM, the first dead
Hayfield Sarah HALL single, pregnant
Beard Maintainance costs for Grace PARKINSON at East Stonehouse,Devon
Beard Benjamin BOWDEN
Beard William LOMAS' s son John has been earning 14/11 for the last 16 weeks. John to pay.
Disley Mary STAFFORD and bastard
Mellor Thomas WARDLE
Beard Sarah TAYLOR 45
Beard Edward POTTS
Disley Rachel SWINDELLS and son William.
Beard Mary BENNETT
Disley Thomas ANDREWS, Medical Officer to attend to his sick dau. and to ask Mr Robert STRINES if employment can't be found.for applicant.
Mellor Anthony POTT
Hannah WILSON belongs Wigan
Beard Benjamin BOWDEN severe illness
Beard Margaret MASON
Hayfield Mary HADFIELD dead
Hayfield Thomas WATERHOUSE two shirts for his sons
Maria GODDARD and family Ashton under Lyne removal
William OLDHAM alias WAGSTAFF . Hattersley in Ashton under Lyne Union, found perishing in a coal pit. Typhus.
Beard Joshua BOWDEN
Beard Overseers order James GARSIDE to support the bastard of Maria GODDARD
Beard Sarah JOULE left Ardwick in a state of destitution
Bridgett EDGE remove to Bollington
Beard Joseph LEES
Hayfield Sally CASH
Margaret MASON`s son to find out earnings
Hayfield Ann BENNET`s son to support her
Hayfield Martha GEE 2/6 weekly
Azariah SHAW 7/- weekly
Beard Hannah GARRAT delivered of a bastard, Mary GARRAT her mother applied for her relief
Beard Martha WARRAND 2/6 temporary relief
Beard John PENNY - overseer to find lodgings for
Hayfield William HADFIELD
Joseph PEARSON summoned for his rates
Mellor Jane RATCLIFF - Jane RATCLIFF's son Joseph to support mother
Mellor Hannah GORMAN been in fever ward and her bedding burnt, asks for new bedding
Hayfield William HADFIELD's wife has given a false statement
Margaret MASON 2/-
Disley Sarah LEAH allowed 10/- in consequence of mill stoppage (Mr James ASHTON's)
Stockport Lucy SHAW to take Settlement Examination
Mille GEE pay rise, club pay reduced
Esther TOMMINS funeral expenses for child
William HIGGINBOTTOM's wife and children allowed relief, legal steps to compel father to support family
Wigan Hannah WILSON of Standish, to write to Wigan to attend to her case
Mellor Hesketh SHUFFLEBOTTOM flannel shirts
Beard Sarah JOULE clogs and peticoat for her and her two little children
John GREGORY 7/- more by way of loan
Mary GARRATT 7/6 weekly, clogs for Hannah
Joseph BATE 8/- loan
John OPENSHAW relief one week longer
James BEAUMONT allowed one shirt, and clogs for wife
Hayfield William HADFIELD to show Overseers why he does not allow his wife and children 4/- according to his agreement.
Mille GEE club pay was not reduced -relief to former amount
Beard William HIGGINBOTTOM summoned as to why he does not support his family and prior to summons to ascertain whether Mr FLETCHER a tailor, at Poynton Lane Ends has offered William HIGGINBOTTOM constant work provided he would remove his family to thay place
Disley Hannah WILSON suspended order be taken out
Hayfield Edward BURGESS Examination and report
A threatening letter or notice having been received by one of the Beard Overseers Mr GREGORY and one of similar import having been posted in New Mills both of which notices were this day produced to the Board. Ordered that the Clerk lay the same before the Magistrates that they may take such steps as to the circumstances may require, and that he further state to the Bench that it has been reported to the Board that Air Guns are secretly manufactured on Mr John POTTS premises.
Hayfield Ann BENNETT 1/6 till further orders
Beard James HOOLEY 5/- loan
Hayfield Elizabeth BENNETT arrears of pay
Beard John SWINDELL 3/- temporary relief
Disley Mille BOTTOMS 1/6 till further orders
Nov 1838
Mellor Betty ROBINSON fever
Mellor Maria GODDARD allowedd 16/- to return to employ at Ashton
Mellor Geo HARROP jailed for neglect, liberated
Mellor Sarah JOULE house and furniture procured by Relieving Officer 3 pr clogs, 14 yds calico, 4pair stockings.
Mellor Graham HADFIELD 2/- relief allowed.
Disley George WILLIAMSON allowed 3/6
Disley Sarah LEAH 10/- temp. relief
Beard Betty SUMNER allowed 6d for some straw for a mattress
Beard John GREGORY temporary relief 8/-
Beard Hannah GARRATT 3/6 two weeks
Beard John PENNY for lodging
Disley Thos ARDERN 3/-
Disley Joseph ARNOLD belongs Rainow, 5/- temp relief
Beard John OPENSHAW. Mr. PRICE will find him work tomorrow morning 5/-
Beard Johanna THORNELEY 2 shirts, one pair of clogs for son, one for herself and one for dau
Beard George HARROP allowed 6/- temp relief
Wormhill Ann EYRE, case must be reported to Wormhill Overseer if not attended to she must be removed
Beard Ann HARROP husband in jail for poaching allowed 8/- or until son finds work
Hayfield Martha GEE 2/-
Hayfield Martha DANAND 2/-
Mellor Randall RATCLIFF 3/-
26 Nov 1838
Beard Mary MORGAN 2 shifts, 2 peticiates,2 frocks, 2 pinafores, 2 pairs of stockings and one pair of clogs
Mellor Betty BROADBENT 4/- and Medical Officer to attend.
Beard Joseph BATE 10/- as a loan
Mellor Azariah SHAW 7/- a week for two weeks longer as a loan
Beard Ellen SIMPSON clothing for her children, namely four shirts 1 frock 2 pairs of clogs repaired and 2/- towards the repair of her own shoes.
Beard George HARROP 6/- temporary relief
John GREGORY Bakewell Guardians be written to regarding him.
Beard Johanna THORNELEY 4/- temporary relief
Beard Joseph STAFFORD 5/- temporary relief and that the Officers immediately take the necessary steps to obtain Magistrates Orders upon his son for his Maintenance.
3 Dec 1838
Disley Thomas WHITEHEAD allowed 15/6 for burying his son.
Mellor Teresa ALLEN destitute.
Beard. Ann BATE received 4/-
Beard. Edward POTTS allowed 2/6
Beard. Maria GODDARD 10/- temporary relief
Beard. Wm HIGGINBOTTOM and family to receive a visit by Relieving Officer who would then report.
Beard. Sarah LEAH temporary relief of 7/-
Disley. Thomas ALLEN mentioned.
Hayfield. Thomas BROWNHILL 6/- temorary relief. Medical Officer to attend.
Beard. Peter WOOD weak intellect- the Rev Mr FREEMAN of Mellor strongly recommended his case.
Disley Henry COTTRIL supplied with clothing to the amount of 20/-
Beard. Betty SUMNER a new night cap,peticoat and shift value 5/-
Beard. John OPENSHAW allowed 10/- temporary relief
Relieving Officer to call upon Anthony POTT and inform him that unless he attends strictly to the instructions of the Medical Officer his pay will be discontinued.
(Mention is made earlier of Anthony POTT of Mellor, no further details.)